I know this is a long blog.... Please.. I beg you... read it, because it's about your future!!!
I posted the following as a comment here online.....
As you can see.... A couple of people indicated that they thought this was funny.... One Troll even called me a Luddite.
I don't (As the definition of Luddite says) advocate destroying machinery, or for that matter the initiation of violence in any manner. My point is that despite the obvious short term gains of automation for corporate stock values, in the long run the corporations may not even have a way to exist at all. If there are no customers with cash in their hand.... There's no business, no one to buy the burgers, or the Chinese made crap at Walmart.
A marvel of modern technology is useless if there are no humans with the means to make use of it.
I have another good friend who's enamored with the idea of "Universal Basic Income". Every time I've seen someone mention this, I ask... "How will you pay for it". I'm met with the sound of crickets on a dark night.
The US Federal Government is flat broke!!! bankrupt.... Insolvent.... Tapped out!!! End of story!!!
It's debts are predicated on the PROMISE that the money will be TAKEN from the tax paying Public and given to the creditors as repayment!!! Let me say that again......
Government debt is reliant on the idea that the taxpayers will foot the bill!!!
This is as of 06-28-18 at about 6:30 am Central Time.... I always have to include a "Time Stamp" with this picture, because these numbers are rising so fast that by Tomorrow, they'll be obsolete.
One more time.... Maybe I can find a way to hammer this into your head.... If you are required to file a tax return in the United States, the circled number above is YOUR share!!! You WILL have to pay this!!!!!!
It's not voluntary!!! If you don't have that much to give.... You'll give EVERYTHING YOU HAVE!!! Every penny - Your home, your car, your personal belongings... ALL OF IT....
Everything you've worked for your whole life - Will be stolen from you and used to pay off the Politician's credit card!!!
If not through direct tax...... It will be taken through Central Bank induced hyper inflation.
ALL taxes are simply theft - To give Politicians new toys to play with!!! ALL taxes are taken essentially at GUN POINT.
If you refuse long enough, someone with a BIG GUN will eventually come to your door and take your money!!!
Here's the part my Steemit Friends will find interesting....
My online Friend Chris ( I hope) commented with the following "" I see a different trajectory. Blockchain is about to turn the world’s transportation industry upside down and inside out. That’s going to achieve two things: 1) It’s going to revolutionize how goods move across borders and bring efficiency to a level never before possible. 2) It’s going to prove the viability of blockchain across platforms and markets. Once the enteral market (I’m considering this the entire populace of the world) understands it, the state is in big trouble. It will (should) be evident that the roles the state has played (muh roads!, identify verification, self-regulation of markets) can be replaced by blockchain technology.
I’ve got a front row seat for this in trucking. Y’all pay attention to the transportation markets. It’s gonna be a fun ride.""
Chris, I see much more.....
Block chain Technology has the potential to make "Traditional Banking" obsolete! Banks are used to make money a system of control over the Public! They can seize your money, and lock you out without a Warrant, or any Constitutional restraints. Having a Steem or Ether, or Bitcoin wallet in Timbuktu makes you resilient to this control. What people see as "A Bank" is not needed. This will turn the World upside down!
Block chain will make MOST Government obsolete!!! I like to use the example of your car Title to demonstrate this. Currently when you buy a car, what's needed is a "Trusted third party" to verify ownership... To say with some authority that the person you're buying the car from has the ownership right to sell it to you. This has been traditionally deferred to the State. Government's control over this process, and it's possession of the "Chain of ownership", gives Government the EXCUSE to steal fees from you! Thus the money you have to pay for "Registration" of your vehicle. An open transparent Block Chain makes this excuse irrelevant. This goes for home ownership, the proof of your birth, death, and anything a Government "Trusted Third Party" is needed for...... Most of Government will be unnecessary in the future.... And the Taxes and fees that go with that!!!
Central Bank control of money will go away!!! They've created the boom and bust cycles we've had to live through.... All for THEIR profit! (I'm going to use BTC as an example of all cryptos) Bitcoin will make this obsolete.
All fiat currencies, like the Dollar and Euro WILL (Through the Hyper Inflation I mentioned above) revert to their true value which is ZERO!!! Bitcoin (Crypto Currencies) through self imposed mathematical scarcity will retain their value. We MUST FORGET- The idea that we should compare Bitcoin's value to Dollars and realize that one day Dollars will no longer exist!!! Bitcoin WILL become the preferred way to buy ANY goods and services. 12,790 retailers already accept Bitcoin for real stuff, and the number is growing fast!!! We'll soon be watching the Bitcoin to a dozen eggs exchange rate more closely. HODL my friends!!!
Fiat currencies are backed by nothing! The value of the US Dollar is propped up by the "Full Faith and Credit of the US Government". As I already showed.... The US Government is flat Broke!!! It's debts are NEVER going to be repaid, because nearly all of it's "Tax Payers" don't have $174 Grand to cough up. It's Politicians are pathological liars, and faith in them is leaking away like water through a Colander.
The US Government HAS NO faith and or credit!!!
The only thing left propping up the value of the Dollar, is the perception that they can take more of YOUR money at gunpoint, use it to give bigger guns to their minions, and have their minions to steal stuff from other Countries! The first time they get their asses kicked..... The game is over!!!
I'm not suggesting a future of "doom and Gloom, Mad Max, or the "Book of Eli!!!
We're going to see troubled waters ahead for sure, but in (The very near) end, you'll have a life where Governmental control over you is very minimal. You'll be able to keep all of your money!!! Your kids will be free to have a Lemonade stand without fear of being arrested. You will be able to grow a veggie garden in your front yard, collect rain water from your roof, live "Off Grid" if you choose. Your financial transactions will be voluntary. If a plant seems to be the best medicine for what ails you.... You will be free to use it as a medicine. Corporations won't have the power to force you to eat weed killer through government control. If you want to buy Solar Panels from someone in China, the latest high priest of Statism won't be able to prevent you from doing so. If you need workers to pick your farm field, you can hire whomever you want. If they are foreigners, you will be free to NOT hire them as well. Everything from (Yes @Chris) Transportation to banking to shopping at the store will be improved through Block Chain. This is NOT doom and gloom, but a very bright future indeed!!!