Crypto Revolution..Humanitarian Token, What you should Know ! ! !

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone this is something great which i know most crypto lovers will appreciate.
So, I came across this cryptocurrency called Humanitarian Token, I checked out their white paper and roadmap and could not help but fall inlove with such an amazing project with great prospect plus they have got a wonderful support team.

Token name; Humanitarian Token
Token Symbol; HMT
Price per dollar; 1HMT equals $0.17
Minimum Purchase; 0.1 eth
Maximum Purchase; 50 eth

So basically this project according to the little I know about it is a total deviation from every other crypto project out there because it is a non profit based project which is focused on helping humanity especially the less privileged ones and those who have been rendered homeless, those who are starving or facing one humanitarian need or another as a result of war or political instability. You may want to know what the cash from Token sales will be used for and how it will be accounted for, I decided to put forward this question to the project managers and believe me, their response was quite amazing and most satisfying. According to them, after the Token sale, the team will embark on some tours to most parts of Asia and Africa where there are humanitarian concerns to interact with those in need of help and also look for the best possible way to help them. They are already in talks with some top aids NGOs to see how they can to meaningfully help in salvaging the issue of people battling starvation, homelessness etc. On how the money from the token sales will be accounted for, the team reiterated the fact that the system is an all inclusive platform with uttermost regard for its community members, the sale details will be published once sales have been concluded and will be posted on the website and all their social pages. THis is to further show how transparent the team is.
Generally, as a cryptomaniac and one in love with altcoins, I see this token as one destined to succeed out there in the market with the right investors given the the fact that the ideology is quite unique and centered on helping humanity. I for one am going to invest in it and I plead with those who in one way or the other want to help those living in abject poverty and suffering as a result of war or what have you to invest in this worthwhile project built to make a difference in the crypto world. photo2400315329356081065(1).jpg

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