in steemit •  8 years ago 


I have been on STEEMIT for about a month now and I m still trying to get familiar with how things work around here.  I love the idea behind this website but I still consider myself a noob to many of its concepts.  But even noobs should have a voice, so here are my first suggestions about this amazing website :)

1.  Notifications

I am sure this has been requested before and I believe it is an absolute ‘must’ for STEEMIT.  Without notifications it is so easy to miss Feeds, New Comments on your articles and changes in your Wallet.

2.   Live Feed  

Many times I find myself spending a long time going through the trending articles.  Especially as the amount of articles on Steemit increases, people will spend more time going through older and trending posts. A ‘Live Feed’ area to fill in that huge empty white space would be perfect. It could be customisable and show live updates on topics that you are interested it, show new comments on your articles, new followers and upvotes. If something interesting catches your eye in the Live Feed you just click on it and that article will open in a new window so you can check it out later. 

3.   The View Count 


Another feature that I am sure has been requested before.  It may seem a bit pointless to some of you and I understand that. But for some Steemit users, especially us that our articles don’t really get that many upvotes, it would be nice to at least see that some people are interested in what we posted.  Steemit isn’t just about the Power and the Dollars, it is also about sharing content, ideas, life experiences and anything else you can imagine.  If I spend hours on writing an article and I can see that a few dozen people have read it, I will be satisfied even if the whales don’t upvote me. At the same time, if hundreds have viewed your article but only a couple have upvoted, it may help some realize that perhaps they are doing something wrong in their writing or the type of content they offer. It will therefore act as an incentive to improve.  

4.    The post editing menu and custom article thumbnails 

I am not sure whether I am doing something wrong here, but when I am writing a long article, the editing tab disappears as I type further down the writing area. So a lot of times when I am editing my article (eg adding a link or image, making text bold) I have to scroll all the way up to find the editing tab and then all the way down again to continue editing/writing. I think it would be perfect if the editing tab didn’t move, no matter how long your article is.  Also in this section I would like to suggest that we should be allowed to add a custom article thumbnail. Lets say I am posting a recipe, my first picture will most likely be a collection of the ingredients needed for my recipe. But I would like the finished dish to be the thumbnail for my recipe article. So we should be able to upload any thumbnail picture we want.   

5.    Profile page personalisation 

This would be awesome and I 'd love to see each profile becoming unique.  It would be great if we could personalize our profile page a bit. We could add a small profile picture, maybe a cover photo instead of Steemit’s blue background and an area where we can write a few sentences about us or about the theme of our page.  

6.  Verification

And since we are on the topic of profile pages, why not add a verification icon for our Steemit celebrities? 

7.    Add some color 

Again it may seem unnecessary for some, but why not give some color to users’ reputation score instead of a simple plain number? Each reputation score interval can have a different color. This will also help identify users in the article feed pages.     

8.    Profile Logo Links  

A lot of people use Steemit to show and promote their work. Most of us keep pages in social media and some users may use social media as their source of income. So why not add Facebook, YouTube, IG etc logos on users’ profiles, linking to their social media pages?     

9.    Scheduled Posting and Post Queue 

The big question is: ‘when is the best time to post?’ I believe that anytime is good if you are posting unique and good content. But there is nothing wrong with ‘smart posting’. More than half of Steemit users are from the US so for the rest of the world, it would be great if we could put a schedule on our posting. As Steemit user number goes up, posts during the ‘European’ hours will increase and so will the upvotes. But for now, it would be great if we could time our posting in the hours that they are most likely to get some attention. Scheduled Posting can also be used for people who want to publish multiple articles through the day by creating a Post Queue. In case continuous access to a computer will not be possible, they could use the Scheduled Posting feature to make sure their articles are posted regularly throughout the day and not all at once.   

These are my suggestions for now.  I hope my noob suggestions haven't upset the Steemit whales :)  Steemit depends on its community so these ideas are my attempt to contribute whatever I can.



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good info

These are all great ideas! I would love to see them implemented soon.

I m glad you like them @imerick

I agree. Especially with the notifications, editing menu, profile picture, and view numbers.

Those are probably the most important for me too. Especially the notifications and the editing menu!

These are all excellent ideas, and yours isn't the only voice I've heard calling for them. I keep reminding myself it's a beta site, but the built-in editor is a joke, both in terms of the problem you mentioned--the non-floating tool bar--and in terms of missing basic formatting tools. I've wasted hours following different advice and trying different ways of formatting, and I still find it all incredibly clunky. But then, I'm not a programmer and don't have much experience even with HTML.

I was thinking about making a 10th suggestion about allowing more ''freedom'' with either BBCode or HTLM. But that could potentially expose the site to a few security risks. You are right though, this is just beta for now and I am sure the face of Steemit will be completely different in a few months.