Today, much of the information essential to keeping an aircraft in flight is collected manually, which is an expensive and time-consuming process. Data showing the history and status of an aircraft is spread across up to 40 systems, in the hands of several parties who may be reluctant competitors in data exchange. The vast majority are still collected on paper, which makes the digitization / automation process even more difficult.
The solution: a decentralized, immutable, consensus-based platform. And I mean blockchain.
It all starts with creating a blockchain based id for both the airplane and the airline personnel.
Then, you just go ahead and proceed with your preflight checks and hit submit.
Basically, a more accurate view of an aircraft's configuration and maintenance history could help reduce costs and losses related to downtime and unplanned maintenance, improve the aircraft's pre-flight check process and significantly reduce paper usage. So here's my take on solving this real problem. What you see is the output of the smart contract on the private blockchain. Few companies have showed interest in what I have been working so far, and I am pretty excited about it.
#blockchain #security #fleetmanagement #maintenance #compliance