in steemit •  8 years ago 

SO THERE YOU ARE, ALL STEEMED UP READY TO WRITE THAT AMAZING BLOG , READY TO INFLUENCE FELLOW STEEMERS ON SOMETHING PASSIONATE TO YOU, TO TASTE VICTORY ON THAT TRENDING BOARD, but it just won't flow; your creative juices have dried up, your brain feels sluggish and you just feel tired- why?

You look again at that blank piece of paper as the cursor keeps flashing and you are now in a state of panic ... where do I start, whats the best intro, is my heading grabing that WHALES ATTENTION ......RECOGNISE THIS?? , yep we have all been there.

HELP - WHAT CAN I DO??? to understand this lets have a quick Biology lesson..




An amazing three-pound organ that controls all functions of the body, interprets information from the outside world, and embodies the essence of the mind and soul. Intelligence, creativity, emotion, and memory are a few of the many things governed by the brain - The frontal lobe is where all this intellegence, creativity and STEEMIT BLOGS ARE STORED - SO THERE YOU HAVE IT - YOUR BRAIN


Drinking pots of coffee to keep you alert and awake is a misconception. Caffine on the brain helps to suppresses brain transmitter called adenosine. Now, adenosine effects attention, alertness, and sleep. SO, if you drink pots full of coffee, expresso, adenosine builds up in your brain as the day goes on, and eventually your body and brain will decide its tired and wants to sleep - opposite to what you want to achieve.

I am the 'health nut' in my family and believe 'my body is my temple' ...hahahha (so not possible!) having been in this positon many times over the last few weeks, I decided I was going to investigate ways of making my brain more creative and fruitful. I read around alot of on-line health blogs, magazines, articles etc etc

TLC FOR THE BRAIN - MY Top 6 tips to nuture and stimulate those brain cells!

1. EXCERCISE - A quick 15 minute routine - brisk walk, run, Tai Chi etc will encourages your brain to work harder by energising the cells and optimising the blood flow, which in turn triggers numerous other chemicals that promote neural health, and directly benefits cognitive functions, including learning. All this helps towards those dollars !

2. SLEEP - Sleep an essential regenerator to help "reset" your brain to look at problems from a different perspective, which is crucial to creativity. We all know the saying "sleep on it, things will look brighter in the morning" - Sleep is also known to enhance your memories and help you "practice" and improve your performance of challenging skills. In fact, a single night of sleeping only four to six hours can impact your ability to think clearly the next day. (Research paper Harvard University)

3. SUNSHINE - YES thats right all that wonderful natural light will enhance your VITAMIN D. The sun can activate vitamin D receptors, which increase nerve growth in your brain, and other areas of the brain that are involved in planning, processing of information, and the formation of new memories.

4. VITAMIN B12 - Mental fogginess and problems with memory can be associate with a possible deficiency of Vitamin B12 (check with your GP) this is indicative of its importance for your brain health. B12 can be found in most animal products (meat,seafood, eggs and milk).

5. ANTIXOIDENT SUPERFOODS FOR THE 'GREY CELLS' (OR BLUE IN STEEMERS)- these little warriors are an excellent way to improve congnitive skills and apparently can slow the ageing process to the brain! - allowing you to Steemit for decades!- you can find antioxidents in berry fruits and greenleaf vegetables, carrots, advocado, nuts seeds to name a few and the good news DARK CHOCOLATE - yaaaay knew it was good for you.....

6. SEX - yes SEX - according to scienctist having an active love life can keep your brain active for longer. Apparently sex can encourage the growth of brain cells and can improve long term memory... there it is folks, you need to be doing it more to remember what it is you want to write about!.....

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(* disclaimer - these tips are my own personal opinions and you decide for yourself if you follow or not)


So in theory, if you have sex in the am after a good nights sleep, excersise afterwards, have an antixiodent smoothie for breakfast, chew Vitamin B12 whilst blogging in the sunshine you should in theory be a WHALE IN NO TIME........

#steemit #writing #@whales

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Good post, I need to stop with the coffee lol. As for b12 - I've been getting injections of that for a couple of years and it has been the best thing ive done for my health. B12 deficiency has a lot to answer for. Levels around 1000 are ideal, however most doctors will consider 200 or above to be normal. which isn't a great level to be at.

yep me too - only realised this a few years ago - I'm known as a 'health'nut in our family so I take different vitamins and smoothies regularly- should pay off in my 80's....will let you know

Cool reading. So I should take more coffee to become a Steemit Whale. Am I right?

no - coffee not good for you - but antixodiants and sex is !!!

great post but personally I think getting away from the keyboard is the most important thing no matter what you choose to do. simply because the brain needs input. trying to write when you haven't put anything in is like trying to wring out a dry sponge pointless.

totally agree - so go for a brisk walk, soak up some VIT D and hopefully when you return your creative juices should be flowing ...... in theory - Have a good day :)

Great, uplifting post :) Good advice :)