Steemit Pageviews are falling TODAY STEEMIT PAGEVIEWS PER DAY STAND AT 861,500 <<<>>> October 3 , 2017

in steemit β€’Β  7 years agoΒ  (edited)


πŸ’ receives about 861,500 ( 4.91 per visitor) page views per day

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Below chart showing daily pageviews on Steemit since April 13 , 2017



πŸ’ Steemit Page Views have fallen by 5.92% since September 16 , 2017

πŸ’ This is not what I want to see

πŸ’ Steemit 's growth in this area has come to a standstill over the last 17 days

πŸ’ Highest page views per day 915,705 on September 16 , 2017

πŸ’ Today page views 861,500


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πŸ’ Steemit Page Views have fallen by 5.92% since September 16 , 2017

πŸ’ This is not what I want to see

πŸ’ Steemit 's growth in this area has come to a standstill over the last 17 days

πŸ’ Highest page views per day 915,705 on September 16 , 2017

πŸ’ Today page views 861,500

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 


I like steemit.Really i follow your post sir....

wow wonderful

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

What can we do to get this turned around then?

Hoq i can earn money tell me ??? Follow me plz

We can all make a change to turn this all around.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Very interesting.