THE STEEMIT Blockchain is loaded with a ton of underrated CONTENT! πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

in steemit β€’Β  8 years agoΒ 

With the influx of new users sometimes its hard to not see all steem "noobs"(minnows) as all spammers. There are a bit of minnows that think its cool to upvote and ask for an upvote or follow and it drives me nuts its not cute and if you do that I wont follow you. Chances are youre gonna comment on just that one post and unfollow me at a later date. Meanwhile im stuck watching all your spam posts asking others that same thing. Get the Frustration? Yeah uncool. Anyways this post is not about that what I wanted to mention was all the posts I have been stumbling on that have unbelievably great content and only like one upvote?! I know its not all about money on Steem but that seems even more obvious when people with thousands of followers make a video labeled something about bitcoin that isnt even mentioned in the content and they are like talking about how they hate eggs for breakfast. That posts gets like $985? Its pretty unbelievable how much the Steem economy reminds me of the actual economy. It mimics it down to the T. The thing is I am not impressed with socially accepted people... I have always been for the underdog the, the person that works hard day in and day out pushing themselves to the limits. Their only competition is themselves and their own imagination. Those are the trend setters and their fans if they ever happen to make their dreams a reality are true fans because they are inspired by someone that was the first not someone that jumped onto somebody elses idea. Look on facebook and all the dumb ideas that go viral. All the challenges are an absolute joke it all reminds me of a monkey see monkey do kind of thing we all go back to. So I'll leave my fellow Steemians with this little quote I made myself...

"When in Rome, don't do that Shit."

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I think that the issue here is we need good curation, not just good content. I can understand a lot of whales don't have time to read everything (and some scratch each other's back) but really it's everyone who needs to do a bit of curation work too. Maybe the curation rewards are a bit broken so it is discouraged. I'm still new so it's hard to know.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

I guess I failed to mention that you are right the problem isnt content it is the curation and not even the rewards but who gets overlooked because people think its a waste of time if they get nothing out of looking or resteeming.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

I like your made up quote. It's true - a lot of content on SteemIt is undervalued. The reason some lame posts get a ton of money is because one person, with a lot of Steem Power, is friends with the original poster - and they have some kind of a "quality" in their relationship. It's not about what you know - it's about WHO you know. So, try to meet the right people and do the right thing. It does help if you stay consistent with your own ability to post quality content. The rewards don't necessarily match the time you spend making the posts, but it does get better with time...

I have upvoted and reteemed your post.

I found the following post today (it is not mine) - and it is, 100% undervalued. Please be a sport and give it a resteem. Thanks!

lol I already resteemed, commented and upvoted on that post earlier. That art piece is unbelievable you can tell someone spent a ton of time on it thats what I am talking about.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

That's funny. I just saw that - you already did resteem it. :D But, that's the kind of post I think should be making at least $100 on here. Can you imagine the time it would take to create that?!?! At least they get to display it in their collection for the rest of time - which is its' own reward. But, still... 0.o that's freaking amazing!!!

What kind of system could be put in place to allow minnows with real good content to get recognition they deserve? There are minnow support projects but they focus on upvotes, not the actual content. I mean, what could be done about the issue?

Yeah Im not 100% sure the remedy to that problem but I do see that as a problem.

Id like to also ad I believe the posts that have nothing to do with cryptocurrency need to get more attention on Steemit. I believe that would help the entire network out as a whole. People dont want to just sit around and talk about money and how it works all day. Why would they want to talk about the digital stuff?

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

You are so right everything and love that blood Steemit logo

I thought it was a bloody steemit logo for a long time. The logo has been passed around and edited a few times but I was told it is actually a canadian flag!

@sflaherty actually made this one. FYI

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

I agree. There's simply too much spammer here on steemit. But I will just add that there are very few people purely interested in other's posts. So many times I saw a comment of a guy who copies pasted it all over steemit. Very few here truly read other's people articles, while most of them (talking about minnows) just wants money.
And those beggars for upvotes and followers are a different kind of story, but yes, very frustrating.

I don't come here to bitch, but I invested 100$ in steemit and started boosting myself. It's the only way to get views, comment and in the end, money. I wrote today one of my finest pieces of poetry and I got not a single view on it. I don't have the money right now for boosting so I can say goodbye to everything. Just aimlessly writing and writing without any recognition.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Hey @danielownsall I know what you mean about some of the silly posts that go on the treading page and I also feel whales arent spreading their votes around, its fair enough not everybody as time to go around upvoting but its why I asked for some delegated power from a whale to try and spread it around more no bites so far. As for working hard and not getting anywhere it sounds like my work lol.

Yes what people fail to realize is someone might have thousands of subscribers on youtube and throw out horrible content while some noob is pushing out quality content everytime getting no views so no one bothers. Moral of the story dont judge a book by its cover.

Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ 

Sometimes life just isn't fair and sadly sometimes it means that people who post good content get dismissed :(

True that the struggle is real.

That's true. But that's what makes Steemit different from other social media sites. You as the user have the power to decide what type of content is acceptable and what is not. You can upvote content you like and by ignoring(not encouraging) you-scratch-my-back type of posts, you can decide what kind of posts will survive in the community.

I write about it here in my post

P.S. - Did not mean to do shameless self promotion. Only shared because it was relevant.

Great post man. I made my second post today and hope it gets seen. The video in my post ranks 3rd for vomit alert on YT lol!!!

You are kinda right. But thats the way it is, right? I have seen it on every Social Media platform.
The other side is that these people put a lot of work in their accounts in the past. Does this justify crap content like the one you mentioned about the egg? I don`t know. But don't bother. I still believe that good content will attract the right people and sooner or later they will come.
Like you said... just keep hustling and the "sucess" whatever it might be will come.