Understanding your existence. Your SOUL. The meaning of life. How much is your soul worth? BE CAREFUL!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

NO!! Not a religious discussion -- YOU should WANT TO READ THIS ONE -- It is out of the ordinary! From my heart to yours!


I have been agonizing over the last couple days thinking what my "Steem Tips #5/5" post would be...

However, before I did make one, I need to tell you something. Honestly, and sincerely.

....I read a comment tonight from user: @elgko, and a second one from @inmepyjamies....

Both of those comments were a like. They were special.

@elgeko made a decent comment regarding Dan Larimer here

  • QUOTE: "You guys are the reason why I love this platform and it is worth fighting for"

@inmepyjamies made a decent comment regarding my posts here

  • QUOTE: "I think writing something wonderful about another person reflects who you are. I believe a bit in the law of attraction and the power of positive thinking and that when you give, it comes back to you"

Now consider this... they were replying to two different posts I made. Similar comments and similar feelings were echoed in their replies.

Sharing my heart and soul to people is appreciated.

...but this blog post is more than that...

There was a movie made in 1993 called "The Good Son"

...By referencing this oldie movie in 1993, many of you will say "HEY! I WASN'T EVEN BORN YET. OR.. I was born after 1993"

Listen closely (the date of the movie really doesn't matter)....

Now I hate movie spoilers.


...I won't spoil it until you scroll down, but it is key to my point.

  • If you are born prior to 1993, and did see or / didn't see the movie.. it is key to my point.

(Movie Spoiler situation)

  • Watch the 1993 movie "The Good Son"
    if you can
  • Don't look underneath what I'm about to say
  • I gave you fair warning, don't look. But!! You're going to like a huge comparison I am about to make
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • @intelliguy why are you spoiling a moving just to make a point??

  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • Q: @intelliguy.. you're going to spoil a 1993 movie I haven't seen, is this necessary?

  • A: YES!

  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • MOVIE SPOILER FROM 1993 COMING... are you sure you want to go this far in this post?

  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down

OK YOU ARE HERE. You want to know what this 1993 movie spoiler has to do with the subject of this post:

  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down

The subject of this post is:

  • Understanding your existence. Your SOUL. The meaning of life. How much is your soul worth? BE CAREFUL!

  • NO!! Not a religious discussion -- YOU should WANT TO READ THIS ONE -- It is out of the ordinary! From my heart to yours!

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • BY THIS POINT! TOO LATE, you've been scrolling down huge. Obviously you'll accept a 1993 Movie Spoiler, if you didn't abuse the scroll down wheel of your mouse so badly.

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

  • scroll down

So here it is... watch the special clip of the movie finale scene from 1993.

Know these movie spoilers:

  1. The son on her right hand is her step-son (adopted)
  2. The son her left hand is her REAL biological son (blood related)

Now watch:



  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down
  • scroll down


Ok, by now, some of younger people might be thinking and saying:

  • "Ok Mr. Potato head. Meatball face. What the heck would you spoil a movie for, just to make a point?"
  • Others might say... "I'm already overspent now. I had to overwork my mouse just for this" tell me why.


Rewind the last 15 minutes of your life.

  • What did I just tell you about @elgeko (reputation level 59) defending Dan Larimer?
  • What did I just tell you about @inmepyjamies (reputation level 28) appreciating of my posts, karma, and the law of attraction?


Complete strangers come up to me and say these things.

This is not staged. This is interacting with decent human beings (that I respect) who are obviously solid spirited individuals that appreciate the effort good people put forward so they can learn and realize they aren't alone in their thoughts.

In my time on steemit, I've met a couple hundred people. I've socialized upvoted, commented, and did voice chat with about a couple hundred people. (That is 200 people literally)

Here is what I know.

If all of steemit was hanging off a cliff over rocks underneath in the ocean where they'd fall to their death, same as that 1993 movie...

I bet you I've met the right people who would save me and pull me up, REGARDLESS of any financial reason, and I can prove it.

People with their souls intact. ....that will totally reply to this post, if I ask them to say something are (in no particular order)

timcliff, pfunk, good-karma, artist1989, officialfuzzy, fuzzyvest, lukestokes, rolandp, steempower, exyle, voiceshares, scaredycatguide, kaylinart, full-steem-ahead, stan

That's a lot. However, if I was hanging off a cliff... I would expect any one of them to hold their hand tight and taught. I believe in the honest soul of these people.

They'd pull up me.. I'd pull them up too. I'd sacrifice myself for other good people.

I have 7 days before the payout of this post to invite them to see what I've written, and if I am right on who I can trust, every single of them will say a few words in the comments below.

I've selected 15 users. Wait 7 days and if they all drop by... it proves that I DO know how to respect and understand those who understand their existence, their soul, and don't sell out to the highest bidder.

These special people I mentioned are special to me.

I'm on day 26/30 of my positivity challenge.

BTW... I have another list of about 20 people I treasure too. Like @coffeehub, @virtualgrowth, @onceuponatime, and more. I just didn't mention them for the purpose of this post. I'm already having to work hard to get the 15 people I acknowledged... Be patient with me. If I didn't mention you, it doesn't mean I don't treasure you. It's just my hands are full at the moment. :)

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Touching video and post, thank you for your mention brother! Imagine what collective thoughts can do and this ledger would hold that thoughts as long as there are people using it.

As long as you're alive, doing well... and still smiling, so am I... after all the hard work you've done and continue to do. I'm very honored have met you.

...and more than that. good-karma is true to your name. I believe in you.

But.....but, I don't even like you man! ;-) Couldn't help myself...lol! In the end that is what this community is about (at least to me). Finding good people and growing and uplifting together.

Keep the positivity rolling my man!

Been out of town for almost a week, but thankfully not too late to "pull you up" with this comment.

I truly appreciate your friendship and feel we've bonded at several levels. I also feel very honored that you mentioned me with the other names, some of which I also follow and highly respect.

You sir are a true asset to this community. Very nice sentiments expressed above, and to that I say namaste

PS: I appears I cannot upvote this article, as it is now within the last 12 hours to payout. Sorry, it looks like was a bit too late.

Been out of town for almost a week

No problem. i figured it was something like that... Better late that never. :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hope I made the cutoff! Been heads-down and almost missed it!

You did! Glad you came for the little party of friends. :)

I'm honored. Thank you. It's amazing to me how much a couple comments can influence our perspective and encourage us.

My soul is worth nothing. The meaning of life may be to give as the word give in unchanged for over 10,000 years. Guess I'll just give more and hold your hand over the edge of the cliff while I enjoy the scenery.

"Oh, Look at the pigeon solving the General Byzantyne problem flying from General Bitcoin to General Steem!"

You know, if you keep up this dry humor, when you're really frustrated, disappointed and genuinely upset, I'll have no way of knowing. lol

Oh well :) lol Maybe there's some round about point. Maybe just simply think and do what is not frustrating, disappointing or upsetting.

Thank you for the mention man, that's really nice. I can honestly say that this platform Steemit has changed my life and it seems I'm not the only one. All the best man.

Thanks intelliguy - I feel the same about you :)

Wonderful post! It is nice to meet people on here who take the time to read your content and give a whole-hearted response to your work and ideas (not just leave a quick "upvoted, followed" response lol). I am flattered to be mentioned in your post, and I would like to thank you for your warm responses to my posts as well! It is refreshing to receive thoughtful comments that are longer than one or two words :)

Also, commenting more on this post:

Reading your post reminds me of the "Blood is thicker than water" concept. For those that may have not heard of this phrase, it basically means family rises above friends or strangers. I completely disagree with this concept - some of the closest people to me in my life are my friends, and some of the furthest are family. I choose to care about people based on their response to me, and the way they interact with others in the world. Life is too short to spend your time on people that don't care about you.

Really, it is another instance of breaking away from labels. Who is considered family? Family to me, are those that care about you and would do anything for you - they are also people you care about and would do anything for. Life chooses who you are related to, not who you relate to.

@intelliguy - Over the time people realize only few stand beside you when you need support at crucial, those few become a inseparable part of life. You are that person to @voiceshares, your intent to do something good for the society through voiceshares was selfless and that shows the character of a person. We connected there and mutual respect and trust only grows.

Karma is real and I believe that very strongly, it is nature's way of balancing things. There is nothing called a good karma or a bad karma, its just what you make out of your existing situations. Be it on the edge a cliff or under the sea there is Karma safeguarding you for all the good things you have done to people across walks of life.

I have told this before and I am telling this now, thank you for being there and doing all that you are doing for voiceshares. We found a friend for life in you.

Human interactions for a positive change in society is very crucial and you bring that culture to the main stream social networking scenario.

Take Care

My choice was easy. I knew @voiceshares was fighting depression and suicide that was more important to me than my own lust for personal riches (just like post people think). Together we might have saved one life, maybe three, maybe more. Who knows? I care about what you've done. I care about people I haven't met that need this help. Don't thank me. I thank you. You started a great project and I am happy to support it as long as I can.


Glad you showed up. You're one of the witnesses I've been voting for quite a long time. I see you are in 8th place today on that witness list.

Moreover, I heard what you did organizing the first steemfest, and it's people like you I have a huge respect for..

Very nice post @intelliguy ...upvoted...Bless


...'tis better to be on the 'list' of one's heart....than never have been listed at all! :) It is an honor to your silent yet steady Steemit pal good sir @intelliguy! Enjoy your day and, as always . . .

I've been meaning to interact with you a little more. Maybe even do another interview at some point. We should link emails I am [email protected] - please send me an email if you don't mind

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Cool cool ~ you got it man, sent, thanks again friend!

great post.

writing that will be boring for the impatient.

Its wonderful @intelliguy

Agreed. :) Thank you for being here to see it.

I believe there is an objective reality in which all humans live, and we call that reality the Universe.

The universe, the ying-yang, the positive and negative, the circle of life, are bigger than us. We're just too busy these days to understand and appreciate it happens whether we pay attention or not. Thanks for your comment.

If I can summarize it, it is basically "Give. In order to receive." Great lesson there! (PS. Now you made me curious to watch the whole movie. :p)

It is a great movie actually.

@intelliguy Really good post.