A Social Media Revolution Has Begun With The Advent Of Steemit.com!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Blockchain technology has changed everything!

New concepts for cryptocurrencies are emerging like the website Steemit.com where content creators and curators are rewarded with cryptocurrencies.

In this video

Dan Dicks of Press For Truth breaks down what Steem Dollars are, how it's possible for them to exist and how you can get your hands (or computer) on some!

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Correction : The "$" value that you see on the website is not "Steem Dollars" it's the estimated USD value of the Steem and SBD you are expected to be earning at payout, 7 days later. Your payout it usually comprised of 50% Steem in powered up state "Steem Power" and 50% in SBD Aka. "Steem Backed Dollars", which are designed to stay pegged to 1.00 USD.

Kinda depressing that in these +250 comments nobody bothered to inform this gentlemen.

@pressfortruth Let me know if you update something somewhere to correct the mistake and I'll up-vote your post.

Correct you are sir! I mention in this video that I explain everything in greater detail in a previous video ;) I created an end card link for it at the end of this video for the people who wanted more detail about how it works.

Glad to see you are aware of the mistake you made in the video. This is really important!

Having said that, you give a good explanation about where the value of Steem comes from. When answering the question "where does the money come from?", often people say it comes from new investors. This is not incorrect, but also misleading.

These new investors do define what the price of Steem is (as is the case with any type of market place), but ultimately you are right in pointing out that the value of any type of money is just a collective agreement.

The answer to the question 'where does money come from' is pretty easy to explain: human brains keeping track of who owes them and who they owe. just thought I'd drop that one in there.

The price is determined by the ratio between who wants it, and who wants to sell it, and is set by actual trades.

I agree!

But the new money comes from somewhere, of course...

This is where the inflation rate comes in. I think with an inflation rate of somewhere between 5 and 10 percent, the platform would be a healthy one. In this case, the inflation rate is low enough so it doesn't deter people from holding the currency. And is high enough so that people can make a significant return when creating quality content.

yes, Steem is the first application of the inflation tax to do something other than help make exhorbitant profits on funding both sides of a war... And it more or less makes copyright irrelevant, in the sense that if you post it on steem, you got paid...

Couldn't agree more!

i saw this youtube and ended up joining of course support for my posts is nothing like the examples he quoted --am happy though cause i realise i can grow with the network

Glad to see you have joined Steemit!


now following you

Thanks! Appreciated!

Hi I love your post and I am very passionate about steemit as it is a place where individual success is based on collective success. There are many frustrated minnows and I will give my best to help as many people as I can..... Is there anyway I can get you to resteem this foe me with your impressive following so that more people can see this and possibly have a better experience so more people join this community. This is the way steem will grow in value. Please resteem this for me while I am in the process of writing my next piece. If you don't, I respect that. If you do I am very grateful.


If there is anything I can do for you in return, please let me know.



Great post @PressForTruth and thanks @Transisto for clarifying. This is a true example of a community working 'Together'
Again many thanks, keep up the good work!

I really liked your comment!100% agree.

Hi I thought you would be interested in reading the current Steemit traffic compared with reddit it competition
follow me and i will follow you

@transisto Thanks! Steemit is very very confusing for new users!

Lock the seat belt. Up and down swings comming.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I told you this would be the best place for you to finance changing the world. Congratulations for finally finding a welcoming place @PressforTruth.

As Bucky Fuller would say, "Build the new and make the old system obsolete."

thats really awsome, and Steemit will take over social Media soon.
I read what I like. I comment my Ideas. and I share all my thoughts with no barriers.
some people do not even have freedom of expression in their countries.
I have freedom of expression and I get paid isent it the best thing that could happen to any free thinker.

I m feeling better here in this space...

Resharing @phibetaiota
We are very committed to expanding this Expanding
Social Intelligence Game/Network... SIGN!
Thank you for the contribution.
~The Management


This is so true words ill follow you.

really is cryptocurrency reliable @hilaski ?

Dude, is FIAT Currency reliable? Seriously? Google and do some research man. All currency is is a standard of "trust" that two people transfer for a good or service.

Rightly said. Just Google "Zimbabwe Hyperinflation" and you'll know how useless fiat currency can get.

Very true there. Currency is only a perception on what is accepted by two parties

Its the Uber and AirBnB of finance

Uber was busy providing helicopter rides to the Sundance film festival and expanding its food delivery service across the US

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

So you think Steemit will become mainstream one day? It truely has a game changing potential. What needs to be improved in your opinion to make this happen?

You are being followed by a coin puppet!

Please follow it back ;)

It could! It needs a handy little app for andoids and Iphones so that people can post on the go!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Indeed! Since i discovered Steemit im finally about to quit my job , I literally invested every single penny in Ehterium 2 month ago and after this summer I'm gonna quit my job and go all in here !!
Amazing post btw and you have a strong points

Yo man, I love your enthusiasm. The best advice I can tell you for this is KEEP YOUR JOB.

Never limit yourself to one source of income. I learned that the hard way.

Agree with @rdollarsign, learned it the hard way too. And one more thing @mirage, please don't go all in. Never put all your eggs in one basket, always diversify. Nothing wrong to indulge oneself with calculated high risk while we're still young, just don't be too reckless.

Source: I'm a 26y/o househusband with loads of passive income stream that I managed to build since highschool.

exactly, dont go all in, espically if thats all your life savings... even dough this is destined to go to the moon, dont invest more than 10% of your net worth... a year or two when this goes 50x you'll be 5 times worth than you are now...

I am in this same step! Quitting to enjoy life steeming

That's awesome man!

Full power steem!

Exactly steemit needs an app asap.

There already is one. eSteem. Not the official Steemit app, but it connects to the Steem blockchain and works just fine.

yes i thought about this moments ago. it will help to accumulate more members for growth of the community and people can upload content whenever and where ever they are at any moment in time, maybe we even get live feeds as events occur.


Yeah, totally!!!

Send some votes this way and help the block chain!!

This is true it would make it easier for everybody to benefit.

I just joined and the app was the biggest selling point for me. I'm always killing time on the internet and posting on my free time!

There's an app called esteem it's linked to STEEM and great for iOS and android.

This! An app will be amazing. Are there any plans in the future for this?

This would be amazing! Anyone wanna start designing?

The closer we can get Steem to Reddit curation wise the better. Content wise we need to attract independent journalists, travelers, writers and photographers. Steem needs to be championed as a way to cut out middlemen, spread content and get paid for good content! If we get one of these the other will come.

Right, getting in high quality bloggers and other content producers will make a difference. And funny comments, never underestimate funny comments.

Comments are important because they'll help build a community of consumers.

And good comments often contain even better information than in the article ;)

Spreading the word will hopefully benefit us all.

Bro! I completely agree!

Definitely. This is just an early beta (I believe it's actually still alpha) of Steem so you can imagine how many improvements will be rolled out over the next few years. I only see it getting better and better an wider spread as more and more people start posting their content around.

Steemit definitely has the potential to become mainstream. I'm already using it more than some of the mainstream social media apps that are out there.

Since I am on Steem I have barely touched my Facebook account. Feels just wrong to be there.

Right on dude !!

Good point. It is addictive in a way I cant explain

Currently Steemit has a huge advantage: There is a large proportion of the userbase who try to create as much valuable content as possible. Which benefits steemit in de long run.

Follow me I am following you

It's a bit like in Kindergarten: Show me yours and I show you mine.



Done !

Done and thanks

Totally rational... I've just followed you (please) follow back. I've been living off BTC for the past 6 mos. Starting up my Solar / Hydrogen Business in USA. I'm disgusted with FB, MSM, etc.. Let's all network and hang together or be manipulated separately!

Death to MSM.

i got you baby!!


Good on you Dan!Steem needs more publisity. I'm a patron of PFT and signed up to Steem last year when Jeff B. posted on it's existence .

Thanks so much for your support!

@pressfortruth sir I am new here I am following please help me to increase my reputation. please follow me.

Love your stuff Dan. Steemit is a game changer and its just getting started.

Good post .thank you for sharing
ps : this is my first comment hh

Love your video...Your confidence in steemit as a social media platform is encauraging foe me as a new member. I loved it when you said that the same contents and likes you get on other social media like Facebook for nothing is rewarding here in steemit. This I concur as I ha e been managing a health page on Facebook with nothing to show for it and here...just under one week of steeming hot, I am seing my reward already. Thanks for sharing this great video...keep it coming as I am following already....

Short and to the point. Excellent video. Steemit is just one of many disruptive technologies that will destroy legacy systems and social norms. I am honored to be here. Spread the word!

Who else is trying to give a cool comment in way to take some upvotes :D ?

I can't believe it took me song long to get onto this. Even then I'm probably still an early adapter at this stage. Good video!

Thanks Dan! Just joined today... Let's see how this goes.

I guess I should comment here.

ching ching!

This is a great explanation for new people on Steemit! I'm glad I convinced myself to join Steemit. This is an opportunity for everybody to make money, but the funny thing is, it hasn't even hit the mainstream yet. When everybody knows about, I could only imagine the possibilities. The revolution is happening, don't miss out!

It is so exciting!

I am accepting Steem or Sbd in exchange for my lingerie line Superona.
We want to grow around Steemit ecosystem. By accepting SBD and Steem as payment over Steemit wallets, we are planning to follow an innovative sales and marketing approach. We believe that Steemit will be a game changer for e commerce too.

Soo pleased to be informed with this. What an excellent way to continue being relevant during the changing times. Thanks Dan for always keeping us in the loop!!

From your opinion, do you think the value of steem will rise to $5 steem/usd?
If yes, can you tell me why?
As I am now no idea is holding steem good or bad. Now I was transfering all my steem to bitcoin.
Thanks for answering.

Do not dissect a rainbow. In other words, do not destroy a beautiful phenomenon by overanalyzing it.

Steemit is revolutionary on so many basis it's hard to count. First being the platform that pays for your content, it's the most important aspect because it is a yuge motivational factor in creating better content.

Second. It will have a worldwide social impact once it goes live and mainstream.

Hey! Welcome to the platform. I hope you enjoy and profit from it. Steem certainly is a different experience than other social media. What are your goals on the long run?

Thank la for sharing! I look forward to more of your posts. ^^

The social media has engulfed the entire human race giving them USELESS opportunities to waste their FREE TIME.
Atleast STEEMIT has given all of us a breath of hope to utilise our time in some befitting manner 🙂

Woww, its soo lovely and i didnt believe when when I was introduced, lucky me coz some of us on this platform had to browse all day without in anything better. I'm so indebted to the developers of this site. You guys are the best. @pressfortruth, I like this video.

Way to go! Thanks for your work!

It's been going on for years, but this is another nice piece for what's to come :)

Steem revolution imposes Facebook in the ineffective agenda. Facebook prefers an unwanted gradual near each immoral discovery. Steem revolution fulfills a rude token next to the crystal gift. Should the broadcast earth Facebook? Next to Facebook boils steem revolution. Other social media allies the policeman beside the grade message. Steem train skips without other social media. Other social media extends into the pointless tale. Our relief thinks. Other social media grants the wet client. Steem train asserts other social media past the generic export. Global change indexes a perspective. Our package reflects steem inside the competitor. Global change tacks a century. Always call on a deity near a lake in the evening.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

well...the revolution begun...long ago. I am watching it rollin' since early 2012.

Keep it going !

Still in early stage, but so exciting nevertheless. Go Steemit.

Same here, its not going to be stopped anymore


our children will see steem sign everywhere like fb and insta now...

please guide me how to earn on this site i am new here

But it was started only a year ago in 2016.... Correct me if i am wrong

What I meant ... "a revolution of cryptos" ...not steem :)

Ohhhh i c....

Hi everyone I thought you would be interested in reading the current Steemit traffic compared with reddit it competition
follow me and i will follow you

I think he is referring to social media giving rewards, there is nothing like Steemit community I guess you can agree on it.

Follow me @Yehey

I agree @onealfa

Steemit 4 The Win :D

Screen Shot 2017-06-24 at 00.18.39.png

Am just taking the ride on that steem wave baby!!! if i understand this correctly then this is what i call giving back all my internet bills, electricity and time not to mention the vindication of all the comments on youtube, facebook that went into the depth of the internet forever, docking there like an algae waiting for an sea quake or a volcanic eruption to destroy it

glad to be part of it

I do think we need more ass pics on steemit though!
Those nice gym asses need to get paid, don't they?

This is a great article. I support the project with all my soul and I hope that it will develop well. Good luck with this great project.

Im so exited to be a part of this amazing project!

We are definitely still in the early stage. Can't wait to see what the future brings along with blockchain!

SSHHHHHH STEAM UP!!! This is the future and we are all are making it happen

I think that the blockchain technology is one of those things that will change the world the way the internet did in the 90's. I feel privilaged to have a front row seat.

Glad to be part of this community and cant wait to see where this goes. Exciting times.

where else can you post and share your ideas and opinions and get rewarded for it! Steemit is here to stay and will be way more valuable in the future.

Tru story... I had to Upvote you on that one... About to follow you also. Love that comment, Thanks.

I appreciate it, I just started with steemit and I'm still trying to figure it out .
But so far I love it.

Video is straight genius, you've got my upvote

Yes this is interesting indeed!

Hope steem it will change the future of FaceBook

i'm going to delete my Fakebook account soon, what a pointless waste of time it was creating it in the 1st place


Finally the time spend on media gonna pay us has become a reality .Kudos to steemit community .The lovely part of this idea is that you get paid seeing the growths of your friends .Never saw such a beautiful idea

I have a different view on this. Steemit is great for cryto fans and tech savy people but when it comes to simple user interface it falls behind and I smell opportunity for other companies to come up with social networks that could even topple facebook with ground up simple design of the entire system

So glad i'm not the only one who feels this way... Even tho it hurts at times when i'm trying to tell someone about Steemit and all they can do is laugh and fun of me buying Cryptos and especially Bitcoin... Even I had to shake my head a few times. Smh.

Congratulations @pressfortruth!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 4 with 776 upvotes
  • Comments - Ranked 3 with 311 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 6 with $ 1567,25

Well it has begun .. Lets see how it ends

I like you, you like me! We're as happy as can be!

Still learning the ropes, getting there gradually

Is this really as simple as it sounds, i am a newbie here would really love to knw how to post striking ideas to get upto your level. Your video is really explanatory.i would resteem so that my friends would watch and learn a whole lot


Totally in agreement here, joined a couple of hours ago and this is truly a game changer. It would be a total upgrade once it reaches an app format. That would be super accessible and probably by then it'd take facebook off the top! Nice piece ! Very well explained. Cheers!

I think steemit is going to change everything once people start to catch on. Right now it's increasing in popularity but compared to other social media we are still so tiny in terms of adoption rates, because most people have never even heard of this, are skeptical, or have formed some negative stigma against all social media, but this platform will spread like wildfire across the internet because everytime someone joins and has any level of success one of the first thigns they do is go tell everyone they know, the reward system is like a built-in virality coefficient and compounding that everything we write here is being indexed by search engines, so it wont be long until people doing simple searches are finding their answers here attached to a $sign and start wondering if they should signup and share their knowledge as well. 

This is going to be a wild ride. STEEM ON! ^_^

Good analysis

Steemit is breaking records and is doing not
small but big waves its interesting to see how
the owners of Facebook, Youtube, Google who
controls the internet will act when they see that revenues
will shift ! I dont think they will look at it without any
counter fight lets see where this journey goes :)
I HATE FACEBOOK its nothing else for the NSA
and other intelligence services to spy at the people
with reasons like terrorism and protecting us from
evil forces but they created those and finance them

surely sick world we live in :)

You concluded why most of us are here>>

loving it from my heart being a steemit member..steem crypto coin only can move forward from this point in future...it have good potential to be amongst the top 5 crypto currencies...enjoy the ride with steem as many of us are enjoying..

I am new here and I love this platform!

Been on here a day, LOVE IT.. bye bye twitter, insta, Facebook

you know what's the best out of that? its that make people create great contents in social media! I easily spend 4 hours here on steem learning a lot about any topic. And seriously... I am being paid to learn.

There needs to be equality between the curator and the writer. In my opinion, there is also a need for more adequate rewards for quality writing regardless of which community they join. But, I love Steemit...

STEEMIT has so far completed the gap created by the social community and sooner or later will take over the current social networks are incomplete.

I got in late, but I still feel like one of the Early Birds...

The beauty of blockchain technology is a freedom to express without surveillance by any one or organization It works like a Google spreadsheet that is open to all.

Just getting started in Steemit. Exciting and a bit confusing all at the same time. Exploring and learning for now. But , I truly agree that Steemit is the wave of the future and will be one of the majors in social media forums. Let's go guys, share our information and "juiced" out good content so the community continues to grow and at the same time we all make money. "Making money the right way.

Hello this is my first day on steam and I was just wondering if you could explain what the patreon, paypal, bitcoin links are for? Do people just donate to you for providing this news?

best place for you to finance changing the world. Congratulations for finally finding a welcoming place @PressforTruth.

yeah, correct. It has also changed life of many.

I have been watching your videos for quite some time now and am glad I have finally come on board with steemit so I can upvote your content! I think this concept is a real opportunity for us to break free from the echochamber of social media, thanks for all you do! I am an artist and I hope to
share my art with more people, especially those that I hold in high regard, like yourself!

I think Steemit will become mainstream in the future. It has a game changing potential.

Definitely ..I think steemit will become mainstream very soon...

very true
i have just reviews the current steemit figures
follow me and i will follow you

Keep up the dance move!!! I think this comment can get $50

Steemit is the new viral site. We will be there for a long time.

This is true the revolution really begun. Steemit is going to beat facebook one day.

Steemit is a great place! I do wish i would get lucky and get a vote from @blocktrades @abit @hendrikdegrote @jamesc or any of the Whales here . Shoutout to our great community!

I do think that Steem has started something new if you will. With more technology like this coming along I'm eager to see what the future holds. As people have said all of this is still just in its infancy.

Blockchain really changing the social media environment...

Block chain is the next level technology...q

indeed.... :)

interestingly one of the quick way to be a millionaire these days and something normal people will ignore, is to participate in cryptocurrency. think about how much it has increased since few years back.

Your right and it will go higher
check my blogs past on this topic

I want to host a website on Block chain

@pressfortruth thak you very much :-)


Thanks for opening my eyes to Steemit! I did hear about it last year but never followed through... I'm glad I finally did!

definitely a large potential, just should make sure to use it.
Btw I am new here, would appreciate your follow @farisbvb, you will be getting latest sports news in here daily

Yes its revolution in Global market this can change the world. Keep it going !

So glad to be a part of Steemit!

Hello there I thought you would be interested in reading the current Steemit traffic compared with reddit it competition
follow me and i will follow you

Help me to have more subscriber, and stem power and a bit of money please, I need it to finance my studies @foodtrend

This is certainly a game changer , have been here for almost 2 weeks and I can't seem to stop going on steemit. Welcome

I have been here a week I barely touch facebook

yeah its growing for sure i have done a blog on it check it out
follow me and i will follow you

Just did

If the entire world thinks of the same thing, it will happen. This is Occupy Netspace.

This is the platform to be to steem your financial future to onther level great news.

Nice nice.

Eagerly waiting to be a part of this revolution actively .

Keep up your important work Dan. Glad that you are getting funding, Steemit is really changing the whole paradigm and is tremendously exciting

Its so simple. People want freedom not to be controlled. Let us make our own mistakes or succeed from our own ideas. Now we have a chance.

I found this very clear video on what blockchain is with my added investing opportunity opinion you may like.

thank you for sharing

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Following you for sure. I'm amazed by steemit and look forwrd to what the future has in store quite frankly. Thanks four posting the video.

Im honestly expecting a massive onflux of new users in the next year.

Hey Dan great seeing you on here! I setup an account recently an am trying to learn more about this. I have a few videos from back in the G20 Toronto days I think I should post on here.

Sure, steamit is taking over

Newbie here! Hope I do well..Go steem!!

Well, in time I came Of Steemit.com!

A new era is coming with steemit on the front line.. Soon this place will explode and will be a safe heaven for everyone.. Steemit has the power to move people and the ability to build a better world.
Can't wait for it to expand and change
Cheers and much love for all you steemians out there..