Racism on Steemit

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

Racism is a problem wherever it grows. It divides communities, spreads lies and hurts the lives of many people. Today I found a post by @valorforfreedom that spits out a violent rant of racist accusations about refugees, immigrants, Arabs and even Jews. Very very troubling stuff.


His hatred seems to have grown so much that, even though nothing has happened to him, he thinks that "everytime" he sees "Arabs", he accuses them in his mind of wanting to kill him. Wow! I really feel sorry for @valorforfreedom. This sounds like someone who needs help and therapy.


Of course, he quickly goes to spread some of the classic lies that are very common for far-right people


Ah, yes, the good old story of immigrants who are at the same time getting welfare, own a shop and sell drugs. Never mind the legal system that prohibits any of that. You can't have a business and collect welfare at the same time. You can't be an immigrant and a refugee at the same time. But hey, that never kept simpleminded racists from spewing their lies.

Of course, he has even more lies for you, like this fake photo and his made-up description. Look at the photo. There is only one German flag hanging from a single apartment. Only problem: That's not an apartment, that is the Stairway window.


And of course, Mr. Education (he actually says in another post that he is well read and considers himself an intellectual), speaks of Arabs waving their flags aggressively in that picture. Well, these are Turkish flags. Turks are NOT Arabs.

Here comes the best bit:


Yes, you read that right. Mr. @valorforfreedom has never met a Jew, but he still doesn't like them. Because they are different and apparently he is afraid of everything that is different. You might think at that point that Mr. Valor is in favor of a police state that closely controls the actions of others. After all, he is blaming the government that they failed to protect his country and culture. But no, actually, Mr. Valor is a fan of anarchism, saying "anarchy is true freedom".

Umm.... yeah... a little problem with that: in Anarchy there are no borders and everyone can do as they like because there is no governing system that holds you down. So if "anarchy is true freedom" that would mean that you welcome the freedom of everyone, Arabs, Jews, any person on this planet, to live where they want and have the culture they like. In other words "anarchy is true freedom" means that you want more immigrants to come to Germany and to see them not as immigrants but as humans who have a right to stay. So, what are you angry about? Or is it maybe that you don't understand what Anarchy means and you confuse it with what you actually are: a racist Hypocrite of the highest order.

Long story short: Don't support this guy. He is racist and does not deserve to spread his lies and get paid for them.

His full post can be found here:

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Man you got really mad, but you are kinda right, not all Arabs are muslim.

I simply don't want people that believe that they have to kill pagans around me, that is racism but to me it is common sense.

Secondly, you cut off what I wrote below my jew statement and most of my post to make me look like adolf hitler. I never had problems with jews and I now have a jew friend called @windforce, everyone can go to my post to see that.

Thirdly, everyone is racist, look at prison, everyone sticks to their kind, so by calling me a racist you are just labeling me a human, yes I am racist like that, I prefer my own people instead of people that want to see me dead.

You are just talking shit about me to virtue signal.

At least you have shown guts to challenge me, but you are still brainwashed.

I give you a 100% upvote and resteem for your effort.

Have a nice day.

Hear hear. I never had the feeling you was a hard core racist. Or racist at any kind.

But i dont believe everybody is racist. I believe eveyone is a little scared of the unknown, but you have a decision what you do with that feeling.

Keep up valor :)

The Qur'an says: "Fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them and seize them, confine them, and lie in wait for them in every place of ambush" (Surah 9:5)

I wouldn't consider people that believe in killing all Pagans unknown or a feeling, I don't want Muslims around me, no excuses.

That's like quoting a racist idiot like you and saying "look, all Germans are evil. They have learned nothing from their past". Fact is: most people are not as dumb and miserable as you are. You have probably never even left your hometown and are so depressed about your life that you need to hate on others to feel good. But, if you would ever travel, you would see that in most countries people will invite you to their home and share tea and food with you, without even knowing you and absolutely not caring about your religion what so ever.
You, of course, would never do such a thing. You are too afraid to go out and actually talk to some people from other cultures. Your are nothing but a coward hiding behind your online profile.

I respect you but i dpnt agree. Alot of muslim friends of mine that never tries to kill to me. "Us christian" have slaughtered alot of people in the past. Become christian or become beheadet!

Im nor proud of that. But im npt tp blame. Im a induvidual that should be treated the way i behave to others (respectfully)

Thanks for you view tough valor. I know you from jefpre but i really dont knlw what this is about.

I know a lot of african that are really racist against white people. Like one of my boys from nigeria said " you white people brought gay and HIV to africa" and he believed it.

"Muslim friends"

If they are true muslims they want to kill you as it stands in the quran. If you are friends with people that want to kill you then you have stockholm syndrome.

I know many muslims and the thing you are speaking about is the part that they havr yhe right to fight anyone who tries to stope them in practicing theire religion. I think you get it mixed.

Alot of muslims i know are not that conservativ and even drink, does drugs anf sometimes eat pork. The same as jewish people working on the sabbath. It is common, and i think you know this.

But if yoj really hate muslims i will certainøy not try to convince you otherwise. It is not my problem and i respect your feelings.

I grew up in a big city and when i was a kid we were many foreginers where i lived so i really dont have anything against them at all. But i know racist people and, well. I dont care what you believe. If you respect me i gonna respect ou! Thas my philosophy.

I quoted the Quran.

Here a source for you, instead of believing what they say or what I say educate yourself.



  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@valorforfreedom so why don't you quote equal passages from the Bible and act like all chistians are bad. Does that not fit your narrative? Oh, wait, Christians are "reformed". Really? Are they? You never heard of forced Vaginal circumcision that leaves christian women crippled for the rest of their life? THAT is happening today too. But those are isolated radical groups, not representative of the much much larger majority of Muslims or Christians.

But of course, you let yourself get influenced by radical thoughts and falls for their propaganda.

How are you not seeing that you are getting played? That radical groups use your weakness to influence you. If you would be smart, you would questions what radicals say, instead of eating it up.

Now look at you, running away and hiding in the black Forrest. You try to give yourself the illusion that you are in control, but actually what happens is that these radical groups have convinced you that you have already lost and now you are running for your life and spreading their lies for them. So weak! Man up! Read some books! Educate yourself!

Isent that taliban-dave in the video?

He an englishman actually.

But maybe it is in. Maybe it is ablut the translation. You are not going to convince me to hate all the people from the middle east. But i have no problem letting you believe or feel whatever you like. Its not my business how you want to live your life.

At least 99% of muslims i ever met wherr really nice loving people. Abd of course it was assholes among them. But i met many Norwegian assholes too.

One think i love about you is that you dont conw with any political corectness. That is one think i dont like.

No, Valor, you are wrong. Most people are NOT racist. Most people are good people. Liking your own people does not mean you hate others because of that. We are a mix of all people and have always been that way. People like you simplify and diminish the concept of cultures. European culture has benefited from every culture on this planet.

We are the result of the mix of many cultures of the past and ALL cultures of today. People like you wish for a simpler time, that never existed to begin with. You and your mindset are the enemy. We don't need people like you on this planet, and I really hope more people see who you are and stop supporting you.

I don't agree with everything @valorforfreedom says but I think the mass migration that YOU defend was and is a huge mistake.

The people fled from a war. It's not like they had a choice. That war was caused by the destabilization of the region, caused by the Irak war, that was forced onto that region by western countries without any probable cause. So, if you want to be blame anyone, blame the US for starting that war.

Yes, but who runs the USA, think tanks and globalist organizations.

The common people would have never come up with the idea to invade Iraq without the corrupt mass media and political machine.

Now they bring destabilization to Europe just like they did in Iraq.

I have absolutely no interest in discussion conspiracies. The USA is a democracy and people vote for the people they want to see in power. The same is happening in Europe. So we, the people, decide what is up next.

And no, refugees do not bring "destabilization to Europe". The biggest destabilization force in Europe at the moment is the growing activity of right wing radicals. These are the people we need to fight. Racist pigs who spread lies and conspiracies.

Funny I remember when it was the left-wing who were anti-authoritarian. They would want you to question authority and the official narrative.

Now the left is authoritarian. Telling a guy like me that I'm a worthless pig because I considered a theory which was outside the main stream media and educational system.

Am I deplorable pig to you now? You only see people as black or white. It is the same with @valorforfreedom.

For @valorforfreedom I am a cuck and a coward. With you I am a deplorable pig.

This is my experience in politics. To be rejected and hated by both the right and the left.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Are you a racist? I said that racists are pigs. I didn't address you with that.

btw. i'm neither left nor right

I love animals, all the species, and all of the races. Everything has its place in the world.

I believe differences exist between the races. I found that in modern universities people consider me racist if I believe race exists.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

If you are not a racist, i didn't call you a pig ;) sorry for that misunderstanding.

Let's just say that "race" is not a very popular word today. Rather use the word "ethnicity", which also makes more sense, because we are defined by more than just our genes. Most of these differences are physical, like skin color or average height, and don't influence how we act or the moral compass that we have. These things come from our culture, surroundings and situations we are faced with.

For example, the reason why there are more black people (or african americans) in US jails is not because they are more criminal, but because they are verifiably get harsher sentences for the same actions as US Americans from other ethnicities.

So, it is important to know the numbers, but also the historical and political influences to understand these numbers.

The USA is a democracy and people vote for the people they want to see in power.

That is absolutely hilarious. The United States is not a democracy, by any means. 100% of the populace could vote for person A to be president, and the electorate can decide to put person B in place instead. Fully within the rules, and the way it is meant to run.

Besides that, the only people allowed to show up as candidates have already been approved by the Council on Foreign Relations, and only have a chance if they have the support of the corporate media.

Never mind the fact that democracy is itself a terrible system, simply violent control by the majority. Any system that involves someone being in power over others (without 100% explicit, non-coerced, informed consent of every person they have power over) is absolutely invalid & morally reprehensible.

This is an old one, but one where I broke down EXACTLY how America's "democracy" works (no theories, just facts, and plenty of conspiracies): Why not voting is the only peaceful, sensible option

PS: Here's the definition of conspiracy, because anyone making a statement like "I have absolutely no interest in discussion conspiracies" clearly has no idea what the word means:

  1. A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
    1.1 The action of plotting or conspiring.

Most every single thing that governments do is conspiracy, by definition.