How about we have a HIDE button for unwanted posts on steemit. Everybody vote.

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Why we need a hide button?

Image of Hide

I have been trying for long to delete an unwanted post but to no avail. But then i learned that its on a blockchain and it won't disappear.

So what's the solution?
I would say we need to have a hide button where any user can hide the unwanted post on their blog. Anybody visiting someones blog wont see posts that are irrelevant.

How can you make that happen?
All you need to do is vote for it and lets the world see what the community want. Together lets do it to have a hide button.

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edit post
remove content & header
replace content & header with something like this : dead post

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

There is no delete button

Any advance on Steemit will help. Good idea :)

Yea it surely needs enhancement.

Downvote what you want hidden. It gets hidden.

But its still present on your Blog.

Then think twice before posting. I've seen a lot of new users spam the system, only to realize they've earned themselves a negative reputation for coming fresh out of the gate evil minded.

Sometimes having your junk follow you is equally important.

Yea thats what i am seeing everywhere..peolple trying to spam to get upvote.