PROPOSAL: Campaign to IMPROVE Steemit and EARN money at the same time #TrySteemit

in steemit •  9 years ago 

  I think it’s time to launch a user campaign to improve the content on Steemit. If we look at the content with the top pay-outs most are mediocre quality and a lot are about Steemit itself. What a circlejerk

We have to realise that Steemit has some great attributes. One of Steemits greatest strengths compared to other media platforms, like Facebook, YouTube and blogs, is the relatively large pay-outs to the content authors. Therefore I suggest a user campaign to attract established content authors from other platforms to Steemit. This will lead to better content on Steemit, which in turn will attract a larger user base. And the method I propose below will lead to EARNING money while helping to make Steemit a better platform overall!

A user campaign can be very powerful in boosting the user base and the value of STEEM Dollars. Just take a look at the effects of the Dogecoin user campaingns like when the Dogecoin community raised  $50,000 for the Jamaican Bobsled Team or when the community raised $55,000 to sponsor NASCAR driver Josh Wise. These lead to spikes in the popularity and price of Dogecoins.


Therefore I propose the campaign #TrySteemit

Step 1. Identify your favourite content authors on any platform that you wish was on Steemit.

Step2. Contact them through an appropriate method as Twitter, Email or YouTube comments or Facebook messages and inform them about Steemit, how it works and how they can make more money by posting their content on Steemit as well.

Step 3. Write a post about how you have contacted a specific content creator. Please include some kind of proof. If the #TrySteemit request for a specific content creator is popular, people will upvote and this will earn you money. Put #TrySteemit in the header.

Step 4. This step is optional, but if the post you wrote for step 3 did well and earned a decent amount of money, you can reiterate your request to the content author with a link to your post showing that a mere request for them to join the site has earned $$$. Of course, be respectful and don’t spam.

I hope this will lead to the best content being on Steemit so that this site becomes the new media platform that everybody talks about. 

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This is a great idea! I hope this gains traction

Thanks man. I appreciate the upvote

Keep up the good work. This post deserves more attention!

Yupp, I need to catch a whale, ahaha