We are the only ones who have the mission to make Steemit the most popular social media through fanpages

in steemit •  6 years ago 

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We have forgotten -or at least that is what i'm thinking- that the reason about why the most to social media are popular is because they have fan pages. If we create fanpages of all we like in life -i mean, some artist we love, some sports we love, any organization or company- we gonna make Steemit more popular. Not joking.
    Instead in case of centralised applications; where the owners or main programmers have the role of organize the market strategies in the way to reach up the centralised social media. In this decentralised media WE have the choice to sculpt it throught dApps. We have the power to make this thing popular. Fanpages probably have the answer. If we create and promote some fanpages, and show the advantages on monetize throght Steemit our preferences to organize many related events, we can help the Steem to be the must used coin in a pair of years.
      Maybe this is the most craziest thing i've tought .Or maybe it has no sense. But, Hey! Just think about the best secret of Twitter and Instagram, we can even use this thing on Steepshot or here on Steemit and collect some incomes from sharing our likes without some injuring on copywriting, and this will goes good.
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