RE: Steemers won't waste their votes on comments … voting power is money, voting on comments doesn’t make money.

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Steemers won't waste their votes on comments … voting power is money, voting on comments doesn’t make money.

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

that's a forum, the point in a forum is to comment stuff, seriously who care if you get money or not. And to be honest that's the bad part in steemit, (some) people will tend to go where they can make money rather than where they can make a good comment.
Actually, you can also get reward (and get upvoted) from the comments you make, don't really see the point. I mean people should be less concerned by their voting power and stuff...

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The point is to raise the more relevant posts to the top. Participation is great, but the best part of the hive mind is having an army filtering out the garbage for the masses. If upvotes are detrimental, discussion will be less frequent, and there will be no filtering.

The filtering of garbage is an absolute priority, I agree. But if would could have a system that doesn't hurt that filtering and incentivise people to comment more (because they also could have rewards accordingly to the time they spend) it would be amazing. There is not a lot of conversations on the comment section because people are spending all their time in the platform trying to make money and there is no money to be made in comments.

Even if there were no disadvantage to upvoting a comment it would be worlds better. Every click on a comment is disadvantageous to me in that I could have pushed something toward the front page, right? That's my understanding. Obviously content creation counts most. Not even quality content. I don't feel like I even have to do the math. Even content that is meh-received has a better return on time investment, which in turn gives you more voting power (==free money.) If the comment voting system were prioritized, better quality content will rise to the top and I, personally, would appreciate much more the creators that were being rewarded.

You got it augere !

Why would anyone vote a comment when they can click on any new post that speaks about steem or cryptocurrencies and probably get more money out of it ?

They would, against their own logic but only rarely when they are really "touched" by the comment. It's clearly not enought in this system !

This is inherent to human being and the way our society is made. The vast majority of us will look at how it affects our economics. You can think is bad, stupid. You can be against it (and you’d be probably right) but you can’t deny it is the reality. Steem has to manage its structure with precision to deal with the general instincs of people.
This is what Blockcahin technology is all about. A system with no corruption and a set of rules defined by the community. These rules exist with no exception. It allows people to behave in a much better way compare to societies where you can bend rules and corrupt people.

If we want more comments and more social interactions, we need rewards. If there is big rewards for posting and voting, we will only have that (sadly).