Little miss Katia is 3 years old. She was born on a rubbish dumb to a feral mother and decided to become tame and friendly all by herself. She was given to me when she was about 4 months old by someone who feared for her safety in the rough neighbourhood that she was born in.
She used to be very thin and had a chronic lung infection which needed one month of antibiotics before it cleared up and now she loves eating. Although she never grew very big, she is quite fat although that doesn't stop her climbing trees, perching on shoulders and hunting rats and lizards and she's very good at it.
It is fairly unusual for feral-born kittens to tame themselves without human intervention and normally, if they aren't tamed within the first 5-7 weeks of life, they become very difficult to tame thereafter and some never do. It seems that she decided early on to make humans her slaves and remained behind alone after her very wild mother moved the rest of her siblings elsewhere a few weeks after she was born. She was not fed very much by the people that she adopted but she remained friendly and when I went to collect her, when I picked her up she instantly snuggled against my shoulder. She is the smallest and youngest of all my cats but she doesn't let the others bully her at all.