💡 New Users Guide To Steemit Etiquette And Some Handy Tools 💡

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Over the past few days I have had a few different users, ask me for advice on what to do now they are on steemit.

As I have also been attempting to get some of my family and friends to join, but they seem to be facing some mental roadblocks that are preventing them from joining and thriving on steemit.

So I have decided to do a simple breakdown post, to try to help explain some of the most common questions I have been getting and the best advice I can provide to try to give the easiest non tech response to people's questions.

Please note that I am not a developer and I have little to no tech experience, but I have been an active user on the platform for going on 11 months now and I have figured out so much in that time - I wish someone could have just told me all of this when I first started, so here it goes.

Now What by Maggie Taylor - Image Source

Where to start?:

After you have created your account things can get a little daunting at first, users are often keen but unsure where to start their journey.

So my advice is to, figure out what it is you hope to get out of steemit?

You need to decide if you want to be a content creator(post), a curator (voter), a commenter or a combination of the three?

How much time and energy do you want to put into your success on steemit?

Answer these questions and you will know what it is you want to do, the next step is learning how to do it.

There really are so many possibilities on here and it's all up to you, how you participate and interact with the platform and it's users.

I think steemit is like life, it's good to diversify your investment (your time) I try to be involved in all aspects I can I post, vote, comment and resteem.

Image Source


What to post:

Posting is for the content creators and you can do pretty much anything you can think of here on steemit, from art, to political, to crypto and even simple blogs - any topic that interests you is the perfect topic for you to post on.

Unsure what to write at first write about what you know, your job, your life, your interests and if you're passionate and knowledgeable about it's easy to create a post.

If you wanted you can even document yourself learning something new, research it and then present it to others to use as a resource - the possibilities really are endless.

Benefits to posting:

  • You have a greater chance of receiving a higher payout than with commenting alone
  • You are more visible to other users giving you a better chance to gain followers
  • You get to put your own original content out into the world for a possible reward you wouldn't normally receive
  • You have the potential to earn money for your time and effort
  • You have the opportunity to influence the community
  • Your original work is protected by the blockchain
  • You have the opportunity to engage with your readers and get feedback

Drawbacks to posting:

  • Posting quality content can be very time consuming
  • You are never guaranteed a financial reward for your time and effort
  • Maintaining regular original content can be difficult to achieve
  • What you create is on the blockchain forever, you can't just delete it and think it's gone
  • Your work is out there and others are free to judge it publicly
  • No matter how hard you work there is always the possibility of going unnoticed by the masses
  • It can take a long time to build a loyal following

Advice on creating quality posts:

Here are some tips to help enhance the quality of your posts.


  • Try to always include an image with your post, this helps attract readers and break up any text
  • Spread your images out across the entire post, rather than have them all bundled together at the end
  • Try incorporating headings and subheadings to help break up a post
  • Look over your work, does it flow well when you look over the post?


  • Center align images if they are small, simply wrap the image in <center> </center>
  • For Italics wrap the desired text in single asterisks like this *italics text*
  • For bolding text wrap it in double asterisks like this **bolded text**
  • For headings wrap the text in <h4> </h4> the smaller the number the larger the heading
  • To add images to a post you can either upload off your computer or simply copy image and then paste it where you want it to display and it will be uploaded

General Advice:

  • Break bulky text up into smaller paragraphs, this makes for easier reading
  • Always edit your posts, even after edits I find typos and mistakes
  • Source all of the images you used, I also provide links to the originals
  • Include a personalised footer with your details, just don't make it pages long
  • Remember to source all of your references, let people know where you got your information
  • Try not to post a single image with only a line or two of text
  • If your post is large consider breaking it up into multiple posts
  • Only use appropriate tags
  • If you have adult content please ensure you tag it NSFW


As with posting you can also earn by writing quality comments, though realistically at this point you are likely to earn considerably less.

Commenting allows you to interact with the community without having the pressure to create your own content, leave a quality comment and chances are you may gain a new follower - this increases your chances for higher payouts.

There really aren't too many drawbacks to commenting, it can be time consuming to read through larger articles and then leave a detailed and meaningful comment - the bigger the article you're reading the less time you have to find others and comment.

With commenting though you would almost always be including a vote, so what you're really doing is showing an interest in a post you want or think will do well and helping it succeed by showing there's interest in it - this will drive more voters and increase your chances of higher payouts.

Advice For Comments:

  • Leave a comment worthy of a reply
  • Don't just comment 'great post' or 'upvoted' one or two word comments show a lack of effort and could make people think you didn't even read the post
  • Do not spam the same comment on every post you encounter - this will likely get flagged
  • Try and provide feedback or insight
  • Generally try not to be offensive or rude - hate speech can also result in flags
  • Don't paste irrelevant links into comments
  • Don't ask for vote swapping
  • Same goes for following
  • Don't ask people to visit your page in someone else's post

Created by @elyaque

Curation and Resteeming:

I am combining curation (voting) and the resteem feature, because I believe the two go hand in hand together.

One of the beautiful things about steemit is that even if all you want to do is vote, you can still earn money.

Another way to increase this is to resteem the post after you have voted, you resteem more people will see it and vote and then you earn a higher amount as a result - it really goes the same for commenting as well.

Every user on the platform is incentivised to vote and resteem posts, to increase the potential of their vote earning them some curation rewards - this leads to an overall tendency to vote on as many posts as possible.

Advice For Curating and Resteeming:

  • Try to only choose high quality posts to resteem
  • Join a trusted curation trail to help you maximise your voting potential
  • Vote around the 30 minute mark to maximise earning potential
  • When voting a slider will appear, choose the weight of the vote you wish to give then hit enter
  • The more people who vote after you place your vote the higher your potential earnings will be

My General Advice:

  • Do not plagiarize, there are people on here dedicated to finding plagiarism and flagging the relevant accounts
  • Always remember to source your images and provide any references you used for your post
  • Don't use hate speech, racism or threaten someone with violence
  • If you find plagiarism let @steemcleaners know about it
  • Don't spam the platform
  • Generally just try to be nice and thoughtful when interacting with others and remember to enjoy yourself

Helpful Resources:

Steemit Quick Start Guide:

This is the guide provided by steemit for new users, it is full of detailed information on all the topic I have covered in this post - plus plenty more valuable information for new users to really gain an understanding of the platform.

I strongly urge all new users to go and check it out, especially if you want further clarification on the many aspects of steem.

This was created by a lot of steemians, but a special mention goes to @timcliff for his contributions.

Steemit FAQ:

This contains useful information to all users but especially new members on the platform, it explains other aspects of steemit like the reputation system, how to secure your account, the economics that back the system and even the blockchain.

If you are unsure of anything it is always worth heading there, to find out if the answer to your question has already been provided.

This was created by a lot of steemians coming together to help the community at large.

Steemit Chat:

Having access to the chat immediately helps new users have more reach, there are a plethora of post promotion channels available to advertise your posts - plus plenty of other rooms ranging from the abuse channel to general discussion to more focussed areas.

There are so many benefits to using steemit chat I can't list everything, but I can try and stress just how valuable this resource is when used well - this tool was created by @riverhead.


Steemd is great for users to be able to view all activity on their account, from votes to comments and flags, incoming and outgoing - it's like an active view of activity rather than the content itself.

Just add /@yourusername to see your account's activity now, this tool was created by @roadscape.


Steemdb is an amazing tool for all users it offers and in depth view of your account, this includes things like followers and following, all of your posts and comments etc.

Simply add /@username to the address to view your account, this tool was created by @jesta.

Steem Center:

This is a shared wiki organised by @someguy123, that can pay you for your quality contributions to the site.


This is a really handy tool, which allows you to not only watch over your account and posts etc. but anyone's username that you add to watch.

This tool was created by @jesta.


This tool allows users to chart their long term progress on steem with an analytics style site, as well as rankings, trending curator lists and few other features.

This tool was created by @heimindanger.


Steemwatch is a notification system that allows you to tailor your alerts to suit your needs and it was created by @void.


Streemian is a site that allows users to automatically vote on users posts you deem worthy, it also allows users to join curation trails - this was created by @xeroc.

Pending Payouts:

This tool allows users to calculate their potential post and comment payouts, it includes all active posts with a potential payout - it was created by @ausbitbank.


Busy is a site that allows users to view the steem blockchain through a different view and layout, it also provides a few more features like estimated reading time etc. - it was created by @busy.org team.


This is a mobile app, for using steem - it was created by @good-karma.


This site allows users to monitor all activity on the steemit site live, this means all posts, comments, votes even transfers and deletions - it was created by @ausbitbank.


This site offers a directory of all the best tools and apps for steem, created and run by top witness @roelandp.

Sweetsssj's tips to successful lifestyle blogging on Steemit:

This is a recent post by long time user @sweetsssj, where she gives a detailed breakdown of lifestyle blogging here on steemit - it's packed with useful information for new users to sink their teeth into and inspire them, to create new quality content on the platform.

Image Source

Steemit is a platform where you can choose how little or how much you want to participate, there is no right or wrong way of doing things and this is just some of the ways I have tried to make my work more valued.

As I mentioned earlier these are not rules, just suggestions that you can either take on board or completely disregard it.

I hope that this post has helped new users know where to start and how to go about it, there are a heap of resources out there to make your life easier for new users - you just have to look for them.

What was the hardest part of starting on steemit for you?

Like what you've read so far?
Check out my story

or follow me on twitter @krystlehaines

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  ·  7 years ago 

Great post! I am sure that many new SteemIt users will find this post informative and useful.

Thank you for helping to build a vibrant SteemIt community.

!00% upvote and re-steemed. You earned a new follower! And I am sure many more will follow too!

Have a fantastic weekend!
Steem on,

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much, I was worried it was getting too long but there is just so many little details that take time to learn about - here's hoping this helps clear up some questions people may be having :)

I really appreciate the follow and resteem, I've followed you back too!

Cheers and have a good one :D

absolutely gorgeous post. You def put a lot of time in these. Great work for informing people how to succeed here on steemit. big ups girl

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much hun, I spend hours on most of my posts - I wish I had the time to do more.

Always happy to help people especially on steemit, we can only succeed if everyone else does to - I love the mutually beneficial nature of steemit.

Cheers for the comment :)

Yes! This is very helpful. I like reading these types of posts so I can better understand what to do here and how the community feels about things.

I feel like it is my job to read posts here now and learn! :) This is a very good and friendly place. This is like when Youtube first started, a lot of the videos were sooo good. Now everything is corporate bs and generic(unless you find some great Youtubers).

Definitely following people who make great posts like this.

  ·  7 years ago 

That's great to hear, I was hoping that I would be able to start people in the right direction or at least let them know exactly what their options are.

It's brilliant to hear you see it as your job to curate (read and vote) for this platform to truly succeed we don't need everyone to be a content creator, but content consumers are required as well - it's a bit like youtube in that anyone can create but the sheer number of users include a lot of consumers rather than just creators.

I'm glad you liked the post and find that it, provided you with some useful advice on how to go about things on the platform.

I think now is an ideal time to be encouraging youtube creators, to come on over to steemit and give it a try - with the issues with ad revenue lately steemit would be an amazing platform for youtubers, to jump on early.

Cheers for the comment!

Yes! I am a Youtuber with over 3,000 subscribers. Youtube barely makes anything for that many subscribers. I made like a few thousand in an entire year with 300+ videos that took me well over 1000 hours to get together. Simply not worth it unless you hit it big.

Blogging and posting here is much better not only in terms of monetary value, but you can have more time to respond to others and also consume content(instead of spending countless hours on video editing).

  ·  7 years ago 

Sorry I missed this, I would have replied earlier....

If you haven't already you should verify your youtube account by linking your steemit profile, you should keep doing the videos if you enjoy the content you are creating even still post it on youtube - just alos post it here and give it some text and I think you'll be on a roll.

I agree it is so much more valuable on here, but the best part is your incentivised to interact and engage with your commenters - and can even be rewarded financially for it, youtube doesn't care how many comments you reply to.

Good luck with it :)

  ·  7 years ago 

You've provided some berry solid personal advice, which is always interesting and useful.

For people who've been able to figure some stuff out about Steemit, it is very helpful to share that knowledge in your own words with the thousands of new users we are getting here all the time.

Also, that is a great set of links. That's the main reason I'm resteeming this post -- so I can reference back myself and check out the tools that I haven't used yet.

Thanks so much for posting!

Upvoted and resteemed

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much man I really appreciate the upvote and resteem, I absolutely agree we need to help out the new users - the more this platform grows the better it is for all of us!

The tools are the ones I use most often, if I find them useful I'm sure others will too - some of them have been around for so long were just used to them and forget new users have no idea they existed.

Cheers again for the resteem :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Top article. Sumps up everything that should be learned prior to starting blogging on Steemit. This should be included into some pdf flyer or brochure about introduction to Steemit.

  ·  7 years ago 

Wow thanks so much, I was hoping to try and just cover the bare basics so people have the right idea about where to start.

Cheers :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As a new member who joined this week, I really found value in this your post @krystle as it explained in details steps to follow in order to be a success at steemit...moreover, I believe that this is also relevant to old members isnt it? would be reading more from you and thanks a lot for this well written post...keep it up

  ·  7 years ago 

That is awesome to hear, I'm so glad you've found it helpful :D

It is still relevant to old members as well, there are so many amazing apps being developed that you can often miss them - it's always a good idea to check out steemtools.com for a more complete directory.

I'm here for the long haul, hope to keep providing you with content you enjoy :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great @Krystle, I agree with you . As I indicated earlier , I joined this week and have signed up my family members and friends...I added your post on my page in order for them to read it and use it as a guide to succeed in this platform . I am bullish about steemit and promoting it to the world, which is win win for all of us isnt it? My strategy is to get as much steem power as possible in order to be relevant here which is also a long term investment strategy. Glad to meet someone like you , pls lets stay in contact. Bless you and more success

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries sounds like you have the right idea, I think you will do well on here with that sort of attitude :)

That's a great idea about getting your family in, this is also part of my own motivation - my family are hesitant to drop in.

I always advise the long term approach for investment in steem.

Once you have the steemit bug you tend to want everyone you like to get on here, it's like come here and take my money (upvote).

Thanks for the great comments, they are much appreciated :)

  ·  7 years ago 

you are welcome,always, Thank you for a great post-keep it up

  ·  7 years ago 

Fantastic post, brilliant info, thank you for posting ;-)

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, thanks for the comment :)

Thank you for your tool! It is very amazing that steemit had so many tools for people to use. It is much better than some other big community like Facebook or instagram. People in here are very nice to newbie!

  ·  7 years ago 

The beauty of steemit in regards with app development, is that it is open for anyone to participate - @ausbitbank made tools for the platform he would personally find use and value in, and I guess the community felt the same :)

There is so much room for growth and development of the platform, and it is brilliant to have general users be able build things that will benefit the community at large - the developers do some truly amazing work with their creations.

Cheers for the feedback :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Just added a bunch of bookmarks. Thank you!

The Steemviz realtime network monitor is so cool!

Makes you really appreciate the blockchain.

  ·  7 years ago 

It's great to hear how many people love the steemviz tool that @ausbitbank (my partner) created, I use it pretty much daily and it's a brilliant way to watch the votes and comments stream on in.

Definitely I find so much value in this being a blockchain reliant platform, it allows people like me (fiction authors) to have some awesome protection on it - I will never loose my work it's on the blockchain forever, plus if I were ever to have copyright issues the blockchain provides exact proof of what I wrote and when there are no questions.

The blockchain itself is amazing technology or is it use of technology... either way steemit users are protected but the complex nature of the blockchain itself!

Thanks for the nice comment :)

  ·  7 years ago 

It very useful and informative post for me since I am a new steemian, I wish to contribute more in the steem community, the information provided in the post provide a execllent guide for me to follow and I hope that more and more people in steemit can share this information to the new.

  ·  7 years ago 

Wow awesome comment to hear :) I am glad you think the post is a valuable resource for new users, I hope that it can be as useful to others as it has been for you :D Cheers!

  ·  7 years ago 

Great post, it's like a gold mine of information, I gotta bookmark it for future reference. I would follow you if I wasn't already :]
Great work, keep it up.

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks, glad you found it helpful - thanks for the follow again :P


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ps, I just read your introduction, thanks for the tears!
Our first baby was small as well, and this one is even smaller 2.1kg and 2 weeks to go, so I hope eveything will be ok.
I can't imagine how you guys managed mentally but you did, and what's more important is that your both still together, to be a family. Some couples just split after too much stress and can't handle it, so I applaud you.

  ·  7 years ago 

It is hard work raising kids with special needs and so many people do split up because of the stress, with us we knew it would take the both of us to step up and do what was needed - we've tried to do that and that effort is now being rewarded in so many ways :)

Thanks so much for going back and checking it out, that was my first ever post on here I had no clue what I was doing - I should go back and have a reread lol.

  ·  7 years ago 

Haha well I was going to comment in there but comment section is hidden due to low rating for some reason.
Anywho my baby is finally sleeping so time for me to go back to sleep, enjoy reaping the rewards :]

  ·  7 years ago 

Hmm shouldn't be for low rating it wasn't flagged, maybe just too old - you can comment on old stuff now but you weren't able to a while back and I'm not sure if the change was applied to the backlog of old posts.... hmm not my area lol.

Anyways get some sleep while you can and enjoy the early days, the grow up so fast :)

Hi @krystle, I have copied this article and turned it into a PDF for my future reference! I just joined steemit so this information is priceless thank you!!

  ·  7 years ago 

I'm so sorry I missed this, there are just so many comments on this post it's hard to keep them all straight.

That's awesome to hear, I'm glad that what I've made has helped so many new users get their bearings on here.

Good luck with your steemit journey :D

The perfect post for upvoting.
By the way I am you new follower
Please fallow me too as I will comment to and upvote your posts

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks for the support I really appreciate it but in the above post, I mentioned users shouldn't ask others to follow them in the comments section leave that to your posts to help build a following.

I appreciate the follow but just hope the guide helps with little social tendencies we have here on steemit - Cheers :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am new user thanks for fantastic,informative and useful post.
upvote and resteem. You earned a new follower.

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, I'm so glad you found it and that it was helpful for you :)

An excellent and full bodied piece for many new users to sink their teeth into! Thanks a bunch, namaste :)

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, I'm just so happy something I put so much effort into, is not only gaining traction but is actually going to be able to help new users become familiar with the platform.

I tried to cover as many aspects as I could but there is still so much out there to know and learn, I mean there's a good chance I've missed out on some things since I've been here that could have helped - but sharing the information is the only way we all learn together!

Cheers and namaste :D

Thank you for the informative post Krystle. I was looking for a Steemit app on the App Store unable to find one, your post solved the problem.Moreover it familiarised me to many useful tools like Steemstats, Steemwhales etc... Thank you for that!

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries at all, I'm just happy the guide seems to be helping so many new users - good luck on your steemit journey.

Cheers :)

Really informative and useful for me as a new joiner - thanks for taking the time

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries at all glad you found it helpful and I wish you all the best on your steemit journey :D

This post received a 45% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @ausbitbank! For more information, click here!

Thank you for this comprehensive and informative post. It is very helpful and contains gems of wisdom.

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much for the comment :)

Krystle this post was very informative. I appreciate all the time you took to describe the different ways to use the platform.
I have a question regarding the tools. Are users able to create these tools? Also why is your family and friends not on board yet? That is one thing I have been doing as minnow... BUYING STEEM AND GETTING PEOPLE SIGNED UP :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks I'm glad the post has helped :)

In regards to the tool yes pretty much all of the tools are created by users, I have tagged the creators with each tool.

As for my family and friends, I have managed to get a couple of people on here but for one reason or another they just haven't been convinced it's worth their time or effort or they just aren't familiar with crypto - there can be a lot of hesitation when stepping into the unknown.

I can only hope that now I am achieving some real success here, that they will be inspired to jump on in and give it a go.

Anyways hope I helped with the tools question - Cheers :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Holy post for new users :) one stop post to get new users up and create content without investing more time on how to do tips...

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks for the comment, I just wanted to answer as many of the niggling questions people may have - and then so many came to mind.

Here's hoping new users find it helpful :)

Great job @krystle. I hope most of the newbies asking me questions can find this.

  ·  7 years ago 

Feel free to share the link to anyone asking if you like, with all the new users lately I've been getting lots of different questions so I figured do a post to answer them as best I can.

Cheers :)

I'll do so. Thanks for this awesome post to help them @krystle.

  ·  7 years ago 

Cheers and no worries :)

As a total newbie here on Steemit, I haven't got a flippin' clue how this all works! It's either my age or I am just thick. Errr! It's not my age. Glad that I found you though Krystle, off to upvote and follow you now. Keep up the good work and thank you :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Lmao, thanks so much for the follow and I hope that with time this post can help you on your way :)

I'm sure it will. Off to read some of your older posts/blogs, whatever the 'eck you call them. All the best ;)

  ·  7 years ago 

Well hope you find something you like, Cheers :)

Great post and advice for people like myself, many thanks for taking the time and effort to write this. It's a treasure trove of information and very much appreciated.

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, I'm just glad people are finding it useful - there are so many new users on here at the moment it's impossible to help each on individually so here's hoping this helps a few :)

Well it's certainly going to help me .. and I need all the help I can get :) .. so it's greatly appreciated. Have a lovely weekend.

  ·  7 years ago 

Awesome to hear, have a good one :)

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I thought that was going to be a quick hitter post with some basic tips. No. You went all the way. Excellent write-up for the newbie and the not-so-newbie! I've been actively posting for 26 days or so and it's been a remarkable journey so far.

The hardest part about starting on steemit?

Believing it was real.

  ·  7 years ago 

I try to write shorter posts, it just never really works out that way when I finish :)

It's an amazing ride, enjoy it - and I have to agree most people find it hard to trust this magical place we call steemit exists and that it isn't a scam, but it can change your life!

I've just started out on Steemit and this is very helpful. I didn't know many of the resources you posted, so thanks for that!

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, glad to have pointed you in the direction of some truly amazing apps and resources - I use a lot of them everyday, so I really recommend giving them a look.

Cheers for the comment :)

Steemviz is great! I hadn't been able to find out where to keep track of information regarding comments, so really pleased!

  ·  7 years ago 

That's awesome to hear my partner @ausbitbank created it, so he will be happy to hear the positive feedback! Cheers :)

Many thanks to your other half as well then :-)

Lots of information to take in one go picked out a few useful things will probably have to read again to get full benefit. Very helpful thanks mike

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, it was a large post but intended to be used as a reference for people until the get settled into the routine of things.

Happy to help - Cheers :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Nicely written,it gave me a confidence boost that i can make it and find my way in this community, meet new people, and just have fun all around. I always try to publish original work so i got a little discouraged a few months back and kinda just lurked around on here but im through with lurking and this time im gonna be seen. Thank you for your effort that went into wiriting this article and putting all the important stuff and advices into one place. It was surprisingly helpful.

  ·  7 years ago 

I'm so happy that this has helped inspire you to get back out there, a few months ago it was hard on everyone but that's the nature of the market I spose.

The best advice I can give anyone is just go for it, there really isn't anyway it can hurt you so why not try?

Anyways good luck and keep at it :D

  ·  7 years ago 

It sure as heck cant hurt and while i'm also doing the stuff i love only the sky is the limit :) Dont wanna go ahead of myself but i'm feeling it :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Steemit is addictive and once you have the bug you can just get so inspired by the endless possibilities, this really is a revolutionary way of interacting within a community.

Just try and be consistent, always try to reply to commenters on your posts and soon you'll be thriving - it just takes time, energy and focus/commitment.

The big thing is it's worth all the effort, all my hard work is really starting to pay off now and I just want to share the way to achieve this with as many people as I can.

Great post and extremely helpful not just for the beginner but everyone. Thanks and cheers

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much, with the tools listed there really is something for every steemian - Cheers :D

Muchas gracias por aclararme algunas dudas , a medida que voy entrando y leyendo mas creo que podre lograr mucho , te FELICITO !!! y gracias de nuevo . Saludos.

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much, I'm glad this helped - good luck on your steemit journey :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Great post @krystle Hope you and the family are doing well.

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks @kiddarko were doing great, the kids have started talking eeep :D

I'll head over and check out what you've been getting up to, once I get through all these comments lol.

  ·  7 years ago 

Awesome. You can always connect with me on steemit.chat or Slack also :) I have had a lot of smiles lately and I hope you all have too :D

  ·  7 years ago 

I've never seen a better laid out guide for a new user than this!! Fantastic work, I've followed you and am looking forward to more!

  ·  7 years ago 

Wow awesome response, glad to have helped out in anyway - Cheers and thanks for the follow :D

Great post- very helpful for me. I am new to steemit and still learning. This is a post I am saving. The list of resources is great. Thanks

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, glad it's a help to people - we can all succeed on here together, it's either all of us or none..

Cheers :)

I really like your post but I always wonder what folks are talking about when they say one can choose the weight of the vote. I have never seen this slider you talked about?

  ·  7 years ago 

Ahh yes this is something that only happens once your account reaches a certain level of steem power, now it is not as important for lower strength votes to be broken down into smaller increments - but as the power grows so does the strength of the vote and the payout, whales don't want to use all of their power at once if they break it up into increments more users can be rewarded.

When you do get enough power each time up upvote a post or comment, the slider will appear and you can then select the percentage you wish to apply.

Hope this helped answer your question, let me know if you need more info :)

Thanks for the answer. I'm curious as to how much steem power I need to get that slider?

  ·  7 years ago 

I believe you need to get to around 500 steem power, at least that is what it was 9 months ago - I haven't heard of any changes there.. Cheers :)

Still feel like a crypto and steem noob - post like these are great at reducing this !! :) Followed to learn more ;)

  ·  7 years ago 

That's funny because I still consider myself a crypto noob, my partner @ausbitbank is the brains behind getting into it in the first place :D

Hope I can keep providing more content you find useful - Cheers!

  ·  7 years ago 

Great, in depth, easy to read, valuable post, thanks for sharing! I've been around steemit for almost a year now but only a few weeks ago I started re-engaging and being active every day and I feel like a newbie again.
I've also been telling my friends and colleagues about the platform and some of them have recently joined so this post is gold for them. Thank you! :)

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries and thanks for the compliment, it's funny how foreign things can seem when we get out of practice :)

Glad to have you back, it's hard not to want to share steemit with those around us - it's just so addictive!

Hoping this post can help as many new users as possible, Cheers for the lovely comment :)

Brilliant! Bookmarked upvoted followed. Thanks for a full on steemit how to get started post. Looooove it.

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much for the lovely comment, glad it's of use - Cheers :D

lots of great info in this post

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks, happy to have helped :)

thanks again, great info

Super info, super post, super content.... Thnks for all of it....

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries at all , hope it was helpful - cheers :D

Yup it was very helpful

@Krystle Thank you for putting a lot of time into this. and staring with us :) I upvoted and Re-steemed for you :)

  ·  7 years ago 

That I did, many many hours of work - hope it helped.

Thanks for the vote and resteem :D

You are Welcome :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Great post, you described me, signed up in November 2016 and had no idea what to do until last week. I'm sure it will help many!

  ·  7 years ago 

That's awesome to hear, it can be daunting at first but with time it gets easier - cheers :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Yup, already having some fun. Followed ya

  ·  7 years ago 

helt fina inläg thanks

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks :D

Wow Krystle, this is great. You really spent a lot of time on it. There is a lot to absorb. Off the top of my head, the hardest thing about being a newbie has been visibility. Very few actually see our posts. When people see them we tend to get votes but we need a lot of whale votes to actually earn decent money. I am going to resteem this so I can read it again later. Good job! 😊

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, I agree visibility is so hard especially at first.

My biggest suggestion to help in this area is to connect with other users via their comment sections, making quality comments and fostering relationships and interactions is the best was to gain followers - more followers more votes.

It really isn't a get rich quick scheme a few months ago some of my posts were making 12 cents, I've been here for 11 months and this recent influx of support isn't something I am used to myself yet.

People like my partner @ausbitbank are making a conscious effort, to support new users creating valuable content to help them on their way this can be votes and resteems.

Steemit really is centered around a social focus, getting out and meeting people and making them want to support you and your work.

Hope this helps, have a good one - Cheers :D

Yes it does help. Thank you. I made 12 cents today. So I know what you mean. 😂
Might I add, there simply aren't enough whales here to upvote the huge influx of new users.

  ·  7 years ago 

I agree and this has been an issue for a long time, it is something we have been working on for sometime.

Our current solution was the whale voting experiment where, whales either didn't vote at all or lowered the percentage of each of their votes - this gave minnows a lot more power in their votes and helped start to stabilize the communities earnings.

Our long term solution comes into effect fairly soon (the next few weeks), there is a new hardfork planned which is going to change the reward curve - this means that people's votes will be worth more than they are now and it's not so reliant on whales.

Steemit is growing and evolving, it has changed so much since I joined 11 months ago and I assume it will in the months to come - we are attempting to fix and improve things as we go.

I was stoked to be getting 12 cents the thing to remember is that, facebook would have paid you nothing so your up - plus this all counts to building things up for yourself in the future.

I always try to remember even on lower earning posts, every cent adds up - I had a coin jar where I threw all my loose change mostly five and ten cent coins, eventually the jar was full I counted it and I had over $170.

Whale votes only make a massive difference when a heap of other people have already voted or a going to, you need to promote to a large audience rather than hope for one good view from a whale.

The whales will find content usually after others start to spread it and vote, you need all levels of support to succeed here - networking and getting resteems makes all the difference.

Anyways good luck with it :)

Thank you very much for such a meaningful reply. Lots to think about. 😊

  ·  7 years ago 

As a newbie, I found this post very helpful and I think I will be needing it again soon. I find it hard to get followers and hoping your advice will get me going. Thank you so much!

  ·  7 years ago 

The best idea I can make for fostering positive relationship with you followers or even just to build up your followers is to reach out to content creators that you enjoy watching/reading and spark up conversations with the authors - if you make a concious effort to engage most creators on here will want to foster the relationship.

It's important to realise everyone benefits when things go well, high comments on a post you have created drives up traffic and encourages new readers - this way everyone is really working toward the same goal.

Voters want the posters to do well, because in turn that is how they succeed - people like making a connection with others and I think if you make an honest effort and tell people you are following them, they will often follow you back (just don't fall in trap of asking for follow backs in response, let things happen naturally)

Hope this helps and good luck with it :)

Hi @krystle. Loved the post. I got some great ideas from you again. Thanks for checking out my new post too.

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries mate, you do good work and I'm always happy to help :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for this great post. I am sharing this with my friends that I want to come on steemit. I and hubby is also newbies. I just today post an introductory post for us. If you have time you can check it out: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@hope777/introducing-the-scott-team-hope777-and-scotty777
I am following you.

  ·  7 years ago 

Hey there glad you found it helpful, I just popped over and checked out the introduction post - there are only two aesthetic suggestions I have and they really aren't big.

First is break up your paragraphs into smaller ones, it just makes it a bit easier for the reader to track where they are - as I said minor.

The second is to center your images, that way the layout has a nice even flow and your eyes aren't forced to the left with every image - again not a big deal but when you create a smooth flow it makes reading easier and it just looks nicer as you scroll.

Anyways hope this helps, otherwise the post was great - good luck with everything :D

I've read your post and enjoyed it. Being new not only here at Steemit, but to any item basically electronic. Heck I have never sent a text message. Things are a tad confusing for a 77 yr old techtarded, but with help from members such as yourself, things will get better.
Ps any chance we could swap brains for awhile.
Upped and obviously followed

  ·  7 years ago 

I'm so glad you enjoyed the post and found it helpful, your doing amazing so far by just getting here - I know plenty of tech savvy people who still haven't made the move yet.

I'm happy to help anyway I can it you want some extra help, feel free to reach out to me on chat the link is up above - I am trying to help my mum get her first post up at the minute so I'll be getting some more practice with it.

I just popped over to check out your stuff, your last post was amazing I just gave it a resteem - I think once people find you, you're going to have a large following on here.

Good luck with it all and let me know if there is anything you need a hand with :D

Thank you. Your willingness to assist is very admirable. Although I only have the attention span of a guppy and type with one finger. Your comments are like a hand one holds when in strange places.

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries at all, you crack me up :D

Typing comes with practice, the more you keep at it the better you will do - if you want to work on your typing proficiency you could practice at typeracer.com this could help you with touch typing and speed.

I just know steemit can change the world and people's lives for the better, all I want is for people who deserve a break and are willing to work for it get it :)

Good luck with everything, Cheers :)

Outstanding post. I am so new to Steemit I don't even know what I don't know. This article will help me a lot. Do you know how I get a copy of the quick start guide. I looked on Amazon and the only guide they had was sold out. Once again, thanks for a great article full of info for us newbies.

  ·  7 years ago 

I linked the quick start guide in this post, it is also available to every user in the sidebar next to your avatar there is a drop down menu and it is literally the first tab - do not pay for this it is available for free.

I hope access to that and my post will help you on your way. Cheers :D

Thanks you for the very informative post. This is one in a thousand question in my mind on what im going to do in steemit, because i don't have any idea how to make a blog but thanks to you i fully understand what im going to do... upvote and follow you

  ·  7 years ago 

That's so great to hear, just giving people the courage to jump in at first can be so hard - so I'm glad I've helped you with a bit of direction.

Cheers and thanks for the follow :D

This is helpful, because I am just wandering around here like a chicken missing his head. lol

  ·  7 years ago 

Lol well I'm happy to have helped, I think we all stumble around here at first - it's a learning curve and a new way of using social media. Cheers :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Thank you for this post.It has gave me so much more insight to how this place works!

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, I'm glad to have helped - Cheers :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Great post! Valuable information needed by every newcomer to steemit. Thanks for sharing.

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, I'm glad it's reaching new users so well and answering some niggling questions some people had :) Cheers

  ·  7 years ago 

Really helpful for newbes like me. Thank you!

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries at all, just glad I could help out :)

  ·  7 years ago 

I just wish that this post could be a sticky, since not everyone will have the chance to 'see' it, great gathering of all information, thanks a lot for your time!

  ·  7 years ago 

I agree and it has been something mentioned to the devs before, to be able to pin a post to the top of your page would be awesome - no worries happy to help :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Nice, this is the first 'help' post that has actually broken in down properly for a n00b like me. There's a lot of stuff I still don't get. A of stuff to learn. These resources are golden. (Though I don't see the command to centre image, seems to have disappeared from the post?)


  ·  7 years ago 

Argh I'll check on the images in a second, thanks for letting me know they aren't showing up - no one else did :P

As for the rest glad I could help, to center you can just wrap the text in < center > < /center > but remove the spaces (it wouldn't display as the actual code sorry) hope this helps.

It is a massive learning curve, but once you get used to things it's amazing how fast you begin to pick things up.

Cheers :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks again! But I apologise that my upvote is only worth 0.01... Slowly climb the ladder...

  ·  7 years ago 

Hey every cent counts on here, it all adds up!

I appreciate the vote, my own power is low at the moment only worth 9 cents ...

Anyways good luck with it :D

This is a comprehensive & valuable list. Thank you for sharing!

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, didn't expect it to be so popular - glad I did it :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Congratulations @krystle!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 8 with 142 comments
  ·  7 years ago 

Woot, thanks pretty stoked :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Gee! Thanks for sharing this!
I've seen the apps above on steemit however i didnt know how to use them. Not until now that i have read your blog. This is of great help specially members like me who are new to Steemit! Thanks!
Up voted and resteemed! :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks for the awesome reply, I'm so glad it has helped.

The apps are awesome, I use them most days they are valuable resources for us all.

Anyways cheers for the reply :D

Excellent. Communication style and quality is key and it brings great rewards...don't you agree?

  ·  7 years ago 

Absolutely, plus lots of time and dedication - but when the community gets a taste of real talent it can really take off.

Good luck with everything and thanks for the comment :)


Wow, following and upvoted, tons of content in this post, thanks!

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks for the comment and glad the post was helpful, the tools I listed seem to be very popular with some of the new users who weren't here for their announcements.

Wow @krystle! So much great info. I am going to have to save this to refer back to it multiple times I think. I'm on my third week and I know I've made some newbie errors quite unintentionally and with no malice intended.

These are great tips to help newbies navigate this mine field and I really appreciate the obvious time and effort that has gone in to putting this together to share. It's nice to know there are some people in the community who are reaching out to help others. Thanks so much!

  ·  7 years ago 

I think that's it everyone comes here with the best intentions, but some just aren't sure what they should and shouldn't do.

Making it easy for people to understand that whilst there aren't really any rules on steemit, users take it upon themselves to moderate and ensure no plagiarism and for the most part no hate speech and the like.

There are a lot of us trying to make life easy for the new users it's just not always easy to make them understand what they've done wrong - like spamming people for follows etc, things that are acceptable on other platforms just aren't tolerated here.

I'm glad this has helped and it really was intended for people to be able to, refer back to and use as a tool to learn from.

Thanks for the lovely comment - Cheers :)

Wow! This is exactly the kind of post I have been watching for. So much incredibly helpful information all rolled into it. You clearly took much care and time putting this together in order to help the rest of us. Much appreciated! I will need to make sure to save this for future reference :)

  ·  7 years ago 

I hope it can make moving forward a little easier for new users, it can be daunting when you first start so hoping this eases people into things a bit more - I really recommend the tools I use a lot of them daily and they really enhance the platform :D

Happy to have helped, Cheers.

Love this. A lot of good information for someone just starting out, but also for those with a few months under their belt. I am going to resteem so I have it on my blog page for my reference and for those I introduce to steemit. Thank you

  ·  7 years ago 

I love using the resteem feature as a way to find posts of interest again, so many ways to use the different features on here and make them work for you.

It's awesome to hear members that have been on for a while, also recognise and appreciate the value of the post -means a lot :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Steem is like my new part time job @krystle, I read articles and learn new things (really amazing new things) and the best thing is get paid for that.
Thank You steem Team... Thank You So Much...

  ·  7 years ago 

Exactly and that is the true beauty of steemit we finally get paid what we do for free on other sites like facebook and twitter - make you realise in these situations you really are the product and not the platform.

Glad you're enjoying yourself, keep at it :)

  ·  7 years ago 

It would be great if this post, or a few of the other posts with helpful tips for beginners would automatically appear when a new user signs up. I remember when I started a month ago, I had no idea how to even begin.

  ·  7 years ago 

I think there have been some posts in the past that helped make up, the Where to start guide and the FAQs page it's just getting the info to new users - I think most of us just want to get into things and not wait and learn before starting, it's only after jumping in they realise they might need a bit more guidance on the way.

Hope this helps where it can :)

Thanks for this, those time sacrifice were not wasted. This was it.. The information ands were all amazing. Thanks very much@krystle

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries at all, glad you found it beneficial :D

Excellent post with great insight on how to be successful in this platform. I too have friends whom I have asked to join Steemit but because of unbelief, they refuse to do so. But with your post I can forward them an overall working of the platform. Thanks.

  ·  7 years ago 

Thats awesome to hear, and I'm always happy to help where I can - here's hoping this helps get a few people to take the leap and just get moving on the platform :)

Thanks. I have just forwarded them your article and awaiting their response.

  ·  7 years ago 

very useful information resteem

  ·  7 years ago 

Glad this helped and thanks so much for the resteem, much appreciated :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks happy to share what I have learned since I joined :)

Thank you for the advices

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries!

  ·  7 years ago 

Hardest think was to find out what I want from Steemit, as I was never blogging before, but I always wanted to. I wanted always to have ytb channel. But never done it, I guess motivation was not so big, even though I have some I think interesting topics to start to post about.
Steemit right now it's definitely increasing my motivation to do so. I think seriously every day about starting to vlog...
Thanks for all this tips, I want to know all I can about a Steemit asap :)

  ·  7 years ago 

It can be disheartening with places like youtube, as there are so many people there already it feels impossible to reach any real potential.

I think one of the brilliant things about steemit is that I think it will eventually overtake places like youtube, so if you get in now and beat the rush and make yourself a power player by getting in first - well not first but early.

Steemit has a long way to go but we are making massive progress, every time we get a new influx of users more people catch the bug - jump in and give it a go, what's the worst that can happen?

Good luck and keep at it, Cheers :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Yes, I'm thinking similar way, that is why I'm quite active here... Steem price can go much higher, and I think that it will, together with a growing of a Steemit, that is why I'm here, I don't try to think in a terms of overtaking that huge platforms as FB thought , at least not yet haha, let's see :) I think that this is still only beginning... Let's see what future will be bring :) Anyways it will be interesting, I'm quite sure about that haha

  ·  7 years ago 

I agree that we aren't ready to take over yet, but I do think this is the future for social media - why work for no chance of reward?

The hardfork that's coming up should shake up the power of the minnows vote, so things should get interesting soon :)

  ·  7 years ago 

I have no idea how fast it will grow really, as world adopted certain revolutionary technologies extremely fast, steemit could experience such a grow soon, but Im trying still not to keep myself too excited, although Im :D Maybe grow will be slow and steady, probably not, but lets see.. heh

I ve just readed about a hard fork few minutes ago for the first time, I will for sure be searching about it to learn more, but do you have maybe some informative source about what is gonna really happen?

  ·  7 years ago 

Simply awesome first time I have seen such posts regarding steem how to succeed and all, I usually don't get much time to write quality content but after reading all tips u have provided it will help me a lot a big thumbs up, God bless you have a great day

  ·  7 years ago 

Not everything you ever post has to be the best work you've ever done, but simple formatting and layout can make things look even more impressive than they are.

Just try to keep your work at a constant level, where you have actually put some effort in and people will see the work and reward it accordingly.

I'm so happy this has helped you, good luck with your future on steemit :)

Awesome, so much good information, great article

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks so much, I really appreciate it :D

Thank you so much for all this information you shared and educate a few of us. I am often going to look back on these tips.

  ·  7 years ago 

I have heard that from a lot of people on this post, I guess it is just awesome to be able have something to go back and double check on things as a refresher of sorts.


  ·  7 years ago 

Great Post !! Thank you for sharing this information! really beneficial :))

  ·  7 years ago 

Happy to have helped :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks !!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Great post with lots of really good advices! Thank you! <3

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries, I'm glad you found it useful :D

  ·  7 years ago 

Very useful advice, I read and made some conclusions. Thank you!

  ·  7 years ago 

Happy to help :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Great info! thanks....

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Great, thanks.

  ·  7 years ago 

No worries.

Awesome information@krystle

  ·  7 years ago 


Your so welcome Krystle

  ·  7 years ago 

Some very useful advice.

  ·  7 years ago 


  ·  7 years ago 

great post :)

  ·  7 years ago 

Thanks :)

  ·  7 years ago 

you're welcome :)

  ·  7 years ago 

100% upvote for best class post with good content.

  ·  7 years ago 

Cheers for the upvote!

  ·  7 years ago 
  ·  7 years ago 

I looked and it seems to be a bit disparaging of steemit, so I won't be supporting it - there are bots and auto voting trails but this does not mean there aren't people here.

Just wondering when I looked into your older work I noticed most of it was flagged, just wondering if you know the reasoning behind that?

I am trying to encourage people making quality and relevant comments, with relevant links - this doesn't really meet up to that, by posting this link it kind of makes me think you didn't read it.


Thank you for this post, it help me finally figure out how to center text and make headings. Thank god you are the best

Very helpful thank you!

Excellent post! so glad I have found it. It is a lot to digest thou, so I will bookmark this for later consultation and further reading. thanks.

  ·  7 years ago 

still very useful post. Thanks. I am not sure how to bookmark on steemit so posting msg of thanks to always get back with message link.

  ·  7 years ago 

Was looking forward to such a post, because I was almost clueless how to go about next on steemit, after my introduce yourself post. @krystle great work ! :-)