Finally! Steemit Makes My Dream Comes True

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

First thing first, I would like to thank to Steemit for providing me a place to dedicate my self on this lovely platform. It just fulfilled my dream, since I became a steemit user I earned the income that I used to buy a coffee farm. After more than a year being a steemit user, I committed to use steemit earning to invest in the farm project, precisely a coffee farm that I proudly name it "Steemit Coffee Farm." I had just bought a hectare coffee farm, which was already planted 2.500 coffee tree, and the total IDR 70.000.000 or 5000 steem that I spent for a hectare coffee farm and I plan to plant many more coffee tree in the near future. The coffee that grows in the farm is Arabica (super coffee variety) which is embedded as the most quality coffee and definetely this coffee will be more valuable than any other coffees in Gayo, Aceh Tengah even this kind of coffee is consumed by coffeeir around the world.

This investment is a fact that I am seriously working on steemit platform and regardless my friends opinion who frequently underestimated what I did on steemit. Right! Probably most of you will not do like I am doing now, you guys prefer to buy something that give you more comfortable like car, motor cycle and others. That all you choice! What I am trying to say is, my dream that oriented to something that will bring a positive effect in my future prospect.

Steemit Coffee Farm, as I named, has become my priority investment, and I put a commitment to continue developing this coffee farm from steemit earning. It is not as easy as you think, I suffered a lot on steemit, the challenge come and go but I dont give up, I always learn to be good user and obey the steemit rules. That is the crucial point that may take our concern. Well! Let me serve you some photos of steemit coffee farm that I bought couple days ago.





Sebelum saya melanjutkan penggalan cerita, saya ingin berterima kasih kepada Steemit yang telah memberikan kesempatan berkarir di platform yang luar biasa ini. Pernah suatu kali ada yang bertanya "Apa pekerjaan Anda?" Lantas saya menjawab "Saya bekerja di steemit." Barangkali sebagian orang menganggap jawaban saya itu nyeleneh, padahal memang begitu adanya. Karena saya nyakin steemit bisa memberikan lebih kepada saya, dan kenyakinan saya itu terbukti dengan hasil bekerja di steemit saya sudah membelikan satu hektar kebun kopi dengan harga Rp.70.000.000 atau sekitar 5.000 steem yang telah saya kumpulkan selama setahun lebih. Saya dengan bangga menamakan kebun yang baru saja saya beli ini dengan "Steemit Coffee Farm". Dalam satu hektar kebun tersebut terdapat 2.500 pohon kopi dan akan terus bertambah. Berikut beberapa poto kebun kopi yang baru saja saya beli. Menariknya, kopi yang tumbuh di lahan tersebut adalah kopi jenis Arabica dimana kopi tersebut memiliki kualitas yang super, bahkan seluruh dunia memilih jenis kopi ini untuk dikonsumsi. Lahan kopi tersebut terletak di Gayo, Aceh Tengah, Indonesia.

Bukti investasi ini sebagai wujud bahwa saya serius di steemit dan mematahkan pendapat orang-orang yang dulu memandang pekerjaan saya ini sia-sia. Oh ya, mungkin sebagian orang tidak akan memilih investasi yang saya lakukan, mereka lebih condong membeli barang-barang mewah semisal mobil, motor dan lainnya. Itu semua terserah kepada individu masing-masing. Yang ingin saya katakan disini adalah impian sejak kecil saya yang berorientasi kepada sesuatu barang yang bisa membawa pengaruh ekonomi kepada saya nantinya.

Steem Coffee Farm ini menjadi investasi saya yang pertama, dan saya berkomitmen untuk terus mengembangkan lahan kopi ini dari hasil steemit. Untuk memperoleh hasil sedemikian rupa tidak lah mudah, aral melintang selalu ada tapi itu tidak menyurutkan saya untuk terus belajar menjadi pengguna yang baik dan mematuhi rambu-rambu yang ditetapkan oleh pihak steemit. Sebagai bukti, saya akan menunjukkan kepada Anda beberapa poto kebun kopi yang baru saja saya beli dari hasil steemit.





Keep Steeming on @levycore

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i support all coffee posts and this is just.. awesome!

Thank you very much for your support @kingscrown.

Waah, I am proud of you... a young man who is working very hard to fullfill his dream.

Thank you brother! young must prepare to be old:D

I'm so happy to see you follow through with your dreams. You are a bright example of someone who has followed through with making your dream come true. Congratulations, and I wish you all the best on your pastures new.

i am also very happy after reading this post

me follow you

Thank for wonderful compliment. Yep! Glad to catch your comment here.I wish you all the best too, dear!

Congratulations! This is such a great example of how truly life changing steem can be! I will be telling your story to anyone who will listen.

indeed a great post . after reading this i am fully motivated about steem

Thanks! Glad to see your motivational comment and it is good know if it can be a great example for anyone.Yes please..

What an inspiration to the new SeemIt members! Your post will help motivate many, including me. :-) Congratulations on your living out your dream with the help of SteemIt. I look forward to your future posts sharing updates on your coffee farm!

Great to hear that.At least, it can be useful for all of us. Indeed! I will keep updating the progress of my coffee farm. Thank for dropping by!

This is amazing, it's very inspiring, and it is a testament to how hard you have worked to make that dream come true!

This is a great post, thanks....

Thank for your support Tom. You'r right! I will invite you to harvest the coffee.:D

Inspiratif. Nyan baroe hayeue!

Dua blah jaroe!

lon dua jaro ... dan dua gaki ...

Payah lon hoi 5 droe teuk berarti. Haha

Hahahah .. payah hei pasukan lom

This is awesome, I roast green coffee in the UK - will you be selling your coffee via brokers? What is the plantation name so I can look out for it. Congratulations- an amazing journey funded by Steem!

Glad to know that mate! I will think about that and I hope we can work together on this coffee stuff. Its name Arabica. Thanks for giving me such amazing info.

Sebuah pencapaian yang sangat bagus
Benar kata pepatah, usaha dan kerja keras tidak akan mengkhianati hasil :)
Semoga bisa tambah sukses lagi kedepannya ..@levycore

Wow sangat luar biasa @levycore semoga sukses selalu dan selalu dalam lindungan Allah SWT. Salam KSI Adinda.

waah..semoga hasilnya semakin berlipat bang..! investasi masa depan, harus dicontoh terimakasih.

This platform is life changing for so many Steemians. Congratulations on building a successful future and look forward to your global steeming coffee ventures

Yep! You are right. Steemit has changed people life, and I am proud of being a steemia. Thank you very much for motivational comment. Hope we can share more ideas on this bussiness

Awesome. That must feel really good - well done. You should be extremely proud of yourself.

Yes, I am. Thank you very much for dropping by!

I roast coffee as a side business. I order a lot of Indonesian coffees. This is very interesting to me! What an amazing opportunity Steemit has provided you. Best of luck, @levycore!

Wow...! What a fantastic bussiness you have and I am very glad if we can work together on this.

Mantap @levycore
Ini akan menjadikan semangat dan motivasi untuk saya.

Congrats to that! You so deserve it for your hard work and the coffee farm will give you so much more in years to come as you invest your time and love to it. 🙂

Deeply thanks for that, dear!

Pencapaian luar biasa

Well Done!!!

Thanks man!

Wowww selamat kerja keras @levycore membuahkan hasil.
Terbukti dengan hasil bekerja di steemit sudah membelikan satu hektar kebun kopi dengan harga Rp.70.000.000 atau sekitar 5.000 steem yang telah dikumpulkan selama setahun lebih. kebun yang baru bernama "Steemit Coffee Farm".
kalau boleh tahu di kawasan mana tuh bg @levycore??? hehehehe

congrats man!!!! hope to see some branded coffee soon! are you thinking of expanding vertically?

Thanks! Yep, I am now doing bussiness cofee...

sangat hebat bg @levycore
inilah buah dari konsistensi

Congratulations! @levycore. You are so awesome! I really admire you.

Thank you very much @floridasnail

Whoa! Well done Sir . Great investment I think. May your steemit coffee farm be ever fruitful.

Thank for your pray.

You are welcome.

Way to make a great investment. Your coffee farm will pay off before long. Thanks for an inspiring post. 🐓🐓

Yep! right place to invest, and you know in the one week, the coffee will be ready to harvest. Thanks you very much.

That was a great score. Happy for you! 🐓🐓
Hope you have help for the harvest!

Alhamdulillah, Sangat cocok untuk kita ambil sebagai motivasi.
Selamat bang @levycore
Anda telah sukses meraih cita-cita anda.

This is very inspiring! I'm considering expanding my farm next year with proceeds from steemit. You are some steps ahead of me :)

Great to know that man! We can use steemit earning for something good

Yes man! Social media for good use!

good job boss

Sangat inspiratif bg @levycore

#sweet this is inspirational to the max!

Thanks! I hope it can be inspired for all steemians. Keep steeming on man!

Selamat temanku @levycore
Saya juga bisa merasakan apa yang anda rasakan karna saya juga sudah banyak menikmati apa yang diberikan oleh untuk kita semua..

Congratulations! What a fantastic success story, thank you for sharing!

Thank you very much.

Wuih! Selamat yah! Menjadi contoh luar biasa bagi Steemian... semua ada proses dan waktunya...

This brought a tear to my eye! It is amazing how Steemit can literally change your life. Congratulations on being able to purchase a coffee farm and live your dream. 😊

Wow! It is very touched, dear and I am very pleased to hear that. It truly came true. Thank you very much for such a wonderful comment.

very inspiring, hope steemit will become also a part of my life

Thanks. Glad to know if it can be inspiring your life

Wow, @levycore! I'm happy for you! hope you achieve your goal and much success on your farm!

Thanks you very much, dear! I hope we all achieve our goal. Steemit is awesome platform that can make our dream come true.

Congratulations for you on your steemit success and New farm.
Best of luck for future.
You are inspiration👍🏻

Thank a lot man! Keep steeming on.

you too

Selamat buat bang @levycore yang sudah memiliki kebun kopi

Anda bisa, saya harus bisa juga @levycore.
Yang penting terus berusaha.
Jangan patah semangat dengan apa yang kita dapat hari ini.

Postingan yang sangat inspiratif, semoga sukses terus @levycore dan semoga kebun kopi (Steemit Coffee Farm) menghasilkan panen yang berlimpah. 👍👍👍

Excellent opportunity that you can not miss for anything in the world. Congratulations and to plant!

Thanks dear!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Luar biasa...usaha yang begitu keras...terima kasih @levycore .., karena anda steemit indonesia semakin berkembang

Salut bang @levycore , postingan yang sangat menginspirasi saya untuk terus berkembang.

Man you are a inspiration for me from now on...

amazing, do you plan to keep us posted about your farm?
I've became obsessed with farming recently and I like to see how do you deal with everything.

Yep! I do. I will keep updating about the progress of my farm. Thank you very much!

Steem Coffee Farm ini menjadi investasi saya yang pertama, dan saya berkomitmen untuk terus mengembangkan lahan kopi ini dari hasil steemit. Untuk memperoleh hasil sedemikian rupa tidak lah mudah, aral melintang selalu ada tapi itu tidak menyurutkan saya untuk terus belajar menjadi pengguna yang baik dan mematuhi rambu-rambu yang ditetapkan oleh pihak steemit. Sebagai bukti, saya akan menunjukkan kepada Anda beberapa poto kebun kopi yang baru saja saya beli dari hasil steemit.

wow .. bertus ... akhirnya tulisan ini muncul juga .. sebuah tulisan yang sangat inspiratif .. dan menjadi pemicu bagi saya sendiri di dalam memikirkan konsep ekonomi ...

Yang makin menarik nya adalah ... apakah ini semua hasil dari steemit?

Sangat menginspirasi @levycore

Awesome @levycore

Selamat atas pencapaian impiannya, memiliki kebun kopi pak @levycore.. semoga termotivasi steemians lainnya dalam berkarya di steemit.. :D

Amazing work @levycore! Such inspiring!

Thanks mate!

Mantab abang yg satu ini.. good job @levycore

Good job man!

Thank man!:D

Sebuah usaha penting baru sedang dilakukan @levycore setelah fokus pada dunia Steemit. Congratulation...

Wow, teungak-ngak saya, pencapaian yang luar biasa. Tabek.

Proyek yang luar biasa bang. Salut keu jendral @levycore

Sepertinya sudah jadi petani Kopi, ini bagus dalam rangka menyambut MEA (Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean)... Semoga generasi muda lainnya bisa mengikuti jejak bung @levycore.

Wah selamat! Semoga semakin berkembang investasi di perkebunan kopi maupun steemit nya. Sangat Menginsipirasi

Thanks for sharing
Sukses selalu buat @levycore

Great investment man, always should learned of you, very good news for all people in steemit, well you very fast have a great harvest of coffee, you chould uses steemit for starting to buy your harvest.
In the coffee farm you find aditional products for eating as a mushroom or a nice source for be better enviroment.
Best regard @galberto

Thanks man! Hope it can be an example for all steemians. It is good to invest in farming project. Just believe, steemit will give what we expect. We got a lot mushroom here!

Your friends don't understand, they underestimate your wisdom. You worked hard through discouragement and reinvested wisely. Much success to you.

Yep! Indeed! Just keep moving on, no matter what may challenge you. Many thanks for that!

Exactly, that is the way to do it!

@surpassinggoogle Thank you for the upvote, it means a lot to me.

suatu usaha yang sangat luar biasa. moga sukses selalu

Luar biasa @levycore, tulisan yang telah lama kami tunggu. Dengan adanya tulisan ini akan menambah inspirasi bagi steemians Indonesia secara umum, khususnya steemian Aceh, sehingga kedepan akan banyak penulis-penulis andal yang anti plagiat.

Salam Steemit Indonesia dan NSC


That's really great news and encouraging to other users as well. Hope that your investment will be fruitful.
By the way , buddy! you need to upgrade yourself. I mean you are wearing a T-shirt with old steemit logo!! (just kidding)

Thank you for your support. Yeah! I forgot to upgrade this logo.

Selamaaaattt ...smoga berkah :)

Luar biasa. Gak sia-sia ya. Saya ikut kepincut setelah membaca tukisan ini. Jangan lupa tengok blog saya.

That's very inspiring! 🙌

Luar biasa semangat bang @levycore. Ini menjadi motivasi bagi sebagai pemula di steemit. Yes and yes.

mantap bang levy, semoga aku bisa menyamaimu. .

Akhirnya panen juga pak qurator steemit Indonesia,,hehehe jangan lupa di ekspor buat @abunagaya kopinya bang


Wow luar biasa, saat saya bergabung disteemit saya pun merasa ada sesuatu yg luar biasa disana, walaupun saya belum mengambil hasil apapun namun saya yakin ada secercah harapan yg sedang menanti saya, tks sharingnya @levycore, inspiratif dan motivasi yg luar biasa

Mantap bang..

Mantap bang...

I am so excited for you! This purchase will be life changing. I can't wait to see your future posts about how it is all going.

congratulation @levycore inspired users on this community..i'm so happy for you..glad that you achieve your goals in life..

Dream come true..

Upvoted and thumbs up on your post..

Right! Glad to know if it can inspire anyone. Thanks for dropping by

amazing. sukses terus bang. jadi termotivasi dan terinspirasi dah ini kita.
thanks for sharing.

Steemit is nice platform to earn...All the best

Yep! Thanks man!

Wow !!!!!!!! What a story !!!


Steem coffee blend ? Nice name ..

Nope! Steemit Coffee Farm. Thanks!

This is a cool project! I how good can steemit be! Congrats!


Yes, indeed! Thanks and cheers...!


Thanks man!

Congratulations! I was inspired to hear your story, and it gives tangible form from something that is completely intangible, that being steemit of course. This beautiful farm you have purchased is just a testament to your commitment on the platform, so bravo to you!! I run by a lot of articles on here but I appreciate hearing success stories such as your own, and surely will get me talking about it. This is what excites me, I've been looking to purchase my first property too within the year, so thank you for sharing and inspiring the hearts and minds of all us (STEEM)ians

dont aspire to make living , aspire to make difference.
this post is the true example of hardwork , dedication , motivation

this is one of the best things i have seen today

Congrats for your success


Good luck with your farm! This is great! :)

Many thanks for your good wish!

..this is inspiring. I am encouraged to talk about my papaya farm.

Very congrats , steemit becomes your dream true

Thanks man!

Congratulations, very inspiring :)

Thank a lot, man!

a very interesting post successful @levycore
upvote @bustamam

Keren bg.

This is really inspiring and exciting! I hope you find much success, both with Steemit and the coffee farm. I love coffee & will look forward to seeing your coffee for sale one day soon!


Thanks dear!

This is a great post, thanks....

good vd


Wow, what a great story. Congrats to you. Follow your dream!

Thanks buddy!

From this post I have just read, if I was asked to describe you in one word, I would say incredible

Probably most of you will not do like I am doing now, you guys prefer to buy something that give you more comfortable like car, motor cycle and others. That all you choice! What I am trying to say is, my dream that oriented to something that will bring a positive effect in my future prospect.

I absolutely agree with you on this one. Of course it is good to spoil oneself from time to time but it is really wise to prepare for the future. Nice post.

Thanks! Future will determine who will be. Farm investment is good for our prospect.

This is a great post, thanks....

This is so inspiring. I do hope that I will be able to do that in the future. Looking forward on learning more stuff from the people who's in this platform for more than a year :) Keep it up sir!

That is the most amazing thing I've ever seen in terms of cryptocurrency investment.

OK, technically speaking, there are better investments but considering you're a humble average civilian, it's a pretty damn huge achievement.

I can feel your success much more than I usually do when someone talks about similar stories.

Good luck with your farm!