RE: Contest of Shame: (fiction-prompted contest and SBD giveaway)

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Contest of Shame: (fiction-prompted contest and SBD giveaway)

in steemit •  7 years ago 

"You have 120 second to confess your most shameful secret. If it bores me, I'm done with you."

The young man looked the devil in the eye, a smile creeping across his face. "That's easy" he uttered in a slow southern drawl. "I am death."

Now the devil had heard a lot of things in his time. Murderers were common. But to declare oneself to be death itself. This was new. "Do go on" the devil hissed with a curious raise of the brow.

"I have killed, as have many others you have known" the man began "But death is not indiscriminate. Death does, is fact, care who lives and dies." He gave a slight shrug of his shoulders "A murderer may examine his subject and choose with care. But in the end, he does it for the thrill. Because it is exciting. I do it..." he paused "because it is my job."

"I always kill for a reason, though the victims may never know it. Good, Bad, Young, old, healthy or frail, everyone's time will come. And when it comes, I am there."

"So you consider yourself an Angel of Mercy?" the devil asks, a bit put out. Many murderers claimed such things.

"Not at all. I am simply a surgeon who doesn't care if his patient lives or dies." the young man states plainly. "Now breathe deeply"

The devil seemed perplexed by this last statement, he took a breath to state as much, but the air seemed odd. When had a mask been put over his face? And why was he suddenly lying down?

The devil tried to rise, but something was holding him down. Something was making his eyelids heavy. Something was pulling consciousness from him. His eyes closed. The last thing the devil heard was the single word "Scalpel." and then all was darkness.

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Congrats @mikepm74! Very nice entry. It'll take some doing to adapt it to my previous post but with your permission, I'll keep it as closely written to the original as my ability allows. I'll also credit you by name in the next post of the series.

hey Cosimo. im sorry. i just wrote off the premise given and did not go back to your previous postings. please do not feel compelled to use this in any way, unless you want to. if you want to use it, by all means. with my blessing.

i hate that mine was the only entry. it was such a fun little prompt to work with.

Glad you enjoyed the prompt! We'll see what the future brings.

Makes me curious to know how the devil ends up on the table. Hmm...

Love it! Funny thing: if I had entered this contest, I was going to have the "shameful secret" end with the devil's demise. Great minds think alike, right?

Some typos in your story remind me that you would do well to look into Fiction Workshop at Discord. :-) You're missing punctuation in some places - but not all - so it doesn't look intentional for artsy reasons.