Zuckerberg will take over Steemit by 2018

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

say hi to your future master!

I predict that by 2018 Mark Zuckerberg will gain full control of Steemit through a multi billion purchase of the platform or through the creation of an army of whales which will proceed to enrich themselves and gradually push for changes in the platform such as: advertising banners, deeper intrusion into the profile of users and more sophisticated algorithms to look into steemit users networks and behaviours.

Option one: steemers make a lot of money

The first option would be financially beneficial to early adopters of steemit, which probably includes 100% of current users, proportionally to their stakes in steemit. Perhaps there could be a squeeze out of small minnows, but it is likely that players from small dolphins to whales will be rewarded financially.

Option two: steemers are screwed

The second option would be a more menacing one for current users and probably a much cheaper one to achieve for Zuckerberg. He could send a few whales to steemit enriching themselves while trying to push his agenda to the platform. His whales could have appealing names like Kim Kardashian or Justin Bieber who are indifferent to the values of steemit and are only trying to promote their personal enrichment.

Let's face it.

Zuckerberg has not invented anything, but has not gotten to where he is without being cunning and smart.

So why should he pay the hefty multiples he paid for Instagram and whatsapp, when he can gain control of Steemit with a small army of complacent whales?

If steemit keeps growing at the rate it is growing and attracts influential and smart people as it is doing now, it is clear that it will become a very clear menace to the Facebook empire.

Facebook is a very wealthy company and Zuckerberg is not going to let grow this platform enough to become a threat to his empire.

Instagram was bought in 2014 for $1 billion after having reached 200 million users into its fourth year of existence.

Whatsapp was bought in 2014 for $16 billion after having reached 400 million users into its fifth year of existence.

He could buy Steemit for so much less using his money and influence to sneak into the platform.

What kind of barriers does steemit have against an event like this?

At what price do steemit big stakeholders be ready to lose their independence?

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I just say wow... it is possible ... :)

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realistic scenario, however facebook is a media giant that moves too slow and the crypto community will have a plethora of choices as more steemit models pop up.

FB could also utilise its existing platform/user base to do much the same thing. Mark Z spending power could set up the best platform with the best coders etc. And do with or with out BTC, which does present a choke point for those not into BTC. Yours/Decent look pretty interesting too but have the same issue. I do feel this sort of thing is the future and only once they reach some tipping point will the megalodons make their move.

:) Yes could be possible.

Yes thats possible