Growing Steemit: How you can help

in steemit •  7 years ago 


During my morning crypto update I found this gem on Youtube, originally posted by Sibert Space, a quality content creator who if you do not know, you should. Check him out, and if you enjoy the attached video "Top REAL USE CASES for Crypto that aren't going away", then please consider inviting this content creator to Steemit.



Why this is Important:

Steemit is growing radically, we are rapidly approaching 1 million unique accounts; according to Wiki we have 757,070 unique accounts as of February 12, 2018, up from 455,023 on Nov 12, 2017!

This growth is truly amazing, but it will only continue if the Steemit community promotes Steem, while working to ensure spectacular content creation and curation. How? Obviously we do so each day through our own posts, up-votes, and resteems, but another way we can foster imaginative, excellent, quality, attractive content is by promotion. Promote Steemit, promote Steem, promotion, promotion, promotion!

By inviting friends, family and MOST IMPORTANTLY widely respected quality content creators such as Sibert Space from Youtube, to join us here on the Steem platform, we grow the platform, and its value.

It's important to understand that the value of one new user is so much more than it seems: Now that Steemit has 755 thousand users, every new user instantly creates hundreds of thousands of new communication pathways, because that single user links with every other existing user. This is the power of Network effect and why my post today is so important to every Steemian, and Steem itself.

Metcalf's Law: Network Effect


Network Effect:

"Metcalfe's law states that the value of a telecommunications network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system (n2)."

While two phones allow one connection, this effect grows exponentially as more users own a phone. The network of places you can call exponentially increases and the great news is the same applies to the value of a network like Steemit!


Help Grow Steem:


For the same reasons as above, the Steem coin and SBD will rise in value exponentially as we reach new tipping points of user adoption, and so its in our financial interest to actively grow this community. How? Again, through our own quality content creation, curation and by inviting great and exciting content creators from other popular social media platforms, such as Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


If you agree with me, have a watch of the video below, and see if you agree that this Youtuber is making great content, and if so then please consider inviting him to join us on Steemit. If you do, please be careful to be friendly, warm, respectful and not abrasive or obtrusive.

Furthermore, I encourage anyone reading to share this post, or write about this topic yourself. We need to draw attention to this important issue so we can foster intentional growth of the Steem platform by every means possible.

Always be mindful of content you enjoy, on any platform you spend time on, and make sure to send warm and genuine invitations to those content creators, asking them to join us here on Steem. It really is in everyone's best interest.


And remember Steemit is just one dApps on the Steem platform, we also have:

  • Dtube (decentralized Youtube)
  • Zappl (decentralized Twitter)
  • (decentralized Facebook)
  • Steepshot (decentralized Instagram)
  • dMania (place for sharing memes)

And there may be more, but these are the ones I am familiar with.

Why new users should join:
The amazing and easy sales pitch is that anyone who is already posting quality content on another major social media site can easily and freely share those posts on these decentralized alternatives at the same time. With just a few extra clicks, our favourite content creators can grow their audience and access new revenues at the same time.


Why existing users should market Steem:
And to drive my point home, we Steemians are served by growing the number of users, and quality content on Steem because these will draw wider and broader audiences which will expand the demand for Steem and SBD, likely making them more valuable. Look at the recent stats I found online at Wiki/steemit.

Steemit stats.png

Notice how in the past two months we have not quite doubled the number of unique accounts, from 455 to 757 thousand, but the price of Steem has more increased by a multiple of 5! This is the network effect playing out.

The network (ie., Steemit) is growing in value because the more content creators are coming, who make content worth seeing, and around and around the circle goes.

Thanks for listening, without further ado; here is the Sibert Space video.

SibertSpace discusses "real" use cases for crypto, today and tomorrow:

p.s. I recently reached what for me was an unthinkable achievement when I started on Steemit a few months ago, 400 followers! Thanks guys. Keep the comments, up-votes, resteems and followers coming. Love you all, and many blessings to you today.

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so many users but few are contributing with quality contents, we need more encouragement and appreciation to make this community better. Nice initiative to encourage users.

I couldnt agree more, but like I just posted to Sibert Space on the linked Youtube video above:

"At least with Steem, for all its limitations, the content creators that are regularly producing content that people appreciate, are receiving some compensation directly, without 'intermediary', without the oversight and censorship that is possible when intermediaries are included."

As compared to Youtube, where there is also a lot of crap content, Steem is way better. Does it suck that some whale can upvote his crap post for a huge payout, 10x per day? Yup, but as I see it Steemit is like the old adage, "do not throw the baby out with the bath water".

Off course, Steemit is much more better than YouTube and other communities, but i have seen some new users are spamming here with crap and copied content. We don't need spammers, few quality contents are better than thousands crap. I am always tried to motivate others for quality contributions. Yes, Steemit is the best community, but why shouldn't we make it better than best. :) :)

Exactly! Quality over quantity

This comment has received a 0.28 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @metallo.

This comment has received a 0.03 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @metallo.

This comment has received a 2.41 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @metallo.

I have gotten 8 people to sign up for Steemit since I joined a couple weeks ago!I think the main thing is that people will need to be comfortable with crypto before they get onto Steemit and not the other way around. Theres a pretty steep learning curve. I have tried talking to a couple friends who had never bought (or shown interest in crypto) and they kind of gave me the "dead in the eyes" stare. I dont think they "got it." If the marketcap is able to stay steady and go up I think we will see a new influx of people getting into crypto and then steemit :)

Totally. I convinced two to join. Begrudgingly.
They are skeptical. What's the catch they say.

Slowly and surely. Thanks for the comment

I’m trying to take it as a beginners advantage before it becomes popular... I’ve never written content before and I need the head start 😂

I totally agree with that sentiment. Ive never blogged or posted in this manner anywhere before. I do sincerely believe that Steem will be huge though and so, like you, im trying to get started before we have many millions of users.

Imagine a 100,000 new users per month, conservatively, we will be double our current audience by summer. With that i have to imagine steem and sbd will be heavily appreciated, maybe steem $20? Im no expert but look what the past 3 months and 300,000 new users did to the price.

Wow, that would be incredible, lets hope so!

Well thought out article. I agree that we should be working to get more people on board. I don't have much experience with the apps, but Steemit alone has lots of potential for any new users. Getting Youtube personalities to cross over is huge because not only does it help grow the community, it can help legitimize the space too!

Its the same reason sports teams pay the big bucks to attract and sign "star" players, they garner increased attention for the team, except in our case the team is Steemit.

Everytime I see a youtube video I like I respectfully invite the content creator to give Steemit a chance. It shouldnt be hard to sell but people are a still skeptical. I saw a post today by @brandonfrye,, and in the post he discusses how Steem today is like Bitcoin in 2009. Many people have not yet heard of it, and of those that have, many are still skeptical of its logevity.

But give it time, we are the early adopters. If we do our best to create quality content, and encourage others to do the same through wise up-votes, resteems, etc, then we will grow larger than anyone can possibly imagine today.

$50 Steem? $100? Maybe.

As of June 2017 Facebook was worth $500 billion, keep in mind that value was from 8 months ago now, but if Steem was worth even 1/5 of that, ($100 billion), then EACH steem token would be valued around $400 USD.

I know that seems insane but Ethereum is worth about 100 billion and it doesnt have nearly as many succesful apps as the Steem platform does. Ethereum has scaling issues, Steem does not.

I honestly believe Steem could be $100 each within the next 5 years.

Hola y primero que nada te doy las gracias en nombre de muchos de esta comunidad, porque gracias a tu apoyo muchas personas me incluyo en ellas mejoramos gracias a tus publicaciones, eres un apoyo fundamental y personas como tu deberían multiplicarse. siempre pendiente de aportar información de calidad para nosotros.. Muchísimas gracias y un abrazo fuerte, tendré en cuenta todo esto. Saludos

Wow amigo, siempre encantado de ver tus publicaciones, cuanta calidad en tus post, saludos :D

Nice article, I totally agree

This post has received a 0.73 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @metallo.

excellent post friend. I think that this platform is very promising, thanks for contributing those data that I did not know, it fills me with excitement to see how fast we are growing. God bless you.

God bless you as well. :)

Just finished a Steem Exclusive report to help boost this platform, Please upvote?

Insightful post! The network effect from Metcalfe's Law is an interesting perspective.

We are in the early days of our crypto existence. Some tokens will head to the moon; while others will fade away when their use cases do not pan out.

There are some issues with Steemit that need to be addressed. These include the centralisation of the platform by wealthy Steemians, exploitation of current weaknesses in the algorithm (last minute upvoting), upvoting of junk content by bots that contravene the Proof of Brain protocol, the retention of Steemians who join, the Steemit MAU rates, etc. I believe that some or all of the stated issues will be tackled by Ned and his team at Steemit Inc. Ned's latest post detailing progress to date and expected updates was very helpful.

I am here to stay. I will ride out the bumps. I still enjoy the process of contributing and engaging with the people of Steemit. I look forward to the continued success of Steemit!

Posted this comment to SibertSpace's video in YouTube. If he responds, then I may pitch the Steemit platform to him.

Potential use case: Documentation of trade transactions.

The disruption of the business information systems model commonly referred to as Enterprise Resource Planning Software (ERP). Public sector organisations can choose to record their transactions on a public blockchain to reduce the temptations of corruption and provide open access to information regarding tax payers funds. Private sector companies may prefer federated or consortium blockchains to speed up transactions between verified members of the platform.

The improvement in productivity and accountability will be tremendous. The requirement to generate paper or PDF purchase orders, delivery notes, invoices, payments receipts, etc can be eliminated. Accounting, auditing and compliance reporting requirements can be significantly reduced. With the use of AI and Machine Learning software, blockchains can be analysed for potential criminal behaviour that can include money laundering, corruption, fraud and theft.

Does that make sense?