Punisher #1: The issue with the 1% votes...

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Punishment is coming:


I watched this voting with 1% for some time now. "The movement" startet here: https://steemit.com/socialist-bot/@fyrstikken/the-anonymous-winfrey-bot-upvotes-for-everyone-download-here-easy-steps-for-n00bs

Initially, I thought this is an interesting idea. Kind of basic income for every steemit user. As well the bot is a great tool to understand piston, python and bots in general. Thx @fyrstikken!

Now we have a situation where mindlessly people vote for anything. No more real interest in what people write or contribute. What this means I will show you with an experiment of mine:

I created an new account: @a-hitler

There I launched a post aimed to keep away all those who actually read a post before voting it.
Screenshot (51).png

Let´s have look and show those who have with their vote "supported Hitler":

Screenshot (53).png
Screenshot (54).png
Screenshot (52).png

Let´s call them out, for that they know they are being watched:

@abdullar (50% ... no idea if he got the message or just found the vid nice), @giantbear @whatageek @forrestwillie @driptorchpress @barrydutton @pairmike @stray @steemitguide @ubg @richardcrill @timelapse @jamesjarman @meysam @grey580 @deplorable1 @konelectric @andrei @denmarkguy @daisyd @karenmckersie @darthnava @patelincho @zentat @tingaling @steemint @steembriefing @proglobyte-m1 @proglobyte @kurtbeil @sqube @fyrstikken

and with 100% votes @moisesmcardona and @krasotka (didn´t get it? or didn´t read it?)

I am sure you all are no bad people and you are simply not aware of your actions. Goddamn... you even raised Hitlers reputation from 25 to 35...


Imagine, i had Hitler say something like PewDiePie did lately? Or if I were posting child porn...

You all have a responsibility for what you vote and what you approve with your vote.
Do it yourself or follow someone you trust. The bot is as easy installed as the winfrey bot.

You have been warned.

Back to a world of killers. Rapists. Psychos. Perverts. A brand new evil every minute, spewed out as fast as men can think them up. A world where pitching a criminal dwarf off a skyscraper to tell his fellow scum you're back is a sane and rational act. The angels thought it would be hell for me. But they were wrong.

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snorts coffee

This wins my stupid post of the day award. :-)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Steemit, young sockpuppet. :-)

I vote you up by 1% LOL

At least you read, what you vote... won´t you add to the list ;-)
I even impressed you so much, that I inspired you making a meme. THX! Great one... (you should have painted a moustache to the poor boys face)

Adolf spelled 'Argentina' wrong.

So you say, you are a spelling-nazi? You should follow @a-hitler then ;-)
He is German, what do you expect?

Read on, and I end this by stating the balance of my reasons why this account, post and mandate is offensive in many reasons. I did not have to dignify this with a reply, I chose to.

I supported this community bot initiative actually for many of the reasons you named in your post about valid, reasoned, and rational ideas why this would support the greater good.

It keeps new people encouraged when they see votes. I was new once, so I know how that feels.

I also cannot be on Steemit as much as I would like anymore, but I have put in the work.

I am well over 6500 posts on here, made a ton of blogs and useful content and am and have been trying to provide good content to people.

I am on here all the time, encouraging people.

I have put in a lot of time and effort on here and not seen much in the way of payouts in the average month, being on here since August.

This bot supports several things I believe are important to this community, which clearly has issues like any community.

That last point ties to this one --- you are never going to please everyone, so you need to pick some battles.

Do I have issues with bots on here and even the bot that I allowed my name to be tied to? Yes. But for me, the Community good outweighs the bad by margin of more than 2-1. And I want to support the community...especially since I cannot be on here as much due to my personal circumstances now after being run over by a car and disabled in every area of my life.

Your opinion is not the only one, and it is that -- an opinion. It does not contain all the FACTS -- and your opinion is not the only one.

I flagged this and I never flag anything for lots of reasons here from the choice of the user name you picked, to what that user name stands for in life which is offensive at best, to showing complete lack of sensitivity as such for real world people and problems, to hate speech, to threatening people who made a decision that is different than your self imposed policing on here, which lets face it -- has not worked out for anyone so far who chooses to act like this.

Thats a very interesting answer... I´ll store this in my vault.

I tell all the people using the bot, that I believe that there is an issue. I make them vote for a funny Hitler and show them with this their doing (nothing illegal or offensive for the moment). I even say "thank you" to fyrstikken. And I tell all of these botusers that I believe them to be good people.

Of course my post is only (a fact based) opinion... of course there is more about it.

You admit you flagged me for not liking my opinion (see the bias) ... guess THAT´s why politics and especially socialism is loosing credibility day by day: Shutting down unwanted opinions. (Think about who else is doing this?)

THX for prooving this once more to me.

YOU @barrydutton are saying (And yes, I am putting words in your mouth now):

"I did a lot of good stuff, therefore your OPINION is offensive and has to be shut down. Me voting for any bullshit is no problem, because I have reasons for that."

In fact I chose the name of a marvel comic anti-hero because apparently this is what it needs to bring reason to a big viking with a 500k SP mace.
Basically what I did was telling people... "hey, you could unintentionally vote for Hitler". I did not call names, I did not flag anyone I am stating facts and asking people if they are aware of it. (Surrounded by the backgroundstory of Marvel´s Punisher...)

B60ZMeAIUAAk6y-.jpg large.jpg

You admit you flagged me for not liking my opinion (see the bias) ...

Learn how to read, and / or quit manufacturing words I did not say in the attempt to use language to sway people, with things I never said.

I flagged you for offensive wording, threats, and tasteless things connected to a fascist regime that you complain others are being.

You will get buried on Steemit in debates like this every single day by people on here smarter than me.

Read what I wrote, stick to what I ACTUALLY said.... and take it from there. I have worked hard on here, look at some of what I have done, apart from the fixation on the bot.

Woohoo! Give 'em hell!!

Great Post!

I totally agree that this is a problem - the ONE problem with 1% auto-voting. Of course, this is all your fault. LOL

Anyway thanks @punisher / nog, I will add you & Adolf to my Winfrey skiplist asap.

You have been awarded a worthless drama coin for a successful attempt to start drama on SteemIt. Congrats. :)

Not a-hitler of all people!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

OH NO, Someone upvoted a post from a fictional character with a real-life bad guy's name. The entire WORLD is at risk of the next genocide! Right? Wait, how would that work?

SHIT! Now we are aware the 1% votes could ruin the world!

Screenshot (55).png

It really took you 3 turns to come up with such a witty response... @whatsup with you?

With all of the bot voting and other odd things going on regarding SteemIt, I just thought this was a silly thing to worry about. If it is the top of your list. Carry on.

Yes, it took me three tries. I should have had more coffee.

You are excused... a lack of coffee ... I totally understand that.
Still I had to start somewhere!? I thought a small issue will get me some strength.
Seems is is like in the real world: Find out who you are not allowed to critizise...
Seems I poked in a hornets nest ;-) with a big viking mace instead of a sting.

Have some coffee and maybe a beer since Friday night is closing in.

Did you know large stakeholders give their votes to people who use them to make 100% votes for themselves using bots and call it wages? These activities are often on the "Front Page".

Yes, I think it is plain silly to get worked up over about 40ish people giving 1% votes.

By the way, I will happily accept any 1% votes. I received one from smooth the other day. I thought.. Nice, thank you. Although the viking is someone I consider a SteemIt friend, I haven't opted to use the bot. In the long haul, if everyone was doing this forever, it would be a bad thing. That is not however the case, and I tend to think this attention is based on personal feelings vs. concern for the good of SteemIt. Carry on, though. You have engaged people which is more than some of the commonly trending posts do. :) Enjoy your time on SteemIt.

It seems like for now I'm off of the Winfrey Guild. I was definitely upvoting a ton of crap.