New Steemians, have you ever thought about your data privacy?

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

If you are a new Steemian, I was wondering if you are aware of your data privacy. If not, you'd better know it in advance. Here I display @tumutanzi's public data (, sampled at 2017-07-26 22:06:46 CEST) in an easy way with R language. This is Part I. This is an English version of the original post in Chinese.

@tumutanzi has 319 followers. The word cloud according to the number of their followers is like this:


A larger ID means more followers.

It can be plotted by the number of posts as well:


or by the number of Vests:


@abit is scary, who has 4077000000 Vests. Let's kick him out:


Now let's see those whom @tumutanzi is following.

@tumutanzi follows/followed 305 ID in total, in which 152 IDs interact with @tumutanzi bidirectionally, while 153 IDs do not follow him, including:

##   [1] "ace108"          "act"             "adm"            
##   [4] "adoal"           "adsactly"        "alice"          
##   [7] "anwenbaumeister" "arcurus"         "arhag"          
##  [10] "azazqwe"         "batel"           "ben"            
##  [13] "birds90"         "bitcube"         "blocktrades"    
##  [16] "blueorgy"        "bob"             "brothermic"     
##  [19] "btsabc"          "bziing"          "candiceji"      
##  [22] "ceciliali"       "chinadaily"      "cnfund"         
##  [25] "coldhair"        "cornelia"        "cqf"            
##  [28] "created"         "cybercodetwins"  "damarth"        
##  [31] "dan"             "dantheman"       "databass"       
##  [34] "davidyuan"       "deadlinefarmer"  "dek"            
##  [37] "dixonloveart"    "dmilash"         "ekitcho"        
##  [40] "elfkitchen"      "engagement"      "everittdmickey" 
##  [43] "feelapi"         "flysaga"         "freedom"        
##  [46] "frostfan"        "fuzzyvest"       "fyrstikken"     
##  [49] "gaoduzhu"        "gavvet"          "gefa"           
##  [52] "glitterfart"     "goku1"           "guyverckw"      
##  [55] "haster"          "hendrikdegrote"  "hingman"        
##  [58] "holabebe"        "huaji"           "icedream"       
##  [61] "incrediblesnow"  "ivanba12"        "j-bex"          
##  [64] "jademont"        "jaewoocho"       "jamesc"         
##  [67] "jamesc1"         "jasonmcz"        "jeicko19"       
##  [70] "jholdsworthy"    "jinbo"           "kawaiiiiiiii030"
##  [73] "kenchung"        "kitcat"          "krischy"        
##  [76] "laodr"           "laoyao"          "lcb"            
##  [79] "lief"            "linuslee0216"    "logic"          
##  [82] "lukestokes"      "matrix"          "miacats"        
##  [85] "michael-a"       "michael-b"       "microluck"      
##  [88] "minfon"          "minority-report" "monkimo"        
##  [91] "morten"          "mottler"         "ned"            
##  [94] "nextgen622"      "nicolemoker"     "nuagnorab"      
##  [97] "orientaledu"     "papa-pepper"     "penguinpablo"   
## [100] "peterpan"        "pfunk"           "pharesim"       
## [103] "pilgrimtraveler" "pipertomcat"     "pistox"         
## [106] "pkhope"          "project11"       "proskynneo"     
## [109] "publicworker"    "puffin"          "ranchorelaxo"   
## [112] "rawnetics"       "rayphu"          "rea"            
## [115] "recursive"       "renohq"          "riverhead"      
## [118] "roadscape"       "robrigo"         "rok-sivante"    
## [121] "rook"            "safari"          "scorpion"       
## [124] "sean1980"        "smooth"          "someone"        
## [127] "stan"            "steem"           "steemed"        
## [130] "steemit"         "steemitblog"     "stellabelle"    
## [133] "str11ngfello"    "sunnyray"        "susanlo"        
## [136] "tamim"           "teamsteem"       "thecryptofiend" 
## [139] "thejohalfiles"   "trafalgar"       "transisto"      
## [142] "val-a"           "val-b"           "wackou"         
## [145] "wanbin"          "waterflier"      "webclerk"       
## [148] "witness.svk"     "wjm"             "wjs2634"        
## [151] "wongshiying"     "xeldal"          "zoef"

On the other hand, those who follow him but he does not follow (yet) are:

##   [1] "abit"            "abusalam"        "acrich"         
##   [4] "adraaz"          "alexieong"       "alfredchen"     
##   [7] "aniksh"          "artsyppl"        "asskick"        
##  [10] "aster"           "atc"             "atrix"          
##  [13] "avilsd"          "avinger"         "babasikandar"   
##  [16] "baixu1018"       "bajeheart"       "bassemm"        
##  [19] "bbkivines"       "beautifulbella"  "benou"          
##  [22] "berke"           "biddle"          "bilalhaider"    
##  [25] "bindu"           "bocaiwen"        "brianchen"      
##  [28] "britt.the.ish"   "carinewhy"       "carolynseymour" 
##  [31] "catwomanteresa"  "chumhumnews"     "cryptochamo"    
##  [34] "danishali"       "danm2017"        "davidad"        
##  [37] "daxiblog"        "dcc"             "deanliu"        
##  [40] "diablocro"       "diaohuijun"      "dimidrolshina"  
##  [43] "dinsha"          "dobro88888888"   "dominicmi"      
##  [46] "dragos0897"      "dtworker"        "fitinfun"       
##  [49] "frankbuse"       "gamemusic"       "gatmi"          
##  [52] "goaln"           "gowldie"         "gribtertong"    
##  [55] "grildrig"        "hamzaoui"        "harttwohartllc" 
##  [58] "hebro"           "hilarski"        "hofffman"       
##  [61] "hongmeng"        "hoof"            "hqfzone"        
##  [64] "imagediet"       "imako"           "initnas"        
##  [67] "investlimestone" "iqbalbireuen"    "irphotography"  
##  [70] "ishaq"           "istox"           "iszarl"         
##  [73] "itan05"          "itissimple"      "jackmiller"     
##  [76] "jamal83"         "jason-donovan"   "jhonnight"      
##  [79] "jones420"        "joseburgos"      "jukas"          
##  [82] "junyi"           "justyy"          "kabindra"       
##  [85] "katythompson"    "khairulmuammar"  "kishore1988"    
##  [88] "krasotka"        "kristjannacaj"   "landeberg"      
##  [91] "lautenglye"      "ledygaga25"      "lemooljiang"    
##  [94] "liangfengyouren" "lifeofkly"       "lifishake"      
##  [97] "lilywang"        "liufeng"         "luckerme"       
## [100] "lykencrypto"     "lynx"            "marianpancu"    
## [103] "mehdioraki3973"  "minknsa"         "mkotibabu"      
## [106] "monalishabiswas" "mydarlings2"     "myfirst"        
## [109] "mytamilabiz"     "natashahall"     "nationalpark"   
## [112] "nawar93"         "newsagg"         "notregme"       
## [115] "oflyhigh"        "ohammedfelahi"   "patricksanlin"  
## [118] "phyohtetpaing"   "powerfj"         "qipashuo"       
## [121] "redje"           "renua"           "revolusi"       
## [124] "riansteem"       "rifattb"         "robi8888"       
## [127] "rodneyaspiras"   "rogerwilson"     "sbamsoneu"      
## [130] "secora"          "securetalk"      "sequentialvibe" 
## [133] "shaheer001"      "shankhunsam"     "shengjian"      
## [136] "sheval"          "showoff"         "skynyc"         
## [139] "somebody"        "stackin"         "steem.engine"   
## [142] "steemitguide"    "sthitaprajna"    "suitup"         
## [145] "sunnyjolly"      "superhardness"   "swssmarketing"  
## [148] "tastetwist"      "themessengers"   "toninux"        
## [151] "trevis"          "vax-rambo"       "vishal1088"     
## [154] "walkman90"       "warrkin"         "whydowork"      
## [157] "worldwidetravel" "xiaohui"         "xiaokongcom"    
## [160] "xjb"             "yellowkersie"    "ygern"          
## [163] "yuxi"            "zerozero777"     "zhijun"         
## [166] "zhuqiankun"      "zwal"

It is weird that @abit and @justyy are in @tumutanzi Steemit's following list, but not in the list of steemdb.

Anyway, I would suggest @tumutanzi should follow them before they read this post. Hurry!

If you would like to have a similar report about your ID's followers and following, please visit the online tool steemr.

To be continued......

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baby WELCOME.gif

hello Dapeng I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community :) Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me !

Thank you! my friend.

A new Steemian :-) hello @dapeng I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, Wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

Thank you! Nice to meet you!

Welcome to Steemit! I wish you a good day and inspiration to create in our community!

Welcome to steemit !! Enjoy this beautiful world! Followed. Follow me back 😘