How I Found Steem

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

I've been spending the past year on and off studying up on the law of attraction. I have been thinking of myself as a successful person. I believe this journey has brought me to Steemit. 

Finding Steem

I got random emails about it from some marketing mailing lists I'm on selling a course on Steem. I checked out their video and because most of their stuff in the past didn't work for me, I immediately discredited it and closed out even though I liked the idea of what  Steemit is.

About a week later, I was playing around with Node.js(Server Side Javascript) and I was looking on the NPM(Node Package Manager) I wanted to look at Remote Procedure Call (RPC) modules to use for my internal servers for a product I been playing around with the idea of doing.

Long story short, I stumbled upon something that mentioned Steem Blockchain even though that wasn't my intention but it caught my attention. I looked at it and then at the Steemit Github page. Then I realized it was real as I didn't even know it was using Blockchain technology from me initially hearing about it. So I went ahead and signed up directly without buying any courses from random emails.

Wanting To Blog Again

I also have been telling myself "I want to blog again" as back when I was younger, I used to blog on my personal website.

Lately, I have been working on trying to do my own startup, and doing freelance work which has basically drained my motivations to blog. While programming can be fun, it can be very stressful at times.

It seems like everything has come full circle with me finding Steem. It would get me to blog again and bring money into my life.

My dream in life is to have something successful, and enjoy life. Be free and not have to wake up at a set time every day then do some work I don't enjoy for someone else, then go home, sleep, and repeat on an infinite loop. I believe The Law Of Attraction brought Steem into my life.

So I think it's time I give writing another chance, thanks to Steem. I am hating myself for not getting involved with Bitcoin earlier, so I'm glad I am an early adopter here. I've seen altcoins before but none of them really excited me and too many to keep up with. I like how Steem is doing something totally new.

 How did you find Steem?

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Hi there, welcome to Steem!

Many early adopters (me included) got here through another amazing (yet less popular) project called BitShares, created by the same team of developers who created Steem.

BitShares and Steem share the same codebase, called Graphene. Soon there will be another Graphene-based platform released: PeerPlays.

Oh cool. I watched the video. I was thinking sports betting, but it's actually matching people up in games and betting on who would win? I wonder how it can plug into existing games like LOL, if that's possible that's super awesome.

Welcome to Steemit. I found it when it was mentioned by some people I knew on the Tsu social site. That has shut down now. I like the openness of Steemit and I do prefer longer form blogging to short updates. I think it's going to be a lot of fun

We can credit the law of attraction with bringing everything into our lives... although a lot of times we only notice or credit LoA when something comes along that looks like the answer to a specific request.

My husband and I feel the same way -- that Steem/Steemit did not come to our attention randomly.

Nice to find another LoA fan here.

Consider adding the tag #introduceyourself (and remove #steemit and #steem) - it might help you get a higher payout. It's a nice post, it deserves to be noticed.

Thanks. I already did a #introduceyourself but this one is bit more detailed. But I added that tag. Why remove steemit and steem tags?

Welcome to Steemit @keverw! The Steemit and Steem tags are supposed to be for Steem ecosystem general discussions on current and future projects.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Oh did not know that. I noticed others were using it for more general posts that mention Steem. Removed them.

Is there any penalty for editing posts? Didn't know if edits hurt the chance of showing up or mess with earnings.

I actually accidentally posted this thinking you had to press enter after every tag when it's actually just typing them out with a space in between. The first time I put more than 1 tag in a post.

Those are meant for posts related strictly to the platform itself. But you can keep them if you prefer it this way - your post is about discovering Steem after all.

Good point. I went to remove steemit and steem a couple minutes ago. Looks like the steemit one it won't let me remove(it just keeps it after save even though I removed the tag), maybe because it's the first tag for the post and part of the permalink?