Fishing for @berniesanders accounts! Found 60 of them. Pray for him. Pray those demons out!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Two days ago, I posted an article in defense of @haejin, who is being attacked by a loser angry whale. Some people are broken-in-the-head and cannot stand to see others succeed.

I'd rather have the tallest building in a town by building a larger building than others -- rather than knocking all taller buildings down. Bernie seems to be in the demolition business.

He also seems to be inhabited by demons. So, we should pray for him. And especially, talk about praying for him in response to his attacks. "They hate this" (at 22 seconds):

A good friend mentioned that there's got to be something positive that Bernie thinks he's doing. Nobody believes themselves to be wrong, after all. He's "trying to keep the reward pool available for minnows" or something -- but, it's not his reward pool! @dan and @ned created it. I have no idea what @berniesanders' involvement was in its creation, and after he attacked me without provocation (months ago, not this recent attack), I really don't care to investigate what's up his butt.

It's something big, that's for sure.

So, two days ago I emailed @haejin my experience with Bernie from months ago, and mentioned that I probably won't post it, because I don't want his negative attention. (I think I'll be posting that, soon.)

Immediately after composing and sending that email, I began composing a post which I posted that night as well.

Before I went to bed, I saw it had gotten upvoted to over $13.

When I got up, it was at $0 and hidden from view. I knew what had happened. Still, it traumatized me. So I reposted it, identically (turns out @cheetah didn't detect it, although I've seen it detect when people have reposted merely portions of their earlier posts -- strange). That one hasn't been attacked.

Today I see that the one that had been attacked is now at $14.75! So, I wanted to calculate how much it had actually been upvoted, which at the same time would calculate exactly how much Bernie's able to downvote someone.

So, I ran Chrome again (I want to not run it again ever, but the "Steemit More Info" plugin doesn't work on Firefox's new "Quantum" version), pulled up the post, and copied out all the vote data, putting it in the below image:

This jerk thinks he's helping. He's not. Everybody's experience I have heard of, who have had dealings with him, has said that he has attacked them without provocation, is rude and hateful, and I even saw him tell someone else, regarding why he won't remove the downvote which decimated their account, "This is all fun and games to me."

Well, Mr. Fun-and-Games, I've seen you downvoting @uknowjpbitcoin on @haejin's posts. Then he created a post to list the 14 bots that he knows about. Then, someone else responded to it, with a longer list of his accounts, including 59 names.

After creating the above image, it would have been too much effort to manually go through the list, so I dropped down the list in Chrome, hit Ctrl+A to mark everything, then Ctrl+C to copy, and pasted it into Notepad++. Then, I removed the text above and below the drop-down list's contents, and then made a macro to hit "End, Del, comma, End, Del, comma, Down, Home" and then ran it 123 times, to collapse each entry onto one line (vote direction, username, percentage, and dollar amount).

Then I copied that, and pasted it into LibreOffice's Calc, then sorted it by names and also the "+/-" column, to help tabulate easier.

Bernie hit me with 100% downvotes for each of his 60 users. The total of the upvotes was $33.50, and the total of Bernie's downvotes is -$18.67. So, if someone can overcome around $20 of downvotes, their post will regain visibility. Perhaps a little more, as Bernie has an army of haters in addition to his army of bots.

Others are gathering that lists of haters. I'm pretty sure this list of bots is complete, as he knows I'm a "dolphin" and thus he needs to hit me with "the full nine yards" (an expression which comes from WW2, where the belt holding the ammunition was 27 feet long, so using it all up was "giving the full nine yards" to the enemy's position).

Interestingly, while typing this up I upvoted one of @uknowjpbitcoin's comments with a single 100% upvote, and it countered Bernie's downvotes and gave him $5 or so, making the comment visible -- and, also, increased his rep from 0 to 1! (Of course I may not have been the only one to vote him up, but he was at $0 when I did so. In other words, others might have countered most of Bernie's downvote for him, which likely weren't the full -$18.67, since Bernie knows that @uknowjpbitcoin's rep is 0 -- well, 1 now. :) )

Fight back not by downvoting this troll-faced loser, but by upvoting those who you appreciate. Like @haejin, and @uknowjpbitcoin for fighting for his defense.

So, here's the spreadsheet of the voters on that first post I had made, which is back to being visible:

And, here's the list, so you don't have to click somewhere else (and in case my site goes away, it'll be on the blockchain). It's in alphabetical order, and interestingly, his main account is the first one, and perhaps an idol of his is the second:

berniesanders, charlesmanson, chatterbox, danknugs, elchapo, engagement, ghettodweller, iflagtrash, illbeyourfriend, indica, jacktheripper, jeffreydahmer, kimjongun, liquidity, muhammad, nextgen1, nextgen10, nextgen11, nextgen12, nextgen13, nextgen16, nextgen2, nextgen3, nextgen6, nextgen7, nextgencrypto, nextgencrypto100, nextgencrypto101, nextgencrypto110, nextgencrypto111, nextgencrypto120, nextgencrypto121, ngc, ngcrep, nogalert, nxtgencrpto10, ozchartart, randomthoughts, rawdawg, rewardkiller, sativa, sockpuppet, steemittroll, steemservices, steemservices1, steemservices3, steemservices5,, thebotkiller, theconnoisseur, thecurator, thecyclist, thedelegator, thedumpster, theghost, thesloth, theterrorist, theyeti, yomamasofat, yougotflagged

Downvoting Bernie or his bots doesn't seem the right approach. His primary account is at -18, and he doesn't post much. But he does comment an awful lot, at least within the past week. And he made over $300 giving away a CryptoKitty, which seems a lot less valuable than what @haejin is constantly sharing.

Okay, Bernie, do your worst. I warned you not to attack me again, last time around (a few months ago, when you first attacked me). I thought you had learned your lesson by your lack of response. Don't bother responding, either with words or with votes.

I mean, you can respond if you want -- but it won't change my opinion of you, or countless thousands others who are coming here solely for @haejin's technical analysis! You're cursed with living in that skull, enjoy!

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  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

LOL, countered his downvotes yet again! :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Yo. I love what you guys are doing to expose berniesanders and his bullying. I posted similar content regarding why berniesanders is wrong for what he is doing. Please check it out. Let’s keep spreading the word as long as he is continuing to do this

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

He got me guys. Just got flagged heavily on the post. Lol. Help me get it back positive

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

He's even using his paid upvote bot for flagging. I guess I know what's coming. I had thought it few days ago and I feel like some are getting ready for it.

I got flagged by his upvote bot. Check out my post and help me get back positive

Glad I leased some SP. I upvoted both this comment and your post 100%
Keep up the good fight. We are winning this one. We'll have our own circle jerk of votes. Just lease some SP and keep you VP above 90% as much as possible.

I followed you. Thank you so much. Ill be sure to stop voting for a day to recharge. I’m very low right now. I want to get this guy off of this platform. He is a menace

You have 7.9SBD exchange them to STEEM in the internal market and go to and lease yourself 490SP or more. Bid for 100SP per STEEM per week. I got my lease in about a day with that price.

That's about 5 STEEM per week for 500SP. It'll be a good start. Also read:

I will. I’m waiting for sbd price to go back up though. And his bot army just flagged my post. Not just one, but all of his accounts. Screw him

He just hit my post again with all of his bots. Jeez. I’m getting tired of him. He just wont stop!!

I just got flagged heavily! Check out my post and help me get back positive. Bernie is just mad because i pointed out what he has done

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I just 100% upvoted you to try and get your post back into visibility, think it's going to need a little more though.

I totally disagree with their censorship style approach and have had some similar posts of my own downvoted by whales who thought they could dictate what can and can't be posted here. @haejin's posts are good, I actually made a tidy little profit based on some of his TA. Good luck in your battle against them!

@haijen is nice guy and we all love him and not to want anyone show the bloody behaviour to him that they downvote him without any reason. they only jeleous not,, otherwise not any thing bcz in steemit i dont not see the any good analysit like haijen and the all follower of haijen love him and respect him

I love haejin
I trust haejin

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

LOL I love that you're leaving bait for him, and he's wasting his resources on all of your posts!

Bill Murray is so awesome I love how he tinkles the piano keys... seems like you are doing the same. : ) One name you left off the list is randowhale and while it is not used for downvoting, rando's delegated SP was recently shifted to another account to do some apparently necessary downvoting on what seemed to be total scammers. I think a more reasonable approach is now being considered here and although he has anger issues he's not devoid of reason albeit a fervor for what he sees as good or bad for Steemit (not unlike you). The SP behind haejin seems at least equal so he doesn't seem to be affected. It will be interesting to see if the downturn affects haejin's winning percentage. I don't know enough about trading to have my own opinion but I do trust your judgement about people.

Ha! to your final sentence. I don't have much "common sense" (my wife does, making us a good team). I interpreted wrongly @sift666's satirical post a few months back. Perhaps I did the same last night -- please take a look and let me know your thoughts?

I'm considering a post, asking "is this the behavior we want of a witness?" -- trolling through my Wallet and posting screencaps and making wrong conjectures to attack me?

Quite hurting lately.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

100% behind what you've done here. well explained.
I'm learning a lot about Steemit with this episode doing on, not much of it I like.
@haeji posts useful content and gets beat down for his success by the jealousy of others but also small accounts that have commented favourably have suffered a tidal wave of hate flags for airing a positive or supportive opinion.
@interwovenfarm got smashed to zero on his first ever post about the magic of seeds for gods sake, completely irrelevant and uncalled for.
We should be helping these guys out. Great posters to niche interest minnows. I'll do what I can

I agree. I've already driven my voting power down into the 40s yesterday, so I need to let it recharge a bit. And I think I should take some time off from here, possibly permanently. I'm recovering from multiple concussions and really need peace and quiet, not haters attacking the productive.

I upvoted many on @haejin's posts, helping to restore. I know I can't fix everything.

Now I have a witness trolling through my Wallet page, taking screencaps and mocking my transactions with made-up stories. Really bothers me.

Hang in there, even if it means taking a little time off. Had to do that with the dailypaul sometimes! When it is fun, do it. When it is not fun, do something else. You have so much to give, I hope you will stay, or come back as soon as you can. HUGS!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Is it possible to create a bot that auto upvotes posts and comments of users hit by the berniesanders hatchet mob?
I'd contribute.
Call it the Equaliser bot or something

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for supporting @haejin . you did a great job !!!!


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

It’s always better to listen and learn, watch and cross check when bigger elephants 🐘 🐘 🐘 rapports, either positively or otherwise.

Nice post.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You are really great dear @libertyteeth your situation makes me so proud of you

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

:-( actually a sad story... I don't understand those wars between some members here...

It is a sad story. I don't really understand his behavior either, only that I know in both my case from months ago, and @haejin's case more recently -- Bernie attacked first. "Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose." -- and, I'd argue, even sooner than that, because I'm going to defend myself against your punch before it lands. (The generic "your" of course.)

Merry Christmas! Today is the darkest day, the sun's gonna get stronger soon! :)

"Your right to swing your fist ends at my nose."

This is where law begins at end. Beyond this law has no purpose. This is also a non-negotiable absolute axiom contrary to what the commies say.(

I'm going to defend myself against your punch before it lands.

This is Justice. Justice is more or less pointless after the damage has been done. Prevention is better than cure. Any form of aggression that is used against a First breach of NAP (A crime) that doesn't far significantly exceed the original aggression is a non-crime though it's a sin. My definition includes First Degree Murder.

There are basically only two ways in which economic life can be organized. The first is by the voluntary choice of families and individuals and by voluntary cooperation. This arrangement has come to be known as the free market. The other is by the orders of a dictator. This is a command economy. In its more extreme form, when an organized state expropriates the means of production, it is called socialism or communism. Economic life must be primarily organized by one system or the other.

It can, of course, be a mixture, as it unfortunately is in most nations today. But the mixture tends to be unstable. If it is a mixture of a free and a coerced economy the coerced section tends constantly to increase.

One qualification needs to be emphasized. A "free" market does not mean and has never meant that everybody is free to do as he likes. Since time immemorial mankind has operated under a rule of law, written or unwritten. Under a market system as any other, people are forbidden to kill, molest, rob, libel or otherwise intentionally injure each other. Otherwise free choice and all other individual freedoms would be impossible. But an economic system must be dominantly either a free or a command system.

Ever since the introduction and spread of Marxism the great majority of people who publicly discuss economic issues have been confused. Recently a very eminent person was quoted as denouncing economic systems that respond "only to the forces of the market place," and are governed "by the profit motive of the few rather than the needs of the many." He warned that such a system could put "the world's food supply into even greater jeopardy."

This immense cooperative system is known as a free-market economy. It was not consciously planned by anybody. It evolved. It is not perfect, in the sense that it leads to the maximum possible balanced production and/or distributes its rewards and penalties in exact proportion to the economic deserts of each of us. But this could not be expected of any economic "system." The fate of each of us is always affected by the accidents and catastrophes as well as the blessings of nature—by rainfall, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, or what not. A flood or a drought may wipe out half a crop, bringing disaster to those growers directly hit by it, and perhaps record-high prices and profits to the growers who were spared. And no system can overcome the shortcomings of the human beings that operate it—the relative ignorance, ineptitude, or sheer bad luck of some of us, the lack of perfect foresight or omniscience on the part of all of us.

All quotes from Henry Hazlitt.

Anarchy and Communism are two opposites like the 2 poles of a magnet. Mixing them is an oxymoron.

Um, the og anarchists called themselves communists, tyvm.
But you would have known that if your history class had been of a different type, ie, not one controlled by folks that wanted to control you through your ignorance.
Me, too, except that i broke free and read the histories on my own.

I fought long and hard to remain crapitalust, but this novel finally showed me crapitalism's last lie that controlled me.

You have to decide for you.

Anarchism does not offer a fixed body of doctrine from a single particular world view, instead fluxing and flowing as a philosophy. Many types and traditions of anarchism exist, not all of which are mutually exclusive. Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism. Strains of anarchism have often been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications.

Source: Wikipedia

Anarcho-communism is a theory of anarchism which advocates the abolition of the state, markets, money, private property (while retaining respect for personal property) and capitalism in favor of common ownership of the means of production, direct democracy and a horizontal network of voluntary associations and workers' councils with production and consumption based on the guiding principle:"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".

Basically it's plain old communism minus state (How is that possible??? Not properly explained.)

Anarcho-capitalism is a political philosophy and school of anarchist thought that advocates the elimination of the state in favor of self-ownership, private property, and free markets. Anarcho-capitalists hold that, in the absence of statute (law by centralized decrees and legislation), society tends to contractually self-regulate and civilize through the discipline of the free market (in what its proponents describe as a voluntary society).

These 2 only have elimination of state as common ground. They both got their name "Anarchy" because they both advocated the elimination of state. How communism("From each according to his ability, to each according to his need".) is going to function without a state is simply incomprehensible to me.

Dubai went from a plot of sand to having indoor rain forests/surfing/skiing and artificial islands in less than 3 generations and Singapore went from a ghetto to twice the GDP per capita of USSA and became one of the most expensive cities on Earth to live on by following a fraction of the principles of free market capitalism.

On the other hand commies have Hitler, Stalin and the only Fat man In North Korea.

Ok, what we got here is you using a later definition of communism.
When Marx split with Bakunin at the first international he also split from Proudhon, who is the og.

The banks backed marx and he is in the history books allowed to the masses, while Bakunin is not.
It is a clue.

Imagine, the statists and banksters teaming up to spread fake news, who would've thought?

Think what we would be like in a cooperative world where we all worked for the same goal, better lives, rather than who can score the highest score at the lowest cost.

Justice is more or less pointless after the damage has been done.

I like that, a lot. Thanks!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Keep it up. You're doing the right thing.
Stay cool and friendly.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This is trolling and offensive to steemit, people need to be supportive here on steemit not flag people by the means of steem power, this is irritating, truly ! We can't turn steemit to a battle field and waste good upvotes and turns to down votes just to seek revenge

Right, exactly, hence my:

Fight back not by downvoting this troll-faced loser, but by upvoting those who you appreciate. Like @haejin, and @uknowjpbitcoin for fighting for his defense.

I'm at a low point, honestly.

Ok i will follow the

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

the fight just got real damm

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

excellent post,nice funny video sharing

really it looks great job, supporting others.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Sometimes when you are at the top, you will be hated by some people .you'll have a lot of people they will try to drop you, but it remains our duty to stand with the oppressed :)

Thanks for fighting and helping all of us!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

That's pretty cool to know thanks for the tips by the way :)

You are just a lovely human!

Thank you!

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

yeah and he get the hard lesson of his fun and games i see its value down now and go to 1 many of us downvote him now....the haijen is really a loving and nice man who share all the hard work moral with us

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

what i can say in this one :(

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Haters are gonna hate, but i'm praying for him....

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

it seems that he's doing fine, can you give me the link to the post that was under attack please?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

265 upvotes & balance $0.00?! Something is wrong about this post rewards. Don't you agreed? Or all the 265 votes are from minnow with 0.1 % vote?!

If you are using Chrome, you can install the "Steemit More Info" plugin, which as its name indicates, shows more info. If you click the "votes" drop-down for this post, you'll see every voter, the direction they voted (+ or -) -- the normal info; but also, it updates it to show a scroll bar so you can see every voter, rather than just 20 or so and "more" which isn't a link.

Also, it shows the percentage of vote that the voter used for their vote, as well as the "dollar equivalent" that the vote affected the post with.

Most of the votes are upvotes. I run Firefox now and don't want to load Chrome to check, but I know from my other post's investigation that Bernie has 60 bots. I think he's also convinced other whales to attack people as well.

The only "raping" I'm seeing here is Bernie's actions himself. Accusing others of the exact thing he himself is doing. Which seems to rhyme a great deal with the larger theater, here in the US.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I saw those posts @berniesanders was putting up. He is freaking out why exactly? Because a dolphin is rapidly gaining ground and giving good advice and posts? The guy isn't making hundreds of sbd per post. I don't see the motive for bernie unless he feels or his friends feel threatened. Also bernie has been shit talking a lot of users merely to create drama. I think he is this platform's version of Kraut & Tea.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Haejin is a Legend. He doesn't have to come on here or on Youtube to share his knowledge. He doesn't have to do this, he can simply keep it all to himself. But that's not his character, he's an amazing individual that shares a wealth of information.

With regards to the so called Whale(s) bickering about nothing, nobody is forcing you do listen to Haejin's analysis & chart readings. So get over it.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

So much love to share,.. and Yes,... with the one who appriciate it everytime

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I’ve been critical of many people on Steem over the year I’ve been here, some whales some minnows. BernieSanders is the only person who I’ve ever critiqued constructively and received 48 flags all at once.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you Haejin!! Haejin we trust!

Nice video.I resteemed your post.and follow.

Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.

Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:

  • 10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.

  • Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.

  • Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).

  • Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.

  • Unsolicited and off topic referral links.

Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.

More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Why are you guys even giving him so much importance ?If youre walking down the street and a dog barks at you , you dont bark back.You ignore it and keep walking.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Interesting. I have been watching this with interest. On one hand, he has a point, on the other, there are limits on how to respond. It seems there is always drama on every website I have ever produced content on.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

How do I upvote 100% ?

Check your vote % value @ this link:

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

I'm sorry you've had to deal with this guy. Unfortunately, to quote Batman Begins, "Some men just want to watch the world burn." I wish you all the best on dealing with this nonsense. I hope it ends quickly and he tires of his hurtful and hate-inducing game.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This is hilarious. Sounds like a liberal. Won't let anyone have their opinion. Hey Bernie fuck you! I bet Bernie sanders himself would think your a loser clearly.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment


very helpful info

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

WOW, that's fckng ridiculous!

chelsea ???

Why the question marks?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Using the flagging system to downvote someone and taking away their payout shouldn't even be a feature.

o great

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Welcome to the party.
@skeptic was an early victim.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Hello friend, I invite you to follow me and see my post greetings😊

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Very nice and thanks to sharing...these post is very use full for steemit users

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

ouchh that really is not the way it should be

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

one time he flagged my posts because an upvote bot voting me and he made a bot to downvote ANYONE who gets upvotes by someone else’s bot (which happened to be me). I have no control over someone else’s bots.

wonderfull post thanks for vote and steem i like it post.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.

Raise urself above this, Berniesander is getting exactly what he wants.

"Victorius warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.".

He clearly know's attacking such a high profille user as haej will only give him more fame, more followers and more reads etc. = More money in his pockets in either scenario.

It clearly is working, else this post wouldnt be posted. Would it?

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Spamming comments is frowned upon by the community.

Comment spam is currently defined by @steemcleaners as:

  • 10 or more generic comments per day that are not in response to a question posed by the post or comment. “Thanks”, “Great Post!”, “Great Photo!”, “Good”, “Like”, “Nice”, “Wow”, “Cute”, “Follow me”, etc.

  • Commenting on old posts to hide self up-votes or a voting trail.

  • Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).

  • Comments that inform the contributor that they have been up upvoted, resteemed, or flagged when the curator does not actually upvote, resteem, or flag the post.

  • Unsolicited and off topic referral links.

Continued comment spamming may result in action from the cheetah bot.

More Info: Abuse Guide - 2017.

Man Bernie is right on about this cat though. His posts are low quality spam at best. What ever happened to that 3 post a day deal and then it goes down in value.

Man Bernie is right on about this cat though.

You are inaccurate. If you took the time to innerstand @haejin's posts, you'd see that they're making many people profits, including myself.

There may have been a 3-post-limit in the past but it is no longer enforced; I've had several days with 4 or more posts, with no adverse effects.

good thought


Sorry, but disagreed with you as well @millhouze. @haejin is a technical analyst, an expert of Elliot Waves and technical analyses. If you understand just a little bit of stock market technical analyses you would understand that @haejin posts requires technical analysis work and is definitely NOT low quality or spam as it requires lots of skills and time to do that. @berniesanders has showing us how hateful and ignorant he truly is, which is an unfortunate situation for all of us here @steemit.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

@steemcleaners please have a look at this hidden reply and post link by @uknowjpbitcoin The reply and eventually link is a critic to @berniesanders post against @haejin but @berniesanders upvotes the replies and links throughout comments and posts against himself?! All of the links has a number of upvotes counts similar in every and each post/reply content , we can clear see a group begging for cents in action. Have a careful look at it please.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you. Swatting at flies. That sounds about right. The following episode last night really bothered me. I didn't even bother checking back after my final response, knowing there'd be one from him and wanting to sleep on it.

Sleep didn't resolve it, of course, seeing his new response this morning. I'm considering a post asking "is this really the behavior we want in a witness?" -- data-mining my Wallet page, and then posting excerpts of it and accusing me of "begging".

He's currently at #18 and perhaps a campaign could knock him out of the top 20. But like you said -- should I swat at this fly?

[Edit: just checked, actually he's #19 now, so I'm not the only one who reacted this way it seems.]

[Edit2: he has written an article for me: and it's full of mocking in my direction, both by him and his followers. Really discouraging.]

[Edit3: forgot the link to the episode: ]

[Edit4: Steemit updated code has broken their formation of links, so here's the episode as a correct link.]