great! some folks are really taking actions!
i'll write a new post a few days later to try again.
my suggestion:
take advantage of AI:
people everywhere are trying to teach how to classify useful emails from spams using Keras mostly with tensorflow back-end. i think this technology isn't hard to get these days. use that.
then entice a large group of people to mark hams and spams with criteria set beforehand (ham being good posts).
after that, train the neural network for a while, and put it in use to flag spams and upvote the hams.
eventually, spams will always be flagged, and all hams will be put upfront and earn a rain of rewards generated from flagged spam as an encouragement to post new good stuff.
but, i know, good guys still have to compete with each other with bots. i haven't figured out anything for that yet.