No More Social Media Guilt !

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

SM Guilt.jpg

So, After using Steemit, I no longer feel guilty using Social Media. Even not with the Overuse of it.

If you are a Social Media Power User Like me, who is addicted to Social Media and have Various Social Media accounts Across Platforms with a lot of followers, At some point you must have Felt Guilty, realizing that most of Social Media is a waste of time.

I used to feel so, before joining Steemit.

Like for example, my habit is to check my Facebook and Instagram during Office hours and a good couple of hours right before sleep.

So many times I used to open Facebook or Instagram for 5 minutes, just to reply to some alerts and I used to end up spending an hour or maybe two on the platforms, only to feel guilty later.

These days I have reduced the time spent on Facebook and Instagram drastically and I spend a lot of time on Steemit instead.

  • So what has changed Now?

Basically not much, as I still spend the same amount of time on Social Media as I used to earlier. But the Platform has changed to Steemit.

Also the Feeling has changed from "Feeling Guilty and Unproductive" to "I am Utilizing my Free Time in a Positive way, in-fact I am Monetizing it".

To Top it, The Guilt has completely vanished.

  • Lets take the case of Overuse of Steemit Vs Instagram taking my personal example.

Suppose I use Instagram from 10 pm in the night to 12 pm at a stretch.

What happens on Instagram is that, I just gain a few Followers and Likes and get some Entertainment, but Most of my Time is Wasted.

Its an Unproductive Act.

Now, If I spend the same 2 hours on Steemit from 10 pm to 12 pm, what happens?


a) I Upvote a few Posts
b) Make a Few Comments
c) Send Replies
d) Make a New Post
e) and Get a few Followers

  • All of the Above Actions = Money on Steemit

  • and Boom = Suddenly everything is Productive


The thought of making this post crossed my mind today because for the whole of Last Month I have been using Steemit Late at Night for hours at a Stretch and Waking up the next morening "Not Feeling Guilty".

  • This is the Single most Powerful Reason I prefer Steemit over any other Social Media Platform, as on Date.

Do share in the Comments if you can Identify with this Feeling or any other Input that you have.

Have a Good Day

Regards @PrakashGhai

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I have been watching you grow like a flower on steemit. Now you've just blossomed with this post. It is nice to see.

Remember, how I use to talk about the peanut vendor?

I found someone else in India who is doing something extremely nice for depression and anxiety while in India who knew someone who suffered through it. See my blog, and my latest post will explain.

Glad you're still here @prakashghai I know you considered leaving steemit before, but now you've changed your mind.

Suddenly everything is Productive and THE GUILT IS GONE

This is excellent news! I'm glad you see it this way.

I remember the Peanut Guy

and yes I considered leaving Steemit sometime ago and the reason was that I could not grasp the Technicalities and the Crypto Space so easily..

"Took me a while, But I have Finally Arrived for sure :)

I will surely check your latest post.

Good Day... Thanks for being a Friend and your Support !

Huh. You have a very good point there. My Instagram and Facebook usage have dropped to almost nil because of Steemit; I never really considered why beyond the money -- but you're right, it's the feeling of productivity that the money makes possible.

Exactly !

Well written!

I agree, and think we should never feel guilty. At the end of the day, the blog is for yourself, and you'll always be able to take a trip down memory lane, when you are older; By re-reading your posts.

If along the way, you make friends, and earn some money... That is the icing on the cake.

Keep on, keeping on.


Thank You for reading.

Yes We can always look back :)

great post
i will follow your account to see how are you doing;) please follow me

Thank you


and I am pretty Generous

Followed you back !