Author, Journalist and Natural Cancer Fighter John Vibes Joins Steemit

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Hello everyone, I have already made a few posts on Steemit, but I have yet to formally introduce myself. I am an author and researcher who organizes a number of events including the Free Your Mind Conference.

My plan for Steemit is to post short articles on philosophy and anarchism, as well as document my current holistic fight against cancer.

I began my journey in activism roughly ten years ago, when I began throwing raves at an underground venue that I helped develop. My goal with those events was to fight the drug war through blatant civil disobedience, and I hoped to awaken some minds with my party themes as well. I had a little bit of luck, but as time went on I sought out more effective ways to communicate the ideas of freedom, which I had a very rudimentary understanding of at the time, being in my young 20s.

As I was searching for a new path, I was "told" during a psychedelic experience that I needed to write a book, and I spent the next four years writing my first book "Alchemy of The Timeless Renaissance." Sadly, I was taken advantage of by a con artist publisher and then had to spend the following two years learning the ins and outs of self-publishing. While I was in the midst of that experience, the club that I helped found was shut down in a massive DEA raid, which was being planned and investigated for over a year.

My focus shifted towards my writing, and in addition to working on books, I also began writing articles for various alternative media websites, before eventually settling down with The Free Thought Project, True Activist, and The Anti-Media. I also began investing much of my time into planning and organizing The Free Your Mind Conference with Bob Tuskin. I also embarked on writing a trilogy series of books on anarchism with Derrick Broze.

As soon as I became comfortable in my path, life came and disrupted it again, a situation that I am sure many people can relate too. After being mysteriously sick for about a year and going to a number different clueless doctors, I eventually crossed paths with a dedicated physicians assistant who cared enough to put some time into my case. and she discovered that I had Lymphoma, a type of cancer that forms in the Lymphnodes.

Reluctantly, I went to an oncologist on the advice of my doctor, and as expected, they attempted to bully me into chemo, radiation, and list of procedures that I was not comfortable with. I knew from my research that there were many natural therapies that could treat cancer effectively, despite the fact that there is a ton of propaganda out there against holistic treatments.

To help fight the propaganda that is out there about natural treatments, and to add to the body of research that is already out there, I decided to make pretty much every aspect of my cancer battle public and out in the open so perhaps others in similar situations can learn from my experience.

It has been roughly five months that I have been experimenting with a variety of alternative treatments, while drastically changing my diet and lifestyle. In this short amount of time, ​I have already begun to feel incredibly better and have noticed many of my symptoms are beginning to fade away. The lumps are still there, and the fight is far from over but I am confident that things are going in the right direction.

During the healing process, me and my wife are currently writing a book about our experiences and our treatment plan, and her contribution will offer the perspective of the caregiver. Portions of the book and explanations of everything that we are doing with our treatment will be posted to Steemit regularly. Thus far I have been making my updates via my Facebook page, but that is a dying platform and I would much rather submit my content to a site like this.


John Vibes is an author and researcher who organizes a number of large events including the Free Your Mind Conference. He also has a publishing company where he offers a censorship free platform for both fiction and non-fiction writers. You can contact him and stay connected to his work at his Facebook page. John is currently battling cancer naturally, without any chemo or radiation, and will be working to help others through his experience, if you wish to contribute to his treatments please donate here.

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Cancer is our friend...once you see it as an information rather than disaster. It usually means... I am doing something against myself for very long time. Only you know what was that. My mom survived pancreas cancer...everything is possible! Good luck mate!

Thanks for that! This is actually my exact attitude, im treating it as a sign from the universe that i was not treating my body right for my entire life, and that its time to get both my mind and body where it needs to be, and im such a stubborn person that I think cancer is the only thing that would motivate me to make these changes lol. Thanks again :-) glad that your mother was able to beat it!

Good on you for sticking to your guns I know it can be hard with that type of thing. I don't know much about lymphoma but my Uncle, who's name is also John has lung cancer. He was taking mistletoe & sea cucumber among other natural things which have seemed to lengthen his life expectancy significantly. All the best <3

I wish your uncle the best of luck, and I am glad to hear that things are working for him. I think in the next few days ill be posting a full and updated schedule of my regimen, so stay tuned for that if you are interested :-)

Don't you suspect your drug use as possible cause for your cancer?

I am also battling some undiagnosed chonic illness that could possibly be cancer.

I want to suggest to you add 80+% curcumin extract+piperene mixed in coconut milk for max absorption and best taste. It is anti-cancer and anti-inflammation. For my condition I am also taking Zane Hellas wild greek oregano oil sublingually for its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

I also recently began supplementing with Calcium in addition to the vitamin D3. I am also doing intensive gym workouts, but might not be applicable in your case.

I noticed the dark circles around your eyes, which is a similar effect I've had since I became chronically ill, so I knew even before I read your blog that you were ill.

I hope you can get well.

yeah, my lifestyle definitely played a role. However, psychedelics do not have any major adverse physical effect on the body or the mind, nor does cannabis. But my drug use did extend beyond that at various points in my life and I have since moved on from that, however, there is no doubt in my mind that those years did contribute to my illness. Allthough, I will say that I think the primary issue was my diet, which has been terrible for my entire life, something that I have also changed when beginning​ my treatment.

Many of the things that you have suggested are actually already a part of my daily regimen, which I will be posting soon for people to check out.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Use whole turmeric instead of just curcumin - - Check out Pine Pollen - Best wishes, b

Well afair, I had viewed a clinical study that showed MRI images of pancreatic cancers that were completely eliminated by high dose (roughly a tablespoon of) curcumin extract taken orally, and to obtain that dose one would need to eat kilos of tumeric daily, which seems impractical.

One thing he will learn which I learned over 4 years, is that most all of the homeopathetic treatments do not abate the progression of the illness. I am homing him on what seemed to have any impact on my condition. I realize it can be different for each person and type of ailment.

I would also suggest he get off the computer and walking barefoot and getting a lot more sunshine every day.

I tried to many treatments such as AHCC, EGCG, Bentonite clay, etc..

Good luck in your fight and keep on fighting.

Thank you for the encouragement! I will be keeping everyone updated in future posts, and sharing a bit about my strategies!

sounds great!

I hope you can beat the cancer, live happy and free, love and light

Thanks! i will be keeping everyone updated on my progress. I appreciate you taking the time to check out my story.



Got a stack of both books from @dbroze at #Jackfest, so excited to read Finding Freedom :-)

I'm dropping by to let you know that my new post "The 40 anarchists you want to follow on Steemit!" is up, and you're on the list :-) You can find it here

Glad you made it here :) Your awesome mate. sorry cant help with formatting but looks like you did ok.

Glad to support your work John. Keep up the good fight.