How we (Human being) do excreate? What is the process of excertion?

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

Excretion in human beings- human being produce carbon dioxide, some salts and urine which needs to be excreted from the body they release carbon dioxide by respiration excess of salt and water is released by sweating where urea is removed by its excretory system.
Human excretory system consist of a pair of kidney, a pair of ureter, urinary bladder and its opening is called urethra in human kidney a cluster of very thin walled blood capillaries is present each cappilary is associated with the unit of filtration call nephron have a Cup shaped structure called brown men capsule where blood capillary gets branched into very thin capillaries cold glomerulus hair filtration of blood take place in which glucose, amino acids, salt, urea and major amount of water are filled treated the Seema tree which comes out of the brown mens capsule wrap around useful substances and reabsorbs all the useful substances expect urea and excessive salt dissolved in water these excretory substances enter into the collecting duct which ultimately opens into urinary bladder where blood gets stored temporarily urinary bladder extends due to pressure of urine inside it which leads to the urge to passing out through urethra bladder is a muscular organ that is under control of nervous system therefore we control the urge of urinateimages (7).jpeg
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