Steemit International -- Best practice for bilingual or multi-lingual users?

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hi folks,

I'm German, and it so happens that I want to write a post in German once in a while. Sometimes it just makes most sense that way.

However, that might alienate my international followers (if/when such a functionality will be properly implemented one day that is), and they might quit following me or block me!

So what would be the best practice concerning that? I guess there should be some functionality in the future to tag a post with a specific language?

Thoughts? Discussions? Pretty please?

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I think conversing in German is great because other users who speak German can read information in their mother tongue. Is it possible for you to translate what you want to convey in German in the same post you create in English. That way, you also won't have to create two posts in two separate languages.

Tags or specific language tags would be awesome! I am sure this is something that with time will find its way into Steemit. (Don't forget its open-source) and the users who do follow you and want to read your German content will probably be glad for google translate. :)

Glad to see more Germans using Steemit! Will get me to maybe start using it again after all these years. :D

Good question. It might be best to set up another account and link it at the bottom of your articles, so that your followers can choose which languages they want to subscribe to.

I thought about different accounts too, but that would be cumbersome (for me), and also against the principles of this network that seems to discourage sockpuppet accounts.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

The problem with the language really is. The first time I wrote a post in two languages (English and Russian). Then I wrote two identical post, one in English and one in Russian. Now I am writing in Russian, because I want to develop an audience in Russian language and use the tag #ru or add to an existing tag # ...- ru
For the German has already started to apply the tag #de

tagging has been limited now, so I don't wanna waste 1 of my 5 for #de :D

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Wenn Sie zwei identische Post zu schreiben, ist die Beschränkung auf das Tag für alle gleich.
Eine weitere Option für heute weiß ich nicht.