Thinking about tomorrow, today. Reinvest and Power-Up!

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Yesterday I went to @bonjovey's house with @florizdemayo to sing karaoke,

...and to have some girl time. While I was there, @bonjovey's significant other was asking questions about Steemit, and how it works. I guess, from an outsider's point-of-view, the hardest thing to imagine is that money ultimately comes from nothing. Well, computer code+math+algorithms.

He was also quite surprised to learn that my account grew from $1 to over $40,000 in the 5 months I have been Steeming. Sure, to him it may look like I have a simple job. Create a blog, add some photos and sit back and watch the money come in. Yet, Steemit is much more complicated than that. In fact, I work tirelessly for every dime I make here. Some nights, I fall asleep with my phone in my hand, because I try to reply to every comment people leave to me, and if they're like me, these conversations go on for multiple mouse-wheel scrolls.

Anyone can see on my page, that I not only leave a lot of comments to newcomers, welcoming them to the platform- You all can also see that my comments are quite thoughtful, after reading their blogs and doing better than a typical, "good blog", or "this is interesting". This is one of the keys to success here on Steemit; Leave thoughtful comments, that elicit a response.

For the second key to success, and arguably the most important. Reinvesting/Powering-up.

We all judge, all the time. Its human nature, and we can never escape this. Although there are always some people that claim to never judge others, this is impossible. Bringing this judgement to Steemit, also creates divide, and social classes. Its inherent in the design of the platform. Are you a minnow, a dolphin or a whale? Which would you prefer to be?

So, when someone sees my comment or upvote earned them a considerable value, they will look at my wallet and notice that I am no longer a minnow, but not quite a whale. This automatically gets their attention, and they will take the time to possibly follow me, but to also give me the attention above others whom may not yet be out of the minnow pond. So, wallet balance+reputation= More loyal followers. After all, they are here to grow themselves. By following someone with a significantly higher account balance then them, they are banking on leaving comments that will be upvoted by this blogger. This means, they will usually take the time to read, comment, and upvote their works.

This is why it is super important to reinvest in yourselves, and power-up every chance you can. The more you grow your account, the more followers you will gain. More followers equals more blog views and comments. More views and comments equals more upvotes. More upvotes equals more money. More money equals a higher account balance, and the cycle continues. That is the second key to success.

When you reinvest and power-up, you are also adding a compounding feature to your account. When you start Steemit, your upvote is only worth 0.01. This means, when you upvote your own comments, and blogs you are only able to give yourself 0.01 for your efforts. Maybe your first blogs only earn $1 each for the first month. This isn't much, but how many friends, and how many followers did you also gain? And most importantly, how much did you give back to the community, in thoughtful comments, or helpful advice? No one comes onto Steemit with the intention of just making one blog, and then giving it up. We all come aboard, full throttle, eager to become the next minted whale. Some of us just get stuck in the current, and give up. While others make their way upstream. Tired, yet eager to continue swimming another day. And this is why I truly believe that giving back to the community, will come back to us. You never know who the next whale will be, and you never forget the first people who took the time to help you out of the tidal pools.

So, by reinvesting your earnings and powering-up, your 0.01 upvote can become worth 0.05 after weeks, or a month. 6 months later, this could EASILY be worth $1+ (especially considering Steem is severely undervalued.) At this point, how many more followers do you have? How much do you think your blogs will make now, that your own upvote is worth more than you made on your first "Introduce yourself" blog?

Time+volume is the key to wealth in any market. If you don't have either, you will fail. And guess what? Months later, you will regret not sticking with the platform, and giving it an honest effort. I see this day in, and day out. Newcomers are amazed at the $100+ blogs, and extremely disappointed when their first blog didn't make them $1.00 or more. I understand this is discouraging, but you must take the time to make friends first. Spend a week reading successful blogs, leaving thoughtful comments, and contributing to the platform. Don't use Steemit solely for the money. I tell everyone to use it the same way they would Facebook. Follow authors who blog about topics you are passionate about, whether its sports, politics, money, or sci-fi. Use Steemit as your daily news source, and as a way to network with similarly-minded individuals. Get a tight group of friends, and join a community to help you along the way, and support each others' every blog to keep the wealth within.

When you open your phone to Facebook, and see someone liked a post you made. This makes us feel good yeah? Well, on Steemit imagine seeing this monetized. So the next time you sit on the toilet to do your business, take that 15 minutes replying to comments you have backlogged. Or read up on the latest Bitcoin ban in -insert country name here-.

And most importantly remember that;

Steemit is your business, your name is your brand. Stay positive, and reinvest for your future. Not for dinner tomorrow.

TLDR; Leave thoughtful comments. Help the minnows. Power-up.



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Sorry for your loss and congratulation!

You have been victim of a @GrumpyCat flag because you or someone else sent money to buy votes from a non-GrupyCompliant service.

@appreciator is selling votes to people on their last hours posts.

The good news is that GrumpyCat selects the best and most deserving posts to flag for greater impact. Congrats! Your post also earned a resteem by @GrumpyCat.

To know what voting bot to use, refer to and use those that have 3.5 day or less in the "Max Age" column.

To learn more:

@grumpycat uses @appreciator! Downvote yourself, you hypocrite!

Talk about a pile of shyte!

Someone come off like they have no friends in real life lol

Guys has 3 million USD of Steemit and he is trolling chat treads? I would call that a mental health disorder. I bet you he is afraid of the real world and taking of his pyjamas!

AHhaah, i just upvote out of the massive laugh i had when I read "I would call that a mental health disorder"
PS: you made Me spill My "mate" enrages in argentinian xD

Interesting, because this post was only done today. So when you mention 3.5 days or less, how did I abuse this?

He is a troll trying to get rich of other peoples misery! Ignore that asshole.

You're not abusing, the bots you're buying votes from are.

@appreciator and @buildawhale by @themarkymark

They barely own any Steem so they don't give a fuck, in about 10 days the burden of my attacks will get relayed onto anyone using @blocktrades and @freedom delegated SP.

Maybe we'll see some changes then.

Oh, I didn't realize this. I never try to cheat the system, and get votes at the last minute for blogs. :(

Thank you for the information. Even though it hurts me a lot to lose so much.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That's not true. @brandonfrye got dinged here for using @jerrybanfield

The point is @grumpycat arbitrarily decides at random when to hit you. There is no safety.

Further, @grumpycat actually uses the non-compliant bots while punishing everyone else. No one punishes @grumpycat.

that was 6 days ago @jerrybanfield fixed it after

Prior to that it was listed as GrumpyCompliant. Also, according to this @jerrybanfield still isn't compliant. I wouldn't call that "fixed"

The point is that none of it is trustworthy. It's all arbitrary. It can change on a whim and there is no standard or canonical definition of what is really compliant.

@jerrybanfield he s so smart then mark zukerberg

Rofl, wtf?

waw, I didn't know bots can do this. It seems bots are making their way into the steem community lol.

Where have you been, lol?

The guy has no friends, why try to understand what he does? Misery loves company!

Always has been part of it

@purepinay If you don't want to cheat the system, then stop using upvote bots: They are forbidden in the terms of service.
I hope that one day soon everyone will join forces against the bots and make steem a fair place to be, but greed motivates in the short term.
You write in this article about how minnows are disappointed when they receive $1.00 for a post, but you are getting $1000 for six paragraphs and two selfies - AFTER a @grumpycat downvote. Do you think this is fair to all the newcomers to steem? Is it fair to the reward pool? How is using bots helping the platform or helping steemit's future?
It looks like you spent OVER 400 Steem Dollars to promote this post - that is gaming the system, no doubt.
I ask you to consider the title of your post and think about tomorrow, today.

Edit: I upvoted my comment, because @purepinay decided to downvote and hide my comment from view. Bad form, in my opinion.

They're not forbidden and there isn't any terms of services.

@grumpycat What the heck are you talking about? Terms of Service for steemit:
From the Terms of Service:
{ 17. User Conduct

17.1. When accessing or using the Services, you agree that you will not commit any unlawful act, and that you are solely responsible for your conduct while using our Services. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree that you will not:
17.1.3. Use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided by us to access our Services or to extract data; }

When you are buying the use of an upvoting service, you are [USING] a [ROBOT] to [ACCESS] the [SERVICES].

That is pretty clear that bots are forbidden and of course there IS a Terms of Service.

Read the first line of the TOS link you posted:

These Terms of Service (“Terms”) apply to your access to and use of

The TOS refers to - the website you are likely looking at right now. Bots do not typically use the steemit website directly, therefore this TOS does not apply to them. is NOT the same as the steem blockchain

Also @maneki-neko in the last 90 days, why have you given yourself UPVOTES of more than 30% of total outgoing? You speak of gaming the system, do you think this is ok? @purepinay only has given herself 6.4% of total upvotes in this same time-frame. But lets just ignore that, right?

So pretty much ALL bots are forbidden. You don't think that eliminates some of the fun?

It even says "spider, crawler, scraper". That pretty much eliminates the need for any useful third-party app that I can think of.

jelous people, what is right? What is wrong? We or the world¿? I´ll follow you and i upvote you too.
can you?

@maneki-neko, if you want to get rid of bots you have to get rid of the whole self-voting mechanisms altogether.

Just look at who's at the trending page. It's the same people voting themselves (with their $200 SBD Upvotes) and their friends (with $400 SBD Upvotes) at no cost to them but a press of a button. Again take a look at the trending page, do 90% of the content there warrant a $1K SBD payout?

For normal content creators like me, I don't have a $200 SBD Self vote. How am I going to get a crack at the trending pages? I don't know any whales and they're too busying upvoting themselves too go dig through content.

Please take a look what's happening overall on Steemit before condemning normal content creators who will have to use bots to keep up. Now, I question the use of $400 SBD to buy the votes because it's taking the voting power from the pool of votes on the bots.

Smaller content creators with less money are getting less for their ROI, but that's another issue worth discussing.

you got the good point, invest and have people work together will make both money, why we can not team up? learn how people make their job done. As long as you make the money and have some fund to help other to make some.

Actually, she downvoted your comment because it is not truthful and you are spreading misinformation. 1.) It is not forbidden. 2.) It is not cheating the system, it is paying for post-promotion. 3.) I know for sure she does a lot more for the community than you. You can easily see this by checking where her upvotes go, vs yours. She casts 100's of upvotes daily, and 99% of all her upvotes go towards minnows with an account value less than $100.

Look at her comments, and tell me she doesn't contribute to the community. She is very active on and offline, and gives back more than she takes.

"and 99% of all her upvotes go towards minnows with an account value less than $100."

The implication being that it's better to vote for people who have no investment in Steem?

Are you a Marxist?

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

I am not saying she doesn't contribute - she certainly does.
However -you guys are now attacking me for self upvoting 30% of the time.. lets do some math - 10 full power votes a day, worth about $0.50 each = $5.00 , 30% = thats less then $1.66 a day.
But actually - that is incorrect, because only recently has my vote has gone up so much with the rise of Steem, and I also have powered up more since the New Year- lets look at the past 3 weeks - self votes 13.9% ......I have posted every single day or multiple times per day making videos, so this is, as I thought, 1 single vote worth 50 cents, on a video that sometimes takes me 5-6 hours to produce, sometimes much more. - Wow what a criminal I am!

Way to distract from the fact that over $2500 dollars was spent to promote this post. Which will gain much more money than that in return. Which, of course, is draining the reward pool. Why not power up that 500 steem that was spent on the post and use it to further upvote minnows if its all about charity? This is why making bots normal really hurts steem. She has thousands of followers that look up to her and say - well the way to do good on steem is pay bots!

You guys keep saying that using bots is not forbidden, please read the terms of service until you understand it.

"17.1.3. Use any robot, spider, crawler, scraper or other automated means or interface not provided by us to access our Services or to extract data; "

This platform is not about who can pay the most for bots, but you all acting this way is turning it into that. All I ask is for the people here to think about tomorrow, today, as the title of this post suggests. If everyone here normalizes this type of abuse of the system, do you really think steem has any chance of becoming the next Facebook? We barely made it to half a million users and already this type of stuff is happening... Soon people will be paying $50,000 to promote a selfie. It's not a joke!

you are right about it! work smart be creative.

so you are saying here, your posts didnt earn much tho you put so much effort on it, maybe you should try another post not everybody likes videos lols

The platform is not perfect, we all know that. But don't blame her for using what's in the platform.

99.9% of her upvotes goes to minnows and helping them online and offline.

Don't bother, nothing is ever gonna work.

I agree, she gives her upvote every singe day to newbies and less for herself, giving more to the communities and people don't see that, she is active offline and offline to reach and encourage more newbies not to give up.

If these bots are not allowed they should be removed in the system.
@purepinay has good intentions and not to harm anybody and I know this, they don't know how many minnows she is helping online and offline promoting steemit everywhere she goes.

"she gives her upvote every singe day to newbies"

Ah, so the worst content available, generally?

Are you an anti-merit Communist?

Happy to see some people like yourself speak out against the bots. I for one, will slowly remove anyone I am following, regardless of the merits of their content, if they are paying bots for votes. As far as bots that help me to curate and upvote content of my valued writers on steemit, I think this kind of bot is helpful and not harmful to the community. What is your opinion? I am looking at qurator, and steemvoter at the moment. I find that autosteem is the best because I can go through the material BEFORE the automatic vote goes through.

Kind of a pointless endeavor. The horse has left the barn on this one.

I joined steemit cause I believe I can use my talent to grow or even earn here cause the traditional way of earning money by working 8 to 5 is so tyring and stressful. Once I earned good. I thought steemit can give me financial freedom. But knowing about the bots, I feel so devastated. I can not earn here cause I dont have money to pay bots. If she cant sleep buy replying the coments I cant sleep either to make sure I made a good post or even trying to check if someone made a comment and appreciate my post.

Voting bots is the equivalent of hiring an ad agency to handle your PR. There shouldn't be anything wrong with paid promotion. I realize there is paid promotion built in, but it's flawed.

Voting bots supplement the missing components that equalize the payout value for a post. In other words, payout is intended to be proportionate to the value of the content. Proportionality is intended to be determined by the community through votes. The trouble is you're not guaranteed votes or that proportionality by creating the content. Voting bots give that to content creators.

Without content creators, it's just be a bunch of @steem howto guides and nothing interesting.

No, that is not a good equivalent. When you hire an ad agency you are using your money to promote, with bots you are doing that as well, but also contributing to a bot becoming larger and larger and funneling and draining the reward pool into the future. The reward pool is shared by everyone on steem, so if we all send 25% of our daily rewards to a certain group of bots, in exchange for their whale vote, we are draining the pool, and concentrating wealth in the hands of the bots, and also normalizing this type of promotion when really there doesnt NEED to be any promotion at all, just good content, comments, and networking. I agree with what you said about content, but you are not realizing that bots are putting a spotlight on not GOOD content creators, just RICH content creators. Like I said -what is stopping a future of steem where someone pays $50K to promote a selfie.. at this rate nothing. And, in my opinion, this is the single greatest threat to the future of steem. Who will adopt a platform like this?

So in trying to argue against the comparison of a bot as an ad agency, you argue that it actually is? Huh?

Yes. Just like an ad agency, the bot grows to accommodate more clients. Funny how that works. It grows and grows. I get that the reward pool is finite, but really bots are supplementing an already broken promotional system.

Besides, it's not the bots that are actually being abusive. It's the users. Even without bots, the users would find a way to game the system and abuse the reward pool.

promotion when really there doesnt NEED to be any promotion at all, just good content, comments, and networking.

That is a fallacy. There is always need for promotion. There is a finite reward pool which means there is fierce competition for those rewards. Those with the STEEM power tend to be the ones getting all the rewards. I'd rather they be bots that want me to bid for their vote to promote my content than wasting it on self-voting for useless content.

that bots are putting a spotlight on not GOOD content creators, just RICH content creators.

Another fallacy. People that invest their own money to make their content visible are not RICH. They're savvy. Marketing is a necessity and an investment. Some of us have to use our hard earned local currency and convert it to STEEM to pay for this. Money they work hard for.

Now this is all based-on the concept that there is only an upvote. There are downvotes. Downvotes are tools for curators to correct the payout of content to acceptable levels.

This is where @grumpycat becomes an a real issue. @grumpycat indiscriminately punishes content creators trying to attack the bot. As I said before, you can't blame the feature for the abuser. Further, not all content creators are abusers. Some are just trying to do the converse which is get their content noticed and raised payouts to appropriate levels. @grumpycat tries to wipeout payouts which is why there is conflict. If @grumpycat were any normal user that said

Hey. This isn't right, let's get this lowered to a more appropriate payout. Things would be different.

That's far from reality and that is what will help the platform. So far EVERYTHING you have said is what IMHO will be a threat to the platform. Who will adopt a platform that isn't for everyone?

I agree with you @maneki-neko good post. Will upvote.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

If you are under the illusion that the world is a meritocracy, you will be disappointed.

I'm already disappointed. Steemit is not a world but a platform, and it can always be reduced or changed to better.
...Even though, people would have learned to break these restrictions, so we'll be in the same position again... Well, you're probably right, but I won't change my attitude.

Same what Iam thinking

You are absolutely right. The richer people can just pump money into upvote bots and then the minnows all want to jump on the bandwagon so they give legit votes.... and the cycle continues.

Thanks for the support. If someone use one bot, well I don't care, but 5 or how many at once? That's disgusting. And now she is flagging me with other bot... :D But I do it for greater good.

True I feel sad. I earn cents. Just because I dont have money to pay bots I cant earn a decent sbd :(

When a person is honest, success doesn't come immediately. It's a long run if you're not a full-time artist, youtuber, or something like that. For a normal person who doesn't excel in anything, it's a little frustrating but don't give up :)
Find out what best suits you, which your posts had the biggest success and keep going.

At first, I used bots as well. In particular, @randowhale and @minnowbooster to have my posts at least a dollar and I moved somewhere. Then I joined @qurator, and for every post, I have about a dollar (per day), so now I don't use bots. However, until yesterday I didn't know how enormous votes you can get from them.

That's why this post makes me upset - she used multiple bots. But after I exchanged a few opinions with her, she seems to be innocent. She thought that she is helping her people to get a bigger curation rewards, but this is not how it works. Larger payout means less curation reward for minnows. We will see what further development will be in her work.


Steem ON!

me too i agree with her 100%

Thanks for the support.

Yeah and a few flags came, classic... :D

@purepinay post has something read it again...
she has a lot of followers mostly newbies because she give it back to them 99.9 % of her votes.
Someone out there will read your post if you reach, interact with them just like what @purepinay is doing.

Those upvotes are all she (materially) give them.
Those posts, pumped by bots, are useless for all newbies because they won't see a cent of their curation rewards.

When she's so perfect why she has to use the bots (and multiple at a time)? Hm? Why the support of those she helped or whatever is not enough for her? She is just another greedy person, open your eyes...

@purepinay sorry for your loss :( However I do enjoy your posts, so have an upvote!

Sorry, didn't mean to flag. Just was flagging some spam, and some misinformation posts.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I support you my dear one @purepinay ... continue your good work , there are many other bots to chose from. Following you now in order to stay in touch and always send in my support...upped.

Thank you, and you as well! :)

I support you @purepinay :) following you! And btw, you’re soooo pretty 😍 #TeamPhilippines

I support you too @purepinay, You do a good job with your posts and I will continue to support you.

Thank you! And I will support you as well, but you have to blog more! Last blog you made was a long time ago :)

It's not about you. You're the victim twice.

  1. @appreciator made you a victim by providing you a service someone else doesn't like
  2. @grumpycat made you a victim because they're that someone else

It's not your fault. You've been the victim of 2 @steem predators. Voting bots and @grumpycat

@grumpycat is waging war against voting bots. You got caught in the middle. @grumpycat doesn't care about you or even see you as a human being. He just wants voting bot blood and doesn't care if you have to suffer in the process.

Well, you got 1k , more than your previous blogs, less than the next one, and a mean comment by the grumpy cat.

You also made a very, very informative blog that I'm sure will help us minnows through our steem future. So thank you and don't feel bad. You're great. 👍

@purepinay take your time I like your posteidea and ur doing great jobe keep that I will comment for your post

you up vote your self then rebuying steempower

So, if @purepinay is not abusing, why did you flag her? Suppose you wanted to take down an "enemy", you could pay a non-GC-compliant bot to upvote your enemy and then you, @GrumpyCat would come flagging and finish them off.

Again @GrumpyCat
is kinda doing the right thing. The best way to hurt a company is to hurt its customer. @GrumpyCat "enemy" is bots that help people abuse the reward pool. If he were to downvotes his enemies it would not do good their posts only make max $50 while people can make "last minute" votes at $200.

The best nope. But it best way to force bots to do it.

Lol. Grumpy anti-abuse? Rofl. Keep sucking down the propaganda.

Yeah he's a real shining star:

Abuse 3.png

Yeah, it makes it a gamble to use them. If everyone is aware there's a chance they'll lose everything they bid on the bot, it's less likely they'll bid anything.

@oropeso It's all recorded in the blockchain.

Just like you self voting yourself to the tune of 30% of all outgoing votes over the past 90 days. Its on the blockchain.

I think it's funny you guys are attacking me for my less then 1/3rd of the time voting with my little $0.50 vote.
Like it's somehow comparable to paying bots $2500 for a huge payout. lol

not attacking we are here to express what we think. @purepinay gives her upvote 99.9 % to minnows to help them grow and a lot of you doenst know that.


grumpy cat ftw \o/

You mean the bots YOU'RE buying votes from. Go downvote yourself.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I read your post and upvote it, due to @GrumpyCat :).
@GrumpyCat flaged your post, as the post was upvoted by a non-compliant vote service.
@buildawhale and @appreciator have a maximum Post Age which is higher than 3.5 days. So everytime, you are using those vote-bots, there is a change to recieve a flag from @GrumpyCat.

Finally, a light shines on my head. I'm starting to understand the method to the madness.

Pay for marketing! Get your name out there :)

getting there! ^^

well said :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

This is really interesting, @Grumpycat @purepinay, am learning every day on this platform.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Thank you @nathen007 ....hey @wendysapphire I think we should enter this challenge, as we are both still very newbies. I have already done an introduction of myself. This is good.

hi, welcome. Im new myself and was originally aghast at the lack of help for new members but since then have realised there are some amazing and generous old whales here who do give support. You just need to know where to find them.
Please read that article link i posted, its probably the best newbie guide ive found. Engaging with people is the key for me and its why ive started loving it here so much.
Best wishes to you and i look forward to reading your content :-)

Thanks for helping others @nathen007. I am also a fan of @surpassinggoogle. He single handedly supports entire communities!

@nathen007, I seen a new steem member, proposing social project about giving people access to housing. So I do not request anything for me, but for that account : @lebastion.

He is new, doesn't know any whale, nor do I ... so your help would be nice. I'll tag your name on one of his posts if you don't mind

@Nathen007, I am also a newbie and I really want to learn and earn in steeming, a few days ago I almost give up and leave steemit but then I don't have job, I have son and I really want to pursue steeming for my son's future.
I hope I can learn from you on hoe to become a good steemian.

Hi, no probs. Youve read the post so take the challenge. It takes a lot of time so be disciplined and work hard. Purepinay is a fine example of persistance. I notice you cut and pasted three articles today and got caught by cheetah lol.....even if its not good, original work is best.
Read the guide by @maverickinvictus and tag me when youve written something :-)

i'm also a newbie @nathen007. i also want to grow my self in this community.
need your help..
please assist me

by the way who is cheetah? 😂😂😂

I agree with you @nathen007, @surpassinggoogle is great. Thank you very much surpassinggoogle for the upvotes.

Thanks for the heads up @nathen007. I already did my introduction but i think i goofed at the tags. Can i re do another introduction? or should i just do an edit with the right tags. 'introduceyourself'

@grumpycat Why have you flagged my post please ?

I am new too, we find out how high steemit will rock by time

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you, I vote you too, win win for both , should be smile

I like This.. :D
Follow Me :D :D

Seriously! $1,071.18 in 7hours? Wow!

may nagreklamo na nga pusa:)

Grabee naman. Ang daya!

That's great.

Haha, thats funny!

what vote bot do u use?

very nice blog . I admire your page . I m newbie here I hope one day I will propertie a page as like this :)

IT Doesnt matter you're very cute.......up vote....yes u can

“steemit is your name and brand” like that quote and post great help , one more thing those smile makes someones day complete in a positive way

I'm really trying to understand your mission, @GrumpyCat. Your message says you flagged this post and your resteemed it. Those seem contradictory. How does this work?

When you follow the @GrumpyCat, you learn how steemit really works. That puss made an example of ya all! All hail @GrumpyCat. Unless, you want GrumpyKingOfTheJungle to be on the prowl!!!!

I believe he re-steemed it to advertise to more people that he flagged a post for using a non-compliant bot so that more people will be reluctant to use the bots in the future.

I agree @oropeso.

Very contradictory yea.

Shit cat.jpe

so why exactly have you flagged me @GrumpyCat ?

@grumpycat, you seem to have taken on a holy mission. I looked at your page but could not find much info. Would you kindly tell us who you are and why this mission? You obviously understand this better than most of the idiots like me. So kindly help us along and say a bit more.


the cat like you so much that it must appear .

You gave me many ideas how to become successful here on steemit.
Being a newbie is not so easy but,we all must try our very best.:)
Thanks @purepinay

good job

good post

The cat is so cute and adorable

The cat is so cute and adorable

Bye-bye, grumpy-cat. Get downvoted. :) You're bad and you should feel bad.

Never seen such a long conversation chain here on Steemit before ;)

It's certainly quite the debate!

Good advices Gilaine, i am sure your success and positive spirit will inspire a lot of steemians and new users, keep going !


Gilaine we joined steemit almost the same time, you worked hard to get where you are now, you motivate me to do more. If I had been as relentless as you are, I probably would have hit over $40k... Lol. Please never stop, thanks for your support most especially in welcoming New comers. You are amazing.

She definitely is! She is very warm especially to newbies! I once met her in person because I won as the best comment in one of her posts! I am nobody and she's really special but she didn't hesitate in meeting me. Such a sweet, fine lady! Truly amazing!

I agree! <3

She's right. She always tell me to power up and leave more comments as many as I can in one day. Hi! @brindororp, I'm @purepinay's sister . thank you for your support for my sister.

Have a great day!.

Nice to meet you @gerel. You have an awesome sister. Let me follow your account too.

Yes,she is! .Thank you @brindocorp, I'll support you too. 😍❤

Thanks to you three as well! I will continue to support anyone who helps others.

Yey! I will support you all the way ate, Me and @micch will not be here without your help. Love you always ,mwuah!

@purepinay @gerel can we be sworn brother and sisters? willing to do a blood compact (sandugo) here. :)

Her advice is great, since she went through it all. I take it all to heart!

I will make you Gilaine as inspiration.


thank you :)

I hope you stay inspired and motivated. Some days it'll be tough but do not give with your dreams, you'll get there.


I will... :)
just pls be there for us whenever we need you.

She's always there! But you have to walk the way on your own.

Powering up is the way to go!

How do you power up?

In your wallet if you have any steem you can click on it and the drop down menu will have 'power up' as an option.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

I will never reach you guuuuyyyss, so far away. I need to really stay constant and post a lot of good stuff and comment a lot! :)

Hahahaha, this feels like a race against Usain Bolt. But I won't ever stop. My will is eternal!!!

Thanks for all of your tips. It really takes a lot of work to generate quality material that people want to read. I'll be following your work and try and learn from your success.

Powerin up!

Great post! Sometimes,we think that we know what to do already but reading blogs like this one can further improve ones knowledge and perspective in Steeming. Keep up the good work!

thank you, @hiroyamagishi

people like you who are always here to show support keeps me inspired and motivated.

Thank you so much! I hope all is well with you.


@purepinay, seems you help minnows ... Can you please have an eye on @lebastion, a social account trying to attract some whales for supporting people trying to get hteir house
thank you

I feel like this post really built up the image I had about Steemit. I'm really motivated now to keep going forward and to follow her advice.

Just got a payout from my recent post, small when compared to this post, but still something. I make artwork, I am used to be underpaid :) Going straight to my power up, it is an investment. Some day I will reach thousands people just like you!

Wow! I love your model work. I have been on Steem for 5 months, and I think you are the most talented artist I have seen yet. How much would you charge, to make one of me? :)

Thank you. I appreciate your support and hope you will visit my next posts and help gain some visibility.
I saw much more talented people around here but thank you for compliment. I am self tought and each of my posts represent a project which was an useful exercise and the best part, the cost was spread between me and the client :) now i am often asked to make models to order. The price depends on complexity of the model. We could discuss the details on email if you are interested. You can leave the comment on my bloga under any of the posts and i will come back to you.

(A cartoon one, not a nude one LOL!)

Are you sure? Hehe. I am now raising my bar and trying to get better at sculpting realistic females. You would be beautiful model :)

I also think cartoon purepinay would be better for PR than a nude model. It's more coherent with the image she's built for herself here on Steemit.

I agree, cartoon would be cool. Here is my recent sample of figurine I made and giving it away for free in my raffle

Wooooooow, a cryptokitty, my inspiration for my name hahahaha. I love those. Here's a drawing I made of a cryptokitty

Cryptosharon, I get it now!. It is looking good! I wish making figurines was as fast as sketching :)

Hahaha, I made it a few days ago. But it certianly didn't take me more than an hour to do it. And yeah, I see your point. Sadly I don't have that much dedication to stay many days doing one thing.

Holy guacamole! Your last post is so awesome!! You're amazing. I hope you get super famous super soon.

Your blog is awesome!
Just found it and I have to say you produce so much quality content, probably one of the best accounts on Steemit.
May I ask how did u get so much Steem?

hard work and dedication:)
Steem ON!

Plus lots of powering up. It makes you strong!


thank you for staying with me, sis... it means a lot to me seeing you and @gerel here and everyone that left me positive comments. I will get through this

You are wonderful ,most caring, unselfish person I know.
giving 100% to the communities and help newbies to grow!!


Wow! I love it @sunnylife, gawan mo ko din ng ganyan hehe.

thank you so much sis, @sunnylife ^_-

wag na pansinin ang iba jan haha, wala kasing bumibisita sa kanila haha

grabee gusto ata ng madaming fans lols kalokey na ingiters maxado sau hahaha rock n roll

grabee gusto ata ng madaming fans lols kalokey na ingiters maxado sau hahaha rock n roll

Hahaha, so much <3

This so much! I read her post history and her evolution is pretty much self-made. She did get lucky many times, but it was also because she put herself in front of the waves and got a lot of people to notice her that way. She also raised the filipino community from the ground and gained a lot through representation.

I always reinvest my earnings into more Steem :) @bitton

Amazing you have done so well! Nice work

Hello @purepinay! I don't know if by chance you have read my #introduceyourself, but I mentioned you there as one of the people who most influenced me to approach #Steemit.

Since then, I have not regretted even one moment of doing it, because I see you as a great influencer (I don't know if you agree with the term, just in case, my apologies) within the platform.

I followed your steps and I already have a post (I'll post it in a few hours) where I count the twists and turns of my first 100 posts in #Steemit. There you have a special mention along with other users who have shown me how much you can grow in #Steemit.

I thank you for everything you have taught me (even unintentionally) through your blog. And may success continue to knock on your door!

I did read it :) 11 days ago. I had to go back just now to jog my memory, but I remember and I did upvote you at that time. I appreciate the tag, and am sorry if I ever missed another. Truth is, Steemit is still in Beta, and the GUI isn't terribly user friendly. Its not easy to see mentions, or tags- And by following people and having to see all their resteems should be changed as well.

It makes me happy to hear that in any way, I was able to influence one person, positively. If this blog, for some reason gives just one person a wake-up call, and they become wealthy as a result... The time I spent writing it was way more than worth it!


You're right. In any case, for that moment I was only interested in giving a good face to #Steemit and you helped me to do it. That's why the thanks aren't over hahaha ...

Here I leave what I told you earlier. Maybe it's not much, but for me it's a big step and I share it with you.

Have a nice day!

PS: I know that #Steemit is still in its beta phase, but you do a splendid job responding to everyone who writes to you. Great!

I cannot thank you enough for the kind words and that blog you wrote, it's very inspiring, I am grateful for people like you, thank you so much!

My wife is always getting upset at me for spending so much time on my computer and phone. The thing is, if I didn't do that I wouldn't be growing my Steemit account.

I love watching my profile grow here and I love interacting with such a positive and helpful community. It's extremely rewarding to see my account value grow as well.

Success on Steemit is really about how much time and energy you can put in. The more you put in, the more you get out of it.

Oh you better explain to your wife all about steemit, and how steemit will possibly help you as an individual, as a husband, and in different aspects in your life.. Because here in steemit we really need to exert effort for us to reach the top like @purepinay.

Enjoy steeming @mazzle


I always enjoy Steeming @micch. :)

The wife will come around soon enough.

Thats good mazzle .. 😊😊
Let us keep steeming!

Be transparent to her. Surely, she will understand. Who knows, maybe you can bring her to Steemit as well. :D

I actually have brought her to Steemit. She barely touched her account though. :(

Have you showed her this post? :D What is she into btw? Show her that whatever she is into, she can share it to the community, learn more of it and earn from it! :D

I have a plan to take her on a date. And then tell her at the end that the date was paid for using Steemit earnings. That will convince her how amazing this platform is for sure. :)

HAHAHA! That's one great idea! Please give an update as to how it goes! We would love to hear it! You might want to write a post about it someday. Followed you. I have to see it! hahahhah

I’ll be making a post about it. It will be quite a symbolic moment since it will also be the first time I convert crypto to fiat currency. 😄

I'll stay tuned :D

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Lol then steemit has to be only addiction that pays to be addicted.

A valid point. Does that make it a healthy addiction?

Healthy only until you are creating a work life balance. Its better to have atleast a day off for family.

I think she's realised that now :)


I understand your wife. Steemit is really time-consuming that's why I tell a lot of people that on steemit you will need to sacrifice and that includes time.

Though it is also important to balance it especially if you have family, I know it's not easy, like me, it's becoming a job since I try my best to reply to some comments and I always feel bad whenever I missed one but it's just really hard to keep up but at the end of the day I feel good that I did the best that I could.

Yes, we all love to watch our profile grow, it keeps us more motivated.

I hope everything is well with you and your wife, maybe you should take her out on a date and buy her some flowers :)

Thanks for taking the time to respond @purepinay.

Everything is well with my lovely wife. I'm still working out how to manage my time on Steemit and in my business.

It will take some effort but there's so much opportunity here that it would be silly to pass it up.

I'll definitely take her on a date very soon. Using my Steemit earnings :P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello My Sweet & Lovely Friend @Purepinay,

There is no doubt your efforts and due to your hardworking you gain so many achievements, it is all due to your passion and your concentration on Steemit.

Steemit is your business, your name is your brand. Stay positive, and reinvest for your future. Not for dinner tomorrow.

Your this post about "Reinvest and Power-Up"! in very simple and beautifully you guided here about the importance of Power up and reinvestment, after understanding this whole story i am obliged to you because it is much helpful for new comers.
Today i saw that your this post is Flagged, I am really very Sorry to know that and about your Loss. Its OK no problem, Ups and Down is part of life. go ahead and do your bests. here you have no any fault because you never buy votes at the last hours of post, you are only punished due to buying votes from a non-GrupyCompliant service. your post is also best and most deserving post which is also appreciated and Resteeming by @grumpycat.

Sorry for your loss and congratulation!
You have been victim of a @grumpycat flag because you or someone else sent money to buy votes from a non-GrupyCompliant service.
@appreciator is selling votes to people on their last hours posts.
The good news is that GrumpyCat selects the best and most deserving posts to flag for greater impact. Congrats! Your post also earned a resteem by @grumpycat.

So need not worry you are always Best here, My Prayers, Support and Best wishes Filled with Love Always for You.

Hi, @rabeel! How are you?

Thank you for visiting, as always.

Yeah, it sucks to lose that much, I don't even want to quote the amount here. It really hurts knowing that amount that was deducted could help a lot of the minnows who was able to curate but now it'll be less.

You're right Ups and Downs are part of life, we just have to look at the brighter side.

Thank you so much for always being here.


Gilaine,I will continue on supporting you regardless of that grumpy cat. it is also after business as well. Ive seen it doing things like that around here.

Keep on inspiring us minnows. 😚

thank you, gail! Regardless of what their business is, I won't back down coz I stick to what I believe and I know in my heart that I am doing the right thing and helping a lot of steemians and my money is staying on Steemit, never cash out even though I was tempted sometimes to help my family financially, sometimes you have to show them tough love.

Then more successful the more people I can help and am sure my family will understand and they'll be proud once they know my story.

Btw, how are you? I know things weren't doing as you expected it to be but don't let your hopes down, we are all here to help each other and thank you for visiting me. I hope you have a wonderful day ahead!


Yes. I have noticed you never cash out because you wish to help a lot of people here and we all appreciate your efforts. Keep shining! And thank you for asking. Things are getting a little better. Love love

Wow! This is so heartily composed.yeah many would.hear about steemit be like I have been getting 200likes on Facebook so this should be nothing only to find out later it's harder than it looks.

Thanks for your definitely investing,ore power ups. More liquid steem.

i 100% agree with this. i joined steemit about 6 mos. ago and its really disappointing how you make quality post and no one notices it. i stopped after 2 mos. and i regret it. now i am practicing what you are advising. communicate. leave thoughtful comments, make friends, invest (not yet possible but definitely will) and power up. I do appreciate someone like you and other whales supporting minnows. You are one of the reason why we minnows aimed to reach your level. :) Thank you! keep inspiring!

I will check on your blogs from now on, and upvote them when you do well :) Thank you for the nice comment, and I hope this advice helps you and your family! <3

Awww! Such a sweetheart! Now i am more inspired to create quality post. :) Will probably create one later about my recent travel in iloilo. :) Thank you! Much love! ❤😘Awww! Such a sweetheart! Now i am more inspired to create quality post. :) Will probably create one later about my recent travel In iloilo. :) Thank you! Much love! ❤😘

I am happy to know that I inspire you, you are inspiring me too.

You know when I was starting on Steemit I didn't even care much about the earning because it was really fun meeting new Steemians especially Filipinos.

It is important that we all remind each other to create good quality blog, we have to be different from facebook and instagram.

I look forward to your work, see you around and stay motivated! ^_-


Thank you Ate Gilaine for being an inspiration to everyone!

So proud of you!


Any time, @micch

thank you for being here and I hope you and @gerel stick together and continue helping each other and our fellow steemians. Hopefully you'll share all the knowledge and things that you learned here with your friends but for now, focus on learning more.


Any time, @micch

thank you for being here and I hope you and @gerel stick together and continue helping each other and our fellow steemians. Hopefully you'll share all the knowledge and things that you learned here with your friends but for now, focus on learning more.


I wish I had the ability to power up more and give back to the community but my posts don’t get much love. Maybe one day :)

I will keep an eye out for your new photos, and upvote you when you deserve it :)

Thanks for the comment!


@purepinay thanks for the support. Keep on steeming!

You are amazing! Thank you :)

That's a nice story. mam @purepinay you inspired the newbies of steemit like me.

Let her be our inspiration. :-) I believe there are so many of us here with pure heart and are willing to give back to the community. We will get there someday! :D

thank you for the kind words, Glenna :)

That's right @glennamayjumaoas, such a long name. Lol, thank you for supporting my sister.
Steem on!

I've been wanting to change that @gerel :D I thought it went through! hahaha

It doesn't even change! hahahha. I can change the display name tho. But just that. huhubels. Do you know how to, @gerel?

I am not sure if you can change your first name that you choose :(

How long have you been on Steemit? How often do you post? I imagine, since I have not blogged, that it will take time to find your footing. Don't give up. Hang in there. The sun will rise in the morning after the long hard rain.

I would like to say something about the judgments. I do not like being judged. Criticism brings me unbearable pain. I also understand that I can injure another person with my words, so I try to talk about others carefully. And to teach someone something, it's enough just to say what to do and the person decides whether he should do it or not.

I don't mind being judged. Since I assume it happens all the time anyways, I just ignore it best I can. As long as I know I am doing the right thing, I live stress-free.

Thank you @purepinay for this information. As a newcomer, it was very insightful and encouraging! Keep doing your thing!

welcome to Steemit, @maat1881 and thank you for dropping by, I hope you'll have a wonderful time here :)


Hi Gilaine aka @purepinay, This is one of my earliest comments on your post. Actually, this post cleared my mind about SP investment. That's exactly my plan for year 2018. This photo is symbolic and it sends out a strong message. Just followed you and look forward to read some more interesting posts from you. This is beautiful:

Thank you for supporting my sister. She's beautiful inside and out, a very inspiring woman.
Have a great day!

The fact you support her so proudly and with absolute sincerity makes you even more inspiring :-)

thank you, @nathen007

I appreaciate your time helping me response to some comments, am sorry about what happened to your other comments, we just have to ignore those stuff, those are just baby stuff just like what @surpassinggoogle told me once

I hope you continue on helping our fellow Steemians, thank you dear!

@purepinay So strange, I can finally read this message now ?! Thank you. I was asked by @reggaemuffin at minnowboosters to help newbies and the people who spam posts to try and encourage them to write some original material and to teach them, thats why I posted. grumpycat is a short sighted fool. Little does he realise what an inspiration you are to so many of countryfolk, and they are the ones who need someone like you to realise what is achievable. Unlike many other big players, you also have the grace to connect with everyone which makes you real to your fans. Others who moan are nothing more than jealous sad people. Get posting, get inspiring and bollocks to him ;-)
And on a personal note, thank you for the support you give me....maraming maraming salamat po :-)

thank you for being the early birds, sorry if I just saw this msg now.

It can tough at first, hard work, and passion. Sometimes you have to sacrifice to reach where you want to be. Never give up!

Also, thank for your support, I'll see you around!


Thank you for being a role model and showing people a way that can work for them as well on steemit. I am still young on this platform, learning every day and I can feel how valuable posts such as your's are to motivate new users to come to steemit.

hello, @rondas!

How are you?

Thank you for the lovely message. I hope you continue on Steeming and apply the things you learned. Let us inspire one another and always stay positive, it'll take you to your destination :)

This really is great advice, to invest in Steem Power so that new users can start gaining traction more quickly and feel better about their experience. I know for some people, it is just not possible to spend any money on crypto because they are just trying to survive day to day. I don't know what to do for those people, maybe give them a bigger delegation at the beginning, but I am not sure how to verify their economic situation, though maybe it could simply be done by country. Maybe users from the poorest countries could get a larger delegation and users from the more prosperous countries could get the the minimum amount. This would actually encourage new users to indicate what country they are from, but then you would have to validate their location as well. Anywho...

But, for people who are actually able to choose between their morning latte that costs them $5.75 or buying one Steem, they should definitely choose the latter, even if only on occasion.

Great Post! Steem On!


Today has been a hard day in the crypto market but it's a good day to buy more cryptos! #HODL

I totally agree. Like any never knowing how to make money isn't all that simple in terms of being able to engage the right type of person to get a following

Don't invest. Just save for two months.


Dear @purepinay,
I miss beauty, we both have an angelic smile. I really admired your positive energy sending positive vibration to all your friends. We will be joyful when you are with us. You lovely woman, friendly and supportive. It seems that you are an artist that everyone look after you. I am not of them too, ahahahha.
Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom to win friends and inspire friends.....we love you @purepinay. I am your friend @sorenkierkegaard that one who used your camera and i was the one who give you coconut,, ahahhaha. Anyway, have you read my post about #ACTOFCHARITY?
Please visit my blog...and comment
we need your support!

Your friend

OMG! I am sorry I missed that post, but I will add you to my list to follow, and not miss your next blog. Thank you for the photos, the coconut, and the support. When we help each other, we will do well here!

Gilaine <3

THANK YOU SO MUCH @purepinay, i will help to educate young millennials today to be part of this steemit community. Oh' thank you so much for i am list to follow. next week i will post again, for i am busy haivng #ACT OF CHARITY, as i told you i am running a fund for the patient in CHUNG HUA HOSPITAL




I kept it, am so sorry I almost forgot about it, :(

it's okay, no rush, you have a good heart but remember, you have to help yourself first so you can help more people in the near future.

Take care always!

remind me again about the blog, few days before you finish it :)


Upvoted ^_^ wow very nice post...i love all what you say on your post..thanks for inspiring words, we are so happy for having you in this community..

have a nice day @purepinay

hello there, @donttryme2

How's everything?

It's my pleasure to be here with you guys. Have a wonderful day :)

Great advice! I power up every chance I get. I believe Steem will be around $100 one day, that’s when I will think about taking some cash out. And I think it’s great you welcome the newcomers.. I try to every chance I get. The most successful people on Steemit realize we all grow as a community together!

Thinking about present is the best thing.

Thank you, you deserve it and I'm very impressed how you are willing to give it away for free, the directions that you have provided are clear cut on how to really make money on steemit. Thanks and keep up the great work🙂😉

thank you for this message, @dcwordofmouth

I am glad I have people like you here who appreciate my work, thanks a lot for making my day! I hope you have a good one.

I can now imagine why many of the people I invited to join steemit did not even bother to register. For them, steemit looks like a scam or an easy-money scheme. Little did they know that you have to work hard for every penny that you earn here. This post also reminds me of my post last December. It's about the Snowball Effect. Our steemit career is analogous to the snowball that is rolling down the hill. It has to start small but it will compound as we continue making our presence here to be felt by the community.

Your post Gilaine always reminded me to invest in myself. That it's never wrong to invest in yourself, it might be here on steemit or in real life.

Yes! Reinvest as much as you can, as often as you can. We never know what will happen tomorrow, so we have to be ready. And you are right about the snowball affect, AKA compounding. <3

I don't understand why would people think Steemit is a scam when it's free to sign up and best the thing is you get paid for contributing to the community. It's funny how people are so quick to judge and think that they already know things without even reading about it.

Those people whom you told about steemit and saw that you are doing well will definitly regret that they didn't take the chance.

I also invited a lot of people on Steemit, on my facebook and instagram. Even My family, relatives and close friends. Only three of them are still active on Steemit. Some quit because of... different excuses.

Yes, compound interest- very powerful. I learned it when I was investing in a mutual fund for a stock broker. That's why it's really important to POWER UP.

Thank you for your time to read my article, I hope you learn something and continue engaging with the Steemians. Who knows the next WHALE will be, it could be you and the people that you are helping to grow on Steemit. =)

I couldn't understand them also, but I speculate that they could not grasp the idea that they can earn huge amounts by just posting. It's funny because some are skeptical before because I haven't cashed out yet. The moment they knew I was able to cash out, most of my workmates registered immediately. But were not confirmed yet. I don't know why, but it's been almost a month already and there were no confirmation emails.

I learned from the last meet up, specifically from you, that I should engage with the community. If could not post daily, at least I comment on others post. Welcoming the newbies is also very important. I just did what you taught from the last meet up and it has been great for me so far. Thank you!

@grumpycat Just a suggestion: Can't you just program a bot which automatically downvotes posts which are older than 3.5 days and which have bought an upvote from a non-compliant bot? This would the users which do not follow your policy buut not the ones which simply did not know that the bot they used was not compliant? Or, as a middle way, do this at least in the beginning and write a warning into the comments. Just suggestions as a I said...

The most beautiful thing I read today is:
He was also quite surprised to learn that my account grew from $1 to over $40,000 in the 5 months I have been Steeming.
Actually this is not a sentence for me but an INSPIRATION. I learnt that nothing is impossible in this world. Some weeks back you were a MINNOW but now with a short span of time You would be a WHALE.


Gilaine now you have followers around the globe only due to your pretty Nature. I must say that the engagement you have created on your page is more than whales now. Most engaging posts are @surpassinggoogle, @sweetsssj and some others. But look at your own post engagement @purepinay , Keeping this fact in your mind that you're still not a whale:


I'm sure people of our awesome community will be very happy to see your progress in all respect. And specially Philippines people will be your big Fan now. I miss you guys and your wonderful activities around. Your atmosphere is such a wonderful and you guys are connected with each-other just like a family. I'm so blessed that I'm a small part of your Fans and you always respond and support me as well.

Today's post is unique, why...?

You gave us some great tips and I must follow these precious one:

  • Reinvest and Power-Up.
  • It is super important to reinvest in yourselves, and power-up every chance you can.
  • Time+volume is the key to wealth in any market.
  • Use Steemit as your daily news source, and as a way to network with similarly-minded individuals. Get a tight group of friends, and join a community to help you along the way, and support each others' every blog to keep the wealth within.

And this is million dollar sentence indeed:

Steemit is your business, your name is your brand. Stay positive, and reinvest for your future. Not for dinner tomorrow.

Today first time I noticed that you have a beautiful sister @gerel. She is so kind and lovely. I read some replies on the comment box. She is so cute and innocent. Purely supporting her sister (Lovely Sisterhood Relationship). This one seems that you had great parents. All the very best and Happy Steemit!

You wrote a blog, within a blog :D That is the first time I saw that haha!

I hope my writings help even just one person here. If it helps 5-10 I will be ecstatic. The better you do, the more people will try to bring you down, so always stay positive, and never quit.

I will make sure I follow your blogs now, thanks for your support!


Awesome post, and very easy to read and understand the concept that you are explaining. Thanks for giving encouragement to those of us who started, gave up, but are now back. Maybe an idea for another post could be to explain all the bots and things. Very confusing for new people. Such as that cat at the top... lol I don't understand... there are bots that just go around upvoting?

Perfect timing! I just started posting to steemit yesterday, and, though I want disillusioned that i would have even 20 upvotes on my first blog post, I was a little frustrated at only 3. This is an encouraging, educational and timely post for me to have read. Thank you!

I just saw it, and left you a comment on your Michigan Sunset post.

Stay hungry! :)


You are adorably cute and lively. Yes, leaving thoughtful messages or comments are way better than the conventional "nice post" "thanks for sharing". Powering up is key. Been doing that and will continue. Baby steps...but i will get there. Thank you.

we all started from baby steps. My first investment I put 1000$, I keep putting more (little by little) when I realized that Steemit is the one that will help me achieve my dreams. I never took any money from steemit since day one. I haven't cash out, because I believe that if I keep rolling that money I will get more in return and also I can help the whole community, especially my fellowmen.

Do not let your dreams shatter, keep doing what you're doing now and yes YOU LET GET THERE!

This is exactly what i needed to hear. I love hearing stories like this, it makes me more determined. You have never cashed out? Wow! I did because i needed to help a friend out and also get stuffs for my grandma and i have powered up more than 3 times already. I am more determined now to start powering up. Baby steps but i will get there. With more voting power comes more visibility and i intend to also help my followers too and newbies because i know how hard it is to be a starter here on this platform. I wish i met you like last week when i did my "Thank you for being". Keep being amazing. It's safe for me to call you my friend now hahaha. Following you already. Look forward to more of your posts.

my friend, @olawalium

you know the main reason why I am still here is that because people like you, who are very supportive and just with my conversations with everyone I feel like I the reason to keep fighting what I believe.

Steemit life is rough but I am glad I made good and loyal friends here. It means a lot.

Yes, I haven't cash out, though there were few times that I was really tempted,when my grandma was at the hospital and my mom too. Luckily my mom was able to get some help from a small charity to help with the hospital bills, now my next project will be to fix my mom's house, (but not too soon) roof and walls are leaking when it rains.

You know, people think am rich but they don't really know my story so sometimes, just hush because I cannot even write it because it's painful.

Anyways, I should be sharing positive thoughts and good vibes. hehe

Well, you are here now and I am happy to meet you, thank you for being here. I may not be able to remember all your names but in my heart I will be forever grateful that I was able to inspire people and have a good impact.


It's perfectly fine. It's not negative. I enjoy it when people tell me their stories. I like seeing the human side of everyone. Yes, not too many people can see the hard work and the tears, they only see the results and marvel, thinking you have it so easy. It's a long road from sacrifice and all. No one sees when you slept off with phone in your hands while replying to every comment. That's hard work. I admire you a lot. You have such an adorable heart. I know your mum would be super proud of the lady you have become. I wish i knew you earlier, but better late than never right? Don't worry, we will make up for lost times haha. Mum would be absolutely thrilled when you finally fix the house. Her smile would definitely melt your heart. I sense she would shed few tears too.
PS: Post more pictures of you smiling...the world feels better while seeing your pictures. 🙈.

we have to push steemit to such level that it becomes usd100

Thank you very much for this inside into your steemit career. I think these posts are very useful also for the growth of the steemit platform (especially if they are trending) as they show what steemit offers to new users and thus help to grow the user base.

you're welcome and thank you for your time. I hope you apply what you learn and I look forward to seeing everyone grow here :)

Nicely written, i could remember about 2 years ago when i was first introduced to forex trading, without any knowledge of it beforehand, i delved in and made quick profits which i look forward to keep and earn more but lost all in a short while including my capital, i thought to myself that i will never do it anymore, but after 2 years i found out that what i did back then was gamble and i didn't try to gain knowledge, consult before consolidating, i learnt the hard way and now i wish i was still in, of course i went back in and i started practicing and talking to people about it, i plan to start making profits soon, same it is with steemit, if one just delves in with the aim of making fast money and not take time to learn, socialise and explore, such a person might just end up quiting, also one more thing about steemit that I'd really have loved to change if i was in the mind of most steemians is that most posts, especially short ones carries big messages, we shouldn't just read and skip, if its worth an upvote just do it, not for the fun of it but to acknowledge that the post is a nice and beneficial one, upvote shouldn't all be based on the fact that i know you or have interacted with you.


You can truly believe that you did learn a valuable lesson there ,albeit a costly one .

thank you for this inspiring message, I myself still have a lot of things to learning and I also learn it from engaging with other people.

you have a good point, "worth an upvote just do it, not for the fun of it but to acknowledge that the post is a nice and beneficial one, upvote shouldn't all be based on the fact that i know you or have interacted with you."
That's why I still take time to go outside my blog and welcome the new members and select the one that I think deserves some upvote or my support, I just wish there's more than 24 hrs in a day to do all the work not to mention reply to all the comments and am sorry if it took me two days to see this.

Thank you for taking your time to visit my blog. I hope you a wonderful time here.

  • Gilaine

congratzz to you :)

thank you, am not sure which.... I want to see all of us to grow here

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Interesting post (though the comment section got extremely aggressive XS )

While I agree that most of what you've said, especially the fact that investing your time into the platform is one of the key ingredients (I myself lost "motivation" to post for about 3-4 months after I joined the platform, and I can't even imagine what I missed out on during that time. be it great growth for me on the platform, or simply the amazing content I'll never see :/ ), there is one thing I think should be considered too:

reinvest for your future. Not for dinner tomorrow.

Some people will want to actually use what they earn, and I think that's perfectly fine.
After all, once I get my 3D printer I'll certainly try and buy the materials using profits gained through Steemit.

I think it's all about balance.

I could, of course, just be taking your post too literally, in which case sorry. I'm a scientists, so I know that what I read and what you wrote might not have the same meaning, due to lots of factors, of which the most important one will always be simple misunderstanding on the readers side :)

You get my upvote, not because I believe your post deserves everything it's getting (3575$, by my calculations), though that's honestly not for me to judge (I leave the judging to the people who seem to have infinite time to use on it), but because this made me laugh out loud, and what you wrote is good:

Well, on Steemit imagine seeing this monetized. So the next time you sit on the toilet to do your business, take that 15 minutes replying to comments you have backlogged. Or read up on the latest Bitcoin ban in -insert country name here-.

And I agree wholeheartedly with it. I always answer comments, and love the interaction I get from my posts :)

@pbock, thank you for the reply and I appreciate your upvote.

Some people do want to use Steemit profits to enjoy it off site, and I am ok with that. Since I am a Filipina, I am just trying to mainly target the Filipino people, since they are the community I am most involved with. Although I use Steemit platform, my tags; Philippines and Cebu are to get the attention of the Filisteemians, and get them to think long-term.

The average daily wage in the Philippines is less than $8 USD which is less than 1.5 SBD. When they come on this site, and make a blog- They can easily earn more than working a full day of construction.

The problem is, many of my countrymen struggle because they are short-sighted, and use Steemit as a checking account vs. an investment platform. The moment they make a blog and make $5-10, they withdrawal it to and then their account here becomes stagnant, which loses their drive to continue.

While most people will not agree with how much this post earns, I put my heart into it- And boosted it to spread the message of keeping steem, on steemit. I know this will help the platform thrive, and boost the community spirits.

There will be one day, when I take profits off-site. This wont come until my account here is wealthy enough, that I can continue growing while I withdrawal. In the meantime, I support 100's of newcomers in a variety of ways. I patrol the #introduceyourself #philippines #cebu tags, and upvote as man as I can- While maintaining my VP.

You are right, and balance is the key :)

Thank you for the comment, and for taking a logical approach to my post.


I stayed all day thinking about what you said. I realized I don't have that many expenses where I would need to withdraw my SBD, but it's still kind of an emergency-fund in case I do need the money.

I decided to do what you said. I will keep my SBD there and let my account grow for a while.

Here the monthly salary is less than 6 USD and a lot of people from my country (Venezuela) are coming to Steemit with the promise of a pot of gold. They, like you said, stay for a few weeks, make a few cents, withdraw, realize that this is taking way too long and leave for another chance at something else. Maybe they bet on cryptocurrencies or work low-wage jobs to survive.

This is why I support you a lot and I'm trying to follow your steps a bit by building up the Venezuelan community with my limited resources. I still have a lot to think about and a lot to learn, but one step at a time I feel I'm getting closer to my far-away goal.

Thank you very much for the motivation you've given me. I hope one day I'll grow like you and help my community the best I can.

So Me.. I also get frustrated seeing my post not even a $1 was there.. But still, I'm trying to stay. It's too early to give up. I am a steemian and I will always be a steemian no matter what. I will build my dreams here!

Yes, we all start this way! Keep on going, and just have fun with it and make friends here. I looked at your blog, and you are doing fine :)

Thank u @purepinay! Stay beautiful...

This! Even if it falls, Steem has so much potential. I want to see it grow, to help it grow so that it may become the evolution of social media and the internet itself.

Very nice post..

thanks for this msg.

"Steemit is your business, your name is your brand. Stay positive, and reinvest for your future. Not for dinner tomorrow."

this will boost our self confidence and we will make re-brand our self to grow more on this community.

thanks your for this words of wisdom,

you plant a seed to our hearts that we be remember until we become old..this words will steak on our minds and souls.

To God all the glory..

God be with you always @purepinay

Thank you for your being here, sorry if it took me two days to find your comment. Thank you for making me feel good because of your positive words, it means so much to me.

. Keep up the good work and your keep motivating those Davaoeño, how's everyone? take good care of them :)

I hope you are doing well, and send me hugs to your little purring siamese :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yes gel they are all fine,anyway thanks for everything, yes i will tell them, im sure they were all happy to hear your lovely words, they will power up with there minds to create more interesting article...

until the next post..

Wow, that's very inspiring journey. I'm sure it will give the very much required courage and positive energy to the minnows to invest and reinvest to power up at Steemit. crypto currency is growing like crazy and even the biggest opponents of BTC and blockchain technologies are confessing their mistakes. Recently, KFC started accepting BTCs. Steem has gone as high as $8.43 just at the start of year 2018 whereas SBD hit the $12+ mark twice during last month and it still looks promising. According to experts, the Steem price can easily go up and same goes for SBD. This is probably the biggest reason why Steemit management start paying a very small amount of Steem compared to to what they were paying previously. Steem is going to be rare to save it and it will pay you back.

Excellent post @purepinay and thanks for all your support. You're not only growing fast but also supporting many.

Steem On!

I think a lot of corporations are considering accepting BTCs now, isn't Japan have this BTC store and a lot of establishments there already accepts bitcoin, how amazing.

Though the market is up and down, I am hoping for the better future of Steemit. I also think that there's not a lot of steem coin on the market and it will be rare, people don't realize that it's better to hold it now coz when everyone wants to buy it there won't be enough and it will increase the price itself due to high demand.

Thank you for your positive feedback. I hope you are doing well.

Happy steeming to us all :)

nice going, if only I was as persistent as you, I joined in february and didn't do much for months (like an idiot) until I saw steem rise about a month ago then I started again but I'm struggling to find any inspiration to post something worthwhile

I would suggest instead of blogging, to just curate :)

Blogging isnt for everyone, and you should never feel pressure of having to post.


This post gives me motivation... I need to focus on gaining followers.. I travel most of the time makes me more busy.. Hope to meet you when I get back to cebu.. 😊 nice post @purepinay... Go
Filipina power leTs spread the power of pinay 😂

You have a great blog! I will keep an eye on you from now on, so don't let us all down! :) Thank you for the support.


I have problems on how to get more followers i tried the way you do but not that often.. 😊 because busy busy also from other things but sometimes i do.. 😊..
Thank you.. Hows the steemit convention in Cebu ☺️..

Great post. Upvoted and started following you now. By the way I am a minnow , so please upvote my comment and follow me on steemit :) thank you in advance :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @purepinay I've just read your encouraging post! Thanks a lot for that you gave us motivation especially newcomers as me. About friends which you pointed out they dont believe that. They are asking how is that possible? Earn money just posting and commenting it doesnt make sense for them at least for now. And I think it would be luck of accurate information or misunderstanding can we say like that? I also personally came across the same situation as you try to explain my friends about steemit but they didnt believe or dont want to belive it. This situation look like confirmation bias. The Misconception: your opinions are the result of years of rational, objective analysis
The truth:
your opinions are the result of years of paying attention to information that confirmed what you believed, while ignoring information that challeged your preconceived notions (the quote from book you are not so smart writtenby R.Wiseman)

Bot has taking over your comment section. but i must also comment nice post

Yes, they are huh? :D

Thank you!

Cryptos Kate? Or Crypto Skate?


I do love the compounding nature of steemit rewards. Once powered up, they immediately start earning for you.

@purepinay, thank you very much for this post.
to be honest, while reading this i really felt a connection its like you're here present talking to me. there's emotions behind the thoughts that you put into this post and the hardship it took for you to achieve what you have achieved right now.
i cannot even imagine you efforts, countless hours responding, communicating and helping your fellow steemians in whatever you can.
i've just recently started and i've struggled already, how much hardship will i need to face to succeed? i keep asking myself that. But thank you, because of you, it gives me hope that hardships really will come to fruition. so i thank you ma'am. you're a good person. :)
Have a great day ahead! #proudpinoy

Hello Kuya!

And yes, I was talking to you :) Whenever I blog, I speak from my heart. The truth as I apply it, and know it to work for me.

I would suggest to use steemit for fun, and the success will just come. Do not try to Steem for a job at first.


i'd gladly take your suggestion Ms. Gilaine :)

i'm actually starting to enjoy this. i was able to meet amazing people and communicate with them from time to time. i only open my steemit whenever i'm off duty to relieve some stress. :)

also, by the way, what i meant when i said i was struggling, i was referring to the technicalities about the platform, about crypto, the formating styles of write ups , the codes. hehe

my good friend @asbonclz already advice me about the secret in this platform, to have fun and the rewards will only come after. thanks for your time responding to me. hehe


Am glad you are having a good time here, it is important that you enjoy what you're doing.

haha that's the first time I actually read from my anyone, "I only open my steemit whenever i'm off duty to relieve some stress. :)" Thank you for this, this made me happy :)

oh I know @asbonclz, he's a really nice person and very helpful too. about the technicalities, do it little by little, it can be overwhelming, everything we need to know is on the internet but take it slow, focus on making friends and engage more :)

You're welcome :) Enjoy your day, Jeun!

Wonderful post! I’ve been on Steemit a little over a month now so I guess you can consider me a minnow, lol. I appreciated the advice you gave in your post and I love the fact that I always see others trying to help one another on this platform. Steemit is a breath of fresh air. I will definitely follow you and look forward to your posts.

Hello again :) I remember you from a blog last week I commented on. A reintroduction :)

Why does the photos say Houston, but you live in Las Vegas? :)

Dear @purepinay I really liked your posts dear I'm ask you questions about steem.
Dear your buy steempower tokens you get free

Hey there! The photos say houston because that’s where I’m originally from. I moved out to Las Vegas last summer! So I had to rep my city of houston one time lol

Agree, when I first enter the community I thought that anyone can earn big amount of money in a short period of time, I thought anyone can be rich in a single night, in a couple of days or in a week but I was definitely wrong. As I stay in the community, I have seen many blogs which really are good and have the potential to earn a lot of money. Many good photographers, poets and writers are in the platform, however their works are not been appreciated and not gaining that much profit just because of their reputation. Many beginners who's vote is equivalent to $0.01 vote for user's with votes ranging from a single $ or higher why ? so that they can be have attention to them and gain more profit. Quality if the articles was not being the main norm in voting, its your voting amount. If your vote amounts higher then ill upvote you if not then better increase your power, thats the mindset of many steemit users

Here in steemit every penny we earn is equivalent to our own hard-work, but please don't forget the quality and contents of the articles we are reading and voting. Its the main objective of the platform (I think) to share knowledgeable ideas and information to other users, don't depend our earnings on the hundreds, thousands, millions or even billions of followers. This is not a game where we must have that much followers, its a game where we share and get important and useful information and ideas

I love where you mention not to forget the quality of what we are reading and voting on. This is very important, and to keep ourselves humbled. Every blog and comment we read, required a real person to write it, so we have to always appreciate the effort given and reward them kindly.


Yes, appreciating the efforts of our dear steemians is the best, whenever someone writes a comment of appreciation to my works I feel really flattered and happy. Giving me more inspiration to write and share again

so true! I feel the same way too, I think we all do :)

Thank you for this lovely msg and for taking your time to respond. Have a wonderful day!

It is true,
it makes sense that your time, effort and insight will be valued!
Its all about the hard work and journey to get to your reward, and doesn't that make it oh so much more sweet?
Thank you for this post, keep on Steemin on!


Time+effort= money. And the more we make, the more we can give. I am sure that when I finally power down my account, I will use the majority of the funds to open an animal sanctuary. That is my goal, and its why I work so much here.

Thank you for the comment!


Thats a seriously awesome goal! Its pretty incredible how many people on here want to use their funds to improve the world. I want to use the money first off to make better gardens and greenhouses to feed people :p
Have a lovely life <3

omg I do want my own homestead hehe

that's really nice of you, we all want to see a better world, and just live a peaceful life, how amazing would the world be if all help just stays on the bright side. I only hope for a wonderful life to all of us here :)

Hey Gilaine (what a beautiful name!)

Your points are VERY well made, and in offering us all the insights you have gleaned, holding the space for us newbies (are we minnows, I am not yet with all the terminology?) to understand these waters is a powerful thing. Uplifting even.

After just over a week of steeming and trying to get a handle on the whole steem experience, I started to feel somewhat discouraged after writing some quite long posts, heart and soul in hand, offering this to the steem community and receiving very little love or attention back.

STeemit is VERY like the big wide world out there...and I am but a tiny littlefish swimming in deep my little niche pool of exploring consciousness and deeper aspects of spirituality is a road less travelled to mix up the metaphors!!! 😊

Reading your sensible and well reasoned post today re-encouraged me to, as Finding Nemo's Dory would say.... "just keep swimming, just keep swimming" 🐠

So I will keep at it, inspired by what you have said and the sincerity of how you expressed that. Thank you, sister!

Following and upvoting (for what thats worth from me right now!) and wishing you the brightest blessings for the year ahead❤️

In peace and with love,

Hello Lily, first... Wow, you are totally gorgeous! I wish I had eyes like yours!

Thank you also for the sincere words. I agree, that right now if you blog about something so abstract- It may start out slow to gain followers. However, you can also see that you are a pioneer in this genre.

I am nothing special. I don't have any amazing talents, and am not a specialist or self-proclaimed expert in any certain topic. Steemit is full of people like me, maybe I was just in the right place-At the right time.

So, someone that brings something more than food, travel, or reinvestment advice blogs- Should surely take the spotlight most of the time :)

Gilaine <3

Awww Gilaine coming from a lady who has so much beauty herself, thats quite a compliment, thank you muchly. Deeply appreciate it and the attention you have given to my posts!

Good luck healthing up with your new eating plans and I hope the upcoming travel stresses are manageable. Patagonia...WOW...huge adventures beckon which I can't wait to share in albeit virtually!

Be well, stay safe and much gratitude ❤️

I am definitely uploading as consistent as I can even if my post doesn't earn a dollar. Like you said, by blogging more often this will also increase my follower count which will help in growing my own page.

I also like what you said "You never know who the next whale will be". I am looking forward to my future here in Steemit. I will keep going and not give up.

This blog post is very encouraging. Thank you.

And thank you for reading it, and leaving me a nice comment :)

I will make sure to sop by your blog more often as well.


Thank you so much! Your support means a lot. I hope I can meet you when I go home to Cebu this year. Have a nice day.

Good blog...this is interesting...awesome :-) No really Gilaine, me as a Steemit-newbie I will follow your thoughts and advices (&of course your blog). Greetings to the Philippines

Hello @criticalmass, love the photos of your sister and your mother :D

Thank you for the stopover. I have never seen snow, I think its on my top 5 bucket list things to do.


:) So you need to hurry up cause of the global warming. I´m sure you will see snow some day. Winter is coming, so I´ve seen no sun since a few days now -> sun is on my top 3 :)

I'm taking mental notes of the things you just said because all of them has a point. And I can relate that's why I need to put your advice in action to be able to succeed. I started with Steemit last week and the posts I made lately disappoint me since it's getting enough upvote and responses. I'm feeling the pressure again now the way I did when I started with my first post but I also tell my self that i should just treat it as Facebook or Instagram so any monetary reward should just be considered as a bonus. Thank you so much for this post and for the inspiration. You are to me since day one.


Not to sound harsh. But this highlights a problem I wrote about in this blog. You have only been here for 4 days now, and you just have 35 followers. You have to give it time+effort, and you will be rewarded :)

I can't help pressuring myself though. Like I said, taking mental notes of the things you said and will put it into action. Success doesn't happen overnight right? 😊 thanks again for inspiring.

Hi @filnette! I feel you. We, newbies, feel you. I was about to quit Steemit because it's depressing to put an effort with your post yet remain undervalued. However, as per @purepinay, think less about earning money and look up to those ahead of you. Engage with people and enjoy steeming. Slowly, you will reap what you have sown. Let's work hard and meet people. Maybe one day, we'll be someone like her. :-)

Btw, I once met @purepinay because she had a contest and I won. You might want to check how it went on my blog and how I became a huge fan of her. Thank you. :-*

Thats a great reply and top advice. Engage with people through comments is basically all I do tbh, its what I love and Ive met some amazing people here :-)

I have that engraved in my mind @nathen007 :) Because since the day I met her, I have improved a lot. May it be my strategies or my posts. I'm glad you've met amazing people here because I do too!

Thank you for giving an inspiration @glennamayjumaoas. Will definitely think less about earning money and will do better at engaging with people and enjoying steeming.

Will check out your blog to see that contest. I'm curious. Thanks again and see you around here in Steemit.

Hi Filnette , my name is Nathen and I've been tasked with helping Minnows so please allow me to set you a challenge !!
Can you write an original article, anything about something you're passionate about and add 2 photos that you've taken. Any subject, any pics as long as they're original. Please tag me in your post and I will resteem, follow and upvote and hopefully tag a few whales!
Also, try to post your introduction and tag it 'introduceyourself' this is where most people introduce themselves and get a lot of exposure!
Good luck and welcome and send me the tag so we can try and give you a boost :-)

Last thing, look at this brilliant post from my friend which will help understand Steemit and give you some great advice as a newbie :-)

Thanks @nathen007. Will my my introduction (posted 4 days ago) do?

yess of course, sorry I forgot to remove that sentence when I replied to you !
Dont forget to tag me in a comment so I dont miss your post please :-)

Definitely don’t treat Steemit like Facebook or Instagram. Steemit values quality over quantity. Provide good quality content and you’ll see rewards in no time.

good blog😁

All you said is true, all people judge even that this is not good.
We know very well to judge each other, but to help each other some times may be very hard, maybe because we have not enought time, maybe because we don't want to help them.
We are all people, we should treate better each other, because we can simpathize each other, this is what make the difference between us and animals.
Unfortunately, money makes the difference, and all of us( let's be honest), all of us are running for money, because this is the world where we live. This is very sad, but real.
Maybe you will not agree with me, but this is what I feel right now.
We forget about everything when we are running for money, we don't care about anything, just to have more for us.
I am realy sorry!
Anyway, great post! ;) Keep going!

Thank you Tim.

Money is the reason why we are probably all here. That is true.

I see it as the more we make, the more we can give :D

Once I powerdown my steem, in the far future, I plan to open an animal orphanage. But, If someone wants to Steemit for a Ferarri, I think that is ok too!


Thanks for the great post. You've inspired me to try harder to make quality content for the community. ✌🏿

it is my pleasure, mate!

look forward on your next blog :)

Am a newbie, and I really find this post helpful. Thanks for sharing

thank you for taking your time to read, I appreciate it :)

Jeez, you must be the fastest grown steemian from our generation (I also started 6 months ago). I haven’t done as well as you with payout so I may trying to focus on building a strong community that supports each other, a bunch of likeminded steemians who’s want to help each other grow. When I started, everyone had $.01 upvotes, now some of those friends have $1 upvotes. No one has done quite as well as you though! Congrats!

Currently building a crypto portfolio, now that Steem and sbd are equal again, but I will be reinvesting most of my earnings into Steem power.

Now I’m getting more attention than before, I am starting to realize how difficult it is for popular users to reply to every comment. After writing this reply I noticed how many comments you had received..... holy crap!

Hello @whatamidoing,

I don't think I am the fastest. But, that would be an awesome feat!

It is super difficult to reply to everyone, so I try now to reply to comments like yours- Which are sincere and thought-provoking.

Your blog is doing great, I always follow @boxmining since day 1 and have learned a lot from him these past months.

I agree to build up more and more steempower, this will be very useful with SMT's. (If I understood it correctly).


I can't believe how you manage to reply to so many of these comments, that is really impressive! I look forward to seeing what you do with your success with that kind of dedication!

Hi sis. By reading your post, It encourage me more to invest on my steem power. We have same thoughts about this matter. I saw other works thats really worthy for a higher upvote but others would prefer to give their upvote for a higher reputation account. True its kinda frustrating to us as a minnow. But the thig is, we have to work hard for it to level up and do something to make our reputation grow.. Thanks for this post. Keep on inspiring!

Hello @saskia,

Thank you for the nice comment and I am proud that you are encouraged. For me, reinvesting into Steempower locks the funds up longer, and helps me use it as an investment savings account :)

I will continue supporting you. Sad about Dolores from the Cranberries. I was just singing some of her songs the other night, with @bonjovey :(


Hi Gilaine. You are one of the first people that I follow here in the beginning . I joined because I'm social , I wanna learn, help and grow.
I can't say , I don't care about the money, but really it's not my goal.
For me , Steemit it's like new beginning. My own page in the newspaper .
I like you and I was thinking, why our human nature is when someone is flying to shoot him down? I don't get it. I dream for better place , but most important , for better people.
Wish you all the best. :)

Thank you so much for the words of support! I like your idea to view yourself as a page in the paper. We all love to be on the main page, but the sports section, and the comics have their share of the views also!

Sorry if I ever missed your other comments. Since you followed me from the start, I have been trying so hard to help everyone and reply genuinely to all my best comments. At the same time, to read and keep up with hundreds of bloggers!

I wish you the best as well, and will make sure to keep my eyes open for your blogs.

Gilaine <3

Hey, thank you so much and don't worry about that. For everything in this life has its time and a reason ;)))

I still can't seem to get my head around how the whole steemit thing works, bots and steempower, but this post was helpful in that it didn't sugar coat it. Not sure why my body @erodedthoughts told me to lookat @grumpycat, but that landed me on this post lol I know right? To think I introduced @erodethoughts to the steemit scene, now I am asking him "brother whats up help me get it. . .lol Anyway Giliane I liked and upvoted this post, and I am going to follow you in hopes that this will all gel in my head one day. I have time and don't need the money so anything is possible

Yes, it is VERY confusing to figure out at first. But, I am sure we all said the same about facebook also :) I don't even know where to direct you to start reading... At my beginning, @jerrybanfield had a lot of good youtube videos on how to navigate the platform, and that helped me out a lot.


You are amazing steemit member, and you deserve to be a whale :)

And you are an amazing Dr. and deserve to be Chief Surgeon :) (See what I did there).

Seriously though, thank you always for the support and sincere comments. As well for being there to help people. It is a true relief to know that if there were something wrong, someone could ask you advice and you would guide them with your most earnest efforts :)


Hehe, I hope so. Actually, its my dream :) You and everyone else can ask me and I Will give my best to help 😄

  ·  7 years ago 

Well said Gilaine, Steemit is not a "get rich quick scheme" overnight - it's more like a stable mutual fund that growing steadily day after day.

PS: Thanks for your warm welcome, while I first stepped my feet on Steemit. You're truly awesome, @purepinay :)

Hello @wilhb81, thank you for remembering me as well :)

Keep up the good work!


OMG!! This is the best read I've had on steemit since I joined, well that would be uhh Jan!
But seriously this article has already gone a long way in providing all the necessary tips I need to grow on this platform. I also love the fact that the community is geared toward improving itself. I'm beginning to love it here guys. Thanks to @purepinay formal sharing this.


Thank you for the sincere comment on this. If this blog only inspires one person, I will be thrilled. This is honestly how I Steemit, so I am sharing my personal advice which may not be fact.

Gilaine're welcome @purepinay, I'm sure I'd adopt a lot from 'how you steemit' and implement them and be sure to contribute to the growth of the community. Cheers!!

Hello there. You are right every dime is worked hard for. We invest a lot of time in our shoots, sleeping late to finish our post at night even though I still have work the next day. It is passion that drives it and working with family is also the best part of it. Enjoying what you are doing does pay off 😊

And your photos surely show that you put effort and money into it. I just read your blog, about all the candies. Yum!

Thank you we try our best to put on a good show and to have fun while doing it which makes it all worthwhile. Thanks for checking and for your inspiration makes us drive even more further till we get there. Cheers!

It is important that we have fun in what we do otherwise, what's the point of this all if we are stress out hehe

thank you for the positive attitude, CHEERS!

Coincidentally this is your second post am seeing and i loved every bit of what you said especially when it comes to clarifying the wrong mindset about being successful on steemit but rather helping people, making meaningful comment and reinvesting @purepinay Sorry about your loss and please continue your good work.

Thank you for that!

We cannot be successful here without the help of the community, so we must give back at every chance!


I agree with everything you stated. I started here just a little over three months and have seen a major shift from when I post sporadically to posting regularly. I believe too that the easiest way to grow on this platform is reading, commenting and inviting others posts. Also joining a discord group where there are great curators to meet and build a community with. Steemit unlike other platforms really do focus more on community building versus just social sharing. I have enjoyed my time here and look forward to expanding my reach here. Thank you for your insight on your growth here. I look forward to more posts from you.

Hello @tyebrooks, and thank you so much for the nice comment. Steemit isn't quite an ocean, but it is a sea. It is very hard to navigate at first, but you just have to find a good group of positive people, and keep supporting each other. I used to use discord, but with everything else going on, it became way too much for me. To be honest, I spend at least 12 hours a day here on Steemit, reading new blogs, helping other people, posting for myself, and replying to comments. Even though I work tirelessly, I still love being here and stay positive at all costs.

I just went to your blog, and if I can give you one small bit of humble advice. Don't resteem so much. Your followers get flooded with all the resteems you post, and it makes it hard for them to find yours. If only Steemit could somehow resolve this issue :)

Best of luck, and as you posted in your blog... Live in the now :)


@purepinay Thank you for that advice I will definitely adopt that strategy instead. In the beginning of my journey here I joined many groups and it was a bit overwhelming I believe up to two is a good start to get aqcuainted with other writers. I would like to see Steemit create a separate tab of sort that hosts the resteemed posts so that it does not over shadow the actual writings we do. I enjoy resteeming but I do get lost trying to find posts from those I want to read from. Thank you again for the tid bits, I feel that will be useful for my blogging strategy!

I learned more about Steemit from the comments on this post than I have in the last week of posting, lol.

Same here. Lol.

Its exciting... Even though not every comment was as expected :D

I feel sorry that I did not post as often as I can when Steem was under a dollar. Great advice girl. Will make sure to try and get more SP.

Same here. I wish I worked harder! I guess we will be saying that again when it is at $10 or $50 :D


hihi! :) thanks for the lessons! for real.. u have been one person i truly learned from on steemit. i look forward to seeing ur posts. never stop.

We have supported each other for months now! Thank you @Chinito!

Hi Ms Gilaine,

I got to know you first when you left a really thoughtful comment on my introduction post. I was really touched with what you said and so I visited your profile. And to my surprise you are one of the whales everyone is hoping to be.

Since then, I have been following and reading your posts - which is a perfect example of what you said in this article. 😁

By reading your posts, I learned a lot. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being so generous to the communiy especially for a minnow like me.

So far, though my posts are earning low, I am very grateful for every upvote and comment I get because I didn't beg for them. And you're right, everyday you will gain more followers, and these people will be the ones to help you in your way up. Gratitude is important, something that I have learned by being here on Steemit.

So thank you so much for being one of my inspirations. Pls continue to inspire more people.


Maine 😘😚

Hello Maine :)

Thank you for remembering that! Sorry if I haven't kept up with your blogs lately, but from now on I will be sure to. I remember when I hit my 100 followers, and then I was on cloud 9. Here I am months later almost at 4,500 and I am thankful for every one.

It is just a full-time job to reply to all the comments, sometimes I run out of words. When I see some great comments that I missed, I feel so guilty!

I have to try harder to be a better supporter.


This is one of the best posts I have read so far. SO far I have reinvested everything. It just makes a lot of sense. You are a great inspiration to me now. Of course i will follow. Bye the way, i live in the Philippines now after retirement and I lived in Old Bridge New Jersey forever. Right there almost neighbors with Bonjovie. Thanks very much.

Hello Ivan, and thank you for the support! I surely do need it lately :) Oh, so do you live in Jardin De Busay? I hang out with Jovey often :)


I love your advice @purepinay! Thank you for sharing this to your followers, especially for minnows like me I plan to slowly grow as what you've said (POWER UP). I am making Steemit as an additional source of income, I am strategizing and getting advice from Steemians like you on how to grow big and earn more. I really appreciate your support from the bottom of my heart @purepinay! You're one of the few whom I know are helping minnows grow. Pay it forward! That's why you're so blessed.


Hey @leahlei, I would consider myself a minnow! Powering up is important because you don't just rush to take out the rewards, and hence it's healthy for the community at large....keep steeming!

Hello @leahlei, I am so sorry I missed your past blogs, I thought I had you already on my list :)

Thank you for your support, and I will keep an eye out now.

Power-up as often as you can, because it delays the rewards and you cant take money out so fast :D

No worries @purepinay! I will support you all the way no matter what! I will definitely follow your advice, I know how you're helping newbies like me grow and I am truly grateful for your help it means a lot.

Continue what you're doing Gorgeous Gilaine! You're beautiful inside and out!♥♥♥


Much ♥,

Well, I love your articles! You post interesting things and you're sweet. I'm always happy to read you. Keep posting @purepinay!

Love, Olivia.

Thank you for the lovely message, Olivia. XOXO

such a great and inspiring post! this gives me motivation to create more while enjoying and gaining friends... :) thank you!

thank you for taking your time to read, @melanie0625

I hope everything is well with you :)

Well written!! Its definately tricky in the beginning but consistancy and perseverance in sharing something you are passionate about help out. When I joined I fell in love with this platform. It could be frustrating at times but yes, ur tips are very helpful😀 you gave me a boost to go power up myself !!(something i havent dnt done yet!! ) 😄
Following and upvoted, of course!

I want to follow you, but it seems dangerous :) All your foods look amazing!

I guess if you ever see me unfollow, its because I am on a diet.

Thank you for the lovely comment!


Hello Gil!

Blogging is never easy, but it's fun and fulfilling... Especially if it's something you're truly passionate about. ^^
I agree with powering up... I have experienced powering down my account few months back, and it had a bitter aftertaste... :)
Now, I'm trying my best to make my account grow... It'll be much better for the future.
You're doing great.. investing and blogging. Keep up the great work, Gil!
Continue to have fun and love what you're doing!
Much love for you! <3

You are doing great, I told you before :) You must add water to a plant to make it grow :D

Yep!!! Thank you Gil~! ^^

Wow, you really hit a nerve with this one. I think we will be talking about grumpycat for a while. Just keep doing your great posts! Yes, I do follow your sister. And BTW you are going to have a hard time replying to all these replies - LOL.

Hey Mark :)

Yeah, it took me two days just to find your comment here haha!

Gil, thanks for educating people about reinvesting oneself. It's an eye opener. I might be doing this as well.

Thank you for your post. I think I have learn something from you. Growing your account from $1 to $40000 in months is no easy feat.

Thank you for sharing.

yes, nothing comes easy, hard work and sacrifice, it'll all be worth it in the end :)

thank you for visiting my page, more power to you!

Thank you for replying. It's not an easy feat as well to ensure all comments got their reply. You are doing all the right processes to be successful.
I was advised to love the process to be successful. Thank you for the power😊

You changed my way of thinking on steemit... I will follow ur advice..

It for your future, not mine :)

Hello @purepinay wao I really want to become like you take your advice to achieve the key to success but for now I'm still in the pond being a small fish but I know it will not be like that forever and for that I have to work hard, your post is encouraging for those who we want to grow. Thank you.

Thank you for the kind words! Not just on Steemit, but I am trying to teach some of my other friends offline, to live this same way. To reinvest in themselves, for the future.

Hi @purepinay, your post has given some insights that I had never paid attention to.
Thank you.

hello, @danielokiror!

How are things with you?

I appreciate your taking the time to read my blog. See you around :)

I love you Ate,@purepinay. Thank you for always motivating and inspiring us!.

i kennat suko ako ang habaaaa

Hehehe. Di na kaya ng powers natin teh!

bat naiingit ang pusa?

Hi @purepinay
I loved your eagerness to succeed on steemit, your efforts and your seriousness, it's really great to spend $ 1 to $ 40,000 for a short time, and it also shows an intelligence and good planning on your part .
Me I'm here 6 months ago, I can admit that I advance a little but not like you :), I'm always looking for how I have to move quickly, and how I can invest my money to succeed on this platform.
I will be very happy if you give me some advice based on your successful experience here and I thank you very much.
Best Regards @Redouanemez

very helpful post for newbies !!! and I am new here, thank you for sharing

Yeah this is really cool you to be so persistant, responsible and beautiful girl at the same time.

THX for article!

Hopefully you waited until today to invest. Big price drops!

Thanks for this great post!

I have a couple of friends that come to my karaoke venues in the UK which I have introduced steemit to which, they have signed up to this awesome platform & I fully intend to get more new steemians on board.

These people I have met had never heard of steemit, crypto-currencies, blockchain or decentralisation before & I believe everyone in the world should be aware of the opportunities of all these life changing technologies & I fully intend to tell everyone I know about these truly great things.

Thank you for this wonderful post & I look forward to seeing your future work (hopefully with a microphone in your hand for you & your dolphin to sing in).

Best wishes for the future!


Hey Gilaine! Do you give out your Instagram account name? Because I wanted to start following you on there as well!

~Happy Steeming

Thank you. Finally someone who gets it.
Let's be honest most of the people here on Steemit are in for the money.
Best, @martinmusiol

Wow, U'r income is amazing.what to dd? Plz guide me.

@purepinay This is so sweet Gilaine. I learned a lot from you not just in this post but from your interactions in #introduceyourself and all around the community. You really are a swimming dolphin. Poor plankton and minnow can learn from you. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. What a beautiful post. Thank you for making comments on posts even while you were in the toilet. Newcomers to Steemit are greatly encouraged that you welcome them and take time for them. Each of them gain SP and become the future of Steemit with a responsibility to use SP and SBD to promote this platform to the world and help those who are working hard. I'm glad there are a lot of hard working people who do more than upvote themselves. They really share the wealth throughout the community. I'm glad your name is @purepinay to always keep your way pure. Your post and your interactions with the Steemit community opened my eyes to a world of Steemit I was not aware of before. I was afraid that dolphins and whales only care about themselves. This is so touching. Thank you so much for sharing. I will think about this and change some of the ways I interact with people on Steemit. Have a nice day.

@purepinay This is so sweet Gilaine. I learned a lot from you not just in this post but from your interactions in #introduceyourself and all around the community. You really are a swimming dolphin. Poor plankton and minnow can learn from you. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. What a beautiful post. Thank you for making comments on posts even while you were in the toilet. Newcomers to Steemit are greatly encouraged that you welcome them and take time for them. Each of them gain SP and become the future of Steemit with a responsibility to use SP and SBD to promote this platform to the world and help those who are working hard. I'm glad there are a lot of hard working people who do more than upvote themselves. They really share the wealth throughout the community. I'm glad your name is @purepinay to always keep your way pure. Your post and your interactions with the Steemit community opened my eyes to a world of Steemit I was not aware of before. I was afraid that dolphins and whales only care about themselves. This is so touching. Thank you so much for sharing. I will think about this and change some of the ways I interact with people on Steemit. Have a nice day.
