Cape Town Meetup August 2017

in steemit •  8 years ago 

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Awesome now we are doing this MEETup . I know Capetonian's like to have a good time so I decided on two dates and let you all decide .

The Dates : Both are on a Saturday please indicate what time we should have this Meetup to make it possible for all to join.


Jerry's comes highly recommended by @princessmewmew for our MEETup 123 Lower Main Road, Observatory, Cape Town . You can have a look at their menu here

If there is any other suggestions please let us know . I am making some lucky draws for our meetup but you have to be there to collect them .

@kiligirl and @benniebanana helped a lot with getting all the Capetoinian's on a list for me and @princessmewmew for arranging the venue for us they will each get a Steemit coffee Mug with this logo on . I hope you like the logo just let me know if I have to personalize the mugs for you .

@abu-mikayeel @adeleschormann @aimee-louise-j @al-iam @alainite @aliyalaher @amanda1971 @amandaw @amunette @anneke @anothervoice @artguru @artsy-wallflower @aslammotala @awgbibb @bdmomuae @beantownboy @benniebanana @bep @bernadette @bigbear @bitcoinkings @bitsnbobs @boerworswizard @breezin @brendant
@brit.wayne @brotherbear @busybeee @byronviljoen @capetown @capetowngirl @cinderella @colloidy @crazymumzysa
@cronwill @daisyd @daisylouisa @darnscotty @dean01 @deanoza @deimus @depth @dirkodie @doetwa @dse @devonking
@dewallenband @dewallend @dhutvetter @diebaasman @digitaljourney @dragonslayer109 @ebohio2008 @enazwahsdarb
@fates @fempower @flowergirl @fluffypony @freewheeler @frieda @gavvet @ghostgtr @gian @giantbear @graviton @gunn3rfourlif3 @heypapalegend @hope777 @iamanoniam @iamnotageek @iherridge @itsgalactic @jacobusmalan @jacor
@jade-wentzel @jakeh @jaje @janus27 @jaynie @jennadeetlefs @jeremiad @joanstewart @joe007 @johannvdwalt @johnny12 @joshuaroode @kiligirl @klyngiant @krabgat @krankit @lauraflint @leep @leonroode @lesliepoolman
@life-of-al @littlebear @longfield98 @louiscpt @lucky.digger @lukie257 @mandela @marcel1965 @maretha94 @melkay
@michaeldale @mics @mokluc @momnivogue @morkrock @mycitybynight @mysticlily16 @mysticlilly16 @naomi.louise
@nerdking @nicfindlay @ntsikatheguv @onetree @orora @pandamama @papilloncharity @petruska13 @petticoat.hyena
@philip.willemse @pjcswart @prattbratt @princessmewmew @psitorn @purplerain96 @rahvin84 @raggedtooth @robertm
@roninza @roseycheekedgurl @rtdcs @ruthofisrael @ryandebeer @rynow @sabbs @satoshimoto @scienceguy @scorpio99
@scotty777 @scott-za @selaotj @shaunmza @sigstart @sisamkele @siya @snapperlize @starblaze @stardust
@stefan.steynberg @stephb @stephtv @stormblaze @superday @sweetpea @thatguyjono @thealeczander @thedarksideshow @the-housewife @themagus @themanswife @themessup @therneau @tim-beck @tjnorton @veejay
@velvetventer @vuyojoy @vuyusile @wesley-beck @whistlejacket @wildone @willy-donz @whistlejacket
@wolf3x6 @wynandroberts @xxsenpaixsamaxx @xyndigital @yogidream.scapes @yvonnebraaf

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This will be a great opportunity to bring friends along to hear all our stories and get them singed up for Steemit as newbies has so many questions, between all of us we will be able to come up with all the answers .

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Awesome man. I'm pretty chilled with both dates. I believe Pieter from @dewallenband should also get some credit for the effort he put into creating the original list of South Africans that he found on Steemit that I shared. Looking forward to this man!

Tanks @dewallenband are we going to see you at the Meetup?

As I said unfortunately I won't be able to make the 5th but I'd love to attend the 12th depending on the time of the meet up

Hi guy! We still seeing you today?

@benniebanana yes I think its going to be a blast

@louiscpt Thank you for inviting me to Cape Town and for the braai. Unfortunately I will not be able to make it to Cape Town, however, I will be attending the Johannesburg Fourways, Steem Saturday on the 9th of September.

@frieda Thank you for coming back that is fine , yes i am sure the one on the 9th will be amazing .

Ooh I get a mug!! ☕️☕️☕️
We (@morkrock and I) are cool for either dates if they are in the afternoon (after 14:30?) as I work Saturday mornings.

Otherwise, depending on which ever day is more popular, I can take off that day!

Looking forward to it!
Re steeming for the peeps to see 🍭

Hi @princessmewmew It looks like the 12th will be the date and 3pm will be a good time to start this can you arrange some tables for us ? ☕️☕️☕️ :) I will post a pick of your mug next week with the final date and time .

Hi Louis!

Cool, I will do so. Find me on discord - my name is the same as on here, and I will send you my email address for further contact.

How many people do you think it will be?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Well done @louiscpt and team. Unfortunately, I'm still building up my SBD's otherwise it wouldn't be a problem to travel from Durban to the Cape. Resteemed instead to spread the word. Followed you.

Thank you @veejay wish i was in Durban right now its very cold here ;-)

@louiscpt great that you found me, I'm available either date, I'm following you so keep me updated of the dates :)

Great initiative. Not sure if I can make it though, but I will try.

@whistlejacket :-) I do understand .

I saw you made shirts for @papa-pepper

I am looking to get some GOOD QUALITY Crypto shirts :


with big logos and the wording - both front and back, in good quality shirts....

I do not make a ton of money here like Papa and am just getting by basically, the LSS is I was run over by a car 18 mths ago, that he knows about, as do many others and am doing my best.

I want to vote with my wallet and wear only things to promote my beliefs -- Liberty, Crypto, Organic type / Sustainable living, etc.

Do you have a website or a store or???

I may not have a ton of money laying around but if you can help me, I would appreciate it.

Way past bedtime for me!!!

Thanks for your time.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@barrydutton Thank you for popping by , yes my wife have a webpage its is or you can mail me [email protected] just mail the logos as well , Will chat soon .

I will look today..... but hey you spelled my name wrong LOL

Ooooooops must have been a bug on my side ;-)

The ball rolls pretty fast !!

@boi07 we are doing this.

Im pretty new to crypto and have only been on this platform for about 3 weeks, so I would love to meet people to discuss it with, I read the articles, listen to the turtorials , but none of it will be as engaging as meeting a new face and listening to their journey.

@fates I know hat feeling all the questions and every day there is some thing new you did not now we can build an great community together .

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment


I like warm bread.

Hi Fates, you and @boi07 still coming today?

Hi @louiscpt, we are cool with either dates @darnscotty

Awesome @darnscotty

Just found this now! Unfortunately @tim-beck and I won't be able to make this one, but we've confirmed for the Steemit meetup in Johannesburg 9 September! Looking forward to hearing your stories.

Hi @kiligirl not a problem would have loved to be at the Meeting on the 9th , Yes we will keep you posted make a video and post it :-)

Great!! I'm sure we'll have other opportunities to meet up soon.

Get onto steemit chat please.

I am on steemit chat, what am I looking for? #what-what?

@dragonslayer109 sure thing

I'm down for the 12th :) @herbinavase?

Awesome @capetown see you there .

Hi guy, you and @herbinavase still joining us today?

I just followed you @louiscpt and thank you for the invite! We are based in Johannesburg and will have to make arrangements! Unfortunately only the 12-08 date might work for us! You can also reach me on Steemit-chat. Blessings!

@papilloncharity that will be great so far it looks like everybody is fine with the dates will keep you posted .

Thank you! I suppose with a list that long, you need hair on your teeth to handle the replies! No need to reply to this condolences message! Blessings! Stephen

Oh, you will have to let me know about the 12th, as we have to book transport and accommodation. Blessings.

Have a look at this meeting on the 9th of September in JHB if that will not be a better option for you but then again it's not Cape Town :-)

Well Sir louiscpt I have other meetings also to attend in CPT, as we are in the process of establishing a charity computer training center in Villiersdorp and @papilloncharity will relocate to CPT later in the year! So we might as well become acquainted with the good folks down there.

@papilloncharity great Cape Town is an awesome place to stay let me know when you are here I will invite you for a Braai

Thank you and will do! Blessings! Stephen

Hi @louiscpt. Thanks for the invite but Cathcart is about 1000km from Cape Town and I'm not gonna be able to make it on such short notice.
My wife and I will be down that end of the country in December so if there's a meet and the dates coincide we'd very much like to attend!

Hi @ rahvin84 that is understandable will keep you posted thanks for stopping by .

Good work my people. I wish you guys well.

Thank you @ebohio2008

Just a thought, but how about we make a little Facebook group? Assuming that everyone on the list has Facebook? It might be easier to manage and we can't really create a group here on steemit.

Hi guy, you still joining us at Jerrys?

@longfield98 great idea let us now where to join

Ah!! Wish I could've been there but only gonna be in the Cape the end of September...
Hope you guys have a blast :) :-) Cape Town is a blast everyday you will be missed

Thanks man - hopefully next time hey ;)

Very nice initiative, I will however not be able to make it from Pretoria, all of the best with the arrangements.

@rynow Thank you

My vote is on the 12th!

Awesome see you on the 12th

I'm pretty easy with dates. Either is fine :)

Awesome @iamnotageek it looks like the 12th is going to be the date see you there

5th sounds good. I got a +1.

@iamanoniam great will the 12th be a problem as most has indicated the 12th?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Such a cool idea. Pity I'm going to miss it! Will be in Ireland on those dates. Resteemed!

@wildone that's a pity but i am sure you gonna enjoy Ireland just as mush , We will chat at the Meetup to do some more Meetups once every two months or so will keep you posted , Enjoy the trip

Sounds awesome. Thanks ✌️

Awesome, I will definatily be there. I will bring another Langebaan Steemer along

Either date is fine!

@iherridge great the more the merrier, it looks like the 12th so far i will do a follow up post next week Thanks for coming .

Hi! Still coming today?

What times are you planning the meet as I cant do the 5th but might be able to do the 12 depending on time.

@dse great stuff we have not decided on a time yet, what will be best for you ? then we can see if the group is happy with that ...

I would appreciate it to be in the day, middle evening to achieve the most we can and not just have it turn into a drinking session as I have that later the evening with my brother and his wife's house warming.

Seeing as it's a Saturday I'd say like brunch time to like 5pm as the main meet up and who wants to stay later are more than welcome?

Hi there, still coming to the meet up at 14:40?

Sorry @louiscpt but thanks for the inclusion and so good to see SteemIt steeming into Cape Town so soon. Have resteemed to let people know. I'm in Durban and had no plans for travel, sorry to miss the show, please share events during and after in here.

@joanstewart at least its warm there now chilly down here , will do thanks for popping in .

Hey @louiscpt, great initiative. Please take a lot of pictures and let us know how the meetup went. Unfortunately won't be able to make it : )

@jacor Thank you , i am sure we will be snapping away for some post's material , maybe next time

12-08-2017 would be best for me :)

@alainite that date looks like it the one so far :-)

See you later!! 14:30 at jerrys

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Thank you for the invite, I would have loved to go, but living in Pretoria makes it a bit difficult for me. Maybe I'll be able to attend a MEETup closer to home soon.

@snapperlize Thank you for coming back , I do understand i believe there is one on the 9th of Sept with guest speakers from Steem that should be very interesting .

Hi @louiscpt :)
Thank you so much for the invite. I can't promise anything, but a meetup is a lovely idea. I'm from Grassy Park by the way :)

Hi Lukie, are you joining us today? It's at jerrys in obz at 14:30

A cool @ lukie257 will be awesome to have a big crowd hope to see you there.

Has a date been decided?

HI @longfield98 it will be the weekend of the 12th

Sorry for some reason I only picked this up now. I can do either date just please let me know the time. Looking forward to connecting with Cape Town's Steemit crew!

HI girl, are you still joining us today at 14:30 at JJerrys in Obz?

I would like to come with my boyfriend. :D This still on like a scone ?

@melkay yes it is , bring as many people with as you like we are trying to build the Cape Town community.

Hi! Will we see you today?

Yes, I will be there! I look forward to it so much! See you at around 3PM. I will be bringing my boyfriend as well.


I am SO delayed, hahaha. Sadly I moved to KZN in August last year. Hopefully will be back in the beautiful Cape by year end and then I can definitely join a meet up :) x