Help Us Launch The First Steemit Marketing Initiative That Pays You To Refer

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

We Spent $27,000+ and 456+ Man Hours Creating A Done For You Marketing Campaign For Steemit...And We Want You To Help Make It Even Better!

enter image description here

You read that right. About 2 weeks ago I was watching some of the old videos we made to educate people, and I ran across this one from @dan & Max about referrals that jarred me into thinking...

...Steemit has no marketing campaign for it, and there were a lot of requests for a referral system to invite people to Steemit, and discussion about marketing initiatives. I noticed them all over the place over the last 6 weeks.

So...we decided to build one for everyone to use, and give you a license to sell the product, and keep 100% of the front end sale. That's right. you get all of it, and it is paid instantly.

It is a completely done for you self-funding marketing funnel, complete with professional emails, banners, pages, referral system and more.

Instead of worrying about 500+ different marketing attempts, we thought it would be really cool to collaborate with the community on content and direction to really make this thing great.

We want you to come help us make it even better!

This Self Funding Marketing Initiative Launches Tomorrow @ 12pm EST.

Where Did This Original Idea Come From?

enter image description here

When I was consulting on a near daily basis on the BTS project, @dan , @stan , @michaelx , Max and a few others came to the conclusion that we should create a done for you marketing campaign and product funnel for BitShares to spur adoption and education about the BETA platform.

This funnel would have case studies to build subscribers, a product, a faucet to register new users, banners, a full marketing funnel with offers, graphics, an educational product to show them how to use it, and a referral system for members and people to refer people to it.

That is the reason the Bitshares referral system was even created in the first place. For the marketing campaign we were going to run. It was going to be self we figured out how it would all work.

Unfortunately too many things and internal changes at Bitshares caused us to place these campaigns on the backburner.

Until Now.

The Details Of How The Marketing Campaign Works

enter image description here

It's simple. You refer someone, they buy the product, you get 100% of the sale. It is very similar to what we planned with the BitShares funnel and marketing initiative in the rewards system, the deliverables and how it all was going to work.

We want to reward you for the time you spend getting the message out there, pay your ad costs through this commission, and hopefully help you put a couple bucks in your pocket referring new Steemit users.

The payments are instant for all affiliates & referrers (unless you have no sales history, then we make you show some non fraud sales before they go instant - no worries we will still pay you promptly).

You get paid to a Paypal account directly. If the product is refunded, the money is clawed back via PayPal (they do it not us) and deposited back in the buyers account. This protects us, you and them and makes sure everyone is taken care of without accounting headaches.

All other products involved you get 50% commission for.

Obviously I need to make some money to cover my costs, and hopefully make some extra by grace of having the initiative to do this, and the resources to gamble with the success of this.

What are we offering?


Free Community Tools

We are in the midst of creating a Windows Wallet that is standalone and will be offered for free as a way to assist in easy adoption of mainstream. Cli_wallet is not user friendly for anything. We want to change that.

Once we are finished we will put together pages for this, and squeeze page campaigns to push user adoption.

Squeeze Page

We send people here from banner ads, email ads, social media shares, and other places. This gets them to give an email address in return for something free. In this case it is a PDF interview transcription of Mark interviewing @xeroc about Steemit, some of the behind the scenes stuff, and a few other things.

It is meant to get them interested in Steemit.

We plan on doing several of these pages, and would love for those that would like to contribute to come do an interview to add to these pages.

It will increase your overall exposure, add you as a known valuable member of the community, and likely get you more exposure to your blogs and posts.

Win - Win for them and you.

Sales Page $7 increasing @ .02 every sale until it hits $9.00


Sales of a basic product that explains steemit, walks through creating accounts, passwords, best practices, etc.

We do a dimesale style on the front end offer to see if conversion rates flag at a certain price point or maintain conversion rates throughout. With this data we can adjust pricing for max conversions.

Upgrade 1 Page - $17 one time


Advanced mentoring and live seminar training from Michael, advanced training modules, tools, best practices, live mentoring channel. We also discuss mining, and other topics.

Upgrade 2 Page - $37 increasing @ 0.02 every sale until it hits $47.00

Software for following certain voters the users designates. Uses can be for friends that create voting groups, or to support your favorite authors, topics, etc.

Upgrade 3 Page - $37 increasing @ .02 every sale until it hits $47.00

Software for commenting.

We are taking constructive feedback on features and variables that will limit spamming while still allowing for use. I know that this one in particular will be a hot topic, however, I look forward to figuring out a solution that works or another option that works with the community and devs as a whole.


Resources Used #lotsofmyownmoneywithoutguaranteeofreturn

A few hundred hours of my time, Marks time and our staffs time. We have no guarantee of return on any money we have invested in this project. We have taken a massive risk to assist this community with it's marketing efforts. We have no way of knowing if we will be out the money or now, but we are willing to take the risk to do this because we have the resources to put together this campaign

Affiliate Recruiting

We have already recruited a few hundred affiliates that are already signed up to promote this offer. They will be promoting hard to get people here. That means eyeballs on Steemit whether they buy or not.

Copywriter $7,000

My copywriter writes copy for Dan Kennedy and Bill Glazier, among many other world famous marketers. His copy always converts at a high rate. I spent $7,000 USD for front end sales copy, and OTO (one time offer) sales copy, and email copy.

It should have cost me much more, but we are friends from way back. I also have extensive copy experience, and wrote some of the emails and pages.

You do not have to love the style of writing, or how it is presented.

Why? Because I have millions of dollars of data and my friends have pushed billions in sales in the last 5 years online.

The data shows these pages and this type of copy works.

I don't particularly like those type of copy either. But I am not selling myself on this...

That said, I am always willing to split test copy, if you write copy I am willing to see how it performs. I never am married to my marketing message..I am married to making the message work regardless of my opinion.

Data Talks.

C#, C++, C - Json, Python, Whiz Programmer - $5000 and ongoing

Try finding someone that has years of experience with all of this AND blockchain...and then look at how much you will pay. It's a lot. And will continue to be a lot.

Retargeting Campaign $2,000 and ongoing


We are targeting 1.5 million bloggers via a audience retargeting system using Google tags. This allows us to actually drop a targeting cookie on people when they perform any Google search, like "make money blogging", before they even land on a page.

This also applies if they land on our site, as in the graphic above.

I have already paid for an extensive ad budget, and created banners to be used for it. Anyone that uses a referral link will benefit from this campaign, and receive credit for the sale if they referred.

We will expand this out to other targets as we go. I have already paid a consultant to run the campaign, he does this for Toyota and other big companies.

Autoresponders $497 month

We created an autoresponder campaign to automate the delivery of the free case study PDF from the squeeze page, as well as continue to educate them about Steemit and other services that may be available.

You benefit from this because you have a few ways to get the sale if they come from your referral, and we continue to build a relationship of training and Steemit culture with them.

Multiple little things like,Multiple Domains SSL, Cloudflare, etc

This stuff adds up. And it keeps adding up. Enough said here.

Some Thoughts From Michael

I already know some of you are going to say:

--> I don't like the software options OR I disagree with any software sales.

Well, firstly - too late. There are a bazillion bots around here, and it will never go away. Ever. Sure, they will eliminate all of the shit bots, the half-assed bots, and easy bots to deal with. But some bots DO have uses, and can actually contribute without spamming. But either way we will have people making these things forever, our choice is to give a responsible option or to let them do it and run amok.

I prefer option 1. There are a few other respected members I have asked about this and they agree with this line of thought.

enter image description here

Either way, here is my take on it. The blockchain is open, and people are going to dev on it. We cannot stop it. We can only regulate the usage. I would prefer to regulate the usage of the people that are going to go looking for this stuff anyways. I know I will do what I can to make sure they are using things appropriately.

I would also extend to all devs and bot creators to put your input into the functions allowed and how best to allow these to interact on the network. That would give us the most leverage and power to deal with them

All software had push updates enabled, so if we decide we need to plug a hole or change something being abused, we can and will. Hopefully you can see my point on this, if not I am all ears on a different option.

I am also willing to discuss a DIFFERENT OPTION to add to that part of the funnel. I realize that there may be a better option out there, and am open to discuss anything.

--> You can find lots of good data for free online about Steemit, so why should people pay for this?

I can also find lots of data about playing piano, folding origami, etc. But I will still go buy books and pay for classes. This is not a new concept. Textbooks, training courses for software coding, marketing, etc. Check out sometime if you are confused about the concept.

--> How will this help the community?

It gets more people exposure to Steemit by:

A marketing campaign. Even if they do not buy or even go to the product page, they still saw a banner about Steemit. They still heard or saw something, even subconsciously.

They maybe buy the product. Congrats, you got paid a referral fee and they got a really good crash course on how to get started. On top of that, you were able to just tell people to get this training, rather than have to sit down, explain things to them, send them 100+ links to read and figure out, answer more questions later, etc.

Now we have lots of people trained on best practices and posting etiquette. How nice is that?

How Can You Help?

help steemit marketing

Case studies, screenshots, pictures, interviews in audio, video interviews, really well written posts from past or present or even something you write JUST FOR THIS PROJECT. Copywriting skills, graphics, affiliate referrals, anything really to push this along.

You can also sign up to be a affiliate referrer, and get paid 100% referral. This is a self funding marketing initiative

Contribute a post, create a post, contribute art, or whatever you can. We would like for this to be a community product that we all have a hand in.

We could also really use your upvote here. It would be great to recoup ALL COSTS BEFORE WE LAUNCH. That would allow us more wiggle room to make the conversion rates higher by giving this more attention.

Please Leave Constructive Feedback

Feedback Steemit marketing

Constructive feedback and even constructive criticism is welcome.

We want this initiative to succeed in bringing large numbers of new users to Steemit, AND educate them on how to use it in a very clear and easy way. If you have a problem with anything I have posted or said, let's figure out how we can address it and make this the best we can for all of us. Sometimes we just communicate differently, and I would rather work with people to shape this into something wonderful

This is a great way to get exposure with or without sale, and I bet you will see the site analytics start lighting up at a higher rate over the next 7-10 days, with a steady increase coming from this thereafter.

You can be a part of shaping the product for all the future Steemers out there. We encourage all of you to assist in whatever way YOU can. If you do, we will have an even more amazing product that is "crowdstrapped". I may just invented that word...

We want Steemit to be successful, and grow, and the key is community working together, educating people, and making it fun.

Want to be a part of this?

Message me on Rocketchat or Slack and I will coordinate your assistance.

Sign Up To Promote The Offer Here.

Learn More About The Offers Here.


We could also really use your upvote here. It would be great to recoup ALL COSTS BEFORE WE LAUNCH OR DURING THE INITIAL LAUNCH. That would allow us more wiggle room to make the conversion rates higher by giving this more attention.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Steemit needs an onboarding/education program and also a marketing program. But I feel the way you've gone about this is a bad fit for Steemit.

First $27,000 is a lot of money. You could have asked people here to help for next to nothing (or for a share of the profits). Nor have you asked for any input. You've dumped all your resources into one big shot. Now you have that pressure of recouping that investment. And you haven't really got the community's buy-in.

Secondly, I don't want people here who are looking to get rich quick. The members that are hooked in by this funnel will just have their eyes full of dollar signs. They're not focussed on contributing anything of value (artistic, newsworthy, story-wise). Therefore the quality of content will decrease. Also the members will write crappy stuff , only make a few cents, and will get disappointed - leaving a bad taste in their mouth because you've oversold them on what Steemit can do.

Thirdly, this looks and feels like a spammy scammy affiliate marketing project. Sorry. That's just how I feel about it. This feels like it's in same league with penis-extension pills and anti-balding creams and diet pills that don't work. I don't know about anyone else, but that stock photo makes me cringe - it looks like you're selling something dodgy... even if the product is good.

Fourthly, other comments here have remarked that an alleged scammer Mark Lyford is involved. I don't know the specifics of the situation, but it makes me wary of getting involved in a project like this.

I'm sorry to lay into this project when I know you and your team have worked hard on it. But I feel the old-world of internet marketing tactics and strategies are grotty and will give Steem a bad name to be associated with them.

If you wanted to ask for help - or look for other people's input on the content, materials, ideas - then I'm sure we'd be lining up to help. But in the meantime I get very bad vibes about this project and hope it doesn't succeed in it's current form.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Actually, I am asking for input in this post. I am also asking for continued input. Read the post.

I also approached several people over the last few weeks - as you are telling me to do. Several worked with us, some were very rude and did not. Some didn't answer.

So we tried that. Not sure why you jump to that conclusion.

Sorry, I do not see all these penis pill ads you are seeing, so I am not sure what you are talking about.

I have more resources, you have no idea what on earth you are talking about, why do you say such things?

You have seen none of the material in question, but you assume it is aimed at low quality posts?

In closing, thanks for the feedback, but it was rather backhanded. Wouldn't you rather contribute by offering something to add to the project rather than presuming a lot of things?

It sure would go smoother and you could have a hand in what the product turns out to be.

Either way, it is happening tomorrow, and you are going to see a lot more people come in. I find it sad that you assume they won't contribute anything of value. I guess you already made up your mind about them

** Nevermind the fact we are offering continued training, TO HELP WITH QUALITY CONTENT. **

You are essentially telling me to do what I have done here, ask for more contributions and for people to add more value to it.

Instead of "hoping it doesn't succeed" in it's current form, why don't you help contribute to the final product you would like to see succeed?

Why do you assume all of these things to be negative and downvote it before you even ask a question or ask if we did any of this @alexc ?


Mark who is behind this is Mark Lyford. He has a history as a scammer. Some of his actions are pretty well documented in these articles:

I'm downvoting this post because I want to discourage people like Mark Lyford building their businesses on top of the Steem blockchain.

I suggest that everybody else downvotes this too. Let's keep Steem free of scammers!

There are also countless accusations on and in posts that steemit itself is a scam. That doesn't make it true. They are sometimes made by people jealous, tribal, butthurt, or too lazy to think things through. Or taken in by rumors or popular opinion or so called "expert" talk.

Think for yourselves!

In this case the evidence is very well documented. Neither Mark Lyford or Michael haven't debunked it. Instead they have continuously claimed it to be false and tried to discredit DeMartino in every way. But it's been just talk without any evidence. Instead of answers we get just name calling and downvotes. Their behavior has been very rude.

I think that they are just trying to avoid answering most questions as well as they can and hope that people will forget them.

If they are not scammers, why they are acting like they are? I've used a significant amount of time trying to find evidence that Lyford's businesses are legitimate, but I haven't been able to find any.

If you have any evidence that DeMartino has been lying in his articles because he is jealous, tribal, butthurt or lazy, please present it to us. Without any evidence I'm not going to believe you.

it's already been presented to you @samupaha

You admitted to looking at some of it but was not interested in actually findout out the truth.

@marklyford even tried to discuss with you last night. You keep evading. He addressed it to you head on and gave you the location of all of the evidence and multiple hours of video and audio recordings.

Witchhunt. If you really cared about this community - OR THE TRUTH - you would make some actual effort. But since you don't, I assume that you are here to FUD.

Now you are lying. Neither Lyford or you have not given me any evidence or links to evidence. I've been reading texts that Lyford has written and watched his videos, but so far I haven't seen anything that proves that DeMartino has somehow lied.

Maybe I haven't seen something important, but that's only because neither of you haven't actually given me any links. You have just told me several times that the evidence exists somewhere in the internet and I have to just look for it more.

too late @onceuponatime

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

There is an extremely large difference between scammers and people that failed at a business.

There are lots of places for you to debate that subject besides this thread. I even saw several if not most of the people that worked with him on the past endeavor defending him, so that says quite a bit.

You have had more than enough time to prove that Lyford isn't a scammer. So far you have done nothing, so I assume you are his scam partner.

If you don't want to be treated like a scammer, don't act like one.

Assume. Demand. Very community oriented of you.

Where is it said I am responsible for Mark or anything from his past failure?

Either way, as I said - I stand by what I do and other people with more knowledge than you also know that.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

disregarding the obvious scammers behind this, what on earth is

You get paid to a Paypal account directly.

you got the nerves to come up with a FIAT affiliate program? really shows how confident you are in Steem Dollar (if you even know what it is)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Sorry I didn't have time to design an entire affiliate marketing system with carts and adaptive payments and all of that. That would have been a lot more.

Also a majority of affiliates out there are not crypto based, so I would think it was rather smart of me to go to where the larger pool of affiliates are. Hence the few hundred waiting to promote instead of 2 people here.

And yes, I am familiar with the Steem Dollar. Not sure why you are asking.

It is interesting how angry and mean you are. Sorry you hate me too. We used to speak nicely to each other until yesterday, when you started not being nice any longer.

Now you are calling me in particular names with no evidence to back it up, nor will you find any.

I wouldn't have any problem with you until you started abusing the flag in an attempt to silence my comments concerning @marklyfords scammy adventures.

that being said, no need to play the victim here, you won't find sympathy that way.

So it's about the flags (which you and your friends have obviously used to attack me personally) - and nothing to do with me or me being a "scammer".


still waiting for you to show me proof of me flagging your posts/comments.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

You even tried to use the @adm account to downvote me.

sure. but since I'm not the only one in control there was a vote and it was voted against it. no need to get the facts straight, right? :)

and I told you this already, stop luring in other actual reputable people in your clown fiesta. If your goal was to get marky off the hook by placing yourself in the middle - congrats, you're half way there.

by the way, I do not flag comments or posts with legitimate content, unlike you.

anyways, keep on writing, digging yourself a nice hole already

  ·  8 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Along the same lines of how this works as well. It is pretty simple as a model and is used successfully every day by marketers like me.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Show me your contributions!!!! Let's create a great introduction course for people that gets them Steeming quickly and happily!


The more I find out information about Mark Lyford, the less I like him. Just wrote about his rude behavior with C-CEX back when he was trying to do Banx ICO:

I am super late to the party. I have read the post a couple times though. This last time a little more thoroughly and with an open mind. While I don't feel that great about a whole marketing campaign geared to it. We have also voted up several accounts doing smaller scale stuff (steemit car) and a photoshoot with chicks looking beautiful with steemit themed makeup that was taken with the express purpose of.... selling ourselves to ourselves.

One thing I take away on this last read is a packed software introduction. I would like steemit to become user friendly. Currently this website just doesn't do it. I could point this out to my sister, tell her all the great things we are doing..... and she would need to spend hours figuring out things she does without thinking on Facebook.

If putting together a packed software platform got past some of the hurdle of learning to cash out, markdown all the things most users have to fumble with....... That's worth $7-$9 (Didn't look too much at other packages)

That's my piece, sorry you came up against a tough crowd

That makes two of us.

Wow this looks great!

Good job guys :)

This is great Michael. Love this initiative.

I am happy as always for your support and feedback brother!

Great work Michael. One smart cookie!

I really appreciate your kind words! I also like cookies ;p

This is smart business.

Hey @ragetomaster - that was a smart comment :)

Good job

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Steemit does need a referral program. But it should be designed to thwart the attempts of spammers and botnet owners.

We've all seen those "porn referral" links, where someone spams 5 million people with a porn referral link. Someone gets the same email list, and spams the same 5 million people with a different referral link.

Soon everyone gets their mailbox full of "referral links" from about 25 different spammers, which makes them not want to visit the link anymore.

Soon spam filters start filtering out emails with steemit (or some referral domain) as the URL, and soon it totally thwarts the whole initiative.

So if someone can come up with a referral system that spammers and botnets can't participate in, then I'm all ears. :)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I should also mention we have split tests on all pages - to make sure we monitor conversion rates and adjust content based on that.

@intelliguy We have a few ways to monitor that, FIFO cookies or LILO cookies. We also monitor a few other things. Any affiliate referral abuse will be handled with extreme prejudice.

The referral program we worked on with BTS was designed to do that, but we didn't get far enough on deving out the whole workflow on some of the KYCish type of tactics needed to deal with spammers. At least not when I was working on that problem.

To the best of my knowledge, I don't see scam in here, and it seems ned doesn't like anything about Bitshares?

Pretty good example of centralization in Steemit, don't you think?

That would be an affirmative.

job well done

me appreciate comment.

I've known and purchased quite a bit of @michaelx stuff over the years (and have also purchased this product today, with all of its upsells), and he is certainly not a scammer or rude (I have been part of that with someone I partnered with when my first product came out).

I've been making an income from the internet for over 20 years now, and have seen a ton of stuff come and go and until he proves otherwise I will continue to purchase his stuff and hear what he has to say. And YES, I have made quite a bit of money from all of the products that he sells, and the ideas that he shares.


  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@ned this is relevant.

Have you asked @dan before you use his photo for this "promotional" post? Because even if your intentions are good I am not sure how this "initiative" will help steemit's reputation considering the reputation sadly Mark Lyford has...

Quoting a public figure is common and fair game.
Showing a picture of the person being quoted saying what was quoted is hardly a problem.
Focus on the reputation of Stan Larimer and Michael Taggart. We know Mark well and despite his past problems we are still willing to work with him. And how exactly can this promotion be a scam anyway? I've watched BitShares and Steemit get called scams continuously over at bitcointalk. Is that culture REALLY what we want to build here at Steemit?

And how exactly can this promotion be a scam anyway?

My guess is that they will publish overpriced low-quality product. Possibly something that will annoy other steemians (like spam and bots). They are using xeroc as a model, but as far as I know, xeroc hasn't used their product to make money. Lyford seems to have promised money making products in the past but hasn't delivered them.

I don't even see any reason why we need any kind of referrals in Steem. This system is growing on it's own pretty well. Steemit had to even stop new registrations for a while! With this kind of success it's useless to spend more money on advertising.

I don't even see any reason why we need any kind of referrals in Steem.

I see a reason but it can be on the blockchain like the referral system works for bitshares!

Agreed. Just provide referral rewards in the protocol, and multi-level marketing will happen naturally as people realize that referring their friends is a complete win-win for both parties. No need of sketchy get-rich-quick "products".

And I will still bring more people my way. WIN - WIN

You mean the referral system I helped design and modeled this after?

He not only used @dan picture... He used it as the first picture on his post so it works like his post thumbnail !!! He tried to use @dan reputation to promote his questionable promotion like he did with @xeroc interview... How can you not see it?

And how exactly can this promotion be a scam anyway?

Even if Mark Lyford is legit you never use a guy with so bad reputation to promote your products! It is as simple as that! And common you are mentioning Brian Page who took a couple millions of bts to market bts and resigned before he made his "job"!

Focus on the reputation of Stan Larimer

exactly that was the reason for my great disappointment ... I never thought you will make such statements... I can't believe you don't see the danger for steemit and your future reputation... You can't ignore so many s people opinion ...

Because I know the truth.
What's a reputation good for if you can't stand up for the truth and defend a valued colleague?
Besides 90% of the opinions on this post are positive.
Just a few abusive whales.

The few control the many. Right @ned? nodiscussion or - feedback that could help.

I sent thousands of people to your website today.

I educated thousands more about it.

you vote up:

And vote down my initiative that @dan voted for - and sent me an email.

Call me.

I'm not going away.

Ya, I guess the rights to the recording and permission for use - as well as the absolute relevance to the conversation at hand has nothing to do with it?

If this is the culture and the way others treat each other around here, then it is shameful.

Is that culture REALLY what we want to build here at Steemit?

My ideal culture is the one that kicks scammers away as soon as possible, without giving them any chances to trick money from people.

Also Lyford and Michael have been behaving very rudely for the last couple of days. They don't seem to have any tolerance for criticism. Instead of answering politely and with facts, they start calling with names and downvoting. I wouldn't recommend them as business partners for anybody.

If they are not scammers, how do you explain that they are acting exactly like scammers?

Excuse me... I haven't posted a single reply to any of this.... So would you care to elaborate exactly how I have been behaving rudely?

Actually I ran this post by him via a skype message and explained what I was doing. And look, I got his upvote @liondani - I also discussed this initiative with @stan - as for the steemit reputation, which I actually believe you do care for @liondani - these "valued members of Steemit" are doing a fantastic job runnin new people off with their horrific treatment of others - as is evidenced by the multitude of complaints in Slack, Rocket and here on Steemit.

Ya, I guess the rights to the recording and permission for use - as well as the absolute relevance to the conversation at hand has nothing to do with it?

If this is the culture and the way others treat each other around here, then it is shameful.

these "valued members of Steemit" are doing a fantastic job runnin new people off with their horrific treatment of others

can you name them? what did they exactly do? can you link me to the complaints?
I thought I have a good picture of these channels but it seems I probably don't...

I also just got through reading all of the comments.
As a serial Entrepreneur myself...
I have had some big successes and failures...
Have eealized that people that arent entrepreneurs, really dont understand the concept of how businesses really work.
Unfirtunate but true.

I really appreciate you making this training @Michaelx .
I joined steemit last week, but I was having trouble figuring stuff out.
This will be a big help, otherwuse i may never have actually done much in here.
People are busy in this world, and most dont have the time to figure it all out by ourselves.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

This is not crypto. It was paid for. It is not asking for money, only collaboration.