Why I Upvote My Followers So Much & How I've Boosted Their Reputations

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Welcome To The Art Of Reciprocity

If you contribute original or thoughtful comments on my posts then there is a very high chance that what you say will get upvoted. Don't just say something, have something to say. Please NO spam. Simple. For Example:


However I am fully aware that some will try to take advantage of my kindness and generosity. I don't mind giving at all but please let's all be considerate of one another and not take advantage of each other. 

As I stated in the post, The Art Of Reciprocity, I am trying to build community and engagement here on Steemit. This is so that we can all benefit by being involved in communicating with one another by sharing our thoughts and ideas. We can all learn from one another and I want my posts to become a force field of reciprocation.  

Why Do I Do It? 

Because I've been placed in a role where I feel I can help many. We talk about changing the world and making it a more loving place so this is just an outlet to do that. I'm not some superhuman from another planet. There is nothing special about me. I'm just some guy who was outcasted and lost. My experiences have taught me much and I just want to serve others. 

Upvotes and Reputation Boost

One of my favorite Steemians, @valorforfreedom, talked about how his reputation was boosted from around 25 to 45 within a matter of weeks. 

This is just one example of someone who has benefited from contributing in the comments section of my posts. Now he is a serious content creator here on Steemit and his growth has been phenomenal. He has put in tons of work posting 2 times per day every day for about 3 months now. He has put in tons of work to be where he is now. I was just there to help him in the beginning. Stories like his fire me up and push me to continue down the path of boosting others. 

Many have commented saying that their reputation has received a pretty nice increase. Good. Just how I like it. So many have inspired me as well and in turn they have received upvotes from me. 

I contribute, you contribute = UPVOTE & REPUTATION BOOST

So if you are new to my blog feel free to jump in the comment section and contribute. All I ask is that you be respectful and considerate of others. Also if you come across comments that you like go ahead and give it an upvote so that other people's comments can be rewarded. Lastly to all of you that have been giving great feedback and communication, hats off to you and you are why I do this. Much love and peace.


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@Humanearl, you are a light shining bright, illuminating the darkness as I journey down a new and unfamiliar path. I originally joined Steemit in July 2017, I played around with it, hoping to build my confidence. I posted a few comments here and there. I struggled with sharing from my heart on a public forum. So after about a month, I decided the time wasn’t right for me.

As the New Year approached I decided to revisit Steemit. I’m glad I did, I found your posts via @valorforfreedom. Your kindness, positive attitude, and resilience flow from your heart into your posts. Additionally, the fact that you are working on developing a community reassured me that this is the right forum for me to open up in.

Since, reading your posts I have written and ACTUALLY posted in my blog. I have also spent time learning how to put words on pictures. While many may consider these small steps, they are huge for me. You, Sir, have given me the boost of confidence I need through your example and work on creating a community. So, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You inspired me, and I am a better person because of your influence.

Here is a little something I created using my new skill! The image I added the text to was from pixabay.

This moves me almost to tears. Literally. Share your heart. Many can learn from your experiences. This is exactly what it's about. You have so much to offer and from reading this comment alone I can already tell you will be a great writer.

The hardest thing to do is to be vulnerable but that is the best place to be in as a creator because it's in those moments that the raw emotions manifest themselves. Push through that barrier and have faith. JUMP!

@emergehealthier I am so grateful that you are here. Now you have a renewed outlook and I encourage you to forge ahead.

My brother, you're raising others to be generous by what you're doing.

It never crossed my mind to do this for those who comment on my posts but I honestly now see no reason why I shouldn't.

Thank you for setting a positive chain reaction into motion. @humanearl You're truly leading by this example you're setting.

You should go ahead and start the train on your end too. Like I said this is bigger than just what I'm posting about. Let 's make The Art Of Reciprocity not only Steemitwide but also a lifestyle.

Greetings @humanearl, I found my way here through the blog of @amethystcheng and am glad I did. Being new to Steemit, having only starting to blog 29 days ago is a bit of a chore, which is great. I love how you share the love and am pleasantly surprised how supportive the Steemit community is. I too prefer to give as much as possible and my number one goal is to spread peace and love, with hopes to create a strong WORLD community. I believe that coming together, especially if our ideals and opinions differ greatly, helps to build tolerance. I believe this is the key to peace, prosperity and for the enlightenment of ALL the species of Earth. We as humans have great abilities, but we don't use them enough for the benefit of all. Keep up the good works and never forget to be humble my friend. I hope all your days unfold on your terms.

@notconvinced I'm convinced that you are an infp like me but I may be wrong. Either way it goes you are speaking my language haha. And thanks for the reminder to be humble.

If you are referencing the Briggs/Meyer personality test, then I am an INTP, so you were close.

Ha I was pretty close.

This is the first time I've heard someone speak with passion about helping others, and actually walk the talk! Steemit is a community that is all about helping out. It gives me joy that you've chosen such a noble cause. Not many people will do this . . .trust me, I know. Well done.

This is what I live for. Hopefully what I do makes a difference for many people.

Dreams in tatters, car repossessed and difficulties in your own life, and yet you still find the time and compassion to think of others. You, my friend, are an inspiration to me and I can only think the world is a better place for having you in it!

I'm humbled to know that @andyfishman. My experiences have been tough but there are others who are even in worse conditions than me. Those experiences have shaped me to be of service to others so that I can help them to navigate these murky waters. Thank you for the love and support.

I'm really feeling so glad that there are people's like you on Steemit who want others to grow as well. Your support will really motivate people to help each other and respect eachother. You deserve more followers because there are few people's who seek change for others and you're one of them thats all I have to say. Lots of love and support @humanearl .

@salujmaharjan Thisis the plan to create a community where people help each other by giving advice, support, respect, and upvotes as well.

I'm not worried too much about the followers. I know people will look at what we're doing here and want to be a part.

What you said has really encouraged me brother so thanks.

It is the most basic thing. And yet many people find it intimidating.

Reciprocation keeps the world running in smooth cycle. People get rich because someone helps them along the way. Once they reach the top, they should help others as well.

And the cycle never stops.


Exacltly @rohanbhardwaj. If you're in a position to help, then you should.

This is where it's at. Community. I think a lot of users miss this. Nice post. I love it. I've worked hard to teach what I've learned at every step of the way. By doing that, I've gained a good reputation, and I've done well with my posting. too. The more of us that think of lifting up those around us, the faster this whole thing grows, a high tide raises all ships, as the old saying goes.

@markmorrisjr That's exactly why I'm pushing this idea so hard because of how many people can be helped.

Actually I am very proud, you screen shot what I said! Thank you very much for that! Actually your upvote not only enhance my reputation, it also enhance my rewards as well! But you can gather more power, With full force power you are unbeatable! Collect it bro, then it's huge! I mean it, it's huge!


@theguruasia Haha. I had to. What you said captured the full idea of what I want people to understand about contributing.

And yes that's why my reply to you was delayed as I was trying to get a recharge on my VP

Bro after 2 days and 19 hrs you will be a huge upvote holder! Use it wisely bro!


you are helping the community and also improving the content criteria which is what steemit is all about i like the idea behind motivating others too good for all and healthy too :)

I'm just trying to help with what I can and hope others try to do the same.

@humanearl I am new here and seeing people like you helping new ones and encouraging them really make difference between you and others. People like me who are new here always needed guidance and support from you. Much appreciated man. @respect.

@shoaibmalick You came to the right place. Welcome! I'm here to help as much as I can.

thanks man

Very nice , you are a kind heart person it is good for you more then everyone dear, cause GOD really likes the Kindness ,
now about this post yes i want to become part of your team and always try to be positive and practical lets do it I AM WITH you

Let's go!! Glad you want to be a part in living for others. Like I said hopefully we can cause tons of momentum with this kind of approach to life. We are all given things and many times we don't even deserve them. Giving is sacrifice and an act of showing love.

Thanks for the support @pakistan786

thanks for the support dear

This is what I love about this platform, is that people can help each other to achieve their dreams and goals. So many in this community is all about helping and supporting others, it's so nice to see.

I have some cool project ideas (at least according to me) that I think is now actually possible to do with the help of Steemit community.

Hey @humanearl , I'm still new to the steemit community, but since I joined it never ceased to amaze me how much good content is being posted.
I believe that people that put time and effort in original posts are the ones that can push steemit to a new level, and hopefully promote the reciprocity between bloggers to a greater level everyday. I usually write about music (me being a musician), and I'm also doing my best to find posts were I can contribute with something. Keep up with the good ideas and posts! Thanks for sharing.

@matiasmenarguez There's so much good content. It's literally everywhere here on Steemit.

It's cool that you're a musician. I've always been interested in music. I like creating music production wise. Also I'm a huge fan of Reggae

I'm glad to hear that. Music heals us, improves us, accompany us, helps us grow as human beings. Take care !

Being rare make you unique with your giving heart. True that some will take advantage but there are also others who will be grateful for your upvote and encouragement like minnows who just joined. I have joined for 25 days now and I am your follower. Great to have one who stands out from the rest! I have been serious about steemit and have made more than 500 posts based on my status. Hopefully continue to grow with all the nice people and support.

Wow that's a good amount of posts for only being here 25 days. keep it up.

And I agree with you as far as some people being grateful for the upvotes. The truth is that it is hard to judge who is taking advantage of me and who is not. That is a matter of heart and I don't have the eyes to see a person motives. So I just do my best to discern and give as much as I can.

You are such a blessing. This post of yours encourages me more to create contents with value and help for others. I hope I could contribute more while I'm still learning new things here in Steemit... Thanks and more power to you @humanearl.

That's what this is about. Contributing and sharing. Thanks.

Wow you're such a generous and helpful person. I hope I'll meet a lot of people like you :) More Blessings to come to you @humanearl :)

Thanks. Hopefully you will meet other like minded people.

Hello @humanearl,
I totally agree with your post, yes we must more communicate on Steemit, help each other and grow together.
Yesterday I heard the first time about Hashgraph, the next level blochain technology, I watched an amazing video about it and since yesterday, I want to spread these good news around Steemit, I think it can change our whole world into good and bring the freedom to the people they searched a long time for. Here is the link to my last post and first! post about Hashgraph, it will not be my last, for sure:
Best regards and nice to meet you

This sounds like a major deal. I will definitely pay attention to it and please let me know if you hear any news of a cryptocurrency being developed using hashgraph tech.

The first few coins may be very valuable in 10 years.

Thanks, I will keep you informed.

Steemit needs more people like you! We can all achieve our goals if we work together. Just earned yourself a follower :)

Thanks for the follow. That's what I plan on doing. I want this to be a place where people are free to share their thoughts and ideas and at the same time compensated for doing so.

Nice one @humanearl! All around good guy.

My goal is to interact more with the community, follow more influencers (like yourself) and build up a following.

I have tons of ideas for posts and lots of interesting stories to share, but I'm not quite yet there with Steemit and followers.

I need to put in the work to get there! Take it easy, and wishing you a strong start to the week!

It will take much work. I am getting better at this myself. But it's worth it especially if you are building a community and interacting.

This is what I love about steemit yes it's small comparing it to other major platform but you don't have people like this in them ,thank you for your contribution to this community

No problem. I just want people to be able to contribute and benefit from doing so.

I have actually just become aware that my .04 vote is actually very contributive when spread out to sincere posts and comments everyday. I know that I value every upvote and it is always a blessed feeling when I see one of my posts upvoted by a random steemian :)
May Allah SWT bless you through this blockchain inshallah :)

Don't worry about the amount. It's the motive that counts. The fact that you give what you have is so great. Thanks

That picture of the valley with the two majestic mountains on both sides is stunning. I just naturally feel like that would be a great place to hike. Where abouts is that?

Big Bend National Park In Texas. It's amazing out there. We stayed in the park for a whole week

The pic at the very bottom of my posts is a photo from when we visited the park.

Cool, im planning on going to Texas next year, i will definetly go and visit Big Bend National Park

To help others is to help yourself at the end of the day. The power of sowing and reaping applies! Thank you.

Thanks so much for your support ..appreciate it!

Yepp and sometimes the reaping takes a long time. But you must keep sowing.

That is the thing ..never give up sowing the seed! Love it, thanks.

It's great, what you're doing, I wish there were more people like you to encourage newbies. When I first started my first three posts made almost nothing

@perpz Don't worry. Look at things you can improve and go to work. You'll be surprised at how much you can learn in such shorts amount of time. I've been on Steemit for a little over a year and I'm just now getting the ball rolling up the hill. But it's taken some diligence on my part and learning.

Stay encouraged and continue to interact with others.

Tanks for the advice. I'll definitely put in more efforts.

Many thanks for your contribution. This community needs people like you.

No problem. This is what I live for.

This is exactly why I joined steemit, for people like you, the community is great and people is amazing and you are just the kind of people who deserve upvote, resteem and follow!

@gabocarranza Glad you joined. There's so many people here willing to help you figure things out. Thank you for contributing here.

Hey @humanearl, Love this post. I'm pretty new to this space of decentralisation and I can see how marketers can exploit this. Although I also see how post need to be relevant and something of substance before it gains any attention. As for someone that literally started a week ago, I love this process of reciprocation. Thanks for being the first real post I read through and will be reading the links you gave.

Cool! I know it can take some getting used to a new paradigm but you'll get it down for sure.

And for you to say that about my post is humbling. I'm just trying to do my best to give what I have.

@humanearl You're doing a wonderful job helping people and making them happy. Nothing is more important than that and I absolutely respect your for that no matter why you do it. If we all did the same, help others, then this world would be an amazing place.

It would be a much better place. It would look much different than how things are now.

Thanks man your upvote is your support for us. I know my upvote does not contribute much but i will. I am bussy now a day in exams therefore i am giving not much time to steemit . But soon i will join you making steemit community great and bot free. Yes my rp increases to 36 by your support thanks man.

Cool. Hope you do well on your exams.

my reputation has received a pretty nice increase... how???
now 50.5 ; I am writing a friendly article,I create good friends environment
I do not write more than I know

When someone who has alot of voting power upvotes you then it increases your reputation.

Thank you for your contribution to this community! It truly is inspirational and encourages a great attitude to follow :)

@allenaxie I really appreciate that.

Motivational post for many this is truly awesome you are doing amazing things..

@sohan I welcome your support.

For me, reciprocity is simply a way of life... and with that, also the truth of only accepting that which you feel you can reciprocate.

Personally, I like following you because you have interesting and heartfelt things to say that encourage people to think for themselves and I am all in favor of supporting that type of content. You also have a great deal of integrity, which I value.... you walk your talk.

Steemit is a wonderful social experiment in that everything we do here is-- ideally-- centered around the idea of a gift economy, and we pay it forward. Which is perhaps a way of very gradually training people to give rather than to just take.

Of course, I also like helping out... and if my vote lifts your rep score by a few 1/100th of a point, that's just an awesome bonus. And vice versa.

@denmarkguy And you are one of the best examples of thinking for yourself. It's cool to be a part of this gift economy. However it is a paradigm shift for many.

Really appreciate you trying to help other people out. I simply love seeing bigger content creators giving the smaller ones a platform to grow and share value on. Really love this art of reciprocity thing, man! You give value to those who add value to the content. I think I'll copy this on my blog posts when I actually have a higher upvote. Because, with 3 cents an upvote, it won't really work :P

Go ahead and do that on your blog too. Show people you care about them contributing to the value of your work.

You deserve more viewers and followers. A great blog, a great person, very helpful, motivational... I think you inspire many people here. I wish you all the best cuz you deserve it!

Thanks for you words. I will be rewarded for my efforts when I will be rewarded for my efforts. In other words, due time.

Excellent. This is the most appropriate words, reciprocity. something that on this page is implemented more and more

And it is growing

This is my 4th day of active engagement with the great Steemians out there.

From all over the world.
With different interesting aspects of their personalities.
With differentiated opinions.

I got a total overload of information and am still trying to make a clearer picture out of it. I tried some things, made some mistakes, read a lot of guides and suggestions, commented and started conversations. So far my journey has been very time-consuming, but it is worth every second.

And finally, at least once, but mostly more times, I come across posts like yours, which make all the effort sorting things here feel a lot easier. Thank you very much!

To that I say welcome to Steemit. That's the really cool thing about being here is that you meet so many people from all over the place.

The first few days are a learning lesson for sure but then you'll get the hang of it after a while. Also like you said it is time consuming. Yes indeed. This is why I like to reward people who give effort to give feedback because I know they probably could be doing something else with their time.

Again, thank you. At the moment every day on Steemit has a new highlight for me, so I hope that will continue like this for a long time, even if learning is a steady process ;)

@humanearl - Sir I think you need to recharge your powers...
Look Sir, with your 100% Upvote power you can power $8 worth upvotes... You can self upvote you too Sir... Hop you consider this & you changed our life, not only reputation & rewards, you learn us what the meaning of humanity too Sir... God bless you & your family...


I do need to do that. Good advice. I might cut back on giving out 100% upvotes for a day or so just to recharge

@humanearl - Sir it's a good thinking & a nice move... Hope you can do better then Sir...


Spam and fake comments are very bad thing, am always comment after read article and my comment based on article topic. You put right step for fake commenters , keep it up friend

I'm just letting people know to make sure to contribute in a genuine way. If you put in the effort to comment then I will do my best to reward

How did you become unoutcast and unlost?

Basically I was always labeled as someone who was "different" Even my friends said that about me. I was overlooked in football even though people knew I had talent to play. That's just one example out of many.

The point is that I operate differently than most do. Not because I am better but I am just being myself. I was lost in the since that I had no hope and didn't know how to live life. Then God changed my life and showed me how to live. How I live now is a direct result of how he has helped me so much.

I understand what you're saying. I think being different is an asset these days, it is now your time :)
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

My heart melted i as read your post.i begin to ask myself what kind of generous human being you are,regardless of your status in this great community yet you still humble yourself .then ,i conclude that helping people is your calling for no ordinary man can do what you are doing.thanks for choosing to fufil your destiny may God grant you more insight to affect our life in jesus name.

I've taken some spiritual gift tests before and the main thing that continues to come up is encouragement or help as you say. So I've just decided to go in that direction not only because I feel I am called to but also because I really enjoy it. Great insight.

I very much believe in the Art Of Reciprocity. Steemit it about building community and learning from each other. For example, when I put a lot of effort into post and it's clear that someone took time out of their day to read and post a meaningful comment I want to upvote their comment.

What I don't like is the non-stop "nice post. Upvote" stuff we're seeing. Hopefully that can get worked out eventually.

Your avatar pic is really cool looking by the way.

I've seen lots of those "nice post. Upvote" comments. Hopefully people will realize that it is the reason why their comment doesn't get upvoted.

As you said in the post, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, why bother saying it at all.

i will always support you..

Your support is very welcomed. Thanks alot.

It's wonderful to know that there are people like you here who seek to help others grow. I earnestly appreciate your kindness @humanearl. Keep doing what you are doing. One love brother

One love the same. That's one thing I really like to see is others grow and go on to do better things.

I can see you are really kind hearted. You help others to increase their reputation and upvote them. But i was wondering you upvote so many of your commenters, hasn't your voting power gone down yet?
Thanx for helping us, we love you too.

Yes it has gone down which is why I am late to reply to so many posts. I figured I'd give it a little more time before I start upvoting again.

Yaa that's better

You can't deny that its simply because you have a kind heart. Can you?

Thanks for upvoting your followers and good contribution to this community.

How it is said? Sharing is caring? You make a good example and maybe more people will follow you. May we all benefit.

It should be the Law of Reciprocity.

That too. However we know laws are often broken and poorly upheld. But I get where you're coming from. I say Art because it takes a voluntary commitment to practice it.

You are completely right. Keep up the good work (Y)

I got enough motivation doing the same as you do. Thanks!!!

Cool!! Glad I could help a little.

Du machst hier einen super Job. Menschen zu helfen ist nie verkehrt. Leider ist dies keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Ich schliesse mich Dir an und helfe weiterhin Menschen.

Danke Schon! Mein duetsch ist nicht gut aber Ich lerne.

I will be looking forward to upvotes from you on posts I will be making and it will be cool to enjoy your upvotes. Thanks

Just keep putting in the work and people will notice you. Also like I said keep contributing on posts and you should have nothing to worry about.

Thank you brother for the kind gesture, please remember me whenever you are casting your kindness. Well done sir

@okehie No problem

Thank you and totally agree on principle of reciprocity and would appreciate help too :) cheers TJ

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There are few people in the world who think about changing the world and making it a more loving place. It is very good that I want to serve others. And @valorforfreedom, it's about 25 to 45 in a few weeks. It's greet. I have a lot of luck, but I've got a lot of help from you.

Yea he's done really well since then. Glad I could help too.

Great work @humanearl, so many talk about changing the world, yet they are just talk. But if everyone can take the initiative like you the world will be a better. No doubt your upvote will greatly help the minnows.

@ngbarabe I try to help as much as I can. Thanks.

Your post is truly motivational. Thank you!

Thanks alot @itsonigirl

You are right dear friend, only up vote for those who who are genuine commenter not to fake and spammer. Have a nice day.

The easy thing to do is to post a real and non spammish comments. It's simple.

content is the king and that should be rewarded you are doing your best :)

I like that saying. It makes sense.

I am indeed great full that I get to meet you buddy and there are many things that I got to learn from from your ,for instance this generosity that you are showing this does proves that the community is for all of us :)

You are indeed making my RS boost for quite a long time thanks to you for that :)

Glad to be a follower of you :)

We can all learn to be more generous. Even I have to improve at this.

Ok @humanearl It sounds really good to know about your consideration for others in terms of voting their comments.

But if you dont mind, May I give you some suggestions :-

Can you just take 2 days of break by not upvoring at all so that your VP will recover and after that you can regulate your vote in a much better way and in fact you can give more to your reader to whom you want to give in terms of upvote.

I may not be sacrosanct but I think it would work in a much better way for you and your readers.

Yes @steemwija mentioned this. I have cut back my voting power to 10% temporarily but since you mentioned it maybe I will delay upvoting until I am recharged. That's a great idea as well. I will experiment with the upvotes and see how to make things better. Thanks for offering some advice.

yes @humanearl, the time has come to take some rest as far as ur voting is concerned and if u stop voting for 3 days then u can give it more...I have learned about the life hack from you that how to take a break, then why not take a break here in seemit as well.

so kind of you, you are doing a great job @humanearl. You are the great..

What the system teaches us is the act of selflessness. Money or reward is nothing if a man is self-centred. Thanks for inspiring the values of a great community

Money is neither good nor bad. It can become bad depending on how it is used and the reverse is also true. I look at money as energy that needs to be moving from one place to the other.

I think you have a point there.

@humanearl great post, you seem like a class act! This is my first time coming across one of your articles, I followed you and look forward to more.

Check out my blog about my dog's back surgery/recovery and how I'm trying to pay for it through Steem if you don't mind, I think you might like it:


Thanks alot for the follow.

You are a great sir.I like your post.

Interesting post

thank you for this


my reputation has obtained a pretty satisfactory growth... how??? now 50.5 ; i am writing a friendly article,I create correct pals surroundings I do now not write greater than I recognize

you are the best!

Important upvote,reputation on steemit..

This post need more upvote let's go ppl
Sir you build nice community around you, keep that good work up.

@humanearl you're the kind of person that makes this platform so successful! I started on steemit in December, and like most newbies, I began writing blogs but quickly realised I needed a following first, and the only way to do that was to become an integral part of the community. How? by "commenting with substance" on more "seasoned" veterans like yourself, not in the hopes of getting upvotes (but when I did I'd be lying if I said I wasn't over the moon when it happened:), but by reading and then analysing what the 'successful' people did here. So to you I say thank you for your guidance, example, and of course upvoting. This minnow really appreciates folks like yourself :) Cheers!

@lynncoyle1 Hey! The best thing to do is what you just mentioned. Get involved heavy in the comment sections of great posts. Not only can you add value through giving advice, sharing stories, encouragement, etc but you can also get upvoted.

You not only get paid in upvotes but it can boost your rep fast. I try to give back to people that support me as much as possible so you are making a great start.

Well thank you so much for that! Here then, is to the beginning of a long and productive relationship...cheers!

Thanks for your support @humanearl so appreciate it!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Still I don't really understand the idea of reputation on this platform. How we got this in the first place? Who is going to change it? My reputation didn't change from the beginning if I am right remembering. I write quite regularly articles which need a lot of efford, however the payout is very humble.