Improvements to Steemit

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Hi fellow Steemsters! I have been pondering what I would like to see in Steemit lately, and have come up with a few things which I think will add value to the Steemit user experience.

Here goes:

1. A "Sticky" option/category

I would like to suggest a "Sticky" type functionality for certain posts. There is such a lot of very useful information being posted, but these valuable posts just get washed away in the flood of new content. I think we as a community are missing out on all this valuable knowledge.

There should be a way that very useful posts should be "stickied". The exact mechanism can obviously be debated. Maybe all users should have a special "sticky" vote? The trick will of course be to have posts with valuable information stickied, which might not always be TRENDING posts necessarily. Since there is no central "Moderation" function or "Mods" in the community, this could be a tricky one to solve?

What do you guys think - can stickied posts be useful to the community?

2. Integration of stats into one's admin page

The information on the site is so useful, it is a pity it is not integrated to Steemit already. Is there any reason that this functionality is missing in Steemit at the moment? Or maybe the Devs have something like this on their road map already?

3. Moving away from "throw-away" or "fast food" culture of Steemit

It seems the posts on Steemit are very fleeting. This causes posts to feel "rushed", as people try to pump them out as quickly as possible. Why? Because you only have a limited window during which you can earn rewards. Maybe a re-think of how rewards can be awarded to authors needs to be done? Why can't a very valuable post not earn rewards 2 months or a year later? New members will always join, and they might find older content very valuable. Why not reward these authors a year later? I think this would really increase the value proposition of the posts and will result in posts with better content.

Earning rewards for a much longer period will be beneficial to the whole Steemit ecosystem.

Anyway, there you have it. That was my list of suggestions to hopefully add more value to everybody's user experience.

Would like to hear what other Steemers think in the comments below.

Steem on! :D

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I agree with all of the suggestions you listed here. The only one I would add is customization of our blog page or profiles. It would be nice to put our own touches on our profiles.

Ah - great idea! Would be great to personalise it, agreed. I guess nice things like that will be coming in time. Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I should do a follow-up and include your suggestion. Will let you know and of course credit you if I do :)

I totally agree with this one . It is very impersonal at the moment

Giving more time for posts to get noticed. The 12hours rule prevents Asians and Europeans to get upvoted by North-America (where the whales are).
I made a post about the time-zone issue. HERE

Yeah, I agree, the 12 hour thing is what contributes to the "fast food" culture. And as you pointed out, it is actually unfair to a large portion of the community. Will have a look at your post..

What's the 12 hour rule? This will never be what it could be if the content doesn't stay forever. I have graphic novels I want to publish here and if everything disappears after 12 hours, then what's the point?

Hi! It is not like the content disappear. You as the author just don't receive any further rewards after 12 hours, as far as I understand.

Its used to 24 hours but they changed it after the hard fork not so long time ago .

Very good points ! I wish I could see who follows me and who I follow, too many :) so far
Nice to meet you