One Year on Steemit - from Rags to Riches

in steemit •  6 years ago 


Today marks the first birthday for me on Steemit, counting from my first post, the official joining date was a week ago. I never really celebrate my real birthday but this Steemit birthday is important to me and I want to reflect on some of the things that have happened on my first year in here. It’s hard to know what to write, because my life has changed so drastically, and only for the better. I’ve been a full time Steemian for six months now, and I guess I will go in a somewhat chronological order. I warn you, this post is a going to be a long one.

A little over year ago

I wasn’t happy. A year ago I was in a job I hated, which payed me minimum wage, and I was some 5000€ in depth. Every day I was this close to stepping on a nail in order to not have to go to work. I have literally had my bare foot hovering over a rusty nail, thinking ”if I step on this, I won’t have to go to work for at least few weeks.” I have had my hand between a heavy door and frame, ready to push on it with all my weight. That is how bad it was. I slept only a couple hours at night, and napped for few hours after work, always tired, always feeling bad. I had no desire for anything, I was in search of a way out but I had no idea what to do. I was in limbo.

The start

Fast forward to being introduced to Steemit. ”Hey, you like to take pictures of yourself, maybe you should try if you can monetize on it!” Whaaaat, get money from doing something I have done as a hobby on and off for ten years, “that's a scam!”, as @celestal would say. I had no idea about crypto currencies, I was highly sceptical, but I was willing to give it a try. I joined, did some research, lurked and had an idea for an introduction post. I still think I was pretty damn clever with it. I first thought that okay maybe I can earn a few extra bucks from doing something that I like, and only in the wildest of dreams did I think that I could earn a living by blogging.

Even with being very sceptical and not knowing if anyone would pay attention to me, I decided that if I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do this right. Every post I would make, would have a reason and a story told with pictures. I let go of all the restrains, which was easy partly because no one knew me, and no one I knew was here. From day one, I acted like I had always belonged here and I was determent to leave a mark.

I had done semi nude pictures to Instagram for a long time, but obviously the quality doesn’t matter in there, and likes without any real interaction or getting money for them, is kinda useless. My time is valuable, and I hate wasting it on something that doesn’t bring me anything, money or relationships. For the first time ever, I had a way to get something out of the time I put into my images, other than someone sliding in to my DMs. I was excited and I felt alive again, after being dead inside for so long.

Along the way

After the first payout and learning how to convert the rewards to fiat, I realised that okay, this shit is real. I started to post about five times a week, along with having a full time job. What first started as only self portraits, slowly grew into something bigger. I was first a little hesitant on posting anything else, because I thought that nerd boys only like me because I do nudes, and that if I do anything else, people would loose interest. I love photography and I was so happy to notice that there were new people coming in daily and wanting to see more of me and my photographs.

I got pretty okay rewards right from the start, and when months went by, I started to work harder and harder, because I saw a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel. I saw a change, a little possibility, that I might be able to quit the job I hate and is killing me slowly, and live a more free life, doing what I like.

Turning point

I didn’t cash out much in the first half a year, because I wanted to grow my Steem Power, and my crypto portfolio. I did use the money I earned here to help pay off my debt, and pay for my trip to Lisbon for Steemfest 2.

After that trip, the connections and friends I made, I decided that this is it. This is what I need to do in order to be happy. I started working even harder, every day. I did my real job well, but couldn’t care less about it, and for the remaining hours in a day, I worked on creating content to Steemit. Every day, taking steps toward my goal. It was tiring, hard and I was scared. Then came the all time highs, I cashed out a lot, secured myself a little cushioning in fiat, paid all my bills and payed my rent in advance for six months.

I was pretty much ready to quit, just waiting for the right time. Then I got sick, well my hands did. Right before Christmas, my atopic skin had had enough of the kitchen life, and they were bleeding every day. I went to the doctor and she wrote me a three week leave off work and said that I need to change careers. It was a sign that even my body can’t take the cooking job anymore, I need to go. Sidenote, took me 5 months to get my hands back to looking normal, though they are still not fully healed.

I played a full time Steemian for a couple weeks over the Christmas break, and then finally went in to give my notice. From my real life my bff @escapist and @bellum, were both a huge support for me and gave me the final courage to pull the plug on the hamsterwheel job I hated. It was at the same time the scariest and happiest moment of my life.

I was free. I was free to work when I want and sleep when I want. I could wear and say what I wanted, and I was my own boss now. I have a problem with authority and finally I didn’t have to give a shit anymore and act like a good little girl that I am not.

That being said, I work harder, and smarter, than ever before.


I am happy. Not happy go lucky sunshine and rainbows everything is always fantastic, but I am happy most of the time. I stress, I overthink and worry at times, because it’s not like Steemit and crypto currencies are the most stable of incomes.

I am not financially free and I live off the crypto and I am quite dependent on the upvotes I get. But compared to a year ago, I’m doing so much better. I am no longer in debt, and I have a pretty nice portfolio of different cryptos. Even with the market all red, I’m still doing better than I would working in the kitchen, both mentally and financially.

I get to work when I feel like it. I can run around the world if I feel like it, taking pictures and posting them as I wish. I can go out on the weekend because I don’t have to be at work 5.30am on a Saturday, and I can go to spend time with my family on the countryside, when ever I want.

I’m so grateful that I get to share what ever I feel like, and there is an audience for it all. Some like the sexy stuff, others enjoy the nature and travel pictures, some even like when I write and rant, you weirdos.

I have gained support, and I have lost support, but that is the name of the game. I will always be grateful for people who have given me huge upvotes, no matter what their motives might have been. You have helped me to get a better life.

I have a reputation of 70.956 (really wanted to reach 71 before this but couldn’t!) and I have 5920 (really wanted that 6000 before this also) followers, though like we all know, only a fraction of those are real active users, but few have, I’m happy to say, become real life friends.

The Community

I will never say that I don’t care about the money, and that I’m here only for the community, because I’m not. I don’t lie. I am here for both the money and the people. And surprisingly even though I find most people despicable, I am warming up to new people in my life more and more.

I have talked a lot about money in this post, and it’s important, because it has allowed me to do the things I like, it’s a tool to get me where I want. I get to move around a lot more, be on the countryside with my family, run around with my camera on odd hours, travel across half the world to meet new friends.

My first Steemit related gathering was of course Steemfest 2, and even though it was very scary for a shy introvert like me, because I was going alone and still felt very much a newbie after 5 months on Steemit, I am so happy I went. I only knew a few people by name, but wasn’t very close to anyone. I arrived a day earlier to Lisbon but didn’t make any contact to other Steemians until just before the opening drinks. Gladly @jeffjagoe had accommodation close to me and we decided to walk there together, I think I would have bailed out without him figuratively holding my hand. After the initial shyness, and after the alcohol kicked in, I had a blast! Met so many awesome people and we had so much fun all weekend.

Another Steemit related trip was our little Danger Zone meet up two weeks ago, which was so amazing and really warmed my cold little heart to be with people whom I connected with on a real personal level and felt like old friends after only a few minutes. Something like that is rare to me and I can’t wait to explore this side of life more. It was funny that me and @m31 were both on Steemfest 2 but never met until in DZone meet up in Tallinn. Another Steemfest 2 attendee, my favourite Mexican @anomadsoul was going to be there too but couldn’t make it, but we’ll see each other soon when you come to Europe!

I was going through some of my oldest posts and I was happy to notice that some of the people here have been with me right from my early days, @jeffjagoe, the first person I met through Steemit, @sean-king and @steemed-open, who have supported me right from the start and connected with me about being comfortable with nudity, @reinhard-schmid, my favourite painter on Steemit, second favourite in real life because my sister is obviously my favourite. The amazing and kind, dark pin up photographer @kommienezuspadt, @apsu,a fellow Finn, with his horribly good jokes, and @gtg who I had the pleasure of meeting briefly in Lisbon, to name a few. I really hope that during the next year, I will get to meet you all, and many more Steemians I have already connected with but haven’t had the chance to meet yet.

The future

Steemit is still in beta, and I’m still in beta. Steemit is unstable, cryptocurrensies are unstable, I’m a little unstable.

There are powers in play that I can not effect on, this is all a rollercoaster, and I’m just trying to stay on it. I work hard on the things I can have an effect on, aka me and my work, and try to not overthink about the things I can not have an impact on.

I’m interested to see where we go, and where the next year will take me. I’m going to be working hard to achieve my dreams. I want to travel more, meet new people and stay in touch with the old ones, improve my photography and writing skills, and I want to secure myself a more stable future.

My sentence on Steemit continues, and I don't mind at all.

Thank you for the past year, and I hope the next one is even more awesome!

I know it’s a bitch to scroll down to some old posts from a year ago, so if you weren’t following me then, but are interested in how my journey started here, here are links to some of my earliest posts, which many are still relevant and my personal favourites.

My Introduction Post

Why I'm giving up with other social media sites and sticking with Steemit

Comfortable in my skin

To Free the Nipple, or Not to Free the Nipple


Sex Sells, But What are You Selling Baby?

I Think Smoking is Sexy

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Thank you for the shout out! Watching your life via steemit has been a joy for us. We're delighted to count you among our friends here. Maybe we'll meet in person some day (steemfest?). xo

I have felt a connection to you guys since the first posts where we communicated. I'll definitely attend the next Steemfest and I hope you guys will as well, and if not, then I guess I have to come to Puerto Rico :P

Has it only been 1 year? Your presence here feels bigger to me than 12 months. You’re one of our most favorite steemians and we adore how you don’t hide parts of yourself. Mmmwah 😘

Yes, and the last six months have gone by so fast! Thank you so much for all the love, really makes me feel like I belong here❤️

decided that if I’m gonna do this, I’m gonna do this right. Every post I would make, would have a reason and a story told with pictures. I let go of all the restrains, which was easy partly because no one knew me, and no one I knew was here. From day one, I acted like I had always belonged here and I was determent to leave a mark.

☝🏼This part was genius btw. Just approaching your Steemit experience with this intention or energy helped create your reality. We belong where we feel & believe we belong. Well done 👍🏽 💗

Ya done good :)

I never saw your intro, but have just looked back and yes, original stuff.

You arrived at a good time (just before the fork with crazy rewards), came with a niche - sometimes a bit naked but actually write and respond, got to 'know' a few influential types and have been pretty consistent throughout.

I feel you with the 9/5, that was killing me inside (not as outside as you and your hands though) and I took the leap of faith last September. Also did the SteemFest event as a pretty shy introvert, but have gained a little support on the back of that over the past 6/7 months.

Money and people for sure - When it's your only income money can't really be out of the top 2.

Well done!

Yeah I think a luck played a a little part on my success also :) Even though cryptos throw us this way and that, it's still much better than the 9-5, though mine was more like 5.30am-1pm and changing schedules.

Oh you were on Steemfest too, we didn't meet right? I'd like to think I wasn't so drunk that I didn't remember everyone I met😅

I'm certainly happier now than I was in an office - Not sure I'd be saying that if we visited 7 cents/STEEM again though!

Yes I was there, mostly ill or hiding, or drunk - Maybe number 3 I will do better on the engagement front!

You misspelled getting drunk with me

Get a room you two!

Sounds kinky, tell me more....

Oh god please no, that would suck😅 Let's go for 7 dollars instead!

Haha, yeah me too, but it's going to be so much easier next time because by then we'll already know so many more people and some that we have already met in real life. Hope @roelandp tells us the location soon!

$7 $7 $7.... ok, got it!

Yeah I wrote posts prior to going about being a not so sure this is a good idea minnow, but actually, if I'd been a bit more outgoing and less hungover, it would have been totally fine.

Next time though, I'll be on it. Straight to @anomadsoul for a pay increase :D

I like the way you think ;)


Can I 'use' you as context for a post? - no photos, just talk of how you've steemed it this past year.

Yeah sure, I'm interested to see what you write 😁

Congrats to you my love!WhatsApp Image 2018-05-19 at 13.27.39.jpeg

Oh, more MAN candy, must be my lucky day 😘

Kiitos rakas kaikesta tuesta, sano Hydellekki terkkuja, jalat on maassa vaikka pää vähän pilvissä.

Mun supportti sulle on aina vähän "eri", mut ei kukaan etene selkääntaputtelulla ja sitä piisaa sulle täällä ihan liikaakin.Sä tiät miksi kommentoin, muiden ei tarvi. Kiitos arvostukseta. Over and out. Hydeltä terkkuja...kaikille [tähän sellanen evil grin with AK]

Returning the favor :P congratzzzz

Thank you god, thank you internet, thank you steemit, thank you Rubens mom and dad 🤪🤩😍🤑 this truly is a blessed day🙌🏻

Mom and dad? who said it was me in the picture? :p

Oh, sorry for assuming 😳 well then, could you send me the models number? 😝

Amazing post!
Definitely one of if not the best of thousands that I have read on Steemit.
I guess I will have to check the bot free trending page more often. lol

Happy Steembirthday hun!

I'm happy that you made it and you know that it is a lot said from me! We have always been different when it comes to that hell we lived in(well, i still live in). Restaurant wasn't ever the place for you, just something you need to pass in order to achieve greater things.

I'm glad to got your back. Then, still, and when ever, as you've also got mine. I won't lie, I miss all those slow meaningful eye rolls we had back when working together, but I couldn't be happier about the fact that you moody bitch with tremendous hunger tantrums are part of my daily life.

Ps, YES I'M TROWING UP IN MY MOUTH! But I also meant every word<3

Pps, I'm not going to wash those filthy windows of yours because this birthday...

Thank you love<3 Now all we need to do is get you out of that shithole too and go eye roll in cafes and restaurants!

Congrats to all of your success @eveuncovered! I believe it's just getting started!

PS I think you need to convince your artist of a sister to join STEEM :)

Thank you Jeff! 🤗 I did ask my sister if she wants to join but she didn't show any interest, she doesn't live as much on the internet as the rest of us.

Welll that's unfortunate.... she sounds a lot more pleasant than that evil twin of yours....

Regardless, Happy anniversary to youu! I look forward to having a few drinks with you again someday :)

Should've stopped posting when at 69 rep. Ok, just kidding.

I have literally had my bare foot hovering over a rusty nail, thinking ”if I step on this, I won’t have to go to work for at least few weeks.” I have had my hand between a heavy door and frame, ready to push on it with all my weight. That is how bad it was.

Ughh... I know what you talking about. During the dark times on my civil service (literally and figuratively) I also had compulsory thoughts of harming myself, smashing my fist against the wall. Funnily self-harming acts are actually punished with more service, LOL. (Not that anyone would find out but still.)
Might've been SAD (seasonal affective disorder that got into me) but luckily that's past now and fucking finally in 3 months the time will come when I don't have to obey to any one if I don't willingly take such position by myself.

This was an interesting read since I didn't know too much about your past, I think it gets others too to look beyond the surface of your nice shapes and curtains... oh nvm you didn't have'em.

You have scammed yourself the life that so many aspire after, but surely that has taken more work than all the nomadic dreamers here have even dared to imagine.

Hopefully things stay somewhat stable so that you can keep on with your scam, which is way better for the platform than those of bidbots. Would I even dare to take back my accusations of you being a scam? Nah, not fully at least until life stops being a scam; there is a law in Finland that says 'everyone should be treated equally' or something like that, yet I'm in forced labor because of having a naked mole rat between my legs. Until that's fixed, life is a scam and thus, also everything that it creates.

Ok, 'nuff said about that topic before it turns into anotha rant. Hope you a good second year on your sca... photographing and writing!

Still think this is all a scam or only a dream, seems a little too good to be true. But not many people realise how much work it is to try and contort myself into a position where I look like I have some shape, the struggle is real!

I’m sorry you have to go through civil service, but at least they pay you a little and you get some life experiences to write about. It seems that I assosiate myself with people who are really good at making rants, so do go on, make anotha one!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I’m sorry you have to go through civil service, but at least they pay you a little and you get some life experiences to write about. It seems that I assosiate myself with people who are really good at making rants, so do go on, make anotha one!

It certainly has given me many rants and hours of time to ramble. We'll see if the words start oozing to make up for a one more rant. Already started to make up some fiction of this though with the suggestion of @escapist. Maybe that'll become something...


Great job!!! And I love all your photos ;-)
My Steemit-birthday is in 40 days... yeah :-)
Big plastic hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

Thank you! But keep that plastic far away from me, the only plastic I like is Tupperware 😝

Only tupperware... no mannequins ;-)
Ciao ciao

Aikamoinen tarina!

Eikös vaan, tuntuu aika hurjalta itestäkin :D

Se on vaan niin outo tunne, kun yhtäkkiä saa rahaa netin avulla jostain

@gtg who I had the pleasure of meeting briefly in Lisbon, to name a few.

Ha! I remember your introduction. Look how big you are now. I knew it. Keep going :-)

The two collage images she used from her past abs present says it all you know, I'm getting emotional

There there now, no need to cry, I'm not that scary ;)

no it's just that you spoke about being in debt then, and look at how situations have become so amazing for you, it's beautiful obviously the emotions are so pure you know

Makes me feel special that you remember it, I have probably posted thousands of pictures after that 🤗 Thank you for the support and encouragements!

Yay congratulations! Your story is inspiring and I am very happy to hear that you are now doing something you love! Happy to have met you on Steemit!

Thank you! I'm really happy to have met you in here too, because I really enjoy your photography and stories about the events :)

Congratulations pretty girl! See, this is what I’m talking about and what I strive for too!!! I do imposed nudity as that is what I prefer but I admire and respect that you do beautiful nudes!💜
You are so right, instagram is a waste of time and posting on there with no interaction or monetary gain is useless.
Hugs and congrats to you and I wish you and all of us even more success!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you and I hope you achieve your goal too! :) I actually think that imposed nudes are often sexier than full nudes because you don't give everything away at once ;)

You’re sweet! I need to catch up to you haha 💜
The way you do your nudes is classy and with a touch of mystery, truly lovely!!!

The happiest first steemit birthday little Ms wolf child... I still remember very clearly how this line in your header put a big smile on my face, when I first saw it :-)

Wish there was a directory with a clickable list of all posts someone made here, as I'm trying to remember which was the first I saw of you... if I'm not mistaken it was the one, where you had no make up or anything. I know that you had caught all my attention immediately and that I went to find your introduction post, which I still like a lot!

I have told you on numerous occasions, why it is no surprise to me, that you are doing well (here) and I am very happy, everything worked out so far and will undoubtedly continue to do so! This is only the beginning 😘

Hihi, I am so glad you found me here, and right when I had just started. I don't remember which post it was either.

We really need a way to search through all the posts by year and month, and I bitched about that to @gtg at some point and he directed me to github and some issues had already been posted about the subject in there. It was all too technical for me, but we just need someone to get it done, now! :D I search through old posts via, where you can easily get to the oldest one and search through the pictures to get to the right post. It's a pretty convenient tool for us who are visually driven.

Thank you for all the love and support for the past year, I'm happy to call you my friend❤️

I'm glad too, that I found you early on. Must have been early in August, as I signed up at the end of July... its been an amazing ride :-)

Haha.. yes, githup.. would make no difference for me, if it was all in Chinese :-b

Hey, thanks for reminding me of Used to be one of my favorite tools, but then it seemed to stop working. Do you ever hear of blueorgy anymore?

Thank you for enriching my life the way you have. I'm happy and grateful for our friendship as well ❤️

In just a year youve grown much... Happy happy, keep the journey pure! Remain above

So glad only my crypto wallet has grown, and not my belly :P

Happy birthday female. Now work like a maggot so you don't have to return to the hell hole of regular jobs.

Thank you! Do maggots work hard? If so, then yes, I will work like a maggot, because I don't want to go back to the kitchen any time soon!

I almost went full-"authoritarian daddy" and gave you unsolicited advice about growing your business. Pheww...

Give it to me daddy!

oh my filthy mouth, gonna go wash it with soap now...

I'll send you my congratulations as well!! This story is really inspiring here.
Its been an honor meeting you in real life too :)You were one of the first ones I followed on my first days here on steemit 4 months ago, I'm glad I did. Wishing you an awesome steemit journey for your next year here!

Thank you Franz! It's pretty awesome how this platform brought us together in Estonia :)

Congratulations ❤
I might join the steemfest next time 😊

If you can, you won't regret it, it's an awesome event! :)

It's been a year already!? Happy belated steemit birthday! Its hard to believe its already been a year! Mine is in about a month.
It really is great to see what a success you have made of your time here. It's very motivational! I never realised your day job was so miserable, but I totally understand contemplating standing on a rusty nail like that. I've done it before a few times in an old job. Being miserable at your work is hell!

Yes it has, can hardly believe it myself! And I'm glad you've been here too, for almost the same time I have.

Having a horrible job sucks the whole life out of you, it's hard to even enjoy the times of freedom because the job is always there looming in the back of your mind. I'm so grateful to have this opportunity to do something else with my life now.

I for one am glad you are here and I look forward to seeing what the next year brings :)

We are living in exciting times!

We are indeed :)

Congratulations! I've liked your travel photos and also your visual story telling and your dressup games with @escapist. I liked the playfulness of your heirloom fox post. I wish you success in the future, too. It's always a joy to see someone liberated from the yoke of work they hated.

Thank you Markku :) I will continue to post travel and nature photos, along with fake facts that you can correct ;)

My favorite hobbit is already 1 year old. Congrats on living a life that is worth living. Knowing you is a lot of fun. Messing with you is even better. So I will continue to do that.

Thank you for trying to come up with the most horrible ways to mess with me, it is a joy to watch and see when you try to come up with something new :P

damn woman. We haven't even met yet. contain yourself... a little😉

I have, I get notifications about being on that list almost every day :)

Happppy Steeeemy Birthday!!!! Your success here is an inspiration!! Keep it up and here's to many more years on this awesome platform!!

Thank you so much Jason!!!!! 🤗🤗

wow tripod, that is a great and inspiring story, beautifully written. I feel so excited for you that you've turned your life round like that, with so much courage, and now you're so much more FREEEEE!!!!!! I wish that EVERYONE could experience that, it makes life so much easier to love x

Thank you backup tripod! 🤗 I’m far too busy to be tripod anymore, so I think you are getting a promotion! 😝

woohoo! I'll take anything I can get :) haha. its marvellous that you are so busy with what you love x

What a difference a year makes. Steemit May still be unstable, but I think the idea has changed the landscape of social media. I still use FB but I find myself spending more and more time on here. FB pays me NOTHING!


HAPPY STEEM B-DAY @eveuncovered!!!

I really hope to tell the same experience like yours in March 2019. When i can finally say i'm very richer than this year. I could buy an amazing car like the one below -It's a Jaguar XJ6C from 1975 if not seen- and then i could say, it worthed a lot

    Thank you! That is one beautiful car, my dream car is a Mustang, but car will be the last thing I spend my money on, it costs so much to own a car 😅

    You're welcome, @eveuncovered...

      Yeah, it's a huge expense to maintain a car. Here in Venezuela is a headache to keep a vehicle in a good condition. Specialy because the shortage of parts, you must buy a popular car and make yourself sure that you won't suffer a robbering of you car or some parts like tires or battery. A good alarm system is not enough, when you go out the garage you must chose different ways to go your work to avoid been harassed in a thief-attack

      However, i hope to have a nice car someday. It's not good to pay for a bus or a cab if you need to move from A to B points.

      @eveuncovered Time to visit UK :) ....?

      Congrats on the anniversary, times goes so quickly, (also almost 1 year on Steemit) and I am really happy for you and that you have given Steemit a try and eventually became full-time. This is really very exciting and also one of my goals and I believe of many Steemians here too. Yes, it is a rollercoaster sometimes, but an exciting one :)

      Congratulations @eveuncovered !
      hopefully you can always share a post that makes others motivated with your posts.
      Continue to work the best @eveuncovered :)

      This article is amazing. Steemit really is an awesome place. I wish you more success in the future!

      Its great to read your steemit journey I believe this ecosystem lies under steemians like you and living off by crypto is a amazing thing too I quit my job after earning couple bucks from steemit too and feelin so relieved. Keep up the good work. Thumbs up!!

      Thank you for this post! This gave me additional motivation to continue on Steemit. I find it difficult to understand the platform as 99% of the time i'm on here I don't know what the hell i'm doing, but I will get the hang of it .....I hope. I am glad you are doing well and I hope you double up on your success in the next year! Thanks again.

      Really nice post! I truly know how you feel the only difference is that I have a few months here on steemit and I'm not so popular hehehe!....

      I hope that in one year I could reach my economyc estability like you!...I'm from venezuela and the situation here is really difficult to face and with a family to sustain is even harder!

      I am a physiotherapist and a teacher. I work hard everday to earn money and I have a lot of pressiure with a kid to feed! I earn minimum wage as a teacher (1 dolar) it is hard to believe but is the true, and as a physiotherapist I earn 8 dolars in one month ( working my ass off)...

      I meet steemit like you and i was hard to belive till i reach my first SBD it was a miracle and a little of hope became to my soul!

      I start to make some classes online without any votes but i got a dream to reach

      Regretably my phone was stolen and now the only thing a can do is put some photos because this cellphone is a shit :/

      But i still have faith that someday i will be like you!!

      Congratulations for your first year! Sorry for my bad regard i hope you enjou your moment!!

      First Of All Many Many Congratulations to you for first successful Anniversary on Steemit.

      I read out Your Blog. I Like Your Truth. You clearly said about yout Aim on Steemit. Instead Of wasting our time on Instagram, Facebook etc, Steemit is real platform to give our value able time. While reading your paragraph of Turning Point, It was saddened To Read About Your disease but Also Gave you benefit. It was may be Nature's Gift. Get well Soon. Now Enjoy Steemit.
      I am also struggling From 4+ Months. And happy with the results. Hope your reputation will reach to 71 soon. And will go on.
      And Also hope that your Followers will increase soon to 6000 which you want.
      Wish you All The Best.

      Happy 1 year
      May your last year be your worst year ever and the rest of your years be your best

      I meet you four months ago where you yelled at me for spelling your name wrong LOL I quickly learned your character and know you were someone I wanted to follow . Thank you for the journey so far and I look forward to many more adventures
      As always My best wishes to you

      Thank you wolfie! Hihi, I don't think I yelled at you, maybe just mentioned it really nicely 😇

      @eveuncovered You have no other way but nice 😆. It did and still does bring a smile to my face , and I knew who the person you are , and that I made a long term friend . As always my best wishes to you and all your dreams . 🙏

      Awesome, happy Steemit anniversary! Slow and steady wins the race on here. Glad I finally got into it a few months after I initially joined.

      Thank you very much :)

      What a fascinating journey! I can only hope to have a portion of the success you've had. I am so happy for you that you were able to get out of that dead end job. Having to work at a hellish job just to get by is horrible. Congratulations on your amazing success. I wish you the best of luck going forward on this rollercoaster of life!

      Upvoted! I love these stories. Thank you for sharing yours and bravo!

      Congratulations. Your success is well deserved.
      science fiction, fantasy, erotica

      Complete the following task of being active at BlockGators Army Advertising Network for recognition as an active member of the steembloggers community.

      Want more views to reach your posts? Try BlockGators Army Advertising Network

      Happy Birthday and congratulations on the things you have achieved, for believing in yourself and following your inner voice. Love and Hugs from Germany!

      quite an interesting post.i admire your sincerity and endeavor.happy anniversary.hope for a lot more of success.

      Good on ya @eveuncovered! congratulations. As a newish steemian (4 months so far) this post is really encouraging me to continue, and your photography continues to be an inspiration too. Thank you for your posts and long may you continue!

      Thank you so much :) I'm happy to have made your acquaintance.

      Me too Eve! You seem like a very genuine and honest blogger and i like that a lot :)

      You got a 44.38% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @anomadsoul!

      I beat you by 1 week jk lol .... Didn't know that you signed up the week that I did also... cray cray! :)

      YEah, and you beat me by reputation and that insane follower count too, but I'm right behind :P

      Hi, this was resteemed by @conradino23, and have also added it to today's curated articles post. Useful for our newish members to read your journey.

      Upvoted, resteemed and has been added to the latest MAP Upvotes post.

      = Quality Content Creators can request to join MAP = see the Benefits = Free Membership =

      Awesome! Happy anniversary :)

      You go girl! Hyvin on menny homma, paljon paremmin kuin monilla. Pidä lippu korkealla!

      Ja käy joskus muaki moikkaamassa x)

      I just started some weks ago, hope i would have a similiar story a year after. Well, i could be doing this--writing-- for free, so it changes little. Anyway, you look nice.

      Best of luck :) if you already like what you do, then every cents is just a plus :)

      Congratulations dear

      Two weeks now, for me

      Happy steemit birthday sunshine girl. Really nice piece. I like the cheeky photos.

      I gotta say, yours is one of my favorite stories here on Steemit. I have enjoyed your posts from the beginning, both because of the nudes (hey, I'm a dude and you're pretty) and because of the blogging. Your story is an inspiration. I am growing a bit (a lot) slower than you on here but I have definitely learned a thing or two from you (and the curation awards from your posts have been nice!). Keep up the good work and here's to another great year on Steemit!

      Congratulations on your freedom and I wish you continued success and inspiration for others!

      Thank you very much :)

      I'm very new at steemit, but remember you were one of the first persons that I started following. And it was a real pleasure reading this post! Cryptocurrencies are a whole new world, and it's conforting to know that they changed someone's life for the best, no matter what the future will bring; and that you were brave enough to take the leap forward and started living a happier life! All the best!

      It always makes me feel extra special when I am one of the first people a new user follows, so thank you very much :)

      Keep up the good work, hope to continue to see you grow here!

      I am starting in steemit, reading your words has given me a lot of encouragement to continue and in a year I will write my tour with steemit. I hope it's as good as yours

      Congratulations to your success

      I am happy to your success here in this platform,steemitnis realy a life changer..
