Learning Journey to Steemit #1

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

After taking a quick tour on Steemit main webpage and watching the introductory video of Steemit, I have attained a vague personal understanding of how Steemit work, which I which to share in this post. Any comment is greatly appreciated to quickly bring my knowledge up to par. 

Perceived value of your post

Think of Steemit as a blog, or  Wordpress (which I tried to use to blog last time) that user can share and upload their post with. Readers read what you had posted and then Upvote your post if they like it (or Nay, your post sux, or I am just too lazy to Upvote your post). So based on the Number of Upvote, you get a certain committed sum. The more Upvote, the more the sum. So basically, if your post is perceived by others to be of value, your post will thus received Upvotes which in-turns = $$$

How the hell the money comes from??

This also puzzled me. How does Steemit generate money to pay user to blog? Last check online, I read a few articles for today getting 831 Upvote (equals to like 2k+ dollars). Does Steemit pay user per article? This I am not very sure as I am quite new to this system. If they really do pay user per article (of course based on quality of article, which is based on the number of Upvote), then how do they generate the money to pay user??! Is this even sustainable?? I definitely hope it is!

Steemit currency -> Bit coin-> Paypal?

After you are awarded Steemit dollar, I guess you can convert it to Bit coin, which then can be deposit to your Paypal account. Volia! You had just made money out of your blog. Steemit pays you even though you might not be a professional writer.

To sum up the process: Write, Post, Get paid. What trickery is this..

Will definitely refine my future post to benefit more people once I get to know more about Steemit. Please do provide comments. Sharing is caring =)

*Apparently there are alternatives to gain more Steemit currency, like curating post, mining digital currency etc. Sounds like playing a RPG where you can choose which class (warrior, mage and rouge) you want to be ><

**Steemit definitely beats Wordpress for me as it incentives me to write. This is actually my 3rd post for my lifetime. I guess, people does need some kind of motivation to start to peruse what they always want to try to do.

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