Money can't buy me love. Inspiring examples of spiritual strength. (Featuring new author @poteshnik83)

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Hello all! My name is Alex and I want to share with you my

Thoughts out loud:  

My whole life is just an endless journey in a labyrinth of distorting mirrors I see the world reflected in the mirror of the mind. Many times my view of the world was divided into hundreds of small pieces by crushing. And every time I re-create my world. From this it becomes deeper and more complex.  

I'm looking for inspiration to live each new day. Inspiration is the feeling that my life has meaning and I have purpose. For which is to continue it all.  

 Noble goal 

brings a lot of inspiration. It is the mobilization of all forces. I feel now that the idea of creating a new type of human community inspires me. I have a lot of thinking. We are all participants in a Grand experiment. Even those of us who still don't understand 

New ideas are full of the greatness and tragedy. Because they are new. These roads have not yet been explored. It is the choice of brave people. These people can find something amazing. These people could lose everything. And most important. They could lose the guiding star.  

I grew up in a culture that is full of great ideas and great tragedies. The Soviet Union built communism for 70 years. It was a great idea of equality and brotherhood. 

Hundreds of thousands of people sacrificed their lives to achieve this dream. It was a Grand experiment. But in the end, greed and envy destroyed everything! The dream has turned into a hypocritical play. The elite proclaimed the equality. But enjoyed the fruits of the labor of everyone else.

Capitalism, communism, anarchism, decentralization. All this is just a reflection in the mirror of our mind. The reflection of a simple idea. To build a system of social relations in which I'll be happy.  

  But how to build such a system? Happiness is our natural need. We exist and perceive the world only for that. I don't want to delve into this topic. It is so deep that requires a separate discussion. 

We have to consider two things! 


Envy means that I suffer when I see that someone enjoys. When someone is happy, it makes me sad. And Vice versa. When someone is suffering, it makes me happy. Why? Because I don't believe that someone has gained happiness by right. Can a community of people whose hearts are full of envy, flourish and live peacefully? No. Never.


Greed is devouring flames. Greed will never stop until total burning. The whole world will can turn to ash because of one little greed.  In our project, as in any community of people, we can see the structure of the vertical of power. 

This power is expressed in three things: 

  • Your reputation 
  • Your personal contacts and communication.

Very deep mistake to think that wealth and power is the only freedom for the senses. Wealth and power is responsibility. Those who do not understand this fact is simply playing with fire. These people are sitting on a time bomb.     

The project STEEMIT is a very ambitious blockchain startup. It can change the world, and may burst like a soap bubble under the pressure of greed and envy.     

I think we get WHERE we need to go. Now is the time to understand HOW we can go? 

In our ecosystem the power is distributed as a gift. We see the birth of a new generation of leaders. Their personal qualities and motivation play a key role in constructing of community.

 LEADers have to LEAD. 

Read more about it in my friend's post @omfedor

To overcome envy

Leaders are not opposed to each other. They do not create political alliances against larger players. They are a model of how to be sincere and open. Because people always imitate celebrities. Those who go for the leaders recognize their right to occupy such a position because they feel their care and support. To be a leader is very difficult, if you take responsibility.

 To overcome greed

Those who gained power and wealth as a gift they can share these gifts with other participants in the system. They can use only necessary and not withdraw too much money from the system. Except in cases of crowdfunding, philanthropy and other projects that create a positive image STTEMIT in the world. 

Read more about it in my friend's post @omfedor

If the community will not solve the problem then new people will be disappointed.  They never can become part of a community and they will never feel the amazing taste of sincere communication and a warm atmosphere. . 

They will go to criticize the project. I'm not talking about the cheaters and the poor who have not received money. I'm talking about good guys who did not receive support.

  If STEEMIT will attract such people. One day we will be able to change all of humanity.   

My project

My responsibility to the community. I see that I'll be looking for inspiring examples and focus attention to them.   My project is called eSTEEM. 

Actually, this is a presentation of this project. I'll do a selection of posts that inspire me. It will be the posts of people who use rewards to some kinds of charity. But my post is also ought to be as an act of charity. That is why I would like to send all Steem Dollars( received as Author reward) to the authors of posts.

 It can be famous personalities or unknown authors. Also, it can be sincere posts. Any post can take place in selection. But there are a few conditions. 

  •  The author of the post needs to have identification. 
  • It needs to provide conclusive evidence of the fact of charity.  
  • His rating should not be negative. 

 You can also publish your post and send me @poteshnik83 the link in chat.

The first compilation. 

Today we reward:

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Great idea. Vote for supporting it!


Great article and ideas. Thanks for sharing and looking forward to reading many more posts from you. I wanted to upvote you but my steempower is not great enough yet but I am now following you at least. Have a great day my friend!

Thank you!

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

The steemit could just distribute proportionately reward author and curator for the owners of steem power ( in the form of token vote) Which would simply donate to Their favorite authors and post ( With a maximum per vote).

This would be very beneficial for platform, bringing sponsors willing to buy Steem power to sponsor authors and post.

Yes.This is a great idea. Thank you!

Thank you so much. I am very touched by your gratitude! Wow, amazing. Thank you again.

Edit: Leaving this intact, but please see my follow up comment below
@dragonslayer109, thank you for doing this! And I'm not just saying that because you rewarded me with some SBD - thanks for that too :) I think it's really great that you are rewarding authors who have gone out on a limb and written articles, and then you are linking to those articles and sending them SBD. Believe it or not, I was about to do the same but am waiting another 40 minutes for the payout on an author's article which I recommended. Would love to hear your thoughts on my recent article titled "Is Turning Into Federated Media?".

Oh, wait, I didn't realize that this post was written by @poteshnik83 and featured by @dragonslayer109. In that case, I don't feel right about keeping the award, and will send the STEEM DOLLARS back. No offense, I still appreciate the gesture.
From my wallet

1 day ago Receive 26.087 SBD from poteshnik83 Your ESTEEM award

7 seconds ago Transfer 26.087 SBD to poteshnik83 Thank you and please don't be offended but I can't accept this. Please see my comment here

Note that I _am in favor of articles being called out ang linked to, but I am not in favor of one author's content being placed into another author's blog.

For more background on why I'm sending this back, please see and

Well. I'm not offended. It is your right to reject the award.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the support to dragonslayer109. His work inspired me to create the project ESTEEM. Thank you very much. You are real good guy!

thank you for your kind words and gif :)

I liked @blinova post a lot....

Yes, I was also very inspired.

Hey :) I managed to write a post about the cars ) and successfully posted pics :)))thanks again for the support! :)

Nice post, follow u @dragonslayer109

@dragonslayer109, I left you a message in steemitchat.

Me gusta lo que has publicado, gracias por compartir esta información. si desea podes visitar mi blogg, votar, seguirme o comentar con tus amigos.

gracias por su comentario que va a echar un vistazo a tu blog

Thank you! I was very touched by your post! I really appreciate it!

Nice stuff,.. support for ur project @dragonslayer109