Steemit is Connecting People in the Real World, Vol. 1

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


It was two summers ago now that I went down to Tokyo and met up with @cryptomancer,

one of the first Steemians I would meet in “real life.” It was such a warm experience. Meeting people who are more from your tribe...people who you don’t actually know, outside of cyberspace.

Cryptomancer bought me a sushi dinner, and we talked about our families, Steem, and crypto in general. I left Tokyo after that trip feeling more grounded, less “crazy,” and more alive. I wasn’t alone. These Steemians I talk to online are real people, and so often seem to be salt of the earth type people.

I would later meet @nicksikorski in “real life,”

after being connected with him here on Steem and on Facebook for a while. In fact, that’s where I’m headed right now, riding this nearly empty highway bus into the hills of Nagano to check out the beginnings of his new project.

Headed to the hills on an empty bus.

Nick came to see me first in “meatspace” I believe in...February? of this year. It was great. Another salt of the earth being, looking to make this planet a more voluntary and safe place to be. A more logical and sensible place. Again, I felt connected with a member of my tribe. We anarchists aren’t crazy. It’s the coercionists that have “lost it.”

Steem City Niigata.

I’m pretty happy about what’s taking shape here in Niigata, as well. There are now five folks other than myself from the city on Just last week my friend @maxinpower joined, and has been blogging like a mutha! Be sure to check him out and support his blog.

Just today another good buddy joined. Look for him in an upcoming introduce yourself post as @thediyguy. I can’t wait!!! We had some sign up problems today, but it all worked out in the end.

On top of this, we of course have my wife, @mslight2016st, the Steem veteran @boxcarblue, as well as @rawselectmusic and @musingsltd. We’ve got a veritable Steem City being built here. Guess we’ll have to organize a meetup soon.

What’s the value of this for me?

I want the world to be a safer and more fair place. Here on Steem, what you work for is what you get. Nobody can use the Steem you earn but you. There is no middleman siphoning away your financial power. This dignifies us once again as human beings, and makes us want to put forth our best efforts.

Steemit has brought something totally new into my life. The self exploration. The networking. Knowing I’m not alone in rejecting the current status quo. Exchanging value for value in the form of thoughts, ideas, and monetary compensation. Compensation for doing what I’ve always been passionate about, but never been paid for. I’m excited about this.

It’s helping me be more fully me. And more fully free. I’m hoping others can feel the same and experience more freedom, happiness, and a greater presence of something no amount of money can replace:

human relationship.



Graham Smith is a Voluntaryist activist, creator, and peaceful parent residing in Niigata City, Japan. Graham runs the "Voluntary Japan" online initiative with a presence here on Steem, as well as Facebook and Twitter. (Hit me up so I can stop talking about myself in the third person!)

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I hope to achieve what you want and travel to all countries of the world

Yeah my friend!! You rock, in many many ways!
It's always good to find some like-minded people you share similar thoughts and ideas with. And yes this Steemit platform is giving a stage to so many talented faces, who can express themselves freely.

I'm not 100% sure if Steemit is a super-fair place, all this upvote-buying thing is still a little bit suspicious to me, hard-work can be rewarded but it also seems we need to rub some bellies to get up to the surface to shine bride.

However it has been great fun for the few days I'm here and I'm planning to enjoy it even more.

Love and Respect everybody!!

Am happy that stemians are real people. I thought they were robots ha ha ha. You are lucky you met @cryptomancer and @nicksikorski. Steemit really connects @kafkanarchy

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a community where get to know about each other culture and many more things.

Upvoted. I'll be resteeming this now :)

Wow great experience, by meeting the real people, whom do you connect daily. Yes friend this community is great, from where you can get every drop of honey to boost your sweet life, where everything is perfect. I also have a great passion to meet you personally, I come to know many things about Japanese people and your family and also one of your friend @boxcarblue. Once your friend asked that how could I come in this community. He had said that he is also from Nigata, and also he had appreciated you.

A must watch, "The Salt Of The Earth"..:

this is the big goal of this plat is to connect the people from all the world have a new friend and why not meet him in the real life. nice post bro

I agree with you steemit is truly a life changing experience

Nice to know your thoughts taking this beautiful world... that you are looking for a fair and safer place.. I hope you will able to fulfil your dreams in one day.. Though it may be 100'/,not possible,But we can try our best to do change in some positive direction to bring fairness in society... Yes, I also feel myself happy by exchanging thoughts, views with some friends of unseen world like you also... This can be possible only the great platform of"Steemit"..Have a nice time with steemit...

I've met some fascinating people at the Steemit meetups here in Dublin; people I wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to connect with.

This is really what the world should be like, FREE! I am daily experiencing something new at the Steem Accelerator Hub as Steemians stroll in to do their thing and collaborate, we really need to connect offline as we do online. Nice piece and pictures.

Thanks so much.

we really need to connect offline as we do online.

I agree!

Steemit is a kind of family where we share our life with others...and meeting those cyber people physically is more joyfull..again your thought towards this universe making a beautiful place incourage us to do something for betterment of others....thank you for sharing your experience and thought....

Thank you for sharing yours.

Welcome friend...

It seems the steemit community is growing day by day and why not when genius people like you are here to guide us.. And yes,steemit is a ray of hope for we have the freedom to express our feelings..
And a happy and safe journey to you for you are going to visit your friend 's place.

All for one Stemian and one Stemian for all!

Taking into account the current status quo, inefficient, unfair and using the paradigm of money above the human being. I think any normal person should be against it.
Having said that. Now we have more tools to change the current paradigm. The crypto are becoming one of the best. Of course this platform allows us to express our thoughts and also to see that there are more minds that ask themselves the same things as oneself. Of course being able to receive money for doing this is fantastic but often is more important the mental relaxation knowing that there are more people who share your same thoughts.

Sure, steemit is taking over everywhere. I have been in touch with a Friend on steemit and we planned to meet next week. I will do a post on our real life meeting. Nice one

Its true that Seemit changing so many people's life. That's why it is far far more better than other social media because

Thanks @kafkanarchy have followed you. I can relate to the sense of feeling free, the steemit site makes you think creatively and learn off of others which is a valuable platform in my mind.