A few days later this steemit platform littered by posting that smells of racism, it is impaired and making the image steemit as a platform to educate and provide information that could turn into a positive, mutually blasphemy between religion and belief.
Then again the impact will arise from the posting that smells of a racist is our difficulty to promote steemit to the steemian, this is because they see this platform is not healthy, and lead to blasphemy which culminate in mutual dislike, if so then the odds of this platform can be expected to be the social media can help each other and people who can't afford poor.
Honestly I say posting @lexiconical is very offensive to us as Muslims in Indonesia, he claimed that islam is a religion of garbage, and worse it is supported by some witness as @busy which gives the upvote on the postings.
Personally I rate the stemian that makes posting racist cartoons are those who judge a religion of the outer skin, if you want to argue the issue of religion berdebatlah with people who really steeped in certain religions, not in This platform.
Do you make the excuse of freedom of speech into the runway you can berate other religions, because freedom of speech in one country with different countries how to understand it, we are free to criticise the Government in Indonesia, but if regarding the things that smelled of racists are not allowed and there is a penalty for the spreaders of hostility towards religion, ethics which we hold in writing something that smells of religion, and race.
I proposed that the postings that smells of racism can be warn by the whale and if necessary can be entered by @steemcleaner as the postings are prohibited.
Otherwise I am afraid, a war between religions can break out of this platform, and this will destroy the public confidence on steemit.
Thank you for your visit on my blog.
Best Regards @deniandepa
Saya ingin tahu, berdasarkan apa, bagaimana dan dari kalimat yang mana anda bisa menyimpulkan bahwa artikel dari @jaki01 itu tergolong rasis?
Apakah anda bisa membaca dan mengerti isi artikel tersebut dengan baik?
Kalau melihat dari kualitas bahasa inggris dalam tulisan anda saja, maaf ya, saya kok nggak yakin anda bisa memahami tulisan kompleks bertema berat macam ini yang ditulis dalam bahasa jerman pula.
Bahkan para calon mahasiswa indonesia yang udah kursus intensif habis berjuta2 di indoensia dan ditambah 1 setengah tahun masa studi di Studienkolleg aja masih belum tentu bisa mencerna artikel berbahasa Jerman sekaliber itu dengan baik.
Karena faktanya banyak calon mahasiswa itu yg mesti balik pulang ngga jadi kuliah karena lulus ujian bahasa Jerman aja nggak, dan itu setelah masa belajar 1,5 sampai 2 tahun bahkan, dikasih gratis pula
sekolahnya. Bahkan banyak dsri ibu2 yang kawin sama orang Jerman dan tinggal disini dah bertahun-tahun aja masih banyak yang nganggep tulisan Jaki itu terlalu susah bagi mereka. Karena standar artikelnya adalah standar kualitas untuk Thesis, bukan cuma standar bahasa untuk percakapan dipasar.
Jadi gimana mungkin orang yang mungkin cuma ngandalin google translator bisa beraninya nuduh sang penulis itu rasis.
Kenapa saya berani bilang bahwa tuduhan itu nonsens dan cuma berdasarkan terjemahan ngawur?
Karena kalau memang anda benar-benar bisa membaca dan mengerti isi artikelnya, maka reaksi yang logis justru harusnya adalah ucapan terimakasih...dan bukannya umpatan.
Ironis sekali deh, bahwa @jaki01 sudah menghabiskan waktu seharian untuk menulis artikel yang mencoba mendukung para muslim yang hidup di Jerman dan harus mwnghadapi prejudice dan perlakuan rasis, berjam-jam jadi single fighter menghadapi serbuan argumen dari para aliran kanan dan bahkan sebagian diantaranya mwmang para rasis berat...
Tapi upah yang dia dapat malah umpatan dan tuduhan rasis , yang datangnya malah dari kwlompok orang yang dia berusaha bela.
Tahukah anda, bahwa anda membuat diri anda sendiri jadi bahan tertawaan dengan artikel anda ini, karena dengan ngetag si penulis, maka audiens dari jaki01 yang kemarin udah ikut ngebaca artikel aslinya dan ngerti isinya bakal melotot dan ngakak tapi sayangnya ngakaknya pasti sambil ngasihanin.
Saya kasih saran ya.. Jangan pernah lagi deh bikin respon akan sebuah tulisan, kalau anda nggak 100 persen yakin ngerti isinya.
Karena kalau nggak nyambung dan salah sasaran malah bakal malu-maluin lho 😁😃😄.
Menyedihkan sekali...usaha jaki01 untuk nolongin umat muslim yang baik di Jerman udah dibikin sia-sia sama anda dan teman-teman anda yang sebelas dua belas sama anda si @lord-geraldi itu.
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Saya telah membacanya dan pembahasan tentang @jaki01 tidak saya bahas khusus karena saya juga menilai hal spt yg anda maksudkan, bahwa dia membela islam moderat, maksud saya lebih melihat platform ini tidak lagi menyingung tentang agama sehingga memancing rasisme. Pembelaan dari @jaki01 terhadap muslim tdk pernah kita pungkiri, makanya saya tidak membahas postingan dia, tapi postingan miliknya akan memancing para pembenci islam untuk terus melakukan pembusukan terhadap islam, dan ini tidak akan pernah berakhir. Karena menurut saya di platform ini bukan sarana yang tepat untuk berdebat tentang suatu agama dan keyakinan.
Jadi tidak ada maksud saya seperti yang anda duga. Jika saya tidak setuju dengan pendapat anda apa salah?, Saya hanya ingin platform ini tidak di cemari oleh postingan yang saling memancing nilai rasis.
Trims anda sudah memberikan komentar panjang lebar terhadap postingan saya, bukan hanya anda yang bisa menilai orang lain, saya juga bisa menilai anda, seberapa wawasan anda dalam menilai dan menjustifikasi postingan orang lain.
Trims. Semoga platform ini jadi platform yang membawa damai, bukan saling menyebar kebencian.
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Halo @deniandepa, apa kabar? Postingnya bagus ini.. upvote.. :-˃
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And by the way..Indonesia or maybe other country may have such a rule like what you said, but steemit is not an indonesian company nor a foreign company which runs its business in Indonesia
So whatever rules you're accustomed to there doesn't apply to it.
Freedom of speech values which applies here is naturally according to the international definition, or at least based on the law and order in USA because the company is established there 😊.
Not that I'm supporting racism...
I'm just trying to be objective 😛.
You're so free judging other people racist, and that is without even understanding the real issue at all.
But at the same time you want to set a limit to the freedom of others in speaking out their mind...
Isn't it too ironic?
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You are wrong, and I am also not stated that this platform belongs to a House, it's just I want to say that the potential conflict between religions and beliefs will arise if not mutually appreciative in regards to issue an opinion. You mean global laws because non other religious blasphemy?. Sorry but in this case we disagree, I still support freedom in issuing opinions and criticism, but I'm against criticism insulting a religion with the trash, and it fixed I will defend until whenever, for me writing regarding racism and potentially racist, still gets me about, because there are no merits, and would never make the world so much better.
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Don't spread lies! In my mentioned article I am actually defending moderate Muslims against prejudices.
My advice is that in case you don't understand anything, just refrain from commenting.
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Sorry, wrong if you guessed, I don't discuss about the postings you specifically, and thank you you have been supportive of moderate islam, just discussion of related problems of religion and belief in particular will not bring positive impact, because if want to discuss religious issues should be on the expert field of religion. So I am not at all discussing your posts.
Just my opinion will potentially racist because the party doesn't agree would keep trying to disfigure islam, and this issue will never be completed and each other give rise to hatred. Sorry if my opinion not in line with you.
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Sorry, but if you write something like "smells of racism" (?!), call for @steemcleaners (that account is written with an 's' in the end!) and then add a big screenshot of my article, then you shouldn't wonder about my reaction!
And: you really urgently need to improve your English. Sentences like "Just my opinion will potentially racist" are barely understandable. Your opinion is racist? No, I guess you mean that articles like that attract racists to discuss about Islam?
We are having freedom of speech and therefore it is completely OK that your opinion is different than mine. For me the problem is not your opinion but the fact that you combine your "smells of racist" sentence with a screenshot of my article. Be more careful in future ...
Back to the freedom of speech. I will explain you why my opinion is different than yours. Do you think there are less racists (or also people who just think low of Islam/Muslims) in this world if we discuss less? Or if we suppress them from to speak out their opinion? Should any 'dictator' decide which topics are allowed here and which aren't? I am convinced that good arguments are much more effective than prohibitions.
After my article I had long discussions with many critics, and I am sure some of them are thinking now about what I said. It is very simple: people shouldn't judge others on the basis of their religion or on the basis of their home country but just on the basis of their actions. A Muslim who acts well (for example: discusses in a friendly way, is helping other people, respects other ways of life) is 'good', a Christ who acts well is 'good', an atheist who acts well is 'good', period. :)
In practice most of the time academic, theoretical discussions about religion are leading nowhere (because anyway most people are thinking their own religion was the best). Therefore we should focus on the acting and behavior of people an judge them accordingly. That is my point, and I think people tend to understand it. And yes, I am accepting long discussions to stop people saying other people were bad just because of their religions or their country.
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I will continue to write about religion whenever I feel like that.
I don't care about your different opinion, of course you have the right to express your opinion but I also have the right not to care about it.
I do care if you mention my name related to racism! I won't accept that, even if it's only your bad English which is causing confusion!
It is not steemcleaner but steemcleaners with 's'. Can't you read and write properly?
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From your language, and you also use your strength and power to unvote my comment shows you are not prepared to discuss, if it was not authoritarian attitude you show me hahaha, so don't tell me about freedom of speech if you still use your strength and power to silence people who don't agree with you.
I do not forbid you to use your brain to write what you like.
But do not be offended if people you criticize your opinion.
Want to use your power and strength again to unvote my post ? Hahahaha it increasingly shows that you turned out to be more insular in thought and criticism.
I will also continue to say that I do not agree the discussion the issue of religion in this platform with no forum attended by experts on religion, because it will potentially mutually blasphemy and leading to racism.
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Yes, I am really fed up with you to say the least!
YOU write an article about racism on Steemit, add a huge screenshot of my article, add some barely understandable English text which contains "smells of racism", call for steemcleaners (even if you spell him wrong), and then, instead to
APOLOGIZE for damaging my reputation
on this platform, you even start to tell me what to write or not, enough is enough!!!
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You say I'm damaged your reputation in this platform?. Which I suppose the contrary, ye unvote I, and give the flag on a post I did, but I never do it to you. After that, I think enough to discuss with you on the platform, according to the assessment of me, you are not the person who can appreciate freedom of speech, and can accept criticism. I think the more extensive insight into the way of thinking, make someone be easy to respect the opinions of others, and not angry criticism. It does not I get on you. So after you unvote and gave the flag to me, I don't have to answer your comments. This comment closing of discussion I. If you fear you reputation damaged on this platform, then I will edit my post, omit your name in my post. You not need to spend energy to answer my comments Because you haven't been able to control your emotions, and according to me, are the emotions will never produce a positive thing, especially in regards to the discussion.
One more thing I answered, I and we are proud to be able to write and understand the intent of other languages even though from google translate, because that is not our hometown language, or the language of our country. Most importantly we know what the intent of a posting.
Hopefully, after this, you can control your emotions, and you can appreciate freedom of speech and opinion.
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Di postingan saya kemarin
, saya telah menangggapi apa yang telah di katakan oleh lexiconical, yang perlu saya katakan bahwa, saat kita di caci di maki kitapun harus bangun dan menerangkan yang sebenarnya apa yang telah mereka lakukan, jangan hanya untuk memberi tahu tapi kita juga harus bertindak sebisa mungkin
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Halo, hai @ahmedyusuf! Kami sudah upvote..
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adakah komentar yang lebih bijak dari itu?
Perlu saya nyatakan kalau itu komentar spam?
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Saya setuju @ahmedyusuf, saya malah juga ada menjawab postingan yang menghujat tersebut, di platform dengan sistim kapitalisme spt ini jika reputasinya besar berkuasa, dia kuat makanya berani berbicara begitu, karena itu jika perlu kita ajak rekan2 seiman lainnya yang punya power untuk nyatakan diri siapa kita.
Saya juga merasa platform ini bisa berbuat lebih untuk menjadi lebih baik dengan memberikan flag post yang bernada rasis, jika tidak maka platform ini akan dikotori oleh hal-hal rasis, jika kita ingin berdebat dalam hal agama saya rasa bukan media ini tempatnya, bagi mereka yang membenci Islam tetap saja mereka akan menghina, kita harap mereka dapat hidayah. Segala hujjah dapat kita sampaikan tetapi mereka tetap pada pendiriannya.
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Bereh lanjutkan
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Trimong geunaseh.
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the spirit of friends in good health always
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Very good!
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Go ahead bg Deni.
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