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  ·  9 years ago (edited)

In 4 Weeks i get just 160$ but i have fun and enjoy my time here. Steemit is now my Hobby LOL -:)

Just keep at it, consistency is key!

Its not much compared to some but its more compared to others~
What is true for EVERYONE is that it is WAY more than say FascistBook or Twatter pay!
This is only the beginning. Getting anything for a hobby is BONUS~*~

Yep, most hobbies are pretty expensive. Here you are actually getting something OUT!

Just that is revolutionary....Then when you add in things like transparent blockchain, crypto currency etc its like WOW!

Your dedication shows through your writing, A steemit role model. Keep up the good work and well done

Thanks! Appreciate the comment.

I loved your post. I can relate to it totally, I haven´t got a massive reward yet, but today I got my first dantheman vote 38% and that motivates a lot :)

I love your posts and have been following you for a while. Your quirkiness will definitely earn you a spot here! Keep up the good stuff :)

Thanks for the post~
I am following you as you have proven to not only try hard but to be honest.
Honesty and dedication are of the utmost importance to me and thus I respect and honor them when shown in others.
I believe Steemit to be REVOLUTIONARY and hope that it lasts and succeeds and that MANY lives are benefited by it.
I too am fully on board and in just one week brought over 30 people to Steemit. I haven't made much but I regret it not and feel it is infinitely better than spending time on FascistBook or Twatter.
Grateful to see you on here and hope that we contribute to an even more awesome Steemit community!

Great that you managed to get people on board!
Steem on brother..

Full STEEM ahead!
Be seeing you around Brother~*~

Awesome. thanks so much for the update and info. It's really, really cool to see someones process over 6 weeks. I'm still a newb here :)

I wish I knew about the SE Asia meetup! I'm currently in US but am planning to go to SE Asian very soon :)

If you don't mind me asking, what has your experience in Asia been like so far?

Hey Chris, Asia has been treating me great so far. All the fears you have are probably unnecessary! Once you arrive here you'll see everything is relatively easy to sort out :)
Which country are you planning to relocate to?

Thanks for sharing your newbie experience with us. Helps a lot.

Cheers, glad you liked it. Guess it's a tale of not getting discouraged and understanding the bigger picture.

I wish the company was more understanding of, well, anything I put to them in my $5000/ea trips to china to visit with them. Opi is really, really great hardware.

The software is absolute crap-- unless of course you make it yourself. Take my word on this: most folks don't have nearly as much fun with their Opis.

Useful post that I enjoyed reading. Are you in Phnom Penh?

We're based in Siem Reap


Interesting to watch the evolution of your account AND your mindset regarding Steemit. As a freelance commercial writer, there's definitely an attraction to Steemit for me because here I can write what pleases my own muse rather than what a client has ordered... and sometimes, the writing attracts enough attention to pay a bit. What's funny is that for months I've had the notion that I should write something not client-related every day, no matter what topic my mind flits to that particular day. The idea seemed a bit frivolous and fell to the bottom of my priority list... until Steemit. Now there's a mix of accountability (I can see whether I "did the do" or not) and potential rewards through connection and feedback and pay - so, it's happening most days. It's for those reasons that I'm actively ushering as many of my writing students into Steemit as possible. When we write first for ourselves here, we've got more juice to pour into writing for clients. Your investor and ambassador mindset is where I've landed, too - you put it well.

Thanks Steemitpatina, I agree completely. Treating is as a hobby instead of a money making machine clears up a lot of frustration :)

Hi menta :o) I found this post through the facebook page created by @sirwinchester, and I really enjoyed reading it! I'm really fascinated to see the content of your various posts, and how randomly the upvoting seems spread across the eclectic mix of subjects you've chosen so far. I've only been here a few days, and I've actually been wondering whether it's better to stick to a theme (in my case, that would probably be my artwork), but feel that doing so would just limit me too much, as my interests extend to a wide range of activities and subjects. So it's really cool to see your experience laid out here, and to see first hand that genuinely following your interests and whatever you feel moved to share in the moment can still come across cohesively on a platform like this. I'll be following your progress, and wishing you all the best here :o) - Jay

FUARK!!! i remember all those posts....

lol yeah, it's been a fun 6 weeks :)

It's good to see your journey! I think you are absolutely right about writing articles not to chase the money but because you love doing them.

Thanks meester! I do enjoy myself a lot better now that I write for my pleasure. Steem on my man! Steem on!