Steemit Hike with Steemians in Germany - Steemit - Wanderung mit Steemians!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hey guys! It was my first meet up with some Steemians! I was pretty exciting and had to wake up at 05:30 in the morning to take my train to Munich in the southern part of Germany at 07:00 o clock in the morning. Unfortunately I missed the train, had to take the next one and was round about 30 minutes too late . No one was angry about my delate :) @freiheit50, me and few others Steemians wanted to hike in the mountain region in Bavaria. However we had to change our plan cause it was raining in the mountains, Plan B: Lets hike to an beautiful lake "Stanberger See" and maybe we are brave enough to take a swim ;) The temperature was around about 10 degrees plus. Quite all right!

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The guys picked me up by car at the central station in Munich, we drove til Münsing to begin our round about 20 km hike :)

Before the hike began, some of the guys told me names of the mountains in the background. I forgot them :(

During the hike we got to know each other, exchanged our usernames to follow each other :) and talked about Steemit, Cryptocurrencies, favorite Steemians and our life :) Do you know this kind of situation: "You want to begin a discussion with your friends about Steemit and they do not really want to listen or just do not believe in this platform or even do not have the motivation to begin to blog, too."? This time it was different I could talk the whole day about Steemit with Steemians and people could understand me without big explanations :) Information has been exchanged and my motivation was rising to be even more active on this platform! Not only the discussions were interesting, the area around Lake Starnberg also had a lot of beauty to offer!

I am always managing to close my eyes on pictures :P

We walked along the goat enclosure. The stones are simulating the stones in the mountains for the goats. I remember that goats liked to be up in the mountains in Norway. Thats a bit mean to josh them, but it seems goats are believing in it to be in the mountains :P The main thing is that they are happy :) ^^


We met some curious horses, too :)

On the way we saw many beautiful houses

This entrance to a private grounds looked like out of a fairytale

Coziness in Bavaria on the countryside

Walking next to the lake was beautiful

Me next to Lake Starnberg

Who wants to go for a swim?

@freiheit50 was brave enough ;)

Should I also go in? .....

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ok ... brrrr it was super cold and at the same time very refreshing. Still not the right period for a swim :P

I think we put ourselves in danger! It is time get out of the water quickly :P

This stone will forever remind me of my first Steemit - Meeting

Even sporty hikers will eventually get tired and hungry. Our tasty dinner table <3


My mushroom soup

I recommend to taste the beer of the region, too

We were planing to continue our hike. It was quite unusual to see that some people are still using a paper map :P I am used to use google maps :P Still old fashion stuff is oldie but goldie:)

Eat me Baby!!

I like the stove in front of the restaurant

We continued our way and saw some last interesting things on the trail

For example a dilapidated house. It is quite unusual to see abandoned houses in Germany. This is the result of monument protection dispute

Behind these doors, the inventor of bee Maja once lived. The door is from Hungary

Before driving back home we made a little break in a cozy bavarian cabin to eat a desert :)

Thanks Steemians, it was a wonderful and perfect day!! I did not make any photos of people and did not wrote names of Steemians to protect the privacy of them.

Did you catch up with any Steemians? If yes , who was it? Lets get to know each other and let the community grow <3 :)

See You Soon - Big Hug Lena <3 <3

deutsch / same post in German


Hallo Liebe Leute! Joaa, es war mein erstes Steemit - Meeting mit einigen von euch! Ich war ziemlich aufgeregt, bin schon um 05:30 Uhr in der früh aufgestanden, um den Zug um 07:00 Uhr Richtung München zu erwischen. Trotz der Bemühungen habe ich den Zug verpasst und war ne gute halbe Stunde zu spät. Glück gehabt, denn keiner war verärgert :) @freiheit50, ich und einige andere Steemians planten eine Wanderung in den Bayerischen Bergen. Regen durchkreuzte unsere Pläne und der Plan wurde kurzfristig ein wenig umgeändert. Plan B: "Wanderung zum Starnberger See", wer weiss vielleicht sind einige unter uns dabei die mutig genug sind und ins Wasser springen werden ;) Die Aussentemperatur 10 Grad im Plusbereich, geht doch!

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Eingesammelt wurde ich am Münchner Hauptbahnhof. Ziel war erstmal Münsing, von dort aus wird alles beginnen, 20 Kilometer sollten es mindestens werden ;)

So bevor alles beginnen kann, wurden mir die Namen der Berge im Hintergrund genannt. Leider schon vergessen :(

Wir durften uns nun kennenlernen, tauschten auch gleich mal unsere Usernamen auf Steemit aus, um brav allen zu folgen :) Die Gespräche wurden hauptsächlich über Steemit, Cryptowährungen, unsere Lieblings-Steemians und über unser Leben geführt :) Kennt ihr diese eine Situation aus dem Leben: "Ihr wollt euch austauschen, das Steemit Thema hat euch gepackt, jedoch leider nicht eure Freunde im engen Freundeskreis, keine mag darüber reden, keiner mag daran glauben und anfangen zu bloggen will auch niemand". Diesmal war alles anders! :D Der ganze Tag konnte genutzt werden, um sich über die Platform Steemit auszutauschen. Ich wurde plötzlich verstanden ohne viel erklären zu müssen und die Motivation stieg weiter an noch aktiver zu werden! Nicht nur die Diskussionen waren interessant, die Gegend um den Starnberger See war auch ziemlich beeindruckend und schön!

Sehr oft schliesse ich meine Augen auf Bildern :P

Entlang ging es am Ziegengehege. Die Steine simulierten die Berggegend für die Ziegen. Ich erinnere mich, dass ich viele Ziegen in den norwegischen Bergen getroffen habe. Diese und ähnliche Steine waren dort überall zu sehen. Ein wenig gemein ist es ja schon die Ziegen so zu veräppeln :D Aber naja Hauptsache die Tierchen sind glücklich :)


Einige neugierige Pferde

Auf dem Weg war es möglich viele schöne Eigentumshäuser zu sehen

Einige Eingänge zu Privatgrundstücken sind wie aus Märchen entsprungen

Die Bayerische Gemütlichkeit auf dem Ländle

Es ging am See entlang

Der Starnberger See und ich

Wer traut sich und springt hinein?

@freiheit50 war mutig genug ;)

Soll ich auch? .....

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ok ... brrrr es war kalt, jedoch auch erfrischend. Trotzdem ist es definitiv die falsche Jahreszeit, der Sprung ins Wasser kann warten :P

Nun gut, ich glaube wir haben uns dabei auch in Gefahr gebracht. Es wird Zeit das Gewässer zu verlassen :P

Dieser Stein wird mich für immer an mein erstes Steemit Treffen erinnern

Auch sportliche Wanderer werden irgendwann mal müde und hungrig. Unser reich bedeckter Tisch <3


Meine Pilzsuppe

Das Bier aus der Region muss man probieren

So die Wanderung wurde fortgesetzt werden. Ziemlich ungewöhnlich eine Papierwanderkarte zu verwenden :P Heutzutage benutzt man doch Google Maps :P Jedoch wissen wir auch: Oldie but Goldie :)

Iss mich Baby!!

Der Ofen vor dem Restauranteingang hat was

Es ging voran und einige letzte interessante Eindrücke sind uns noch begegnet

Zum Beispiel ein verlassenes und verfallenes Häuschen. Ziemlich ungewohnt. Dieses Ergebnis ist auf ein Denkmalschutz - Streit zurück zu führen

Hinter diesen Türen lebte einst der Erfinder von Biene Maja. Das Tor kommt selber aus Ungarn

Bevor es dann endgültig nach Hause geht gönnten wir uns eine Pause in einer bayerischen Wirtschaft, um leckeren Kuchen zu essen :)

Danke Steemians, es war ein wundervoller und perfekter Tag!! Fotos und Namen von teilnehmenden Personen wurden nicht gennant, um die gewünschte Privatsphäre zu schützen.

Habt ihr auch schon einige Steemians getroffen? Wenn ja, wer hatte alles schon mal die Ehre? Ich will euch kennen lernen, um unsere Community zu vergrössern <3 :)

Bis bald und nen fetten Drücker - LG Lena <3 <3

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nice, hab schon von der wanderung gehört ;-) doch die Bilder zeigen mehr als ein paar Worte. Das war sicherlich schön und ha euch platt gemacht :-*

relax now my dear

Looks like a great trip!

Wow ! You captured beautiful moments there in awesome places !! Mouthgasmic foods . Hope you enjoyed a lot!

Nice photo
Good post dear @lenatramper
I upvote and resteem

Hey @lenatramper , this is amazing helpful and encouragement article to this community. I will like to add a quote here , that may be helpful to bloggers on this platform ;
Why You Should Upvote Comments!!!!
I've noticed alot of people doesnt reward their followers, and their commenters on here.
It's a shame.
When someone takes the time to not only read your post but to leave a comment. Even throwing your small vote their way does a lot of great things...
They are More Likely To Follow You;
I'm not saying you should upvote every single comment you get. I try and look for those that I feel provide value to the post. When they see that you upvoted their comment and they will be rewarded as a result. This encourages them to follow you; Then you'll have a regular on your post!
You can grow your followers so that they can grow you.
If they choose to keep their Steem in their account, They may power it up. If you continuously are upvoting their great comments, then they will steadily grow overtime. Their vote will be worth even more, and they'll be able to upvote you, The upvotes you gave them helps them grow, so they have more power on the platform.

May I ask you to take a photo in front of the Bayern Munchen stadium while writing my name on a piece of paper ... 😊

A very fun trip. hopefully I can be like you

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Very interesting journey dear @lenatramper
You meet with steemians, traveling wonderful place, dirnking awesome beer, everything was Beautiful. . Just amazing

It seems to me that you had a very nice hike with Steemias. According to the pictures you had a great time with Steemians. They're lucky to know you. Personally, I only know my brother and my cousin on Steemit and I hope to meet others soon. Have a great dear weekend @lenatramper


beautiful women who dressed in red, like her. @lenatramper

a very great post I am very happy to see your friend post. friend please help me.

Yes good

an exhausting trip ...
but I want to work like @lenramper

Unfortunately the girl as beautiful as lenatramper can miss the train. If close I will inter

A fun day I think this moment-moment that can not be forgotten, it's amazing nature germany thanks @lenatramper who have published the beauty of nature germany through your post

beautiful scenery @lenatramper

Hi dear, you are so good ,, i read about your trip very beautiful your life is full of happiness ,, i want to take a shower and i like to swim ,, congratulations to enjoy a good meal.?

a memorable trip. enjoy your friends


Very beautiful, amazing looks, Friends

Nice post!!!

Good luck @lenatramper, Incredible, very rewarding experience.

wow .... incredible trip meet with the steemians. A very memorable moment and great photographs.

I love your photos from this trip. Awesome initiative!

Baby doll

The trip that attracted friends thank you for sharing his experience, it must be very exciting to climb on the top of a beautiful mountain with a natural phenomenon, I really like that I upvote and resteem a friend

👏👏👍 nice post..

This looks like such a fun adventure. Wonderful gate and houses! I can't wait to have a Steemit meetup one day, I have not been able to do one as of yet.

hopefully later meet steemians from Aceh, Indonesia.


wow,you pic up good moment there in nice place.this is a very beautifull journing with steemians.your food,drinking beer to see very mindblowing.everything is perfect dear. @lenatramper

beautiful moment. :)

You think you own whatever land you land on.

Beautiful germany dear @lenatramper

your day is very fun of course. happy end of the week may be a smile always on your face.

good post. !!

Yes amazing post @lenatramper

What a wonderful adventure. I love bare tree walks in the early spring/late autumn. I love the shapes of the branches. I god some sincere enjoyment from this; and that food looks amazing!

Good post 😍😍

I like to climb if I'm with you. hihi
love you @lenatramper
Follow me :)

Hello mis lena.. 😊
Yoru post is very good and you very beuatiful😍😍

Das war Super. Kommunikation ist wichtig mit Steemians.

very nice post and also very nice view very beautiful

good post

Good jop friends

Enjoyable trip
though a little tired ...

Vielen Dank für deinen tollen Bericht! Wir hatten einen sehr schönen Tag zusammen und es gibt bestimmt ein "nächstes Mal"!

Fun trip right ,,

Great post. Enjoy every moment of your life.

Sooooo beautiful times.....😀😀😀😀

a long and satisfying trip let alone there are many very beautiful scenery .. let alone the food is very delicious .. I really like it your post @lenatramper

Places are very beautiful, but the girl is more beautiful))

Very nice @lenatramper

Nice To meet you 😊

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

tiring trip ...
but I want to work like you @lenatramper

Irgendwie wollte ich hin und hab es dann verpasst.
Und da ich fast nie in den gucke, hab ich deine Nachricht erst heute gesehen. :D

Naja, dann musst du halt auf dem Discord aktiv werden, da ist eh die ganze deutsche Community. ^^

Aber es wird ja sicher nicht dein letztes Steemit Meetup sein, also sieht man sich sicher irgendwann irgendwo.
Maybe am Stammtisch in München mal ? :P
Da war ich nämlich diesen Mittwoch...

Aber ansonsten traust du dich das nächste Mal sicher ins Wasser, sonst reise ich hinterher und schmeiße dich rein :D
Warm ist es doch sicherlich und ansonsten wirst du es mir sicher schnell sagen können. ;)

Gruß Naturicia

Tolle Bilder, super Leute, aber das geht ja auch nicht anders hier!

Wow, very amazing, hopefully we can meet at the next meet up. : D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good story, fun to meet a steemians friend @lenatramper

Hehe, very cool place and idea for a meetup with steemians. It's a very exquisite romantic place, i remember the isle of roses was the favorite place of Ludwig II. Damn i wish i was there loll. Have a very beautiful day Lena !

Tolle Bilder <3

Hi how are u

Wonderful , Can you come in morocco we can play Golf i'm sure that you will love morocco

beautiful country side scenery, mainly the view of lake with stoney. hiking together with friends is always fun. best way spending weekend @lenatramper.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


Is the best for you

beautiful landscapes..

Very good picture,cool camera touch...

Good luck friend

i upvote you, can upvote me?

I'm glad you didn't meet any crocodiles on your swim.

I didn't get to meet any Steemians so far. It sounds like your get together with Steemians was a lot of fun.

nice. I like what you feel, can enjoy life always in a smile.

Das schaut ja alles sehr märchenhaft aus - vor allem die Füße von @freiheit50 - wer war denn noch dabei?

Cool! Wer war sonst noch alles am Start?! Schade dass ich es mal wieder nicht geschafft habe :( Aber cool dass ihr sogar am Starnberger See wart! Ich bin nicht weit von dort geboren. Schön meine heimat zu sehen :) LG

Hallo! ich mochte ein wanden mit Steemians gehen! 20 km und leckeres essen :D

Good post @lenatramper