What Happened To This World?

in steemit •  7 years ago 

ATTENTION!!!! Sitting here thinking.... About what we are witnessing in this once great nation we call America!! I'm finding it sad that the global corporations that run our media, control what we see and watch, use propaganda to divide us, are responsible for the mass poisoning of our water, our food, our minds.... They took over our children... They take our children away from us.... They dumb them down with indoctrination rather than educating.... They use children as weaponized propaganda to push their agenda for further control... They raise our taxes at will... Human trafficking.... Turning our youths into products.... The list goes on and on... I see people that are awake in the streets in protests... ONLY to be gassed and arrested by the police.... In that sense alone it seems like the need and want for change is NOT real... But an act of terror... And the MSM has a field day perpetuating that... Which arouses in the human mind... Emotional response... And they always have to push the racial aspect... "WHITE officer so and so shot BLACK unarmed so and so"... Why can't it be, "police shot a man or a woman?" Why does there always have to be a racial narrative involved? I will tell you why... To keep us hating each other and quarreling... While the culprits get richer and fatter from the profits of the buyers and viewers of the "news" organizations.... They profit from our misery!!! They can NO LONGER HIDE THIS!!! Doesn't matter whether you're a Republican or a Democrat... THEY control them both... They send our children to war to make their pockets fatter while selling us the lie that the soldier should be honored because he/she is fighting for our liberties... OUR CONSTITUTION!!! Meanwhile.. the soldier gets back and realizes that the REAL enemy was over here trying to take the rights away from the people and NOT the foreign souls they went to disarm and kill..... Sad world we live in... But the truth is... We are nothing but chess pieces in their sick little game... They control EVERYTHING... They set the narrative... And unfortunately.. the end result... is us fighting and killing each other... Doesn't matter... IDC if you're black, white, yellow, red or whatever... We ARE AMERICANS!!! And the ONLY way to bring this corruption down is to FUCKING UNITE!!! Focus on similarities NOT differences... Because by the end of the day... Take one of each race in this country.. OR WORLD RATHER... Put them all in a room and poke them with a needle... You wanna know what happens? Same color of fluid comes out!!!! Our political leaders from BOTH sides have failed us ALL... Our government has gone tyrannical and only look out for themselves... They care NOTHING about us!!! The MSM cares NOTHING about us!!!! WAKE UP!!!! They stir the pot, they get us divided and hating each other and THEY get rich off of it.... When and how does it end??? They are the OBVIOUS cause of it all and yet.... They seem so... Unaccountable... They cause our division and create chaos... And they get rewarded for it... And here we are.... SO!! To my friend Justin Hill... You asked what I would do to make things better.... Well... Bringing people together on one page would be a start.. Another.. Going after the traitors that sold us out as a nation... That made us products of their little world... WE STOP FIGHTING EACH OTHER!!! Because it doesn't matter our subjective ideas about race or creed or whatever have you... believe it or not... We are ALL on the hamster wheel.... And the very fabric of our liberties have been pulled until there is nothing left but a few threads... Now I ask EVERY AMERICAN NOW!!! Are we going to let this happen???

Dan Lane from Real Talk Radio

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