I PAID ALL MY BILLS for the first time as a full time Steemit blogger. THANK YOU STEEMIT!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

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Hi peeps :)

Well, It is the first day of March and I am SOOOOO excited
to share this news with all of you....


As many of you will know,
In January this year, I made the decision
to close my design and print business of 11 years
and blog full time on Steemit.

It was an exceptionally emotional decision to make,
but the stress was literally killing me,
and I knew that I simply could not go on like that!

I was heading towards a heart attack...
and that was not very appealing to me lol!

When joining Steemit approx. 8 months ago,
I honestly did NOT think it would change my life
the way it has, in such a short space of time.

I am truly happy for the first time in years!
and as of midnight last night...

my earnings on this amazing platform
have officially paid all my bills!!!

And ALL without ANY stress in my life!!!


I am so ETERNALLY grateful to the Steemit platform,
and to EVERYONE here
that has made this new life of mine possible!



Yes, I have poured my blood, sweat and tears into the platform
since I started here in June 2017 -
but I KNEW it was worth its weight...
and I truly hope that me sharing this news
with everyone here, inspires and motivates those
that are new to the platform!


And it changed my life!

True Story!!!

I am so, so, sooooooo grateful!

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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You work very hard at it, Jaynie, so this achievement (and it is a huge one) is well deserved. You are something to aspire to!

Thank you SO much @matbaker!!!

you deserve it all and so much more, and thanks for all the hard work in keeping the community together and building something meaningful! well done.

And thank you too @claudiaz 💜💜💜

looool so happy for you !!!
There is a quick "i told you so" LOL when you closed down your business, it felt bad, but hey I remember saying when a door closes, a better one opens. And a great one indeed ! :D

Hehehe!!! You did indeed 😎 and am I ever grateful!! Thank you so much @mcfarhat 🤗

Congratulations @jaynie!!! Slowly but surely, your attention here in STEEM is paying off!!!

Thank you @aaronmcheong 😊

Steemit...touching lives since 2016! I can relate to your excitement Jaynie. You have no idea how much of debts and things i have been able to achieve via steemit. Just at the right time. I know it will still help me more because i really do need it more.
Congratulations dear...

I am very glad that you are so happy - you worked hard and deserve it - one day I want to also do a post like this ☺☺☺

Thank you @anneke 💜 you have been here since I was still very much wet behind the ears and I value your kind words greatly. Thank you love 🤗

I feel your joy. I felt the same way about being able to get repairs on my small car done with what I won here on Steemit.
I had used my knowledge of American football and was able to win two pools worth approximately $600 last fall.
Now if only I can find the time to write more, I think I would see even more success here.

Thank you @tonygreene113 and I have NO doubt about that!!! ;) x

Thank you @jaynie, as always, for your inspiration and support!


Oh, and - tip!


hehehehehe!!!! BRILLIANT! Thanks sweets xxx

Congratulations @jaynie
You are really a committed and hardworking lady that deserve the best in all her endeavor. You deserve the best in everything you do. Keep achieving high.

Thank you!!!

You rock!

backatya @scotters... MWAH!!!!

Congratulations! Glad to hear you've managed to be so successful here. I hope you continue to do well going forward.

Thank you @geekpowered xxx Much appreciated!!!

Hey Jaynie, I'm so glad Steemit is working out for you. Perhaps you can get steeming drunk to celebrate? 😁

Hahahaha!!! @anglotrucker... CHECK!

This is so awesome, Jaynie!! Congratulations!

Thank you so much @uniwhisp xxx

Congratulations dear @jaynie, You deserve it. Cheers

Thanks sweets xxx 😍

This makes me so happy. You deserve this and more. I am trying to pay for school with Steemit. This gives me hope. You rock!

Where there is a will... there is always a way hon 💜

Congratulations, great achievements.
I have had a look at your blog and my first impression says that you deserve the success.
Started following you, keep up the work! :-)

Thank you so much @infinityroad I really appreciate your kind words... MUCH appreciated!! :)

Awesome news @jaynie, I am so happy for you and you deserve it. It's great when we do what we love and it pays off. I'm sure the feeling was amazing and that you've been smiling from ear to ear all day 😄.

Thank you @jusipassetti - and yes... I have been indeed been smiling from the inside out!!! :)

Wow. That's amazing. Congratulations @jaynie. Encouraging too as you have been here for less than a year!
That most feel wonderful. Long may it continue. 💙

Thank you so much @gillianpearce - and yes, it happened a lot quicker than I anticipated, but am ever grateful for that... as I was literally CRACKING!

Well deserved though. You put a lot of work in! 😊

That is seriously amazing, @jaynie!! You deserve this kind of success, however, with as hard as you work here on Steemit. I hope to follow in your footsteps and replace a few of my other income sources (and eliminate the stress) with this platform.

Your work is BRILLIANT love ... you need not doubt that xxx

your believe and trust on steemit gave you success also your hard work, I am witness of your hard work here as I am regular reader of your posts

💪👍😊😍 well done @jaynie!! You sure do work hard at it (and not in a bad way), you deserve it ❤

Thank you love!!! MWAH!!!

WHAT an inspiring post!! I am so happy for you!
Cheers to a continued success!

A definite cheers to that hon! Thank you!!!

So 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪? Or 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌. You could choose both.

BOTH!!! hahaha :)

Alright. Hahaha.

Congratulations! I can't say that I'm surprised, because you obviously work your butt off, put in the time AND pour your heart and soul into this new career of yours! Way to go!

I can NOT wait for this day myself! It will be so good to take the pressure off of my husband, who has been the breadwinner for the last 25 years while I stayed home with the kids. I love that this platform gives us new avenues to work from home.

Thanks hon! And yes, this platform opens SO many doors for everyone!!! I only hope that everyone makes good use of this opportunity.

Congrats - you deserve it - one day I hope to say the same

Thank you xxx

Exceptionally well done! You've worked hard for this and it's totally earned. Keep it up!

Thank you @zeroooc xxx

That's so great! Congratulations to you!!

thank you 🤗

Congratulations, dear @jaynie.

Keep doing the good work!

Truly yours,

Thank you @samueloption x :)

You are most welcome!

I envy you dear... I pray i become like you one day.

It is as simple as hard work @slayingdutch xxx

wow, thanks for giving us the newbies hope that we can actually make it here on steemit. I am looking forwards to a day where i will be able to say the same for myself. Dear #steeemit god, please hear my prayers and grant my wishes

hahaha @yourboynexydoor Thank you and as for the "steemit God" - focus a lot less on that and a lot more on working hard, then you will most certainly reap the rewards :) All the best on your Steemit journey!

Wow, those are very big news for everyone who is also willing to take this path. I feel that some of people will be encouraged by you. Keep it up! :)

Thank you... I certainly do hope that it inspires others!

Hey @jaynie, gotta love Steemit! Still awesome platform and community and it's nice having great people contribute so we all benefit. Keep up the good work! Cheers!

too true @exxodus :) Thank you for the positive input :)

Steemit is changing life of many people indeed i am also trying to change my future. You worked and got amazing results i am so happy hearing your story how steemit changes your life.

Thank you dear! :)

Yea steemit rocks. I'm happy you were able to pay your bills and I hope to pay mine too soon. Glad working full-time on steemit wasn't a bad idea for you

Thank you @dhayor xxx It really has changed my life!

Congrats ....Now doing same thing giving time to this beautiful community .

That is amazing! But true again that if you focus your efforts & keep at it that you eventually get a return. Nice work :-)

Thank you xxx

Wow @jaynie that's amazing, really encouraging, I do sometimes feel discouraged, so it's good to hear!

So glad to hear that it offers a little encouragement hon xxx

This is #goals so much! I wish I have the courage to quit my job and make Steemit full time.
This is so inspiring!

So glad you found it inspirational @korinkrafting xxx

This is great news. Steemit has been a blessing to me too in so many ways.

I hope to achieve your feet soon enough...

I'm r3ally happy for you @jaynie

Thank you SO much @korexe!

This is literally everyone's goals :D !
If you can do it, I believe everyone will start trying to take the same step like you did ;)

I sure hope so :)

Must be such a great feeling. Congrats @Jaynie!

Sure does @bubbleboy :D

Wishing you more success on your way!
It's great to read this - feeling joy and awe!

Thank you @spellmaker xxx

So excited for you, @jaynie! I look forward to doing the same in the future.


This is great news. Steemit has been a blessing to me too in so many ways.

I hope to achieve your feet soon enough...

I'm r3ally happy for you @jaynie

Thank you @korexe 🤗

Well done. It must feel very good. I am on the path to achieving the same hopefully sometime soon. its great to know it can happen.

Keep on, keeping on hon! xxx


That's an amazing statement to be able to make. I will resteem this and share it to Facebook to show my followers, friends, and family that you CAN live your dreams AND pay your bills. Thank you so much for sharing @jaynie !

And thank you for the support dear :)

Congratulations - that is fantastic!

Thanks mom xxx

this great post I appreciate appreciate your motivation.. thanks for sharing..

Thanks for sharing this post, i appreciate this motivation.

Well I am sending a big fat hug and congratulations to you!!! That is incredible, and I know you've totally earned it! Way to go! You must be so excited...the giphy's prove that haha

I can see how the decision to close up a business that you've also put your heart, not to mention sweat and tears into, must have been very difficult. I've been there! But for this to happen now makes all of that worth it!

Congratulations again!

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Thank you for sharing! I really hope to be able to make steemit full time! I love this platform and everyone in it. Followed! Keep up the good work! Love Lali xx

Thanks for sharing your testimony @jaynie! It is really true that Steemit can help make a difference in people's life in practical ways like yours! You inspire to write more! Haha. Thanks once again for your hard work and effort in Steemitbloggers these few months. Rejoicing and hopping in happiness together with you @jaynie! You deserve it!❤

This is amazing. I've been here for just a few weeks and I've been able to pay for some few thing too. Its amazing how Steemit transforms lives. We've been on many other social media platforms for years, still nothing to show for it. The future is here! The future is now! The future is Steem. You deserve this @jaynie over and over again. I love youuuuuuu

Wow! Jumped in with both feet! Very cool as you were one of the first three people I knew on Steemit!

good luck !

Congratulations - however I am not sure it is good to communicate this in general for newbies and if it is good to power down or convert Steem / SBD to Fiat for that reason. However I understand if people do it.

Lol realllly??!!! This entire platform is designed and aimed at freeing people from the rat race. How is sharing this not GOOD for newcomers?!!!! There are many people here that need a little reassurance as to what hard work and persistence have to offer here on steemit.... and how is the fact that I am utilising it to support my family and live a life which is fulfilling, not a good thing?!

What is YOUR purpose for being here @uwelang if not to change the quality of your own life and that of others too?

Hey @jaynie - that was not intended to offend you in any way - no worries. I just had last week a discussion with a lady that bid voted her obvious shit post to near 1,000$ by telling her success story, that steemit made her rich etc which was obviously was a lie - you provide great content, no doubt and everyone can support their family here. My message it was not good for community might have been in your case not appropriate as i know how hard you work here for the community, apologies. I was just fed up recently with a lot ranters that attacked all system and were never happy even they only took out there money by not helping anyone.

You are a good girl and I think you are not abusing, so all fine.

No problem :)

Awww... @jaynie permit me to add prefix to your name so i can call you inspirationaljaynie because honestly you inspire me.
Congratulations to your achievements in this community, i hope to write about my achievements just as you did soon. Please do walk by my site as it will encourage me alot

Oh, it's great @jaynie! Big handclaps for you!
You worked hard, so you deserve it!

Thanks hon xxx