Kudayuk Chicken Sweet Chicken Recipe
1 whole chicken breasts (cut, size according to taste)
4 tablespoons cornstarch
1 egg (just take the whites)
1 piece of onion (box cut)
1/2 green pepper (box cut)
3 tablespoons tomato sauce
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp white vinegar
2 tablespoons water cornstarch solution
Wash the chicken pieces and drain for a while until the water dries
Then stir the chicken pieces with egg whites
Then add cornstarch, stir until well blended.
Fry chicken until browned, then drain.
Sauce: mix tomato sauce, sugar, vinegar & water cornstarch solution. Stir until well blended.
Saute the peppers & onions until fragrant.
Add the sauce mixture.
Then input the chicken, stir until all the chicken surface wrapped in sauce.
If it is considered less should be added extra sugar / salt according to taste.