The Old Historical Building of Indonesia University of Education

in steemit •  4 years ago  (edited)


The Isola Building
Hello good evening (on Indonesia time) !!!
Welcome back to my blog. I would like to present a writing about the historical building in Indonesia. It is very famous building located in Bandung City. The building is used until now by Indonesia University of Education (UPI Bandung) and it is popular view as the object of photography activity. It is usually used as the view background by people who visit this campus. The photo above is me which i had the time to attend my best friend's graduation ceremony.


I am as a villager living far from the city feel very happy because i can sit on the phenomenal building in Bandung City. Although i am not a student of UPI Bandung, i am still proud of the greatness of this building. Maybe, the students of UPI Bandung are also happier than me. Why i should tell my vacation to you all? Because it is very historical building in Bandung City and if you are here, you will feel very interested. But, there is a frightened story about this building you should know. Many people living near with the building say that the building is fulled by the mystery. Moreover, many students have ever looked the mystery of the ghost dancing on the top of the building. The ghost is identified as Dominique Willem Barrety who is the owner of this building. It is very frightened story, is not it?. But it is not problem because we only focusses on enjoying the view of the building on morning. Therefore, we cannot find the ghost.


I would like to suggest you to visit the Isola Building if you go to Bandung City. If you want to take some pictures here, you only pay for parking approximately Rp. 2.000., per hour. It is very very cheap vacation object isn't it?. Don't forget to visit it !. Have a nice day !!!

------------- 》 Indonesian Language 《 --------------

Gedung Isola
Halo, selamat malam (waktu Indonesia) !!!
Selamat datang kembali di blog saya. Saya ingin menyajikan tulisan tentang bangunan bersejarah di Indonesia. Itu merupakan bangunan yang sangat terkenal yang terletak di Kota Bandung. Bangunan ini digunakan sampai sekarang oleh Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI Bandung) dan merupakan tempat populer sebagai objek kegiatan fotografi. Biasanya digunakan sebagai latar belakang selfi oleh orang-orang yang mengunjungi kampus ini. Foto di atas adalah saya yang sempat menghadiri upacara wisuda sahabat saya.

Saya sebagai warga yang tinggal jauh dari kota merasa sangat bahagia karena saya bisa duduk di gedung fenomenal di Kota Bandung. Meskipun saya bukan mahasiswa UPI Bandung, saya tetap bangga dengan kemegahan bangunan tersebut. Mungkin, para mahasiswa UPI Bandung juga lebih bangga daripada saya. Mengapa saya harus menceritakan liburan saya kepada Anda semua? Karena itu adalah bangunan yang sangat bersejarah di Kota Bandung dan jika Anda di sini, Anda akan merasa sangat tertarik. Tapi, ada cerita menakutkan tentang bangunan tersebut yang harus Anda ketahui. Banyak orang yang tinggal di dekat bangunan mengatakan bahwa bangunan itu penuh dengan misteri. Selain itu, banyak siswa yang pernah melihat misteri menari hantu di atas gedung. Hantu itu diidentifikasi sebagai Dominique Willem Barrety yang merupakan pemilik bangunan tersebut. Ini kisah yang sangat menakutkan, bukan? Tapi itu bukan masalah karena kita hanya fokus menikmati pemandangan gedung di pagi hari. Karena itu, kita tidak akan mungkin bertemu dengan hantu tersebut.

Saya ingin menyarankan Anda untuk mengunjungi Gedung Isola jika Anda pergi ke Kota Bandung. Jika Anda ingin berfoto-foto di sini, Anda hanya membayar parkir sekitar Rp. 2.000., per jam. Ini adalah objek liburan yang sangat sangat murah bukan? Jangan lupa mengunjunginya! Semoga harimu menyenangkan !!!

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It is very nice picture,my friend. I will try to visit this place.

Yes you should go there to take some picture you want

It is very extraordinary building i wanna go there if the situation gets better and better

Thanks for you warm recommendation. I would like to try to enjoy my holiday there

Wow very cheap vacation place that ever i have visited. I live in Bandung so that i can spend my holiday here