Steem Hard Forks & Now People Are Making Even More Money On The Blockchain Based Social Network Steemit

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

It has been a year since I first heard the word “Steemit”.

Being involved in the world of cryptocurrencies I hear a lot of things on a daily basis. So much so that I really only have the time and energy to look into a small portion of the interesting things I hear about every day.

And, so it was with Steem. It was last June that a few people began to mention it to me. “You need to take a look at this,” was the general comment.

I kept hearing about it in the background noise so much that one day, last July, I decided to go to and make my first post, “The Dollar Vigilante Is Now On Steemit.”

I hit “publish” and went on about my day expecting to never hear about Steemit again. But, soon after, out of curiosity, I went back to the site just to see if anything happened.

Below my post it said I had earned $15,000! This can’t be true, I thought.

Nope, it was totally true!

Given the economic incentive I then plunged myself into learning as much about Steemit and the cryptocurrency Steem as I could.

It wasn’t easy, even for a crypto savvy person like myself. Steem, designed by Dan Larimer, was incredibly intricate, technical and, well, genius!

After a few days I began to really get my head around it and began saying that Steem could change the world of social media and everyone should get on it.

What followed were hundreds of slings and arrows from people saying Steem was a scam… a ponzi scheme… or just an outright fraud.

I’m used to the arrows though. That is the definition of a pioneer, after all, “a man lying in a pool of his own blood with his back full of arrows.”

I’ve never shied away from being the first to proclaim a paradigm shift though. I did it in 1993 when I quit my job at a bank to start an internet company that went on to be worth $240 million.

At the time hardly anyone knew what the internet was. And of those who did they said it was just a fad.

Even the great Nobel winning economist (COUGH), Paul Krugman, thought the internet would amount to nothing bigger than the fax machine.

In 2011, with bitcoin at $3, I proclaimed bitcoin to be one of the most important inventions of our lifetime and an evolution in money and banking.

Even with bitcoin near $3,000 I still hear how I am wrong and that bitcoin is a fraud or ponzi scheme.

And now, with Steemit, it has been nearly a year since I said people really should get on it.

In that time, I’ve made more than $100,000 and still often earn more than $1,000 every time I post on the site.

I’m not the only one either. There are literally thousands of other people doing the same.

My friend, Randy Hilarski, who I interviewed on Anarchast here, and who also manages social media for The Dollar Vigilante, got on Steemit after I recommended it and has been posting daily.

Him and his wife just bought a new car from their Steem earnings and he still regularly makes around $500 every day from posting on the site.

Other people I know have had their lives changed dramatically. Lily Da Vine defected from the USSA as she was wanted on charges for cultivating cannabis to help cancer patients and was threatened with being in a cage in the US for 25 years.

She escaped to much freer Mexico over a year ago with only $50 in her pocket. That was enough to get by in Acapulco, Mexico.

And when she heard about Steem she began posting daily. Yesterday was a fairly normal day for Lily and she made about $2,000.

She’s gone from an American refugee to richer than most people in just the last year from Steemit.

And these are just a few of thousands of stories like it.

And, now, Steemit has gotten even more lucrative.

Steemit just enacted “Hard Fork 19” which gives smaller contributors a much better chance to make money. As much as four times more.

Now a lot of people who used to make $4 or $5 on a post are making $20… which makes a big difference.

And this has created a rush of new activity on Steemit. More people are signing up on the site every day than existed in total just six months ago. In fact, they are so overloaded with people wanting to get on the site there is apparently now a waiting list to register as a new user.

I’d advise everyone to get on that list.

Steemit is an evolution in social media the way bitcoin was an evolution in money and banking.

Can Steemit survive in the long run? That’s anyone’s guess. Trying to go from nothing to a Facebook killer in just 1-2 years is a pretty hard thing to do… but Steemit is giving it a great go!

But with FascistBook now censoring out most truthful information it only makes sense for everyone to move over from FBIBook to Steemit.

And, you make money just by posting, upvoting or even commenting on articles.

For all those out there who don’t have much money and have lots of time you should be on Steemit regularly figuring out ways to make money by contributing to the site.

It’s the easiest and cheapest way to get into the cryptocurrency game as you can earn Steem which you can keep or convert into bitcoin, ethereum or any other crypto without risking any of your own money.

At the very least you need to check it out. The Dollar Vigilante posts all of our content on Steem first so it is archived in the Steem blockchain and can never be fully removed from the internet.

You can follow us HERE. And you can follow my new personal channel on Steem HERE.

I told you about Steemit a year ago and most people didn’t listen… the same thing happened when I told people about bitcoin in 2011.

And many people made fortunes on both bitcoin and Steem from my recommendation.

The Steem cryptocurrency has risen more than 1,000% in just the last two months.

But it’s still not too late to get into these things. Steemit itself is still in beta. Most people still haven’t even heard of it. Get on there now and start building up your network and earning Steem and you’ll be way ahead of the pack.

And, if you still don’t fully understand cryptocurrencies, check out my free 4 video webinar HERE where I even offer to send you your first $50 in bitcoin if you accept our offer.

Cryptocurrencies are changing the world… and it is just getting started. Don’t get left behind.

Steem on my friends.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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Me Too !! And thanks , im more then willing to take it , haha !!👍👍👍

People helping others out without expecting anything in return, is the what life should be about. :) :)


totally agree! and just for that phrase you got a new follower here man! :D

So true !! Steem on my friend !👍👍👍

Im following and helping everyone here, good luck all :)

Exactly. Nice work

That is what missing in today's life...

Ohh hope my account is even 100$ now lolz... minnows for life.

Hah ! Yup !!👍✌😂

You have 1k in your account!!! that's like x10 of what i needed lolz. I won't give up creating good contentttttttttttttttttttttssssssssssss

Haha ! Patience and Persistence my friend ! I had well over 11,000.00 after a year of blogging , Before I got laid off and to power it all down ! that was when I could I get steem for .15 cents !! Those glory days are gone now and its going to be harder to get that again ! Good luck , you will do it eventually ! Just never give up ! 👌✌👌✌

Wow freaking 15 cent!! 1 dollar spell on steemit seems like will never be broken. But if this things go out of beta and be like facebook. Now will a great investment. I'll try invest small and slow, won't invest more i willing to lose! Thanks for the pump!! This song represents me!!!! Won't give up!

Awesomeness !!💕👌✌

Dude, here(Serbia) you can live with 100$ whole month:)

I love to visit Serbia one day :D

Belgrade is an amazing city. I am in Sofia currently but my plan is to move to Belgrade in a couple of months time. I am in a much better position because I was able to save on living costs by being in the East, at the same time as I did a shit-ton of writing that made me 20k steem power over 6 months. I have a pair of Belleville TR103s and Kitanica ASP's coming in the post now... really happy about that (I have wonky feet, the boots are going to be wonderful). Also, idk about serbia, but thanks to the small (though corrupt) government, I was able to get a doomsday survival quantity of iodine together recently. There is more advantages than just lower living costs in this part of the world.

Steem, Ethereum & BTC are safe bets.

Tremendous changes ! Since that time you brought so many people here giving us hope and explaining everything that we didn't know about government and especially central banks.
I went all in here and i am truly grateful for what i am having right now .
Thanks for everything Jeff

This is a wonderful fork!

we are asserting the future of blockchain; a paradigm for regaining control of our planet from criminals. our own social platform. our own currency.


Me too. When I had it I always loved sharing it. Whether it was taking care of friends by letting them stay at my house for free or paying for everyone's meal, being able to share with others surely gave a great sense of enjoyment to life.

+1 - It's what life is all about eh! My place has always been a crashpad for mates or mates of mates who are going through a rough time. Everyone who knows me know there is a hot meal and a couch for them to sleep on should they need it.

Edit - Wish I could do an extra +1 for your username...

Thanks bro. It great to see other people feel the same way as I do. I don't know if anyone would want to eat my cooking, but I am sure back in the day a pizza was always just a phone call away.

hi @dollarvigilante @omninova i would totally appreciate it if you take the time out to read my last post and tell me what you think. thank you + nice post by the way @dollarvigilante

You can definitely send me some as well, mate! :)

These developments are awesome!!!

@omninova Cool, gimme a dollar!

Send me some money.. I need some badly :P

Wow! $100 for one upvote? I just joined Steemit 2 days ago. It all still feels a little surreal for me, but reading comments like yours fuels my excitement.

I also like this idea :)

Hihi when you got to much think about me :P

keep helping others is a good way to enjoy life.

I like it too)))

I feel so much good in this comunity. unlike fbibook twitt or any other mainstream social media platform. Wouldnt like to see that change. peace and abundance to all!

following you.

Plz do for me am new here..

what is the next Fork?

awesome videos man! i have learned so much from you.

Great job and I can also definitely relate to your experience in relation to getting paid for the first time, July 1st 2016, the value of what my first few posts were worth. It also blew my mind and, somehow, still does!

Thanks for the great coverage relating to Randy Hilarski and Lily Da Vine as well.

Namaste :)

What a wonderful post. My kids got me here, I am not one of those lucky ones who get a lot yet but post 1 post everyday. What I find is that you can talk about anyting ,there are always someone who does like your post. Mine are still in the beginning stage but Iam sure I will get there. Being on pension was so boring now there is something to think about everyday.

I'm gonna post this comment. Up vote it. Make 2 steem of it. I love the future

I upvoted you.

following you.

hahah smart, If you have the steem power to do it, can´t see why not. Great to see the power given to the people, its quite anarchist in a way and I just love it.

And I'm going to up vote it to help you get there

Why not - I'll throw you an upvote!

following you.

@dollarvigilante post is solid..see my latest post where I mentioned him and indicated how steemit will take over social media...good cooment.

upvoted all.

following you.

LMFAO wow you actually made more then 2 steem lol good job!!!

Jeff your insight will not go unoticed. I also think blockchain tech will be the future. It's not a matter of if, but who will carry it to the top and like you, I believe Steemit to be a huge, huge first mover in the social media platforms. When I tell people to post on Steemit, I always try and make them tell me why they shouldn't post on Steemit over Facebook or Instagram. Let me tell you it's always a short list. I believe once many more famous Youtubers like yourself, continue to flood into Steemit and their followers follow, it's only a matter of time before we blow up. I just hope that we can continue to be this great helpful community that I have begun to know and love Steemit for! Thanks again Jeff.

But with FascistBook now censoring out most truthful information it only makes sense for everyone to move over from FBIBook to Steemit.

Hahah, that is funny.

A really good article @dollarvigilante. I remember reading your article when I first joined last year. It was a great motivation. And this one is too. Specially the examples of people who have done awesome things thanks to Steemit.

HF19 is really going to help out the newbies and people who have been consistent but not making more than a few dollars a post. It'll also make newcomers feel more welcome and motivated.

Thank you for this article. It was a really good read. :)

I wish I were a part of those who joined last year. i just joined last week and so far I'm having a great time here. I learning new things from a lot of steemers and I feel like this is a beginning of a new revolution. The time has come for more and more people to join and as I've always said I'm going to be a disciple of steemit steeming all the way.

following you.

Extremely good post, I also told many of my friends to get into bitcoin and steemit last year but almost none of them listen

Haha funny story! I told all my family member to look into steemit, and everyone thinks I'm retarded. Ill be laughing in the end. They never listen.

following you.

Lolz same. But its not too late. My mum approached me a few weeks ago asking about bitcoin. I told her you should have brought some last year when I told you to, you would have quadrupled your money at least by now. Never the less she is getting in now with a small percentage of her inheritance.

following you ;)

Wish you'd told me, then I would have been here sooner :P

This is so awesome!!!! Thank you Jeff again for introducing me to it back in August!

It is nice we can earn a lot more after Hf19. I fell very happy about it too. I hope I can earn a lot and be a big whale someday! However, how do you cash out what you earn from steemit? It is not easy as some exchange closed the cash out service like the one start with "Po" and the price of other exchange drop. I feel uncomfortable about it.

You look like you are doing pretty well and I am loving the posts. I followed you. If you are into crypto/tech posts definitely check my blog out.

following you ;)

You have nailed some visionary investment calls @dollarvigilante! So what's your bet for the next 5-10 years?!

Thanks for getting me on Steem! Never would have if I never watched your video about it!!

Steemit is taking off in popularity, and we're still only on the ground level. Theres massive upside potential here!

Very true, this hardfork that has increased earnings is going to drive more people here. More People = More Content = More Profit

You will have a chance to build up steem power and have a larger influence before this becomes mainstream.

For example my vote just took you from .18 to .32
People are missing out..

Agreed ^_^ thanks for your comment

Steem is just getting started. Please share on Facebook, we need to wake them up

This one of the best initiative implemented by Steemit. By rewarding quality content more fairly, Steemit will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. The minnows are now seeing some real money for their work.

I'm loving the extra money!

following you ;)

Wonderful insight into the potential steemit offers to those who put quality and patience into the site. I am so excited for the future , I cashed out my first €300 over a week ago and I couldnt believe it , even when I saw the funds in my account! I would be working a lot of hours for the same money and this community is a fantastic way to get the creative juices flowing. Thats got to be great for out mindset too! .. I have told others about it and they STILL wont believe me! .. thats just crazy.


Excellent post Jeff! :)

Steem is gonna blow up

Absolutely. This is a great revolution in social medias.

following you ;)

What is the downside? I mean really, if you are going to post and share your content anyway, why not on Steemit since it pays you to do it?

Very exciting times for Steemit! I hope one day Steem will be worth as much as Bitcoin.

Nice post - it's interesting posts like this that keep me coming back.

Just discovered you can upvote your own comment. So I did, lol

To imagine that this is just the beginning well that blows my mind looking at a bright future here. OMG i might just stand a chance to pay my fees of steemit,

Love your image!

ikr its on point

following you ;)

thank you.

hope you follow me to.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

sure did it since the first reply

Do you have a nomination for the Steemian of the Day draw?

am not sure i know what that is really

nominate someone for a random act of kindness they did for you or someone you know.


People are making more money? Wow I have witnessed the polar opposite of this . I guess I just suck that much . Here's to sucking!!

I came to Steemit after finding you on You Tube. I wanted to know more about cryptocurrencies but hearing your other opinions and also about Steemit was an extra treat. I have been here since the middle of May and I am hoping that I will be successful here - either curating or writing. Thanks again for sharing. Also loving your videos from Jeff Berwick. :)

Best decision i ever made!

thank you Jeff and we upvoted

One of the reasons that I am trying Steem is because I heard you say that you post your stuff there so that gets into the blockchain.

following you ;)

its great to be a member of this community

following you ;)

One question, so what happened in this hard fork?

following you ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes a lot more rewards.
But I think people still need to get used to the new upvote system and how it deplets their power, so that might change things a bit again.

It's a good week for the community!

following you ;)

Hi there! Great post! Thanks for sharing your personal experience about steetit social blockchain network! cheers, George

following you ;)

Thank you Jeff! Upvoted and Resteemed.

following you ;)


Has Krugman ever been right?

NO. He is a mouthpiece for the banking cartel - nothing more, nothing less.

I love the hard fork!

hi there @dollarvigilante

damn its huge operation if i understand well but i am not sure and if am i correct a lot of us dont get a clue of what s happening behind the scene , can somebody explain all this stuff but for dummies same me or disable people can be nice to you thanks a lot every one for this opportunity
feel free to up vote follow and visit my website


Logo Concept and Web Design

I'm trying to stay in the train :D haha

following you ;)

Most of the people are still not believing. I ask one of my friend to join steemit and he was laughing at me.

following you ;)

Time to buy Civic coin!!!

what next hardfork? Steem going to facebook direction or blog system?

Steemit is part of the revolution we have all been waiting for. I tell everyone I know about it but most laugh. I try three times but after that I dont try anymore, it is their own fault.

I´m now making more than 7x since the last hard fork, so I certainly get what you are saying when you first earned 15K on your very first post.

Steemit has become a high priority for me now!

And I certainly think that Steemit can outcompete Fascistbook, have a look at this post I wrote yesterday:

Great times for Steemit. Everybody wins.

Have always enjoyed your work and It's great to be reading it on Steemit! I really enjoy the platform for posting my photography.

Thanks Jeff for all of your great information!

Great article as always. I hope in the next few years Crypto can slowly start freeing more and more people from their slavery to greedy governments and corporations.

It's sad seeing so many people living from one paycheck to the next due to debt just trying to survive meanwhile those fat cat companies making millions on the backs of the little man.

following you ;)

Jeff thanks for the recommendations about steemit. I joined steemit long ago but did not active in it untill I watch follow your youtube channel. Steem It On my friend.

following you ;)

wow, 15k on the first post, that's amazing

steemit should evolve a little bit more, get out of beta version in order to attract more users, there are still many issues, mostly aesthetic though

Berwick, can you be my Dad?! :))

Yeah, we're earning alot from Steemit, STEEM also has a great potential to soon become one of the Top 5 cryptocurrencies.


following you ;)


I love your content. Thanks for informing me when the crooks in washington are doing stupid shit!

following you ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So true. It is because @dollarvigilante that I joined steemit. Very dedicated work! Always good to read and international oriented.

If I would have followed ALL the advices of the premium member bulletin, I would have been rich. However, the gains are substantial!

This is the BEST POST I've seen on Steemit yet! Your message will reinspire many people to create focused and useful content that is fun to read. Thank you much Jeff!

following you ;)

I love how every time Jeff writes he puts absolutely 110% of genuine thought into his content. BTW! T.Mayer should also get on Steem if he isn't already (:

following you ;)

Awesome article!! If people would only listen...

following you ;)

yes...steemit make fortune.... :)

Geez even writing comments earns you money. Woooooo Hooooo!

following you ;)

Thanks for the post! this gives me so much hope for the future! Steemit to win it!

Congratulations @dollarvigilante!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 3 with 790 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 171 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 8 with $ 1256,42

I very excited about Steemit

following you ;)

Comme toujours les articles de dollarvigilante sont excellents et très motivants!! Thank You Very Much!!! Long life Steemit!

following you ;)

steemit will revolutionize social media, instead of mark zuckerburg making money, you make the money!

following you ;)

If this is still the beta version, i can't wait to see what's gonna come next for steemit. Glad i joined recently!

following you ;)

Awesome post! I enjoyed reading

following you ;)

The value of Steemit is no longer to be determined by the outsiders but rather by the involving people and its growth is unstoppable!

following you ;)

You are blessed my brother. A talented writer, hence you fit in here. You make a lot of money and I desire to be like you.
Upvoted, resteemed and followed.


Jeff, always a pleasure reading your content. I always leave your podcasts on youtube running in the background when doing cryptocurrency research or when I'm browsing through STEEMIT.

Thank you for the quality content. It's people like you that helped me start with trading cryptos and understand the financial mess we live in.

Keep it up! You have my full support!
STEEMIT Comment.png

Love your stuff. Been following you for over a year on FB and youtube, and Anarchast is what really first led me down the rabbit-hole, and I have never looked back. Thanks!

following you ;)

Thanks! I am following you as well!

Found Steemit because of you, thank you!

following you ;)

It feels like the beginning of something new. People are waking up and creating their own realities in the blockchain where they have more control over their own destiny. All over the world it seems that people are waking up and joining in this global co-creation of a new reality. Exciting times indeed.

following you ;)

Thanks :)

hope you follow me?

Do you have a nomination for the Steemian of the Day draw?

I like your posts, keep it up :)

following you ;)

Absolutely insane, this post has generated you $1230 in just 7 hours!

following you ;)


Do you have a nomination for the Steemian of the Day draw?

Time to make some money with the hardfork with Steemit!

Not 100% sure how everything works yet but stories like this gets me excited. I have found myself here a lot more than on Facebook since finding this site a week ago.

following you ;)

Its really encouraging that the steemit developers implemented this type of hardfork to reward users. i really believe in the long term of steemit and the community. I pledge my support to Jeff and the Steemit community for a good work done.

I am so grateful to be born in the most exciting time in human history! I truly belief for sure now, that we are going through the shift!
I was hoping it for so long to be true. There truly is more to this life after all, our ancient ancestors where right!

following you ;)

Right back at ya 😉

Do you have a nomination for the Steemian of the Day draw?

are you a robot?

No ?

Nope, this the first I hear about it. Can u explain please? 😆

Nominate someone who has done a random act of kindness.

Wow, this is beautiful! The community is really supporting to find the best version of yourself and not being an asshole with shitty comments on everything you read 😃

Yes, I agree.

Wish I had found Steemit sooner.

Check out my channel if you enjoy delicious healthy vegetarian/vegan recipes.
If you like my food, every vote is welkom in my first days here 😆

As usual, Great insights by Jeff.

I just started using steemit today and I'm lovin it.... Wish I know about steem much earlier

following you ;)

its a glorious thing

i didn't know anything about cryptocurrency until i accidentally ran into your youtube videos, and lets just say my life has changed since then. I literally look at you like God. i watch all your videos and read all your posts. Thank you for all information you have provided to everyone. I am sure you changed many lives and we are grateful.

following you ;)

I'm new here, still not know much about how it works. 😊

following you ;)

I'm glad I signed up, now I need to start writing some content. I'm a slow writer so we will see how it goes. I think it helps on having an audience.

"I won't let seeing Krugman's awful face ruin my night"
(repeats until collapsing) ;D

following you ;)

Someone finally picked up on the humor of it all XD thanks!

following you ;)

STEEMIT is da bomb 💣 so SICK.. happy to be here 😊

following you ;)

Very valued post with great advice. Thank you I 'll check every link you mentioned so I can learn more.

Thanks @dollarvigilante! Looking forward to another early morning walk video!

following you ;)

Steem needs a proper search feature. Really really badly. Free money is great but it is not the easiest thing to use.

Great post once again. Thank you.

Great post. Nice background story on your beginnings with Steemit!

following you ;)

Lucky here to get on STEEMIT early about 2-3 weeks ago before the waiting list came on! Thanks Jeff you have awesome meaningful youtube videos.

I This is worth resteeming! N i js did!

following you ;)

Cheers Jeff. Great post.

following you ;)

when you say steem is in beta --does that mean it is still early days and the full version will come out later? Or is beta the completed service ?

Very informative post, Jeff. I have been following you on Twitter for a while. With all the talk about Steemit, I had to check it out. I've only been on here month but I can see the potential in it.