RE: Call to HELP! Steemit is a haven for HOLOCAUST DENIERS and Anti-semites! (Read for yourself)

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Call to HELP! Steemit is a haven for HOLOCAUST DENIERS and Anti-semites! (Read for yourself)

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Ok! What are you suggesting here then? That we "ban" all articles about "Jews"? It seems to me that you are attacking "Steemit" or the "people on Steemit" who write articles about a topic from their point of view (albeit ignorant) as "anti-semetic" - It is the same "grouping" and "lumping" that you are accusing them of doing. Personally, I do feel that it is a good place to discuss the UNdiscussable. People are not allowed to discuss the this anywhere without being accused of anti-semeticism. I mean - there IS something fishy going on!!!

What to DO about it? The same thing as we have to do about EVERYTHING - one person at a time talk to. Have relationships. Build a following here - in time - and create some influence and reputation. Get some followers and then talk to them about what you see. But how do people actually deal with this "thing" you call "racism" - and why have you singled out the "Jews" particularly? As a Jew, I think I can ask these questions - Have you LOOKED at these people that you are calling "Jews"? What if a family of "somethings" who LOOK human but LACK a part of their brain that other people have, decided to BLEND IN to a group of people that they saw were constantly being persecuted, several hundred years ago, because they KNEW that if they became those people, they would get the protections that those people were getting...what if these "people" were not actually human - just appeared human - like Dr. Spock appeared to be human on Star Trek - but he was actually Vulcan because he had no FEELINGS...

then these vulcanese somthings began to grow in numbers and power because their characteristic is to be very smart - they created the fiat currency banking system and cheated people out of their money but somehow using their wits and lack of empathy they grew quickly to a desired status - and they were known as "Jewish" and here is the REAL problem - the Jews themselves allowed this to go on!!! They did not stand up and say NO!!!! You are not one of us - you are behaving IMMORALLY - WE will NOT do business with you - The Jewish community DID business with them EVEN THOUGH they were IMMORAL because they wanted to ride the coat-tails of the people who seemed to be getting somewhere -

I GET the problem - but I also see how it got to be this way - pointing the finger at THEM - as usual - WE are pointing the finger at the ANTI-SEMITES - see the problem boils down to this -

No one wants to admit that they are wrong. That they have no morals themselves so they point the finger at other people and say "They made me!!"

It's an abdication of personal responsibility - I am not arguing with your premise - I just don't see how attacking steemit or these people in an article they will never read is going to change anything - YOU have FREEDOM OF SPEECH to talk about it - that's what we should be spending our time protecting and standing up for, and by example you can lead others to do the same - it's apalling to you that this article only brought in $1.27 and their article brought in $127 ???

Have you gone to these people's articles and commented on them? Have you talked to the commenters who agreed with them?

This article is trying to prove that the Mandela Effect is not real - and they used the Nazi camps as proof of their theory - the whole article is ignorant and misinformed but that person has a right, just as you and I do to write it, and if other people want to believe it then that is their right as well -

Now -Apathy is not a Natural Law "right" - but people practice it - but in violating that Natural Law - they pay the consequence. If they should ever decide one day that the conseqence is too high a price to pay they may start to EDUCATE themselves...

These non-human entities that are masquerading themselves as human, since whenever they fooled a bunch of people up till nowb- have gained control of our educational system and have removed from it methods by which people develop learning skills like critical thinking, logic, the trivium, apophatic inquiry, etc - so now people just believe whatever massages their ego in the moment - sadly!

This is the real problem - why and how this is happening - so that everyone is misinformed. this person who wrote that article has been here since June and has a 53 reputation because they came here with an already established following of people from other social media! And somehow their article is liked by others - but they are de-bunking the Mandela effect -

Keep writing - keep questioning - keep doing what you are doing - and you will learn a lot. This is the world we live in. Steemit is part of this world. I have found that raising MY OWN consciousness and helping my brothers and sisters out is the best contribution I can make - I might not make a bunch of $$ doing it - some people are good at making money - others are not -and talking to people one-on-one - but for me - looking at the "Mass" and trying to "fix" it does not work.

We are being conquered from within because EACH OF US is too spineless and cowardly to stand up and say "NO!!!" - with our voice, with our fist, with our feet, with our pen, or with a GUN if necessary - we have instead, as a group, just thrown money (which is not even money anymore) at the problem and it has grown bigger and bigger ... so we in our frustration don't want to admit WE have done this - and instead want to point the finger at "THEM!!!" - "they made me!" -

NO! I gave them my power - I gave away my freedom! I said "I WANT A KING" - which is something the bible says the Jews actually did at one time - they had FREEDOM and asked God for a King -

This is an age-old problem you are struggling with here.

I did send this article to @curie but it is probably too political and too much about Steemit to qualify under their guidelines. Blessings! It's been a good discussion.

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The things you say have consequences you don't seem to acknowledge. By saying that "non-human entities" quietly joined a persecuted group (When? you said recently, but then quoted the bible...) and became all powerful in their satanic soulessness and the "JEWS allowed this to go on" and ride their coattails by doing business with them? That is disoriented bullshit! Your premise is the belief that some or even most jews knew their massive population was infiltrated by aliens and willingly allowed them to rise to power by voluntarily doing business with them?? Do you see the absurdity of what you are pegging on a group of people who largely don't (can't) even know that many of each other? You are basically saying the world is fucked up because of jews, and that people's distrust, fear or hatred of all who are in the grouping "jew" is warranted. That we (you and I) are to blame for the Rothschilds, and hollywood pedophiles....??! You are adding fuel to a dangerous fire with this unfounded rhetoric. I like you am labeled "jewish" by DNA but have wholly different beliefs, ideals, and spirituality than judaism, but what you are saying is scapegoating the "jews" as a singular entity, which has been the reason why the holocaust ever occurred.

You don't think you are jewish (except when it serves your argument), and if there are satanic people who come from distantly similar DNA, why are you calling them "jews?" Why are you supporting other people calling them jews? They are different people! Individuals with individual self-responsibility. Isn't it just as possible that there was a deeply hurt and traumatized family out there, just as human as you or I, that thought that their way of reconciling their limitations was to use their craftiness and secrecy to own and run the entire worlds financial system? They obviously don't acknowledge or affiliate themselves with jews (hence the fabricated name Rothschilds), so why do you or anyone else? And where do you get such a claim to say jews rode their coattails, allowed, and did business with them to "get somewhere?" The people who did business with the banking cartel are governments, and their quite non-jewish minions/politicians, and only the occasional jewish individual who doesn't speak for or represent any other jew. So what are you even talking about?

You are by hitler's definition 100% jewish, and the things you are saying are apologizing for the rhetoric that would have had you gassed or shot for no justifiable reason. And if people are to believe the things your saying above, then they would consequently believe that you are soulless and to blame for everything, and they would think the same about me. Thanks for the service you are doing humanity.

Here's the thing I think these things are happening... but if you think it's just or mostly "Jews", there's a problem there. Are there powerful satanic groups sacrificing children, YA! Using actually credible sources, not just wanton conspiracy, you could see that group is CATHOLIC! Scotland yard uncovered, a centuries old pedophile ring connecting the Vatican and British parliament. You think all those kids missing are just held up somewhere? They were killed. That's why the last pope "stepped down", a thing that just does not happen and they had a whole re-branding with this younger hip & cool pope.

So are all Catholics brainwashed pedophiles? Are all Catholics immoral, for not standing up and saying something about the many-many proven cases? I've seen people talk day in and day out about Jews being satanic "eating babies"... So why then is nobody talking about the evil Catholics who are taking over the world?

You're talking about power and control why not the Vatican, with their secret library, hording technologies and ancient texts from Alexandria and all over the world. Point is satanic groups are the problem, Jewish people especially as a whole are not.

I mean looking at "these people" I'd be looking at you, right? You're only considered Jewish if your mother was. You are an intuitive so highly empathetic... not un-emotional at all. To think these things... to have other people think these things is to have them think that about you. I've been with my partner for 7 years he is the opposite of the things I hate in a man... sensitive, self-less, emotional, attentive, and spiritual. Not just someone who doesn't hold back tears, but can cry when something is astoundingly beautiful. He is a Jew and to think that you or anyone else could think of him as heartless literally has me in tears.

And yes, I did comment on those articles. This post is me standing up and saying "NO".

Anti Semiticism is not Anti Jew - we need to use the RIGHT words to describe what we are talking about.