More than 700,000 Steemit accounts / Mehr als 700.000 Steemit-Konten

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Since my post 19 days ago, another 100,000 accounts have been created. There are now over 700,000 accounts here.

There is also a new record for the number of new accounts per day. In the following diagram you can see that over 20,000 new accounts were created yesterday.

Seit meinem Beitrag vor 19 Tagen wurden weitere 100,000 Accounts erstellt. Nun gibt es hier bereits über 700.000 Accounts.

Außerdem gibt es einen neuen Rekord bei der Anzahl der neuen Accounts pro Tag. In dem folgenden Diagramm könnt Ihr sehen, dass gestern über 20.000 neue Accounts angelegt wurden.

Click to zoom

7000002018-01-30 18:06:24zoraidalrg
6000002018-01-11 13:55:24buhl2
5000002017-12-15 20:37:33bestdronevideos
4000002017-10-06 21:11:12btitrex
3000002017-08-05 13:22:21yanickite
2000002017-06-16 13:16:54spaarzha
1000002016-10-01 04:44:39shasoezseche
Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Yes Please More Steemit Statistics :D

yeah, I agree with you

I see nothing but room to grow from here. I know lots and lots of people sick of facebook, who are looking for something better. I'm trying to convince everybody I know on facebook to quit it and move here!

Are these total accounts on the Steem blockchain or accounts created by Steemit?

It looks like we are going to continue this exponential growth - this is astronomical!

1M will come fast...

well i hope to see that in 6 months or less. Fingers crossed

It is impressive to see how quickly the network grows - clearly exponential. This is adding value to the network every single day!

Very true

Does it make a threat to other social networks?
And do you think steemit will ever be on such a low niveau?

It is always a good news to have more people join Steemit blockchain but it is really the number that stayed and contributed through contents or investment that really mattered to me.

A lot are joining on the wave of the hype and will be swept away when they discovered it required hardwork and Patience. It requires more than hard work especially at the initial stage, what happened when their well researched and constructed posts are getting cents as reward.

New users adding value should be welcomed and supported with up generously with resteem, comment and upvotes too. It should not be the case of whales rolling with whales and minnows rolling with minnows. Because with more people joining, climbing will become harder for the planktons. To make the increase in number worth the while, we should do less 'cliqueing' and support good content creators more.

@golddeejay I am olnly two weeks here, but as far as I understood - What is best in the beginning is to concentrate your focus not only on your posts but also, and it seems on early stages more resonable, on getting around, leaving comments and supporting people who follow you or support you. Meaning - to become more familiar to steemians. Than, I am not really sure when, you can start gradually pay more&more attention to your post consistency. Am I wrong?)

Yes! You are definitely starting on right track. It is all about producing values in your comments and posts whether you get rewarded for it or not.
One thing that is certain is the value you are adding, the more people starts noticing and upvoting you.

Be consistent and keep steeming!

Hey there. I landed just here three days ago. While looking around I found this article from @taskmaster4450 which was helpful.

And after wandering around more I started noticing some people with higher influence who had just a few dozens of articles posted but 2-3 thousand comments. So yeah, I guess engaging with the community matters more. And that's a great thing.

@vladcraciun Because it's all about expressing information and information spread. Comments are same posts, same information, but delivered directly to the person so the feedback level with comments is much higher than with posts in early stages .

Same though...

I came here to follow one particular "channel" that was deleted from Youtube but then I found out that Steemit has a big potential.

To watch content that I like and supporting the author without actually giving anything from my pocket and even earn something from it is great!

their well researched and constructed posts are getting cents as reward.

Every cent and every upvote should encourage them to continue! After all it means that someone is enjoying their content!

I am only but a week old in steemit and yet i feel like i have been here like forever. This concept is indeed wonderful. The great content i have seen on steemit is indeed a sure indication that we are making great progress. Truth be told, i have no regrets and i am absolutely enthusiatic about steemit. I am just getting started, more is yet to come. It is important to note that we all are of great Value and as such we just make great comments and posts that showcases that greatness.

yeah. agree with you

Agree. The curve does have a “parabolic “ look to it....a feature we see a lot of with crypto currency markets. Are the new members in such a wave likely to stay and be involved ?


follow me

Hell Yeah... Feeling very demotivated at the moment. But resolved to give it at least 6 months before giving up. I've had (mild to wild) successes on other social platforms, but with all the changes going on it's becoming increasingly harder to get organic reach on FB, YT and even IG nowadays.

Organic reach on a new FB post is lucky to crack 10K nowadays, whereas I frequently cracked 100K reach on every other post, with 1/2 the number of followers I have now.

Anyway... I've only been here for 3 days... so saying that it's demotivating is not fair on Steemit. #WatchThisSpace :p

Leider auch zu viel Spam und Bots.

great info ..
you should repost it every few days
lets see how it looks going forward!

great info...
scares me though.
could be a problem with foreign actors setting up for the upcoming political season!

seriously we need to be vigilant about this!

What I would like to know is how can 464 votes only get a $7.05 up vote amount? Can you answer that riddle?

Most of the upvotes come from relatively new users with little SP. Therefore, a large part of the upvotes is worth less than 0.01$.

That is sad that when you start your vote is worthless. They should fix that and make it easier for minnows to find a place to hide from the big fish before they are eaten.

That does make ( i think )in the end a Suchtfaktor...addictive factor?... :D
I think it's made to addict you a little bit...

Theres the possibility of the post getting flagged, which reduces the payout depending on the voting power ( i think its the vp, may be another metric ) of the person who set the flag

well... if 464 Minnows upvoted it would be worth $4.64

I guess my investing $900 in a platform I believe in should put me on the same level as a spammer, is what @iamstan is saying, that doesn't fly with me!

Wow! Geht echt ordentlich voran hier. Bin schon ziemlich gespannt wie es weiter geht... Cool, dass der Blogger mit den meisten Followern hier auf Steemit aus Deutschland ist :)

Heck yeah! Stoked on Steemit's growth this year. Excited for what the future will hold :)

Growing fast! I talk about it steem as much as I can.

Oh thats great news.steemit user is growing day by day which means in future steemit will be the great platform.i think in future steemit took the place of Facebook and many more social media.we need to keep promoting steemit and do our best on it.
Thanks for the information.

Steemit (or better: the steem blockchain) could be the future of social media because it is open, reliable and supports good content.

That's how social media should be!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As long as steemit does not become like facebook and many more social media...
With all that propaganda et cetera...

It’s a bubble. Once they realize Steemit is purely a, “who you know”, “who’s ass you kiss” club with big whales controlling the virtual shit show, they’ll leave. I’m just sticking around at this point for the hell of it. Dtube sucks, entire interface and complexity of this is a joke. I’ve had youtube on other fronts since 2006, this channel since 2013, written on various professional outlets and can honestly assess that Steemits a joke. 95% of those joining are here to, “gEt cRyPtO bRuh!”. It’ll fade. It’s broken. Dtube clearly is inferior in literally every facet compared to youtube, and with censorship already creeping into Steemit, it’s dead where it lays.

I am new myself and from what I have seen I have really wondered for sure. I see effort put into new posts and they get no attention what so ever and are lucky to get 1 up vote. Then I will see someone post a picture of a slice of cheese pizza and make $10 or more bucks. I see people that steem a video off YT and make money as well, off 2 sec of work. I put together a blog the other day that took hours and not a soul even bothered with it. Dont know if I should keep bothering or not.

Please be patient, use your tags wisely and activily make good comments on successful posts. The commenting is in the beginning much more important than the posting itself, because with no follower base, your posts cannot be seen. Over time you will get followers, but it takes months. Try to get in touch also with country-specific groups, go to local meetups or enter some discord channels. It is all about advertising, like in real life.

I second thought when I saw this original comment - thank fully your comment has made me feel like I should continue on! @stayoutoftherz

Thanks for the info and encouragement guys I do appreciate it. I do have fun doing it no doubt.

The way I see it unless you pay and use a upvoting service your content won't get put to the masses. People like to vote on content that is already at a certain amount of money.

You should.

If you don't enjoy doing it, then it'd be a pain in the ass with huge incomes, too.

If you enjoy , you'd do it without upvotes, as well.

I would agree with this statement.
I've been running a gaming channel for over a year now, posting the videos on both YouTube and Bitchute.
I've never monetized the YouTube videos, and I'm lucky to get more than 2 upvotes on a post. But I keep doing it anyway because it's fun to post content!
And who knows... maybe someday my channel will actually become something bigger. Until then, creating and sharing videos is a hobby that will keep me returning to Steemit for a while yet!

I subbed to you dandass you have some cool posts.

Thank you!

I have 66k Subs on YT and I'm sick of the monetization system of YT & the extreme censorship.. I hope D.Tube will make good improvements on the site so it can compete with YT..

Agreed. I mainly post there because it's convenient for now.

Agree. Even if you are getting good remuneration on Steemit.....well there are easier ways to make money . You have to do it because you like it

´puedes votar por mi y seguirme y los sigo y voto

Perche stai scrivendo in spagnolo ?

Yea, just put in work. Nothing comes over night, you have to work for everything and same goes for this, this ain't no get rich fast formula, but best of luck, and don't give up! :)

And exactly this is the challenge i have with language c:
Where is the fun in it if you don't need to put effort in?
If we can make gold out of shit,gold is worth shit.

I second that. A lot of content on Steemit is only mediocre or just a repost of content from other sites. Also with the sheer mass of new posts it is hard to find the high quality ones.

You should do it because it provides fun and worth for you and others. Do not do it for the possible money you may get. That will ruin it for you.

I thought I was the only one having a frustration with Dtube

I was frustrated with @Dtube as well but I have seen it improve day by day lately. Dtube and also @steemit both have great potential. We have to be supportive and we will be "payed" back by a great service in the future.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It is not an bubble .It is real life accounts created on steemit.
Also I agree and dis agree on the part you wrote "who you know" , let me explain, if you do know people on steemit or you do get a punch of people on steemit you know it would work to get more upvotes but if you post stuff that actually makes sence or is true or alot of people can find the info helpfull you will get more followers and more upvote.

Back to steemit, remember all this new accounts thats signing up is really good ( not a bubble) and steemit interface can handle all of this accounts. steem's blockchain can handle a-lot more new accounts ( I have read somewhere that its only using 2% of its capability at the moment)

You bash it so quickly. You need to remember Facebook was only available to College students at first. Steemit and Dtube will evolve and evolve more fairly. Give it time. Not everyone will make a lot and it will be more user friendly as well.

In which blockchain/crypto/decentralized solution do you see the potential good use, then?

I'm excited to hear your ideas for usable alternatives.

I think you are a little harsh but your points are not without merit; the “bubble” issue is in play. Too early to call the whole thing a scam though.

Do you comment this kind of content to get attention?

I don’t need attention bruh. Do you zealously defend shit platforms hoping for thumb up hand outs peasant?

Great Post! Love the translation too, those stats are super exciting, I truly believe in this platform and it'll be interesting to see where the future leads for all of us steemians!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is serious @cryptoridder.. The rate people are joining steemit is very high this days, why everybody wanna join is what I don't know lol.. Nice information

What I know is that due to videos from @SemperVideo, many German-speaking users are joining at the moment.

Interesting stats, and shows how fast the steemit pond is growing. Actually to a new little can be a little intimating. There are so many talented people in this world. And here they are, all packed into one pond. Marvelous!

do you think that it is possibly account creation bots, just for say upvotes? you can already delegate and run autoupvote apps so why wouldn't someone run an entire account creation bot?

For steemit: Getting a lot of different phone numbers (which you actually own).

For the steem blockchain: It's not worth it to create hundreds or thousands of bots because it makes no sense. You need to actively vote for good content and as a starter, it's just not possible to have such an effect on your own posts (which could be one reason for bots voting).

It happens on Twitter with phone number?
If you had enough bot accounts wouldn’t you be able to say, age the accounts with off setting your votes for self with votes for good content. At a certain point you could have your own circle of good content supported by aged accounts up voting non aged. Not that it would be profitable, atleast at first. Now if your selling subscriptions for your service that is another story.

Upvoted, steemit is growing at a fast pace .its going to get crowded here and people will mean business more than they already have. It’s an amazing place to be and the number of people here is booming at an alarming rate. Future seems bright here and gonna stick to it.thanks for the post @cryptoriddler

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's amazing how you can access so many information in here. This is definitely a network for people wanting to excel and share good content. And no wonder how many mopre like me are coming to steemit. Resteemed all the way. Have a nice week everybody!

I just joined. I'm glad my husband encouraged me to sign-up! I told a few friends and now they've submitted request to join too!

El creccimiento tan notable que tiene esta plataforma hay que verla de manera positiva pero comparto la opinión del algunos cuando afirman que hay que verla más allá de un medio de "ganar dinero" sino más bien como un espacio que permite crecer en comunidad y compartir conocimientos, experiencias, vivencias que en definitiva nos unen como sociedad...

Estoy de acuerdo, mi hermano. Sólo el hecho de unirme y dar un par de vueltas por aquí ya me está haciendo sentir y actuar diferente. No te imaginas cuánta esperanza me da ver que surja algo tan bueno al alcance de todos :) Es hasta gracioso observar cómo al enterarme no podía ni creerlo, y cómo vine aquí con esa intención (la de la plata), pero al ver cómo las cosas funcionan, me he ido sintiendo muy bien. No era lo que esperaba. Me encontré algo mucho mejor. Saludos desde Honduras! :)

Sí, esta plataforma es realmente mejor de lo esperado. Y esto a pesar de que steemit está todavía en fase beta. Todavía hay mucho potencial alcista.

I got 5 friends to sign up this week! I have a couple more I have in mind too! I’m new here but I already think Steemit could change the world. I havent bothered with Facebook since I started here last week!

Anything but Facebook and Twitter

Very valuable information. Thanks for this. Definitely, over time, there'll be over millions of accounts on steemit. I only hope that the platform will be large enough to accommodate it.

How about you let the newbie get some damn bandwidth. I feel like i am the year 2000 on dial up.

#400000 is a phishing account yeah!
400000 2017-10-06 21:11:12 btitrex

Check out the wallet and follow the transfers. People misspell a lot.

Your are right, the name looks so, but there are only a few transactions at this account:

It is seemingly a big rabbit hole to go through all these connected accounts. They even have to delegate steem from their central accounts to move out every last penny.

Fällt mir ein Buchtitel ein, der gerade gut passt:

Gänsehaut: Es wächst und wächst und wächst

Wahnsinn! Danke fürs Zusammenfassen. Steem on!

It is epic isn't it: A bunsh of social networks linked together,useable with one account within a blockchain?? With a community relatively reasonable and friendly community?

We can not miss this for the world! :D

this is massive massive achievement for steemit. but is not it the reason of steem and sbd prices goin down so often?


I read a post by @jerrybanfield yesterday that they are now advertising steemit on youtube it will be interesting to see if there is any increase in the amount of people joining up. Exciting times thanks for posting.

Super, dass sich diese Plattform so gut entwickelt hat!
Es gibt so viel guten Content hier zu finden und ich glaube, dass zumindest einige der neuen Nutzer auch viel dazu beitragen werden.
Die deutsche Community ist auf jeden Fall ein sehr nettes und hilfsbereites Netzwerk von tollen Leuten :D

So awesome to hear, i am one of the new guys here, just joined in january. Let's make 2018 a great steemit year guys!
cryptoriddler thank you for following, i followed back :D

Esa es la idea, que cada día, la comunidad steemi vaya creciendo para ayudarnos a través de las publicaciones con contenidos de calidad.

Will you please follow me my friend?

People usually don't like when you only ask them to follow them. You should post information related to the post.

How can i get same its

Sorry bro i dont know much steem
I am news member

Thanks @cryptoride

Please help me follow and vote

This site is very kept. @cryptoriddler

Hi, im only new to Steemit, 10 days now, but Im feeling very positive that so many people are discovering this new medium. I really really hope it takes off big and gives those other mainstream dogs a good run. As they say, POWER TO THE PEOPLE.

Wann ist der Zenit überschritten?

Friends, still in front, very soon there will be a boom!

Going in the right direction, nice!

Nice post great to see the community is really moving forward!


Good info

I wonder what the bot rate is

bot rate. it is upvote bots that upvote your posts so you can get more attention with using them. i haven't used an upvote bot myself yeat but I have read a few things about it. you use steem power to use and upvote bot.

thats great news .. 1 step to worlds no.1 wabsit..

Steemit is going to be tough competition for a-lot of posting company's as steemit evolves.


who is hey friend developer?
You know
That's my 5SBD + mistake on transfer the blog.
Please return my SBD I will be grateful to you.

After looking at, I suspect that you wanted to transfer 5.239 SBD to @developer, but accidentally transferred it to @devoloper.

@cryptoriddler can't help you, only @devoloper is capable to refund it.

who is hey friend developer?
You know
That's my 5SBD + mistake transfer on the blog.
Please return I will be grateful to you.

After looking at, I suspect that you wanted to transfer 5.239 SBD to @developer, but accidentally transferred it to @devoloper.

@cryptoriddler can't help you, only @devoloper is capable to refund it.

Wow, this is great, Steemit is moving forward, new account been created everyday.

This is a very nice and motivating post...

Are earnings going down because of this?

thank you for sharing this information is a phenomenon, which can sometimes change. please in folback

In a 1.5 month it will hit the 1 million mark.

Humans naturally are attracted to anything good, hence the explanation for the increasing population on steemit, it's a pretty wonderful community and I'm happy and privileged to be part

we are growing up

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by cryptoriddler from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows. Please find us at the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

If you would like to delegate to the Minnow Support Project you can do so by clicking on the following links: 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.
Be sure to leave at least 50SP undelegated on your account.

i also joined 2 days ago and made my 2nd blog yesterday. steemit is a nice community to be with. please lets all help and promote steemit


its definitely good for steem that this platform is growing, cheers for the stats

it is good to see new people joining this..but the thing is this give rise to lot of spammers..and that is a serious issue we have here :)

is there spammers here, i dont see them

Wao, it's amazing the rise you've had. Many successful brother. Best regards from Venezuela.

Nice one

I'm happy to see massive registration of new members into the favouring community
Steemit is paradise

Why so little money when you have so many votes??

I suggested steemit to my sister and she created an account..She will be entering here with her introductory post very soon.

Thanks so much for this exciting news about someone who has never posted on steemit. Can you let us know your opinion on this blog?

Great post thank you 🙏🙏🙏

Bin erst seit kurzem auf Steemit, die community und das konzept sind toll. ich hoffe das bleibt so.
lg MJS

TTTTTTTHHHHHAAAAANNNKKKKK YYOOOOUUUUUU ssssooo muuccchh for FOLLLOOWWWINNNGG @cryptoriddler . I have just followed baaccckk... I have loved being on this site. And i am looking forward to reading your relevant posts. MORREE POOWWEERRR

Interesting stats to look at. I think STEEMIT gets a yes on the “Is this a thing?” scale


Hey danke für die Statistik!
Bin neu auf Steemit und freu mich darüber wie viel hier los ist!=)

could steemit be the new youtube

Really nice work :)
hope steemit grow up more like facebook at all :)

the community every day more active, growing and building of this platform the best

Nice that people are joining it :)

It's great to know that our community grows every day and improves for the better!


good things always grow. this is the best community. thanks for the update

please follow my steemit @hadathaical

Thanks for following. I mainly trade forex. I am new to the crypt. Thanks for sharing. I am looking for a met platform for steem and other crytos if anyone can share a sight. eu trader targeting 1.3495 Capture.PNG

Nice, more good news about steemit!

We will skyrocket to space and further out :D It is so good to see how people are turning up and interacting and engaging with the content in the site. It is really interesting how the dynamics of how the site works helps everyone (win-win for all). I think this is the real power behind it! I don't really understand why many people can't see past their own self benefit and see that together WE CAN make this a better world! One for all-and all for one! :) Cheers

Bin gespannt wo wir in einem Jahr stehen... Danke für deinen Post @cryptoriddler

Helpful post!!

I'm glad I read the good article.

Wow :o Steemit is growing up faster and faster! I see bright future here.

Wow in den 3 Monaten in denen ich dabei bin hat sich die Userzahl also mehr als verdoppelt

Its great to be here i think getting involved is important.good to see the increasing numbers.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

yeah!!! that's great!! pls support my blog im newbie here

All hail steemit !

Hello, this seems great to me, although I am new in this community the little I have seen so far I liked a lot, promote culture, knowledge and even passions linked to a cryptocurrency, is very interesting, and if you add that it is booming and having so much acceptance makes it even more attractive, is very good if all that amount of new accounts add positive things to steemit, for my part I am learning everything I can to be a good steemian

Because the words spread. Everyone will likely to recommend to friends or family :"hey why don't we change the way we use social media", I guess the SBD is the main drive to people flocks in. Anyway hope more people join then more meaningful contents to fill up in Steemit world :)

Amazing dear

Where do all these people come from?

well done cryptoriddler, once again!

Es geht schnell aber auch zuverlessig

Hopefully this helps the value of STEEM go way up!

Okay! 1mil befor April ?