The Civil War in Yemen is an armed conflict since 2014, it is a conflict between two entities that claim to constitute the Yemen government. The southern separatists and the forces loyal to the government of Abd Rabbuh Mansur al-Hadi, based in Aden, entered in conflict with the Houthis and their forces, loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Salé. The al-Qaeda organization in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant have also participated in the conflict, with the AQAP reaching out to control some territories in the region. interior and stretches of the coast.
In this context, there is a military intervention underway, Operation Decisive Storm, which began when the Arab States coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, launched a bombing campaign in the territory of its neighbor Yemen, to try to repel the Huti forces allegedly supported and Armed by Iran. Despite the coalition's attacks, most of the victims turn out to be civilians.
But now here the question and much of the reflection: Really Saudi Arabia and its allies are with the intention of helping this country?
Is Saudi Arabia and its allies the main buyers of weapons of all kinds from the largest arms supplier in the world do so with that intension or is there simply a big business behind this war for them?
The US only sells arms by lot to Saudi Arabia and its allies but in reality they do not care about the suffering of civilians, it does not give any kind of importance to the suffering of the greatest humanitarian crisis in the history of that country.
According to the statistics there are about 6000 children killed as a result of the war because they do not intervene to help these children who are not to blame for this war or send any humanitarian aid as many tons of food would not be bought in that country with what they earn in the sale of armament really have the action of helping the country?
We will continue analyzing the situation in Yemen later on.