For a very long time, I used to wake up, jump off the bed and immediately seek two things, black coffee and the news, after I was done with the news, I had a small selection of websites that I had to visit almost every day: Forbes, Business Insider, Entrepreneur, Inc…etc.
And almost every single day I would observe some article titled “The 10 daily habits that guarantee you success” or some variations of the sort, every single day. If it’s not in one outlet it’s in the other. But I never seemed to click in them.
Week after week, month after month, the time passed but those articles never seemed to run out of fashion, so I started wondering: How many daily habits does one person need? I mean, if someone were to follow all of those tips, when are they even gonna get time to sleep?
So one day I decided to read those lists that would supposedly guarantee my success, and much to my surprise, they were all extremely similar.
Also, they all had at least 3 or 4 habits that every single person on the face of planet is already doing on a daily basis. They shower, they eat breakfast, they brush their teeth… How is that going to set you apart? I thought to myself.
But there was one habit that was extremely predominant in those lists, I checked dozens of them, and it was always there, you couldn’t escape it if you tried. It’s like the Kardashian of habits.
This is the omnipresent habit: They make their beds.
So naturally, given my relentlessly curious mind, I couldn’t help but wonder: What possible relationship could exist between making your bed and achieving success?
A few days later, a friend of mine was going to interview a highly successful businessman that happened to be a billionaire, which one can only assume that he knows a thing or two about success.
So, is there anything you want me to ask him? Said my friend one day before the interview.
Ask him if he makes his bed!
Luckily for me, my friend was able to throw in the question in the conversation, and that gentleman’s answer was something similar to this: I’ve had help in the house for forty plus years, I can’t remember the last time I’ve made a bed.
So back to square one, what possible relationship could exist between success and making your bed? Needless to say, that little piece of advice had no chance of sticking with me, no matter how omnipresent it was.
Moral of the story: There is a lot of types of advice in the world, some good, some bad and some irrelevant, some would work for you while some wouldn’t. Some advice serve no other purpose than encouraging your capacity for illusion and some would change your life forever.
But the best types of advice, are those who are embedded in the middle of an honest story where the author is at the same time the protagonist of his own journey.
So there you are, reading those incredible human stories of courage, ingenuity and resilience. Totally absorbed by the story, and then all of the sudden, something inside you clicks, somewhere in the middle of that story you find something that resonates with you and changes the way you see things.
Personally, I found those to be the best kind of advice, the best teachers.
Ladies and gentlemen, here are some absolutely inspiring steemit stories, and the lessons I’ve learn from them.